117 research outputs found

    Effects of Prenatal Bisphenol A Exposure on Adrenal Gland Development and Steroidogenic Function

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    Developmental exposure to bisphenol A (BPA), a ubiquitous endocrine disrupting chemical, is associated with organ dysfunction and diseases in adulthood. However, little is known about its effects on the adrenal glands. Therefore, this thesis addresses this important question using both in vivo and in vitro approaches. BPA at environmentally relevant doses was administrated via diet to pregnant mice from embryonic day 7.5 to birth, following which mice were switched to a standard chow. At two months postnatally, adrenal glands and blood samples were collected from adult mouse offspring for structural and functional analysis. I found that: (a) BPA increased adrenal gland weight as well as plasma corticosterone levels; (b) BPA did not alter plasma levels of ACTH; and (c) BPA stimulated expression of the two key steroidogenic factors, steroidogenic acute regulatory protein (StAR) and cyp11A1 in female but not male offspring. To determine the molecular mechanisms underlying the BPA-induced StAR expression, I used human fetal adrenal cortical H295A cells as an in vitro model system, and showed that BPA increased StAR protein expression likely through an estrogen receptor (ER)-mediated mechanism independent of StAR gene transcription, translation and protein half-life. I then investigated the molecular mechanisms underlying the BPA-induced increase in adrenal gland weight using the same in vitro model system. I demonstrated that (a) BPA increased cell number and protein levels of the three universal markers of proliferation (proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA), cyclin D1 and D2, as well as sonic hedgehog (shh) and its key transcriptional regulator Gli1; (b) cyclopamine, a shh pathway inhibitor, blocked these stimulatory effects of BPA on cell proliferation; (c) BPA increased the nuclear translocation of ERβ; and (d) the ERb-specific agonist DPN mimicked while the ERb antagonist PHTPP abrogated the stimulatory effects of BPA on cell proliferation, and prevented BPA-induced activation of the shh signaling. Taken together, these findings demonstrate that developmental exposure to BPA adversely affects adrenal gland development and steroidogenic function in adult mouse offspring. Furthermore, they reveal novel molecular signaling mechanisms of BPA actions in regulating adrenal steroidogenic function and adrenal cortical cell proliferation

    The ecumenical aspect of the justification of the sinner

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    The aim of this article is to discuss the ecumenical aspect of justification. Martin Luther was of the opinion that the road to justification was only through faith and grace, expressed by the principle simul iustus et peccator. The Council of Trent emphasized that justification is not only the remission of sins but is also sanctification. Catholic-Lutheran ecumenical dialogue formally began after the Second Vatican Council, which resulted in a consensus regarding the basic truths of the doctrine of justification and likewise looked at the person of Martin Luther, his demands, and the reformation.The aim of this article is to discuss the ecumenical aspect of justification. Martin Luther was of the opinion that the road to justification was only through faith and grace, expressed by the principle simul iustus et peccator. The Council of Trent emphasized that justification is not only the remission of sins but is also sanctification. Catholic-Lutheran ecumenical dialogue formally began after the Second Vatican Council, which resulted in a consensus regarding the basic truths of the doctrine of justification and likewise looked at the person of Martin Luther, his demands, and the reformation

    Test characteristics of a welded rotor in a 36,000-rpm Lundell alternator

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    Two four-pole Lundell-type rotors consisting of magnetic and nonmagnetic materials were fabricated by weld-depositing Inconel 625 between two sections of AISI 4617 steel. The rotors had a major diameter of 8.28 cm (3.26 in.). Saturation curves for load and no-load conditions with one of the rotors installed in a 1200-Hz Brayton-cycle research alternator are presented. The other identical rotor was spin-tested to a speed of 63,000 rmp, which was equal to 175 percent of the rated speed

    Improved silver-zinc battery-terminal seals

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    Development of battery terminal seal for sealing electrolyte for periods of three to five years is discussed. Operating conditions of battery are defined. Components of electrolyte seal and method of production are reported. Schematic diagrams of device are included

    Incentives for Best Management Practice Adoption among Beef Cattle Producers and Effects on Upland Sediment Loss: A Case Study in Southeastern Tennessee

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    Federal programs incentivize livestock managers to adopt best management practices (BMPs), such as rotational grazing, water tank systems, stream crossings, and pasture improvement to prevent or reduce soil erosion. This thesis addresses the challenge of integrating socio-economic data on rotational grazing (RG) adoption behavior with hydrologic/biophysical models to analyze the association between incentives, BMP adoption, and changes in soil erosion. Using primary survey data of livestock producers in an East Tennessee watershed, the study estimates willingness to adopt BMPs among livestock producers. The propensity to adopt one or multiple management technologies, given an incentive, is estimated with a multivariate probit regression. The likelihood producers adopt RG is integrated into the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) hydrologic model to generate upland sediment loss abatement curves for the watershed. Abatement curves specific to each hydrologic response unit (HRU) comprising the watershed are estimated and then aggregated to determine an aggregate abatement curve for the watershed. Based on the abatement curves, HRU are ranked according to programmatic cost efficiency. The maximum upland sediment loss reduction with rotational grazing totals 1,450 tons/year at a cost of $170/ton across the Oostanaula Creek Watershed

    Przekroczyć próg jednoczesnej sprawiedliwości i grzeszności wierzącego

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    The article concerns the attempt to present the issue of simultaneous righteousness and sinfulness of the believer (simul iustus et peccator) in that light, in order to effectively seek to break the deadlock in the ecumenical issue and see in the long term the apparent unity of the two Christian communities, while not ignoring both traditions. It is an attempt to answer the question how the Catholics and Lutherans should approach the heart of the matter, and how to teach in this regard, to compensate for the ongoing disparity and division of Churches. For this reason, the source of complication lies in different understanding of the concept of sin by the two churches, the analysis proceeds in terms of desires and using the method of theological statement. The problem is shown in the context of the historical and theological ranging from St. Augustine, a precursor to the study, through Martin Luther, the main defender and propagator of this idea, also the documents of the Council of Trent, until the Catholic–Lutheran dialogue in the second half of the twentieth century. Interesting comments on this topic can be found in Karl Rahner, in the documents of the Second Vatican Council, especially in Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification signed by Catholics and Lutherans, especially in terms of justified sinfulness.Artykuł dotyczy próby przedstawienia problemu jednoczesnej sprawiedliwości i grzeszności człowieka wierzącego (simul iustus et peccator) w takim świetle, aby skutecznie dążyć do przełamania ekumenicznego impasu w tej materii i widzieć w perspektywie czasu zarysowującą się jedność obu wspólnot chrześcijańskich, nie pomijając obu tradycji. Jest to próba odpowiedzi, w jaki sposób katolicy i luteranie powinni podejść do istoty zagadnienia oraz do nauczania w tym względzie. Ponieważ źródłem komplikacji jest różne rozumienie pojęcia grzechu, analiza przebiega pod kątem pożądliwości oraz przy zastosowaniu metody opinii teologicznej. Problem jest przedstawiony w kontekście historycznym i teologicznym, począwszy od św. Augustyna, przez Marcina Lutra, głównego obrońcę i propagatora tej idei, a także w dokumentach Soboru Trydenckiego, aż do katolicko–luterańskiego dialogu w drugiej połowie XX wieku. Ciekawe komentarze na ten temat można znaleźć u Karla Rahnera, w dokumentach Soboru Watykańskiego II, a zwłaszcza we Wspólnej deklaracji w sprawie nauki o usprawiedliwieniu podpisanej przez katolików i ewangelików, szczególnie pod względem usprawiedliwienia grzesznika

    Wkład Tomasza Cranmera w rozwój angielskiej reformacji

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    The article concerns the life and work of Tomas Cranmer and shows the process of maturing English Reformation and her complexity under royal leadership. Cranmer has contributed significantly to the reform of the English Church as a professor of the University of Cambridge and the Archbishop of Canterbury. He was very involved in matter the annulment of the marriage of Henry VIII. Over the years, he was climbing the ladder of increasing positions and dignity. He took an active role in discussions about theological differences between the conservatives and the reformers. He disciplined some reformers. He was the author of several books, which are aimed at improving reforms in the country. The largest participation of the Cranmer’s work in the English Reformation was the influence of the creation, edition and shape the Book of Common Prayer. As a part of his reform program he worked on the revision of canon law, a correction formula of the prayer book and formation of doctrine, which were ingrained in the Bible and the patristic thought. He argued about spiritual presence of Christ in the Eucharist. He cooperated with European and English reformers. He was charged with treason, found guilty and sentenced to death.The article concerns the life and work of Tomas Cranmer and shows the process of maturing English Reformation and her complexity under royal leadership. Cranmer has contributed significantly to the reform of the English Church as a professor of the University of Cambridge and the Archbishop of Canterbury. He was very involved in matter the annulment of the marriage of Henry VIII. Over the years, he was climbing the ladder of increasing positions and dignity. He took an active role in discussions about theological differences between the conservatives and the reformers. He disciplined some reformers. He was the author of several books, which are aimed at improving reforms in the country. The largest participation of the Cranmer’s work in the English Reformation was the influence of the creation, edition and shape the Book of Common Prayer. As a part of his reform program he worked on the revision of canon law, a correction formula of the prayer book and formation of doctrine, which were ingrained in the Bible and the patristic thought. He argued about spiritual presence of Christ in the Eucharist. He cooperated with European and English reformers. He was charged with treason, found guilty and sentenced to death

    Tendencias actuales de la afiliación sindical en Argentina: evidencias de una encuesta a empresas

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    Este artículo analiza el aumento de trabajadores afiliados y la recuperación de la tasa de afiliación en relación a otros períodos históricos, en particular los años 1990 en la Argentina, en un contexto generalizado de caída de ese indicador en gran parte de los países desarrollados de la OCDE.La pregunta central que orienta el estudio refiere a conocer: ¿Qué factores explican la incipiente recuperación de la tasa de afiliación sindical? La respuesta a este interrogante se inscribe en una serie de debates nacionales e internacionales acerca de la definición de la afiliación sindical, su medición (o elaboración), su significado y particularmente los factores endógenos o exógenos que inciden en los trabajadores a afiliarse. En este sentido, la literatura reconoce factores exógenos al sindicato, como los económicos (Bain y Elsheikh, 1976; Metcalf, 2005; Visser, 2006), políticos (Wallerstein y Western, 2000; Frege y Kelly, 2003) y jurídico institucional (Freeman y Pelletier, 1990). En cuanto a los factores endógenos, se hace referencia a las técnicas de reclutamiento y estructura organizativa de los sindicatos (Undy et al., 1981; Herry, 2006). La información utilizada proviene de una encuesta de Relaciones Laborales realizada por el Ministerio de Trabajo, Empleo y Seguridad Social. La muestra comprende 1.553 empresas, representativas de un universo total de 53.038 firmas que emplean a 2.450.400 asalariados.Los resultados de la investigación revelan que los factores exógenos de orden jurídico institucional se han mantenido sin alteraciones durante décadas, sin embargo la tasa de afiliación cae durante los 1990 y se recupera a partir de 2003. La principal hipótesis del trabajo es que esta recuperación de la tasa de afiliación y aumento de afiliados se debe fundamentalmente a factores exógenos de orden político y económico como el aliento a la afiliación, el aumento general del empleo registrado y la expansión de la negociación colectiva.This article analyzes the reasons for the increase in the number of affiliated workers and the upsurge in the unionization rate in Argentina, in relation to other historical periods, in particular the 90s, in a generalized context of a drop in this indicator in a large proportion of OECD countries. The main question which directs this study is the following: which factors explain the sudden increase in the unionization rate? The answer to this question is part of a series of national and international debates on the definition of union affiliation, its measurement (or its definition), its meaning and particularly the endogenous and exogenous factors that encourage workers to affiliate.The literature recognizes the existence of explanatory factors exogenous to the union, such as economic (Bain and Elsheikh, 1976; Metcalf, 2005; Visser, 2006), political (Wallerstein and Western, 2000; Frege and Kelly, 2003), and judicial institutional factors (Freeman and Pelletier, 1990). As for endogenous factors, these refer to recruitment techniques, and the organizational structure of unions (Undy et al., 1981; Herry, 2006). The information used comes from an inquiry on labour relations carried out by the Ministry of Labour, Employment and Social Security. The sample includes 1,553 businesses, representative of a total universe of 53,038 businesses employing 2,450,400 salaried employees.The research results reveal that even if exogenous judicial institutional factors were stable for decades, the unionization rate nevertheless fell during the 90s, and then went up again beginning in 2003. The main working hypothesis is that this recovery in the unionization rate and the increase in the number of unionized workers are fundamentally due to exogenous factors of a political and economic nature such as support for unionization, the general increase recorded in employment, and the expansion of collective bargaining.Cet article analyse les raisons de l’augmentation du nombre de travailleurs affiliés et la recrudescence du taux de syndicalisation en Argentine, par rapport à d’autres périodes historiques, en particulier les années 1990, dans un contexte généralisé de chute de cet indicateur dans une grande partie des pays de l’OCDE. La principale question qui oriente cette étude est la suivante : quels facteurs expliquent l’augmentation soudaine du taux de syndicalisation ? La réponse à cette question s’inscrit dans une série de débats nationaux et internationaux sur la définition de l’affiliation syndicale, sa mesure (ou sa définition), sa signification et particulièrement les facteurs endogènes ou exogènes qui incitent les travailleurs à se syndiquer.La littérature reconnaît l’existence de facteurs explicatifs exogènes au syndicat, comme les facteurs économiques (Bain et Elsheikh, 1976; Metcalf, 2005; Visser, 2006), politiques (Wallerstein et Western, 2000; Frege et Kelly, 2003) et juridiques ou institutionnels (Freeman et Pelletier, 1990). Quant aux facteurs endogènes, ils réfèrent aux techniques de recrutement et à la structure organisationnelle des syndicats (Undy et al., 1981; Herry, 2006). L’information utilisée provient d’une enquête sur les relations du travail effectuée par le ministère du Travail, de l’Emploi et de la Sécurité sociale. L’échantillon comprend 1 553 entreprises, représentatives d’un univers total de 53 038 entreprises qui emploient 2 450 400 employés salariés.Les résultats de la recherche révèlent que même si les facteurs exogènes d’ordre juridique ou institutionnel ont été stables durant des décennies, le taux de syndicalisation a toutefois chuté pendant les années 1990 et il est remonté à partir de 2003. La principale hypothèse de notre étude est que cette récupération du taux de syndicalisation et l’augmentation du nombre de travailleurs syndiqués sont fondamentalement dus à des facteurs exogènes d’ordre politique et économique comme l’appui à la syndicalisation, l’augmentation générale de l’emploi enregistré et l’expansion de la négociation collective

    Papieska elekcja i posługa w dokumentach soboru we Florencji

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    This article aims to answer the question how the Florentine council defined the election of the Pope, his competence and importance in the conductivity of the Church and how his function influenced on overcoming conciliarism. The council showed the leading role of the pope over the universal Church and identified specific tasks and priorities of the Bishop of Rome, and the procedures the election of the Pope. In case of vacancy of the Holy See, which arise in the course of the meeting the council, election of a new bishop of Rome is to take place where at that time shall debate fathers. Before entering the conclave electors take the oath to God and the Church. The Pope is the first and the highest shepherd of sheepfold of Christ and therefore he has to be a person caring for the salvation of all souls and the advantage of the whole Christian world. The Bishop of Rome has strongly profess and preserve the Catholic faith, according to the Apostolic Tradition, the councils common and holy fathers. The Pope has to be aware of his function and ready for the greatest sacrifices in the service of God and the faithful, and he has to take care of conducting and directing the path of salvation, the clergy and the Roman people, and he has to repair and remove anything that could be tainted with simony or concubine. He can’t follow the ties of kinship and shall be available for the faithful.Artykuł ma na celu odpowiedzieć na pytanie, w jaki sposób sobór florencki zdefiniował wybór papieża, jego kompetencje i znaczenie przewodnictwa Kościołowi oraz jak papieska funkcja wpłynęła na przezwyciężenie koncyliaryzmu. Sobór pokazał przewodnią rolę papieża nad Kościołem powszechnym i określił konkretne zadania i priorytety biskupa Rzymu oraz procedury jego wyboru. W przypadku wakatu w Stolicy Apostolskiej, który powstałby w trakcie obrad soborowych, wybór nowego biskupa Rzymu miał mieć miejsce tam, gdzie obradują ojcowie. Przed wejściem na konklawe elektorzy mieli złożyć przysięgę Bogu i Kościołowi. Papież jest pierwszym i najwyższym pasterzem owczarni Chrystusa i dlatego musi być osobą zatroskaną o zbawienie wszystkich dusz i o pożytek dla całego świata chrześcijańskiego. Biskup Rzymu ma zdecydowanie wyznawać i zachować wiarę katolicką, według tradycji apostolskiej, soborów powszechnych i świętych ojców. Papież musi być świadomy swojej funkcji i gotowy do największych poświęceń w służbie Bogu i wiernym. Ma także dbać o prowadzenie i kierowanie na drogę zbawienia duchowieństwa i ludu rzymskiego oraz musi naprawiać i usuwać wszystko, co może być skażone symonią lub konkubinatem. Papież nie może kierować się więzami pokrewieństwa, ma być dostępny dla wiernych