13 research outputs found

    A Conformal Field Theory for Eternal Inflation

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    We study a statistical model defined by a conformally invariant distribution of overlapping spheres in arbitrary dimension d. The model arises as the asymptotic distribution of cosmic bubbles in d+1 dimensional de Sitter space, and also as the asymptotic distribution of bubble collisions with the domain wall of a fiducial "observation bubble" in d+2 dimensional de Sitter space. In this note we calculate the 2-,3-, and 4-point correlation functions of exponentials of the "bubble number operator" analytically in d=2. We find that these correlators, when carefully defined, are free of infrared divergences, covariant under the global conformal group, charge conserving, and transform with positive conformal dimensions that are related in a novel way to the charge. Although by themselves these operators probably do not define a full-fledged conformal field theory, one can use the partition function on a sphere to compute an approximate central charge in the 2D case. The theory in any dimension has a noninteracting limit when the nucleation rate of the bubbles in the bulk is very large. The theory in two dimensions is related to some models of continuum percolation, but it is conformal for all values of the tunneling rate.Comment: 30 pages, 8 figure

    Mechanical Recycling of Printed Flexible Plastic Packaging:The Role of Binders and Pigments

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    Low-density polyethylene (LDPE), extensively employed in flexible plastic packaging, often undergoes printing with inks. However, during the mechanical recycling of post-consumer waste, these inks act as contaminants, subsequently compromising the quality and usability of recycled material. To understand better exactly which ink components cause which effects, this study comprehensively assesses the thermal behavior of three organic pigments and two commonly utilised binders, correlated with the impact on the mechanical recycling of LDPE-based flexible plastic packaging. In this regard, the study focuses on four pivotal factors: processability, mechanical properties, aesthetic attributes, and volatile organic compound profiles. The results indicate that nitrocellulose, used as a binder, degrades during reprocessing, resulting in film discoloration and the emission of potentially odorous compounds. Conversely, pigments are found to be dispersed within droplets of polyurethane binder in LDPE recyclates, whilst reprocessing printed samples detrimentally affects film properties, notably dart drop impact resistance, strain at break, and the number of inclusions. Additionally, it is shown that both inks comprise components that emit volatile compounds during reprocessing: non-thermally stable components, nitrocellulose and pigment yellow PY13, as well as low-molecular weight molecules from polyurethane and by-products from wax, plasticisers, and additives

    Deodorization of post-consumer plastic waste fractions : a comparison of different washing media

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    An important impediment to the acceptance of recyclates into a broader market is their unwanted odor after reprocessing. Different types of washing procedures are already in place, but fundamental insights into the deodorization efficiencies of different washing media are still relatively scarce. Therefore, in this study, the deodorization efficiencies of different types of plastics after washing with different media were determined via gas chromatography and mass spectrometry analysis. A total of 169 compounds subdivided into various chemical classes, such as alkanes, terpenes, and oxygenated compounds, were detected across all packaging types. Around 60 compounds were detected on plastic bottles, and around 40 were detected on trays and films. Owing to the differences in physicochemical properties of odor compounds, different deodorization efficiencies were obtained with different washing media. Water and caustic soda were significantly more efficient for poly(ethylene terephthalate) bottles with deodorization efficiencies up to 80%, whereas for polyethylene (PE) and polypropylene bottles, the washing media were relatively inefficient (around 30-40%). Adding a detergent or an organic solvent could increase deodorization efficiencies by up to 70-90% for these packaging types. A similar trend was observed for PE films having deodorization efficiencies in the range of 40-50% when washing with water or caustic soda and around 70-80% when a detergent was added.Polystyrene trays were most effectively deodorized with a detergent, achieving efficiencies up to 67%. Hence, this study shows that optimal washing processes should be tailored to specific packaging types to further improve deodorization and to eventually be able to meet ambitious European recycling targets

    Photometric multi-site campaign on the open cluster NGC 884: I. Detection of the variable stars

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    Context. Recent progress in the seismic interpretation of field ß Cep stars has resulted in improvements of the physics in the stellar structure and evolution models of massive stars. Further asteroseismic constraints can be obtained from studying ensembles of stars in a young open cluster, which all have similar age, distance and chemical composition. Aims.To improve our comprehension of the ß Cep stars, we studied the young open cluster NGC 884 to discover new B-type pulsators, besides the two known ß Cep stars, and other variable stars. Methods. An extensive multi-site campaign was set up to gather accurate CCD photometry time series in four filters (U, B, V, I) of a field of NGC 884. Fifteen different instruments collected almost 77 500 CCD images in 1286 h. The images were calibrated and reduced to transform the CCD frames into interpretable differential light curves. Various variability indicators and frequency analyses were applied to detect variable stars in the field. Absolute photometry was taken to deduce some general cluster and stellar properties. Results.We achieved an accuracy for the brightest stars of 5.7 mmag in V, 6.9 mmag in B, 5.0 mmag in I and 5.3 mmag in U. The noise level in the amplitude spectra is 50 ìmag in the V band. Our campaign confirms the previously known pulsators, and we report more than one hundred new multi-and mono-periodic B-, A-and F-type stars. Their interpretation in terms of classical instability domains is not straightforward, pointing to imperfections in theoretical instability computations. In addition, we have discovered six new eclipsing binaries and four candidates as well as other irregular variable stars in the observed field. © ESO, 2010

    Towards ensemble asteroseismology of the young open clusters χ Persei and NGC 6910

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    As a result of the variability survey in χ Persei and NGC 6910, the number of β Cep stars that are members of these two open clusters is increased to twenty stars, nine in NGC 6910 and eleven in χ Persei. We compare pulsational properties, in particular the frequency spectra, of β Cep stars in both clusters and explain the differences in terms of the global parameters of the clusters. We also indicate that the more complicated pattern of the variability among B-type stars in χ Persei is very likely caused by higher rotational velocities of stars in this cluster. We conclude that the sample of pulsating stars in the two open clusters constitutes a very good starting point for the ensemble asteroseismology of β Cep-type stars and maybe also for other B-type pulsators. © 2010 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim