10 research outputs found


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    Sukuk is one of the Islamic product in Indonesia capital market is limited, but still has the potential to be developed both in terms of quantity and type of contract. Sukuk issued in Indonesia is currently only using 2 (two) contract, the ijarah and mudharabah contract. In order to expand alternative means of financing for the company and for investors to invest in the Islamic capital market products, the possible use of alternative contract in sukuk structures in Indonesia, the Musyarakah agreement and istishna contract. The second contract has been widely used in sukuk issuance in the international capital markets. The both contract has been widely used in sukuk issuance in the international capital markets. In Indonesia, the use of contract musyarakah sukuk has the potential to be applied by companies in various sectors of the business. While the use of contract istishna sukuk, used for companies in the infrastructure sector. Keyword: Sukuk musyarakah,sukuk istishn

    Human Capital dan Tata Kelola Terhadap Tingkat Keberhasilan BUMDes Dengan Kinerja Keuangan Sebagai Variabel Mediasi

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    The government's efforts to realize people's welfare are carried out evenly in various fields, one of which is the welfare of the economic community both in urban and rural areas. As a follow-up to efforts to increase the economic welfare of rural communities, the government initiated the Establishment of Village Owned Enterprises or commonly known as BUMDesa. As the basis for the establishment of BUMDes, namely in the framework of launching village community initiatives, developing village potential, managing and utilizing the village's natural resource potential, human resources that have the potential to manage, and with capital participation from the village government in the form of village wealth financing handed over to be borne as part of BUMDes business. This study aims to determine the effect of human capital, governance on the success rate of BUMDes with financial performance as a mediating variable. This study used quantitative research methods, while data collection techniques were carried out using documentation and questionnaires. The sample used in this study was selected using the purposive sampling method. The data obtained was then analyzed using the SmartPLS program. The results showed that human capital had a significant negative effect on financial performance and village success, governance had a significant negative effect on village success but a significant positive effect on financial performance, financial performance had a significant positive effect on BUMDes success, financial performance had no direct effect on capital human resources and the success of village governance


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    This research aims to test the influence of corporate social responsibility (CSR) against the company's value and profitability, as well as how the influence of corporate social responsibility disclosures of the company's profitability as an intervening variable. There are about 70% Indonesia environmental damage caused by mining operations that implement CSR programs and mining companies can reduce the environmental impact of such business. This research uses a quantitative approach to the analysisof data by the method of partial least square (PLS). Population as many as six company the mining sector listed on the effect indonesia of 2012-2016 .A method of the sample collection use purpose of sampling , as many as 30 report a finance company. This research result indicates that csr not contributing to value of enterprise, but contribute to profitability. Profitability capable of being variable intervening between relations csr on the company, it means profitability high giving effect to the high value of enterprise


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    The COVID-19 pandemic has hurt the entire government and corporate financial system, making it difficult for businesses to distribute dividends. During the COVID-19 epidemic, this study examines the possible impact of financial statements on firm value by considering dividend policy as a moderating factor. This research employs a quantitative methodology, utilizing purposive sampling techniques and secondary data. The sample data includes all public companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange between 2020 and 2022. There are 127 sample data. We conducted the test using SmartPLS software. Researchers looked at three financial parameters: profitability, leverage, and liquidity. The research results show that leverage and profitability, not liquidity, can influence firm value. The impact of dividend policy on the relationship between profitability and company value is evident, while it does not affect leverage or liquidity. To identify this problem accurately, the researchers used signal theory to get accurate results in identifying this problem. We hope the research results will alert investors to exercise caution when purchasing shares, particularly in manufacturing companies

    Exploration of the Implementation of PKL in Achieving MBKM Goals in Accounting Study Program

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      This study aims to determine whether the internship activities that have been carried out by the accounting study program at the Muhammadiyah Lamongan University can help achieve MBKM goals and bring benefits to universities, students, and internship partner agencies. This research0 was conducted on 10 partner industries0 in the accounting study program industrial0 internship program, Faculty of Economics and Business, Muhammadiyah Lamongan University in 2021 spread across the Lamongan area, and 4 students of Accounting study program who had industrial internships that year. Data collection0 techniques used in this0 study were Forum Group Discussion (FGD), observation, interviews, and documentation. Partners fully support the industrial internship program. This partner support has an impact on the achievement of MBKM goals where the PKL program or industrial internship can improve the competence0 of graduates, both soft skills0 and hard skills0 so that they0 are better prepared to meet the needs of the world of work, prepare graduates as future0 leaders of the0 nation who have superior0 and personality, namely providing sufficient experience. to students related to direct learning in the workplace and students can solve problems that exist in the industry which can be considered as a form of learning independence. The results of the study also show that the benefits of this program can also be felt by universities and internship partner agencies. However, based0 on the results of the evaluation of the accounting department, it has not been fully maximized in implementing the PKL program or industrial internship

    Exploration of the Implementation of PKL in Achieving MBKM Goals in Accounting Study Program

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      This study aims to determine whether the internship activities that have been carried out by the accounting study program at the Muhammadiyah Lamongan University can help achieve MBKM goals and bring benefits to universities, students, and internship partner agencies. This research0 was conducted on 10 partner industries0 in the accounting study program industrial0 internship program, Faculty of Economics and Business, Muhammadiyah Lamongan University in 2021 spread across the Lamongan area, and 4 students of Accounting study program who had industrial internships that year. Data collection0 techniques used in this0 study were Forum Group Discussion (FGD), observation, interviews, and documentation. Partners fully support the industrial internship program. This partner support has an impact on the achievement of MBKM goals where the PKL program or industrial internship can improve the competence0 of graduates, both soft skills0 and hard skills0 so that they0 are better prepared to meet the needs of the world of work, prepare graduates as future0 leaders of the0 nation who have superior0 and personality, namely providing sufficient experience. to students related to direct learning in the workplace and students can solve problems that exist in the industry which can be considered as a form of learning independence. The results of the study also show that the benefits of this program can also be felt by universities and internship partner agencies. However, based0 on the results of the evaluation of the accounting department, it has not been fully maximized in implementing the PKL program or industrial internship

    Comparative Analysis of Financial Performance Upon Automotive Companies Registered in BEI

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    This research was conducted to determine the financial performance of automotive companies listed on the IDX for the period 2012 to 2015. This type of research is a quantitative descriptive study, with a total population of 13 companies and a sample of 6 automotive companies that have been selected from the population with using purposive sampling method. The data analysis method used is a comparison method consisting of a cross sectional approach and time series analysis. The results show that the results of calculations using the cross-sectional approach, automotive companies in Indonesia for the 2012-2015 period experienced fluctuations and experienced a decline in the industry average at the end of 2015 and many automotive companies were in unhealthy condition in the 2012-2015 period. Based on the results of time series analysis of automotive companies in 2012-2015, it is known that the Total Assets Turn Over has decreased, the results on Net Profit Margin have decreased, the results on the current ratio have decreased, the result of the leverage ratio has increased. The management of automotive companies in Indonesia needs to increase investment in assets, because if the level of liquidity is high but the investment in assets is small, the money or cash available will only be stored and have less value for the company

    Taxpayers Comply in Paying Land and Building Taxes (Case Study in Lamongan Regency)

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    Taxes are one of the largest sources of state income. All citizens will benefit from the tax function. Recently, a lot of tax fraud has emerged among taxpayers. This research aims to determine the influence of understanding, level of trust in the government, community income, awareness and tax sanctions on taxpayer compliance in paying land and building taxes in Lamongan Regency. Lamongan Regency The object of this research is a village in Lamongan Regency. This research was conducted on 100 respondents using a simple random sampling method, namely Land and Building Taxpayers. This research uses a quantitative descriptive approach with associative research methods. Data collection was carried out by distributing questionnaires and data analysis using multiple linear regression. The research results show that the variables of understanding, level of trust in the government, and tax sanctions have no effect on taxpayer compliance in paying PBB, while people's income and awareness influence taxpayer compliance in paying PBB