169 research outputs found

    Conceptual Design of the Pier in Podstrana : Undergraduate Thesis

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    U okviru idejnog projekta uređenja obalnog područja u Podstrani planira se izgradnja tri pristana uz koje može pristati mini cruiser.Gaz takvog broda je 3 metra. Konstrukcija pristana će biti od predgotovljenih armiranobetonskih elemenata.As part of the preliminary project planning in coastal areas in Podstrana planned construction of three piers along that can accept mini cruiser.Gaz such a ship is 3 meters. The construction of the pier will be made of prefabricated reinforced concrete elements

    Conceptual Design of the Pier in Podstrana : Undergraduate Thesis

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    U okviru idejnog projekta uređenja obalnog područja u Podstrani planira se izgradnja tri pristana uz koje može pristati mini cruiser.Gaz takvog broda je 3 metra. Konstrukcija pristana će biti od predgotovljenih armiranobetonskih elemenata.As part of the preliminary project planning in coastal areas in Podstrana planned construction of three piers along that can accept mini cruiser.Gaz such a ship is 3 meters. The construction of the pier will be made of prefabricated reinforced concrete elements

    Od elegije do koncerta - Krešimir Baranović

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    Rad obuhvaća životopis skladatelja i dirigenta Krešimira Baranovića te osvrt na njegov opus. Proučavat će se zanimljivosti vezane za život skladatelja i povijest nastanka koncerta za rog i orkestar. Rad sadrži životopis poznatog hrvatskog hornista Prerada Detičeka koji je imao značajan utjecaj na nastanak koncerta za rog i orkestar u Es-duru. Proučavati će se harmonija, glazbeni oblik, motivi i fraze iz spomenutog djela. Glazbena analiza djela biti će primarna točka u ovom radu.This thesis involves biographie of composer and conductor Krešimir Baranović and brief review of his opus. Thesis will study interesting facts about composer´s life, and history occurrence of concerto for horn and orchestra. The paper contains a biography of the famous Croatian horn player Prerad Deticek which had a certain influence on the creation of the work. Concerto for horn and orchestra in E flat-major will be analyzed, specificcaly, the thought of the harmony, musical form, motive, phrase

    Phase transition analysis in complex networks

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    U ovom diplomskom radu promatramo modele intrigirajućih mreža koji su u širokoj primjeni u analizi i predviđanju ponašanja mreža u stvarnom svijetu, poput mapa interneta ili modela tržišta. Na odabranim primjerima koristimo matematičke metode statističke fizike kako bismo razvili generalnije formalizme tretiranja različitih klasa mreža te opisali njihovo kritično ponašanje. Modele dijelimo na statičke i dinamičke, identificirajući parametre uređenja i koristeći aproksimacije srednjeg polja pri izračunu kritičnih eksponenata. Diskusijom o ograničenjima svakog modela i primjenjivosti metoda rješavanja, uspostavljamo analogiju sa statističkom fizikom i najznačajnije primjene na stvarne mreže.We examine a few select interacting network models with broad real-world applications ranging from internet maps to economic market modeling. Employing the mathematical formalism of statistical physics, we show its range of applicability in developing more general ways of treating classes of networks as well as describing and classifying their critical phenomena. By tackling static and dynamical models separately, we emphasize their conceptual differences manifesting in the mean-field calculations of critical exponents. Ultimately, we discuss model limitations and point out their use in terms of describing real-world network critical phenomena

    Subjektivnost ekonomskih agenata kao izvor neefikasnosti financijskog tržišta : analiza izabranih primjera

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    U ovome radu je dan kronološki pregled najznačajnijih tradicionalnih teorija na financijskom tržištu. Kako je pretpostavljeno, takve teorije ne opisuju dovoljno kvalitetno i realno pravo stanje na tržištu. Stoga se rad okrenuo bihevioralnim financijama u svrhu stvaranja okvira u kojemu se mogu očitati razlike između dva pristupa financijama. Rad nudi uvod u bihevioralne financije, pregled empirijskih istraživanja, definira fenomene koji se pojavljuju i potom ih stavlja u odnos sa krizama. Bihevioralne financije predstavljaju novi, zanimljiviji i točniji uvid na financijsko tržište. Iz toga razloga, osim same analize odabranih studija, rad ide u smjeru promicanja bihevioralnih financija kao nedovoljno istraženog multidisciplinarnog područja. Promiče novu zvijezdu ekonomske misli.This thesis has given chronological review of the most significant traditional theories on financial market. As it is assumed, such theories do not describe good enough real market conditions. For that reason thesis has turned to behavioral finances in the purpose of making a frame in which it could be possible to differentiate two approaches of the finances. Thesis offers introduction into behavioral finances, review of empirical researches, defines phenomena that appear and then it puts them in a relathionship with crises. Behavioral finance represents new, more interesting and more accurate insight on financial market. For the aformentioned reasons, besides studies analysis, thesis goes into direction of promoting behavioral finances as multidisciplined area that has not been researched sufficiently. It promotes a new star of economic thought


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    Environmental pollution with crude oil and its derivates has become a growing problem due to their toxic and carcinogenic effects on live organisms. Proper collection and treatment of oily wastewaters is very important for prevention and disabling of harmful effects on the environment. The most important step in the oily wastewater treatment process is separation of oil and aqueous phase. Consequently, it is important to examine the conditions which enable the maximum separation effect and provide satisfactory quality of the aqueous phase before discharge into natural recipients. This paper examines the effects of temperature and addition of demulsifier and dewatering agent on phase separation in oily wastewaters. The best separation rate and the highest quantity of the aqueous phase are achieved with the addition of demulsifier in concentration of 500 mg/l and the dewatering agent in concentration of 500 mg/l at 60 °C. The quality of the aqueous phase after separation shows low values of mineral oils and high COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand) values due to the remaining demulsifier and dewatering agent in aqueous phase. For that reason it is necessary to use additional treatments, such as adsorption on active carbon or biological treatment before discharge into natural waters

    Toward Improved Deep Learning-based Vulnerability Detection

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    Deep learning (DL) has been a common thread across several recent techniques for vulnerability detection. The rise of large, publicly available datasets of vulnerabilities has fueled the learning process underpinning these techniques. While these datasets help the DL-based vulnerability detectors, they also constrain these detectors’ predictive abilities. Vulnerabilities in these datasets have to be represented in a certain way, e.g., code lines, functions, or program slices within which the vulnerabilities exist. We refer to this representation as a base unit. The detectors learn how base units can be vulnerable and then predict whether other base units are vulnerable. We have hypothesized that this focus on individual base units harms the ability of the detectors to properly detect those vulnerabilities that span multiple base units (or MBU vulnerabilities). For vulnerabilities such as these, a correct detection occurs when all comprising base units are detected as vulnerable. Verifying how existing techniques perform in detecting all parts of a vulnerability is important to establish their effectiveness for other downstream tasks. To evaluate our hypothesis, we conducted a study focusing on three prominent DL-based detectors: ReVeal, DeepWukong, and LineVul. Our study shows that all three detectors contain MBU vulnerabilities in their respective datasets. Further, we observed significant accuracy drops when detecting these types of vulnerabilities. We present our study and a framework that can be used to help DL-based detectors toward the proper inclusion of MBU vulnerabilities.</p

    Subjektivnost ekonomskih agenata kao izvor neefikasnosti financijskog tržišta : analiza izabranih primjera

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    U ovome radu je dan kronološki pregled najznačajnijih tradicionalnih teorija na financijskom tržištu. Kako je pretpostavljeno, takve teorije ne opisuju dovoljno kvalitetno i realno pravo stanje na tržištu. Stoga se rad okrenuo bihevioralnim financijama u svrhu stvaranja okvira u kojemu se mogu očitati razlike između dva pristupa financijama. Rad nudi uvod u bihevioralne financije, pregled empirijskih istraživanja, definira fenomene koji se pojavljuju i potom ih stavlja u odnos sa krizama. Bihevioralne financije predstavljaju novi, zanimljiviji i točniji uvid na financijsko tržište. Iz toga razloga, osim same analize odabranih studija, rad ide u smjeru promicanja bihevioralnih financija kao nedovoljno istraženog multidisciplinarnog područja. Promiče novu zvijezdu ekonomske misli.This thesis has given chronological review of the most significant traditional theories on financial market. As it is assumed, such theories do not describe good enough real market conditions. For that reason thesis has turned to behavioral finances in the purpose of making a frame in which it could be possible to differentiate two approaches of the finances. Thesis offers introduction into behavioral finances, review of empirical researches, defines phenomena that appear and then it puts them in a relathionship with crises. Behavioral finance represents new, more interesting and more accurate insight on financial market. For the aformentioned reasons, besides studies analysis, thesis goes into direction of promoting behavioral finances as multidisciplined area that has not been researched sufficiently. It promotes a new star of economic thought

    Primjene različitih metala kao elektrodnog materijala u obradi kompostne procjedne vode

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    In this paper, different metallic materials (alloys of Fe, Al, and Zn) were investigated as sacrificial anodes during electrocoagulation (EC) for the treatment of compost leachate. Taguchi’s L9 orthogonal array design was applied to investigate the four controllable factors (different metallic material, initial pH value, stirring speed, and contact time) on decrease of chemical oxygen demand (COD) and electrodes mass loss. COD decrease reached values in the range of 75.72–92.97 %. The Taguchi optimisation results showed that the most effective factor for decrease of COD is the duration of the experiment, while the electrode material was for electrodes mass loss. The zinc electrode showed the lowest potential for use in the EC process for treatment of compost leachate, while the Al and Fe electrodes could be used in an acid or slightly acidic environment. The following decreasing order of energy consumption was recorded: Zn > Al > Fe. The measured values of metal electrode mass loss exceeded the theoretical values calculated using Faraday’s law in EC experiments with Al electrodes, while in experiments with Fe and Zn electrodes, those differences were insignificant.U ovom radu različiti metalni materijali (legure Fe, Al, Zn) ispitivali su se kao žrtvene anode tijekom elektrokoagulacije (EK) za obradu kompostne procjedne vode. Taguchijev L9 ortogonalni niz primijenjen je za ispitivanje četiriju kontroliranih čimbenika (različiti metalni materijali, početne pH vrijednosti, brzine vrtnje miješala i vremena kontakta) na uklanjanje organske tvari izražene preko kemijske potrošnje kisika (KPK) i gubitak mase elektroda. Učinkovitost uklanjanja organske tvari izražene preko KPK-a dosegla je vrijednosti u rasponu od 75,72 do 92,97 %. Rezultati optimizacije Taguchi pokazali su da je najučinkovitiji čimbenik za uklanjanje organske tvari, izražene preko vrijednosti KPK-a, trajanje eksperimenta, dok je gubitak mase elektroda za materijal elektrode. Cinkova elektroda pokazala je najmanji potencijal za uporabu u EK procesu za pročišćavanje kompostne procjedne vode, dok se Al i Fe elektroda mogu upotrebljavati u kiselom ili blago kiselom području. Zabilježen je sljedeći opadajući redoslijed potrošnje energije: Zn > Al > Fe. Izmjerene vrijednosti gubitka mase metalne elektrode premašuju teorijske vrijednosti izračunate Faradayevim zakonom u EK eksperimentima s Al elektrodama, dok su u eksperimentima s Fe i Zn elektrodama te razlike manje

    Subjektivnost ekonomskih agenata kao izvor neefikasnosti financijskog tržišta : analiza izabranih primjera

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    U ovome radu je dan kronološki pregled najznačajnijih tradicionalnih teorija na financijskom tržištu. Kako je pretpostavljeno, takve teorije ne opisuju dovoljno kvalitetno i realno pravo stanje na tržištu. Stoga se rad okrenuo bihevioralnim financijama u svrhu stvaranja okvira u kojemu se mogu očitati razlike između dva pristupa financijama. Rad nudi uvod u bihevioralne financije, pregled empirijskih istraživanja, definira fenomene koji se pojavljuju i potom ih stavlja u odnos sa krizama. Bihevioralne financije predstavljaju novi, zanimljiviji i točniji uvid na financijsko tržište. Iz toga razloga, osim same analize odabranih studija, rad ide u smjeru promicanja bihevioralnih financija kao nedovoljno istraženog multidisciplinarnog područja. Promiče novu zvijezdu ekonomske misli.This thesis has given chronological review of the most significant traditional theories on financial market. As it is assumed, such theories do not describe good enough real market conditions. For that reason thesis has turned to behavioral finances in the purpose of making a frame in which it could be possible to differentiate two approaches of the finances. Thesis offers introduction into behavioral finances, review of empirical researches, defines phenomena that appear and then it puts them in a relathionship with crises. Behavioral finance represents new, more interesting and more accurate insight on financial market. For the aformentioned reasons, besides studies analysis, thesis goes into direction of promoting behavioral finances as multidisciplined area that has not been researched sufficiently. It promotes a new star of economic thought