177 research outputs found

    Human health risk assessment for heavy metals via intake of contaminated milk and milk products

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    The present study was conducted to assess the risk of human health against heavy metals (Fe, Cu, Mn, Zn, Cr, Ni, Pb, Cd) through the intake of milk and milk products produced by animals which are feeding the fodder produced by polluted irrigation water. The milk samples contained amounts of Fe (10.43 ppm) Cu (1.23 ppm), Mn(0.60 ppm ), Zn (2.32),Cr (0.05 ppm), Ni (0.17 ppm) Pb (0.28 ppm ) and Cd (0.13 ppm ) than MAL in buffaloes milk and Ni (0.16 ppm ) and Pb (0.41 ppm) than MAL in cow milk. The milk samples from the small animals (goat) were associated with only Fe (11.24ppm,), Zn (2.47 ppm ), Cr (0.07 ppm) and Pb (0.05 ppm) than maximum allowable limit. The hazardous quotient (HQ) indicated that milks from all types of animals were contaminated with metals. From the results the hazardous quotient (HQ) indicated that higher risk for Pb and Cd (>1) metals contamination in buffalo and cow milk. However HI (2 to 14) for all studied milk sample was found to be not safe. Females are at somewhat higher risk than males. This study projected a high multi-metal threat due to food chain contamination in the study area

    Impact of Covid-19 Lockdown on Agricultural Production

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    This study aims to assess the impact of the COVID-19 lockdown on the agricultural crop production in India and identify the factors affecting the agricultural crop production in India during the lockdown period. Due to the pandemic, production of Rabi crops such as Jowar and coarse cereals has declined, and the growth rate of Kharif crops such as Bajra and coarse cereals production has also been dropped. Among the horticulture crops, the growth rate of fruit production has been adversely affected by the restrictions imposed during the lockdown. Fertilizer consumption, annual rainfall, pesticide consumption, and storage capacity are identified as major determinants affecting agricultural crop production in the country during the lockdown period

    Evaluation of oxidative stress in severe acute malnourished children at malnutrition treatment centre of Sardar Patel Medical College, Bikaner, Rajasthan, India

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    Background:Malnutrition represents one of the most severe health problems in India. Free radicals play an important role in immunological response, which induces the oxidative surplus in severe acute malnutrition. Severe dietary deficiency of nutrients leads to increased oxidative stress in cellular compartments. The goal of this study was to evaluation of oxidative stress in severe acute malnourished children at malnutrition treatment centre of S. P. Medical College, Bikaner, Rajasthan, India.Methods: The cross sectional study was conducted after the approval of ethical committee, in the Department of Biochemistry and Paediatrics at Sardar Patel medical College of Bikaner. The present study included 100 children between the age of 6 months to 5 years with the help of Paediatrician. Serum Lipid peroxide was measured by precipitating lipoproteins with trichloroacetic acid and boiled with thiobarbituric acid which reacts with Malondialdehyde to give pink colour as per Kei satoh's method.Results: Significantly increased levels of serum malondialdehyde (p <0.001) were found in the patients as compared to those in controls.Conclusion: Deficiency of various nutrients in severe acute malnutrition leads to generation of heavy oxidative stress

    Fixed points and its applications in C*- algebra valued partial metric space

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    We familiarise with the concepts of contractiveness and expansiveness in a C*- algebra valued partial metric space and create an environment for the existence of fixed point in it. We solve an integral equation and an operator type equation as an application of main result. Further we give some examples to elaborate C*- algebra valued partial metric space and show that there exist situations when a partial metric result can be applied, while the standard metric one cannot.Publisher's Versio

    Patterns, Determinants and Challenges of Horticulture Diversification in India

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    This study attempts to analyze the trends and patterns of horticulture diversification in India, the differences between states in diversification toward highvalue crops, and identify the factors influencing horticulture diversification. Total horticulture crops have shown moderate diversification. Among horticulture crops, Fruits, plantation crops and spices have exhibited high diversification, whereas high and moderate diversification have been recorded for vegetables during the period under study.The states Assam, Andhra Pradesh, Arunachal Pradesh,Bihar,Gujrat, Kerala, Karnataka, Chhattisgarh, Meghalaya,Madhya Pradesh, Mizoram, Maharashtra, Manipur, Nagaland, Rajasthan, Odisha, Sikkim, Tripura, Telangana, Tamil Nadu,Uttar Pradesh have shown high diversification whereas Jammu &amp; Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, Haryana, Punjab, Jharkhand, West Bengal, Uttarakhand have displayed moderate diversification in the year 2020-21. Per capita income, annual rainfall, and lagged SID for total horticulture crops all have positive effects on horticulture diversification, whereas fertilizer consumption has a negative effect


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    Objective: The objective of the study was to evaluate liver dysfunction in patients with dengue infections and corelation between liver function test and platelet count. Methods: Hospital-based case−control study conducted on 141 hospitalized with Dengue infection (NS 1 and IgM positive). Dengue seropositive patients are selected and subjected to complete blood count and liver function tests were analyzed. Results: The participants were found to have elevated levels of SGOT, SGPT levels, and lower levels of serum albumin and platelet count as compare to control on evaluation. The significant negative correlation was noted between SGOT/SGPT levels and baseline platelet counts levels. The Pearson correlation between platelet count and SGOT showed r=−0.185 and p&lt;0.01 which proves that when platelet count decreases, the SGOT levels increases. Similarly, for the correlation between platelet count and SGPT showed r=−0.166 and &lt;0.01 which proves that when platelet count decreases, the SGPT levels increase. Conclusion: Statistically significant corelation was observed between liver enzymes with platelet count. Furthermore, the severity of dengue infection predicted the severity of liver derangements. It is recommended that patients with dengue infections be screened for hepatic dysfunction. As hepatic dysfunction in dengue is transient and reversible, early identification of the same would help to reduce life threatening complications

    Clomiphene citrate versus letrozole for ovulation induction in anovulatory infertility: a prospective study

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    Background: The objective of this study was to compare clomiphene citrate with letrozole for ovulation induction in anovulatory infertile women.Methods: This study was conducted in the infertility clinic and department of obstetrics and gynecology, S.P. Medical College and Associated P. B. M. Hospital, Bikaner, Rajasthan, from 1st August 2018 to 31st July 2019. The study group comprised of infertile females attending infertility clinic or gynae outdoor in department of obstetrics and gynecology, S. P. Medical College Bikaner for infertility. 100 women with anovulatory infertility were enrolled in the study after fulfilling the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Proper counseling was done and written informed consent taken.Results: Ovulation rate was statistically significantly greater in letrozole group. Monofollicular development was statistically significant greater in let group (CC 18%, Let 66%). The endometrial thickness on the day of ßhCG administration in CC group was 7.40±1.08 mm and in let group was 8.20±0.82 mm. Letrozole treated cases had better trilaminar pattern of endometrium as compared to clomiphene. The pregnancy rate was higher in letrozole group.Conclusions: As compare to clomiphene, letrozole is associated with higher pregnancy rate and ovulation rates among infertile women with anovulation


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    In Ayurvedic literature all skin ailments are mostly concludes in the title under Kushtha and Kshudra Roga. The primary meaning of Kushtha is Twak vaivarnta (disscolouration of skin). Vyanga is Kshudraroga with Painless, small and blackish in colour features. Melasma is an acquired pigmentary disorder characterized by common clinical finding like hyper-pigmented macules on face. In its pathogenesis various factors like genetic predisposition, UV rays, cosmetics and hormonal drugs are play important role. In Ayurveda this condition is similar to Vyang which is mentioned in Kshudra rogadhikar. According to Ayurveda it is occur due to excessive anger and hard work. So as the results vitiated Doshas mainly Pitta along with Vaata produce blakish patches on face which is called Vyang. Vyang is a Rakta pradoshja vikar and in its probably Doshas involved are Udaan vaayu, Bharajak pitta and Dushya Ras and Rakta dhatu, As this condition disturbed our mental and physical state. A good physical appearance and natural colour show us healthy. So for this purpose in Ayurveda line of treatment like Shodhan (purification), Shaman chikitsa and various numbers of Lepa, medicated oil and ointment for external application are also mentioned. All accessory factors are also important during management of disease e.g. psychological condition, cosmetics, OCP, some drugs etc. This article review attempts to understand the Vyang with modern view of Melasma and to help in treatment of it.

    Schiff Bases and Their Metal Complexes: Synthesis, Structural Characteristics and Applications

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    The development of Schiff base was a major step forward in the area of coordination chemistry. Schiff bases, a class of organic compounds, carry the imine or azomethine (>C=N–) functional group. Schiff bases played an influencing role in the development of coordination chemistry and were a key point in the development of inorganic, bioinorganic chemistry and optical materials. Schiff bases, widely used in inorganic, organic, and analytical chemistry, account for a significant portion of the more commonly employed classes of organic molecules. The ability of Schiff base ligands to form stable metal complexes with a wide range of transition and other metal ions makes them extremely useful. Condensation of a primary amine with an aldehyde or ketone yields a Schiff bases. In this chapter, we focused on introducing Schiff bases, classified them and their metal complexes, and discussed several synthesis methods, including conventional and green approaches. This chapter also elaborated on the industries’ applications, such as the food industry, agrochemical industry, dye industry, analytical chemistry, catalysis, energy storage, environmental, chemo-sensing, bio-sensing, and biomedical applications of novel Schiff bases and their metal complexes

    On fixed points, their geometry and application to satellite web coupling problem in S−metric spaces

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    We introduce an M−class function in an S−metric space which is a viable, productive, and powerful technique for finding the existence of a fixed point and fixed circle. Our conclusions unify, improve, extend, and generalize numerous results to a widespread class of discontinuous maps. Next, we introduce notions of a fixed ellipse (elliptic disc) in an S−metric space to investigate the geometry of the collection of fixed points and prove fixed ellipse (elliptic disc) theorems. In the sequel, we validate these conclusions with illustrative examples. We explore some conditions which eliminate the possibility of the identity map in the existence of an ellipse (elliptic disc). Some remarks, propositions, and examples to exhibit the feasibility of the results are presented. The paper is concluded with a discussion of activation functions that are discontinuous in nature and, consequently, utilized in a neural network for increasing the storage capacity. Towards the end, we solve the satellite web coupling problem and propose two open problems
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