43 research outputs found

    On shoplifting and tax fraud: An action-theoretic analysis of crime

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    The article evaluates different theories of action in the area of crime research. A narrow version of rational choice theory assumes actors to choose in an instrumental, outcome-oriented way. It hypothesises that individuals weight the costs and benefits of criminal acts with subjective probabilities. In contrast, a wide version of the theory allows individuals to derive utility directly from choosing certain actions. Previous studies either do not directly test these theories or yield inconsistent results. We show that a meaningful test of these rival rational choice explanations can only be conducted if a broader view is adopted that takes into account the interplay of moral norms and instrumental incentives. Such a view can be derived from the Model of Frame Selection (Kroneberg 2005) and the Situational Action Theory of Crime Causation (Wikström 2004). Based on these theories, we analyze the willingness to engage in shoplifting and tax fraud in a sample of 2,130 adults from Dresden, Germany. In line with our theoretical expectations, we find that only respondents who do not feel bound by moral norms consider instrumental incentives. Where norms have been strongly internalised and in the absence of neutralisation techniques which legitimise norm-breaking, instrumental incentives are irrelevant.

    Mord, Selbstmord und Anomie: ein neuer Ansatz zur Operationalisierung und empirischen Anwendung des Anomiekonstruktes von Emile Durkheim

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    Die Studie stĂŒtzt sich auf Durkheims Anomietheorie, in der Mord- und Selbstmordraten als soziale PhĂ€nomene begriffen werden, die wiederum nur mit anderen sozialen Tatsachen zu erklĂ€ren sind. Unter dieser soziologischen Perspektive interessiert also nicht das letztliche Motiv des Selbstmörders bzw. Mörders, sondern der Einfluss gesellschaftlicher VerhĂ€ltnisse. Im Fokus dieser Analyse stehen variierende Mord- und Selbstmordraten zwischen Gesellschaften und ĂŒber die Zeit hinweg. Verzichtet wird damit auf biologische und psychologische ErklĂ€rungen. Im ersten Abschnitt werden aus der Theorie Durkheims zwei zentrale Aussagen abgeleitet, die dann empirisch ĂŒberprĂŒft werden. Ziel ist dabei, die Inkongruenzen der bisherigen empirischen Anomieforschung aufzudecken und mit einem neuen Ansatz zu ĂŒberwinden. Weiterhin wird eine neue Art der empirischen Operationalisierung prĂ€sentiert, die es erlaubt, den von Durkheim postulierten Zusammenhang zwischen Mord bzw. Selbstmord und Anomie zu untersuchen. Im dritten Teil werden dann empirische Befunde dargestellt, die Durkheims Thesen zur Anomie stĂŒtzen. (ICA2

    On shoplifting and tax fraud : an action-theoretic analysis of crime

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    The article evaluates different theories of action in the area of crime research. A narrow version of rational choice theory assumes actors to choose in an instrumental, outcome-oriented way. It hypothesises that individuals weight the costs and benefits of criminal acts with subjective probabilities. In contrast, a wide version of the theory allows individuals to derive utility directly from choosing certain actions. Previous studies either do not directly test these theories or yield inconsistent results. We show that a meaningful test of these rival rational choice explanations can only be conducted if a broader view is adopted that takes into account the interplay of moral norms and instrumental incentives. Such a view can be derived from the Model of Frame Selection (Kroneberg 2005) and the Situational Action Theory of Crime Causation (Wikström 2004). Based on these theories, we analyze the willingness to engage in shoplifting and tax fraud in a sample of 2,130 adults from Dresden, Germany. In line with our theoretical expectations, we find that only respondents who do not feel bound by moral norms consider instrumental incentives. Where norms have been strongly internalised and in the absence of neutralisation techniques which legitimise norm-breaking, instrumental incentives are irrelevant

    Zur Wirkung monetĂ€rer Anreize auf die RĂŒcklaufquote in postalischen Befragungen zu kriminellen Handlungen: theoretische Überlegungen und empirische Befunde eines Methodenexperiments

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    'Um Antwortverweigerungen bei postalischen Befragungen zu minimieren, wird zunehmend empfohlen, materielle Anreize in Form von geldwerten Geschenken fĂŒr die Befragten einzusetzen. Aus Sicht der Austauschtheorie und eines aufgeklĂ€rten Rational Choice-Ansatzes sollten diese Geschenke den Nutzen aus einer Teilnahme fĂŒr die Befragten erhöhen, die Kosten kompensieren bzw. ein GefĂŒhl der Verpflichtung zur Teilnahme erzeugen. Erstaunlicherweise gibt es im deutschsprachigen Raum nur wenige Studien zu diesem Zusammenhang. In diesem Beitrag wird ĂŒber ein Methodenexperiment in Dresden berichtet. Dabei wurde im Rahmen des Pretests zu einer grĂ¶ĂŸeren Bevölkerungsumfrage dem Fragebogen einer zufĂ€llig ausgewĂ€hlten Versuchsgruppe eine 5-Euro-Banknote beigelegt. Einer gleich großen und ebenfalls zufĂ€llig ausgewĂ€hlten Kontrollgruppe wurde dieses Geschenk vorenthalten. WĂ€hrend in der Versuchsgruppe rund 52% der Angeschriebenen antworteten, waren dies in der Kontrollgruppe nur 28%. Dieser Unterschied ist signifikant. Er unterstreicht die Bedeutung von monetĂ€ren Anreizen fĂŒr die RĂŒcklaufsteigerung in postalischen Befragungen.' (Autorenreferat)'In order to minimize non-response in mail surveys it is recommended to use monetary incentives for the respondents. From the perspective of both the theory of social exchange and of rational choice it is assumed that such an incentive significantly increases the utility of participation for the respondents and compensates them for their costs. Further, it is assumed that the incentive raises feelings of obligation to fill out the questionnaire. However, the number of studies referring to this topic is still limited, especially in the German-speaking countries. In this paper, the authors report on the results of an experiment carried out in Dresden. In the context of a population survey, the experimental group received an incentive (5-euro bill) along with the questionnaire while the control group received only the questionnaire. While about 52% of those in the experimental group returned the questionnaire, only 28% of those in the control group did. This significant difference confirms the importance of prepaid monetary incentives in order to increase the response rate in mail surveys.' (author's abstract)

    Die Wirkung monetĂ€rer Anreize auf den RĂŒcklauf bei einer postalischen Befragung und die Antworten auf Fragen zur Delinquenz: empirische Befunde eines Methodenexperiments

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    'Um Antwortverweigerungen bei postalischen Befragungen zu minimieren, wird zunehmend empfohlen, materielle Anreize in Form von geldwerten Geschenken fĂŒr die Befragten einzusetzen. Aus Sicht der Austauschtheorie und eines aufgeklĂ€rten Rational Choice-Ansatzes sollten diese Geschenke den Nutzen aus einer Teilnahme fĂŒr die Befragten erhöhen, die Kosten kompensieren bzw. ein GefĂŒhl der Verpflichtung zur Teilnahme erzeugen. Erstaunlicherweise gibt es im deutschsprachigen Raum nur wenige Studien zu diesem Zusammenhang. In diesem Beitrag wird ĂŒber ein Methodenexperiment in Dresden berichtet. Dabei wurde im Rahmen des Pretests zu einer grĂ¶ĂŸeren Bevölkerungsumfrage dem Fragebogen einer zufĂ€llig ausgewĂ€hlten Versuchsgruppe eine 5-Euro-Banknote beigelegt. Einer gleich großen und ebenfalls zufĂ€llig ausgewĂ€hlten Kontrollgruppe wurde dieses Geschenk vorenthalten. WĂ€hrend in der Versuchsgruppe rund 52% der Angeschriebenen antworteten, waren dies in der Kontrollgruppe nur 28%. Dieser Unterschied ist signifikant. Er unterstreicht die Bedeutung von monetĂ€ren Anreizen fĂŒr die RĂŒcklaufsteigerung in postalischen Befragungen.' (Autorenreferat)'In order to minimize non-response in mail surveys it is recommended to use monetary incentives for the respondents. From the perspective of both the theory of social exchange and of rational choice it is assumed that such an incentive significantly increases the utility of participation for the respondents and compensates them for their costs. Further, it is assumed that the incentive raises feelings of obligation to fill out the questionnaire. However, the number of studies referring to this topic is still limited, especially in the German-speaking countries. In this paper, we report on the results of an experiment carried out in Dresden. In the context of a population survey, the experimental group received an incentive (5-euro bill) along with the questionnaire while the control group received only the questionnaire. While about 52% of those in the experimental group returned the questionnaire, only 28% of those in the control group did. This significant difference confirms the importance of prepaid monetary incentives in order to increase the response rate in mail surveys.' (author's abstract)

    How to survey displaced workers in Switzerland ? Sources of bias and ways around them

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    Studying career outcomes after job loss is challenging because individually displaced worker form a self-selected group. Indeed, the same factors causing the workers to lose their jobs, such as lack of motivation, may also reduce their re-employment prospects. Using data from plant closures where all workers were displaced irrespective of their individual characteristics offers a way around this selection bias. There is no systematic data collection on workers displaced by plant closure in Switzerland. Accordingly, we conducted our own survey on 1200 manufacturing workers who had lost their job 2 years earlier. The analysis of observational data gives rise to a set of methodological challenges, in particular nonresponse bias. Our survey addressed this issue by mixing data collection modes and repeating contact attempts. In addition, we combined the survey data with data from the public unemployment register to examine the extent of nonresponse bias. Our analysis suggests that some of our adjustments helped to reduce bias. Repeated contact attempts increased the response rate, but did not reduce nonresponse bias. In contrast, using telephone interviews in addition to paper questionnaires helped to substantially improve the participation of typically underrepresented subgroups. However, the survey respondents still differ from nonrespondents in terms of age, education and occupation. Interestingly, these differences have no significant impact on the substantial conclusion about displaced workers' re-employment prospects

    Evaluating the drivers of and obstacles to the willingness to use cognitive enhancement drugs: the influence of drug characteristics, social environment, and personal characteristics

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    Sattler S, Mehlkop G, Graeff P, Sauer C. Evaluating the drivers of and obstacles to the willingness to use cognitive enhancement drugs: the influence of drug characteristics, social environment, and personal characteristics. Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy. 2014;9(1): 8.Background The use of cognitive enhancement (CE) by means of pharmaceutical agents has been the subject of intense debate both among scientists and in the media. This study investigates several drivers of and obstacles to the willingness to use prescription drugs non-medically for augmenting brain capacity. Methods We conducted a web-based study among 2,877 students from randomly selected disciplines at German universities. Using a factorial survey, respondents expressed their willingness to take various hypothetical CE-drugs; the drugs were described by five experimentally varied characteristics and the social environment by three varied characteristics. Personal characteristics and demographic controls were also measured. Results We found that 65.3% of the respondents staunchly refused to use CE-drugs. The results of a multivariate negative binomial regression indicated that respondents’ willingness to use CE-drugs increased if the potential drugs promised a significant augmentation of mental capacity and a high probability of achieving this augmentation. Willingness decreased when there was a high probability of side effects and a high price. Prevalent CE-drug use among peers increased willingness, whereas a social environment that strongly disapproved of these drugs decreased it. Regarding the respondents’ characteristics, pronounced academic procrastination, high cognitive test anxiety, low intrinsic motivation, low internalization of social norms against CE-drug use, and past experiences with CE-drugs increased willingness. The potential severity of side effects, social recommendations about using CE-drugs, risk preferences, and competencies had no measured effects upon willingness. Conclusions These findings contribute to understanding factors that influence the willingness to use CE-drugs. They support the assumption of instrumental drug use and may contribute to the development of prevention, policy, and educational strategies

    Analysis of Values and Economic Growth - Methodogical Problems. The Effects of Different Measurement Data and the Impact of Influential Cases

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    Inglehart (1997) ĂŒberprĂŒft in multivariaten Regressionsanalysen den Einfluss von LeistungsbedĂŒrfnis und Postmaterialismus 1990 auf das Wirtschaftswachstum in der Periode 1960-1989 und vergleicht die Effekte mit denen ökonomischer Einflussfaktoren. Er stellt einen signifikanten positiven Effekt des LeistungsbedĂŒrfnisses fest. Ingleharts Ergebnis ist jedoch fragwĂŒrdig, da er die Ursachen (LeistungsbedĂŒrfnis und Postmaterialismus) nach der Wirkung (Wirtschaftswachstum) misst. In dieser Replikationsstudie wird eine spĂ€tere Beobachtungsperiode fĂŒr die abhĂ€ngige Variable zusammen mit den ursprĂŒnglichen Werte-Variablen verwendet. Ein einflussreicher und mitMessproblemen behafteter Fall wird mal berĂŒcksichtigt und mal eliminiert. In dieser Studie kann kein robuster Effekt von LeistungsbedĂŒrfnis oder Postmaterialismus auf dasWirtschaftswachstum festgestellt werden.Ronald Inglehart (1997) examines the impact on economic growth in the period 1960-1989 of the need for achievement and postmaterialism in 1990 by multiple regression analysis and compares the results of those of a standard econometric model. He finds a significant and positive effect of need for achievement. Inglehart's results are questionable, however, because he records the causes (need for achievement and postmaterialism) after the effect (economic growth). In this replication study a later period of observation for the dependent variable is used together with the originial values measured. Moreover, an influental case which suffers from measurement problems is included in one regression and eliminated in another. In this study no robust effect of either need for achievement or postmaterialism on economic growth can be found

    Effects of Monetary Incentives on Self-Reports on Delinquency in a Mail Survey

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    Im vorliegenden Beitrag werden die Ergebnisse einer in dieser Zeitschrift erschienen Studie von Skarbek-Kozietulska, Preisendörfer & Wolter (2012) ĂŒber die ValiditĂ€t der Antworten straffĂ€llig gewordener Befragter aufgegriffen. Die Autoren stellten einen negativen Effekt der Antwortlatenz fest, demzufolge spĂ€t Antwortende eher dazu neigen, ihre Straftaten zu leugnen. Die GrĂŒnde hierfĂŒr vermuten die Autoren in den Eigenheiten der TDM (tailored design method), speziell in wiederholten Nachfassaktionen. Wir untersuchen im Rahmen eines Methodenexperimentes, ob ebenfalls monetĂ€re Anreize als weiterer zentraler Bestandteil der TDM diesen negativen Latenzeffekt fĂŒr die Antwortbereitschaft verursachen können. Die These, dass der Zusammenhang von Latenz und ValiditĂ€t selbstberichteter Delinquenz ĂŒber monetĂ€re Anreize moderiert wird, wird dabei empirisch widerlegt.In this contribution the findings of a recent study published in this journal by Skarbek-Kozietulska, Preisendörfer and Wolter (2012) on the validity of answers supplied by delinquent respondents are further investigated. Skarbek-Kozietulska et al. found a negative latency effect suggesting that, in particular, late respondents deny their delinquent behavior. They reasoned that the negative latency effect could be correlated with certain characteristics of the tailored design method (TDM) without themselves being able to offer empirical support for this contention. In an analysis of experimental data we try to clarify whether monetary incentives as a further element of TDM could also be a significant cause for the negative latency effect. On the basis of our data, such an explanation can be rejected