50 research outputs found

    Aplikasi Kamus Penyakit Manusia Berbasis Android

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    Perkembangan terhadap teknologi mendorong untuk mengembangkan aplikasi kamus penyakit manusia berbasis Android. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk membuat suatu aplikasi kamus penyakit manusia untuk mengetahui tentang istilah-istilah penyakit, yang disertai dengan visualisasi gambar, text to speech, definisi tentang istilah penyakit serta keterangan tentang gejala-gejala penyakit sehingga membuat penggunaan kamus menjadi lebih praktis, karena mudah dibawa kemana. Batasan dari aplikasi ini yaitu hanya memiliki 1000 istilah penyakit, dan tidak dilengkapi dengan fitur update. Metode pengembangan aplikasi ini menggunakan RUP dan berorientasi objek. Pembuatan aplikasi menggunakan bahasa pemograman Java dengan kakas Eclipse dan juga SQLite untuk penyimpanan data. Aplikasi ini dapat melakukan text to speech, menampilkan gambar hasil pencarian dan keterangan penyakit

    Application of composite coatings as protection/contacting layers for metallic highchromium- content SOFC interconnect material

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    Oxidation of the surface of metallic chromium oxide forming metallic interconnect (MIC) can cause up to one third of the total SOFC stack degradation during the long-time operation at elevated (750 - 850 °C) temperatures. The application of protective coatings is the most effective method not only for reduction of the growth of oxide scales but also for prevention of evaporation of Cr-containing species from MIC and of the poisoning of the air electrode. Two approaches to form the protective layers on the surface of CFY interconnect material with high chromium content (~ 94 %) have been tested. The CuNiMn-spinel (CNM) coatings were deposited using the wet powder spraying (WPS) of the slurries. As an alternative approach physical vapour deposition (PVD) method was used to apply thin metallic films on the surface of MIC and to form the protection layer by in-situ oxidation under the stack relevant conditions. The experiments were carried out at first using the model samples of different geometries to evaluate the properies and efficiency of the coatings. Composite pastes with addition of perovskite powders were also tested, because the CNM layers densify at SOFC operating conditions and shrinkage during long-term operation can cause the decrease of the contact area between the components and accelerate the degradation of the stack performance. The experiments have shown that the perovskite additive can efficiently reduce the shrinkage compared to the pure CNM material and match it well to the shrikage of other stack components. Moreover, the perovskite additive do not deteriorate the electrical properties of the composite since the perovskites have electrical conductivity comparable to CNM. The PVD coatings were tested in combination with CNM containing contacting layers applied by screen printing to reduce the chromium release rate. The experiments have shown a good compatibility and mechanical stability between the contacting layer and PVD protective coating during operation and thermal cycling. The materials and composites have been characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM/EDX), optical dilatometry and electrical conductivity measurements. Finally, the most promising material combinations obtained for model samples were transferred to SOFC stacks MK35x and evaluated under real operation condition.Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) for funding of these researches (support code 03ET6120A)

    Les activités d'une salle de travaux pratiques informatisée

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    Utilisation des micro-ordinateurs dans des activités non directives en travaux pratiques de sciences physiques. L'expérimentation a commencé au printemps 1992 juste après l'aménagement des salles nouvellement construites. Les élèves avaient déjà été un peu initiés à l'outil depuis le début de la classe de seconde lors d'expériences de cours ou de travaux pratiques collectifs. Les années suivantes, les activités pourront être pratiquées tout au long de l'année. L'expérience a été faite avec trois classes de première S (jugées de niveau très moyen) durant trois séances de travaux pratiques. La première séance a été consacrée à une initiation à l'outil et les deux autres à l'étude des circuits dérivateurs. Des observations ont pu être faites. D'abord on a pu constater que la plupart des élèves arrivent plus ou moins au résultat (même au passage au circuit intégrateur) aidés en cela par la dynamique de la classe. La remarque essentielle concerne le manque d'aptitude des élèves à l'autonomie, sans doute occasionné par une formation préalable excessivement directive. On sent qu'ils n'osent pas prendre d'initiatives même dans le fonctionnement du logiciel, comme s'ils avaient peur de le détériorer. Aux nombreux collègues qui trouvent que la recherche-action sur l'ordinateur outil de laboratoire traîne en longueur et que le passage à l'acte se fait attendre, nous pouvons répondre que pour que ces techniques soient assimilables il faut qu'elles soient pratiquées par les élèves. Pour cela il faut d'abord que le matériel soit en quantité suffisante dans les collections des laboratoires, ensuite que les enseignants aient suffisamment d'imagination pour concevoir des situations qui ne se contentent pas de reproduire les démarches pédagogiques ancestrales. L'expérience du lycée de Manosque constitue dans ce domaine un modèle qui mérite d'être suivi.Use of computers for no-directing activities in laboratory of physical sciences

    Adaptive partitioning of real-time tasks on multiple processors

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    This paper presents a new algorithm for scheduling real-time tasks on multiprocessor/multicore systems. This new algorithm is based on combining EDF scheduling with a migration strategy that moves tasks only when needed. It has been evaluated through an extensive set of simulations that showed good performance when compared with global or partitioned EDF: a worst-case utilisation bound similar to partitioned EDF for hard real-time tasks, and a tardiness bound similar to global EDF for soft real-time tasks. Therefore, the proposed scheduler is effective for dealing with both soft and hard real-time workloads

    Modeling electric vehicle benefits connected to smart grids

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    Connecting electric storage technologies to smartgrids will have substantial implications in building energy systems. Local storage will enable demand response. Mobile storage devices in electric vehicles (EVs) are in direct competition with conventional stationary sources at the building. EVs will change the financial as well as environmental attractiveness of on-site generation (e.g. PV, or fuel cells). In order to examine the impact of EVs on building energy costs and CO2 emissions in 2020, a distributed-energy-resources adoption problem is formulated as a mixed-integer linear program with minimization of annual building energy costs or CO2 emissions. The mixed-integer linear program is applied to a set of 139 different commercial buildings in California and example results as well as the aggregated economic and environmental benefits are reported. The research shows that considering second life of EV batteries might be very beneficial for commercial buildings

    Microbial carcinogenic toxins and dietary anti-cancer protectants

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    Parents’ experiences of having an excessively crying baby and implications for enhancing support services

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    Evidence suggests that around 20% of healthy babies cry for long periods without apparent reason, causing significant distress to parents and a range of adverse outcomes. This study explored parents' experiences of having an excessively crying baby and their suggestions for improved NHS support. Focus groups and interviews with 20 parents identified three key themes: disrupted expectations and experiences of parenthood; stigma and social isolation; seeking support and validation of experience. Parents experienced shock, anxiety and a sense of failure, leading to self-imposed isolation and a reluctance to seek help. Other people's reactions sometimes reinforced their feelings. Parents need more support, including from health professionals, to cope with excessive crying, and recommendations for this support are given