488 research outputs found

    Seasonal patterns in mindfulness in people with seasonal affective disorder (SAD)

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    Background: Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT) is a well-known, effective treatment in the prevention of relapse in Major Depression Disorder (MDD). However, a recent study in people with Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) showed that MBCT given in spring was ineffective in preventing a next depressive episode. To test the hypothesis that people with SAD may experience sufficient levels of mindfulness in spring and therefore less benefit from MBCT, this study examines variations in levels of mindfulness over seasons. Methods: This longitudinal prospective study followed 77 people with SAD over a two-year period. Participants filled out a self-report questionnaire, Five Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire (FFMQ) on a quarterly basis. Results: Levels of mindfulness differed throughout the seasons, with overall results suggesting lower levels of mindfulness in winter. Limitations: The results are limited by the small sample size and varying levels of mindfulness over the two years of the study period. Conclusion: Findings suggest a seasonal component in levels of mindfulness exists, implying that people with SAD are less mindful during the winter compared to other seasons. Future research is needed to examine to what extent the motivation of people with SAD to participate in MBCT and benefit from it is higher in the winter

    Behavioural inhibition and behavioural activation system scales for children: Relationships with Eysenck's personality traits and psychopathological symptoms

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    This study examined the psychometric properties of an age-downward version of the Carver and White (1994) BIS/BAS scales. Normal school children (N = 284) aged 8-12 years completed the BIS/BAS scales as well as scales of Neuroticism, Extraversion, and psychopathological symptoms. Results showed that the BIS/BAS scales for children had a theoretically meaningful factor structure and satisfactory reliability. Relationships with Eysenck's personality traits of Neuroticism and Extraversion, and psychopathological symptoms were generally as expected. That is, Neuroticism was positively associated with both BIS and BAS, whereas Extraversion was negatively related to BIS but positively to BAS. Further, BIS was convincingly connected to higher levels of internalizing symptoms, whereas BAS was to a certain level related to externalizing symptoms

    A database for on-line event analysis on a distributed memory machine

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    Parallel in-memory databases can enhance the structuring and parallelization of programs used in High Energy Physics (HEP). Efficient database access routines are used as communication primitives which hide the communication topology in contrast to the more explicit communications like PVM or MPI. A parallel in-memory database, called SPIDER, has been implemented on a 32 node Meiko CS-2 distributed memory machine. The spider primitives generate a lower overhead than the one generated by PVM or PMI. The event reconstruction program, CPREAD of the CPLEAR experiment, has been used as a test case. Performance measurerate generated by CPLEAR

    Morphological traits can track coral reef responses to the Anthropocene

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    MD was supported by the John Templeton Foundation (60501) and JM was supported by the Australian Research Council (FT110100609) during the period this research was undertaken.1. Susceptibility to human-driven environmental changes is mediated by species traits. Therefore, identifying traits that predict organism performance, ecosystem function and response to changes in environmental conditions can help forecast how ecosystems are responding to the Anthropocene. 2. Morphology dictates how organisms interact with their environment and other organisms, partially determining the environmental and biological contexts in which they are successful. Morphology is important for autogenic ecosystem engineering organisms, such as reef-building corals, because it determines the shape of the structures they create and by extension the communities they support. 3. Here, we present six morphological traits that capture variation in volume compactness, surface complexity and top-heaviness. With support from the literature, we propose causal links between morphology and a performance–function–response framework. 4. To illustrate these concepts, we combine 3D scanning and coral survey data to predict morphological traits from in situ colonies. We present a case study that examines how assemblage-scale morphological traits have responded to two cyclones and the 2016 mass bleaching event—two phenomena predicted to increase in severity in the Anthropocene—and discuss how these changes may impact ecosystem function. 5. The morphological traits outlined here offer a generalised and hypothesis-driven approach to tracking how reefs respond to the Anthropocene. The ability to predict these traits from field data and the increasing use of photogrammetry makes them readily applicable across broad spatiotemporal scales.PostprintPeer reviewe

    Echoes from the past: Regional variations in recovery within a harbour seal population

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    Terrestrial and marine wildlife populations have been severely reduced by hunting, fishing and habitat destruction, especially in the last centuries. Although management regulations have led to the recovery of some populations, the underlying processes are not always well understood. This study uses a 40-year time series of counts of harbour seals (Phoca vitulina) in the Wadden Sea to study these processes, and demonstrates the influence of historical regional differences in management regimes on the recovery of this population. While the Wadden Sea is considered one ecologically coupled zone, with a distinct harbour seal population, the area is divided into four geo-political regions i.e. the Netherlands, Lower Saxony including Hamburg, Schleswig-Holstein and Denmark. Gradually, seal hunting was banned between 1962 and 1977 in the different regions. Counts of moulting harbour seals and pup counts, obtained during aerial surveys between 1974 and 2014, show a population growth from approximately 4500 to 39,000 individuals. Population growth models were developed to assess if population growth differed between regions, taking into account two Phocine Distemper Virus (PDV) epizootics, in 1988 and 2002 which seriously affected the population. After a slow start prior to the first epizootic, the overall population grew exponentially at rates close to assumed maximum rates of increase in a harbour seal population. Recently, growth slowed down, potentially indicative of approaching carrying capacity. Regional differences in growth rates were demonstrated, with the highest recovery in Netherlands after the first PDV epizootic (i.e. 17.9%), suggesting that growth was fuelled by migration from the other regions, where growth remained at or below the intrinsic growth rate (13%). The seals’ distribution changed, and although the proportion of seals counted in the German regions declined, they remained by far the most important pupping region, with approximately 70% of all pups being born there. It is hypothesised that differences in hunting regime, preceding the protection in the 1960’s and 1970’s, created unbalance in the distribution of breeding females throughout the Wadden Sea, which prevailed for decades. Breeding site fidelity promoted the growth in pup numbers at less affected breeding sites, while recolonisation of new breeding areas would be suppressed by the philopatry displayed by the animals born there. This study shows that for long-lived species, variable management regimes in this case hunting regulations, across a species’ range can drive population dynamics for several generations

    The educational needs of people with systemic sclerosis: a cross-sectional study using the Dutch version of the Educational Needs Assessment Tool (D-ENAT)

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    © 2015, The Author(s). The Dutch Educational Needs Assessment Tool (D-ENAT) systematically assesses educational needs of patients with rheumatic diseases. The present study aims to describe the educational needs of Dutch patients with systemic sclerosis (SSc). The D-ENAT was sent to 155 SSc patients registered at the outpatient clinic of a university hospital. The D-ENAT consists of 39 items in seven domains. “Each domain has different number of items therefore we normalized each domain score: (domain score/maximum)×100) and expressed in percentage to enable comparisons between domains.” A total D-ENAT score (0–156) is calculated by summing all 39 items. In addition, age, disease duration, gender, educational level, present information need (yes/no) and information need (1–4; wanting to know nothing–everything) were recorded. Univariate regression analysis was used to examine factors associated with the D-ENAT scores. The response rate was 103 out of 155 (66%). The mean % of educational needs scores (0–100%; lowest–highest) were 49% for “D-ENAT total score,” 46% for “Managing pain,” 41% for “Movement,” 43% for “Feelings,” 59% for “Disease process,” 44% for “Treatments from health professionals,” 61% for “Self-help measures” and 51% for “Support systems.” No associations between the D-ENAT total score and age, disease duration, gender and educational level were found. The D-ENAT demonstrated its ability to identify educational needs of Dutch SSc patients. SSc patients demonstrated substantial educational needs, especially in the domains: “Disease process” and “Self-help measures.” The validity and practical applicability of the D-ENAT to make an inventory of SSc patients’ educational needs require further investigation

    Biomarkers for assessing pain and pain relief in the neonatal intensive care unit

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    Newborns admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) regularly undergo painful procedures and may face various painful conditions such as postoperative pain. Optimal management of pain in these vulnerable preterm and term born neonates is crucial to ensure their comfort and prevent negative consequences of neonatal pain. This entails accurate and timely identification of pain, non-pharmacological pain treatment and if needed administration of analgesic therapy, evaluation of treatment effectiveness, and monitoring of adverse effects. Despite the widely recognized importance of pain management, pain assessment in neonates has thus far proven to be a challenge. As self-report, the gold standard for pain assessment, is not possible in neonates, other methods are needed. Several observational pain scales have been developed, but these often rely on snapshot and largely subjective observations and may fail to capture pain in certain conditions. Incorporation of biomarkers alongside observational pain scores holds promise in enhancing pain assessment and, by extension, optimizing pain treatment and neonatal outcomes. This review explores the possibilities of integrating biomarkers in pain assessment in the NICU.</p
