2,268 research outputs found

    Design of professional career by future experts in the sphere of art and culture

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    The problem of planning of professional life is discussed by experts in the field of art and culture, experience of application of active forms of education with use of presentation during psychology and pedagogical lessons is described in the article, aspects of efficiency of their realization in training of students of higher education institution are considered, possibilities of application of modern means of presentation in the course of professional formation of future specialist producer are revealed. Problems of design of a professional way of a personality in the context of modern social and economic conditions are complicated by unstable conditions, characterized by social, economic and political changes, prompt transformations in the sphere of values and purposes of personality that predetermines essentially new requirements to psychological structure of the personality which would provide the most effective self-realization and success in professional activity. That means that actual tendencies of process of vocational training of future experts in the sphere of art are ways of application of means of modern technologies in the course of training. We believe that use of active forms of education with use of presentation, and also analysis of perceived phenomena by students will form readiness of future experts of the sphere of art and culture for design of own professional future.peer-reviewe

    Study of acute and subacute action of iron-molybdenum nanocluster polyoxometalates

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    There were no significant deviations from the norm in the functional state of the liver, kidneys, and pancreas in the study of the acute toxicity of iron-molybdenum buckyballs intended for targeted drug delivery. No accumulation of nanoparticles or deviation from the norm in any investigated parameter was detected in the study of subacute toxicity. © 2013 Pleiades Publishing, Ltd

    Electronic structure and light-induced conductivity in a transparent refractory oxide

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    Combined first-principles and experimental investigations reveal the underlying mechanism responsible for a drastic change of the conductivity (by 10 orders of magnitude) following hydrogen annealing and UV-irradiation in a transparent oxide, 12CaO.7Al2O3, found by Hayashi et al. The charge transport associated with photo-excitation of an electron from H, occurs by electron hopping. We identify the atoms participating in the hops, determine the exact paths for the carrier migration, estimate the temperature behavior of the hopping transport and predict a way to enhance the conductivity by specific doping.Comment: 4 pages including 4 figure

    Modeling the employment rate in Russia: A spatial-econometric approach

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    The purpose of this study is to identify factors that affect the level of employment in Russian regions. However, Russia is not a homogeneous country, and this effect may not be the same for all regions. That is why we split the regions of Russia into three groups, depending on the state of the labor market in this and neighboring regions. The HH (high-high) group comprises regions with a favorable situation in their labor markets, and which are also surrounded mostly by prosperous regions. Two groups of regions with a less favorable situation are located respectively in the south of Russia (LL1, low-low group 1) and southern Siberia and Zabaikalye (LL2, low-low group 2). We considered the twelve-year period from 2005 to 2016. As explanatory variables, we used variables for the attractiveness of the region, demographic characteristics of the region, and the degree of diversity of employees by economic activities. We tested hypotheses about differences in 1) the spatial effects and 2) the impact of the various explanatory variables for these groups of variables. To test our main hypotheses, we used spatial regression dynamic models estimated with the help of the generalized method of moments. Both main hypotheses received empirical confirmation. Spatial effects were different. The regions of the LL2 group are not affected by the situation in other local markets; regions of LL1 and HH groups are affected by the rest of Russia’s regions, and the extent of this influence decreases with the increase in geographical distance between regions. Moreover, the regions of the LL1 group compete with neighboring regions: if the situation in one of them improves, then it draws on the resources of the others. Regarding the impact of the explanatory variables, the “group effect” was revealed for the variables: share of urban population, net migration rate, shares of people below and above working age, share of people with higher education. Our results can favor the better design of national and regional policies to improve labor market performance in Russia based on the heterogeneity of the Russian regions. © Demidova O. A., Daddi P., Medvedeva E. V., Signorelli M. Text. 201

    Mapping and spatial-temporal assessment of gully density in the Middle Volga region, Russia

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    © 2018 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. A large-scale mapping of gully density was carried out for the Middle Volga region of the Russian Plain (188 000 km2) based on the interpretation of aerial photographs (scale 1:17 000; surveys undertaken during 1956–1970). In addition, spatial-temporal dynamic of gully density were assessed for some parts of the study area (the Udmurt Republic and the Mesha and Ulema River basins of Tatarstan), based on the interpretation of aerial photographs (survey 1986–1991) and high resolution satellite images (2012–2015). Information on factors potentially controlling gully formation and development were collected and a geographic information system (GIS) analysis was conducted. Results show the strong development of gullies in the study area over the 1956–1970 period with an average gully density of 0.21 km km−2. For the Udmurt region, we found that gully densities varied little in the period 1956–1986, during which the total active gully length reduced with only 2%. This period was characterized by low variable climatic conditions and a stable fraction of arable land with a relatively continuous crop rotation system. However, gully dynamics seems to have changed more strongly during recent decades. We found a strong (order of magnitude) reduction in active gully density for the period 2010–2015 as compared to 1986–1991. The main reason for this is likely the increasing winter air temperatures. This leads to a significant reduction in surface runoff during spring as a result of snowmelt. Nonetheless, in some regions (i.e. the Udmurt Republic in the taiga zone), the abandonment of arable land after 1991 likely plays a significant role. Likewise, a decline in the frequency of extreme rainfall events (> 50 mm) may have played a role. All of these factors contribute to a reduction of surface runoff to the gullies and their subsequent stabilization. © 2018 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd

    Effects of 1,3,4-thiadiazine compound with antidepressant properties in ligation model of acute pancreatitis

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    Based on hypotheses concerning the role of stress in acute pancreatitis development, the experimental approach for the decrease stress damage via the use the compound with proven antistress/neuroleptic action was conducted. The study was aimed to discover 2-morpholino-5-phenyl-6H-1,3,4-thiadiazine hydrobromide (compound L-17) therapeutic action in experimental acute pancreatitis. The experimental model used was the ligation model. The trial was carried out on 50 male Wistar rats with average body weight 180-240g. Histological picture of the pancreas was studied and biochemical and enzyme-immunoassays were carried out on the first and seventh days. The significant reduction in mortality on the background of L-17 compound administration was observed. While levels of all cytokines increased in induced experimental acute pancreatitis groups, the cytokine level rise was decreased when compound L-17 was administered. On the cellular level, the study revealed L-17’s ability to prevent granulocytosis and decrease granulocytes infiltration to inflammatory foci. The decrease in inflammatory reaction magnitude and prevention of abscess formation in experimental acute pancreatitis accompanied by sistemic inflamamtion was due to L-17’s ability to reduce neutrophilia and neutrophil entry into the injury zone. © 2018, Slovak Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.Government Council on Grants, Russian FederationMinistry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, Minobrnauka: 17.7255.2017/8.9AAAA-A18-118020690020-1Funding information. Partly the study was supported by the Act 211 of the Government of Russian Federation, contract No 02.A03.21.0006; Government contract of Russian Federation with Institute of Immunology and Physiology (AAAA-A18-118020690020-1) and the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (# 17.7255.2017/8.9)

    Modern trends of Salmonella epidemic process

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    Modifications in the technology of foodstuff producing, storage and realization, the change of eating behavior along with the endless globalization process are followed by the intensive growth of salmonellosis, thus the permanent epidemiologic monitoring of this group of infections is necessary. The manifestations of the epidemic process of salmonellosis have been studied by an epidemic retrospective analysis and a random retrospective survey of “case – control” type. This article illustrates the analyzed data from Kemerovo region: 41820 cases of salmonellosis disease (1992-2012 г.г.), 1759 cards of the epidemiological study from the disease center (2011-2012 г.г.), the results of bacteriological monitoring (94790 samples of materials of animal origin and objects of the environment). Two periods of salmonellosis morbidity have been identified, which had significant differences in the intensity of epidemic process (the first one – from 1995 to 2004, the second one – from 2005 to 2012). During the first period the morbidity sharply decreased (Тпр. = 9.24%), in the second period, on the contrary, it raised (Тпр. = 9.60%). The growth of the number of the disease cases provoked by salmonella of serogroup D (Salmonella enteritidis) has been discovered. The maximum rate of the salmonellosis morbidity in the annual dynamics has been detected in August, the minimum one – in December. The special group of high risk is babies from 0 to 2 years old. It has been discovered that the majority of morbidities have been caused by a nutritional factor. There is a high rate of correlation between salmonella diseases and eating eggs and poultry products (OR = 4.27). It is obvious that the preventive measures for salmonellosis should be improved


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    In the article, we consider the equation y′′=(λ-(1/k) y′2)(k/y+ 2y/(1-x2-y2)) in the semicircle 1-x2-y2>0, y=y(x)>0, kλ>0 , to which the generalized Toda lattices with a Hamiltonian containing two exponents reduce.For sufficiently small in absolute value λ, this equation can be replaced by a simpler equation setting λ = 0. It is proved that the latter has one-dimensional symmetry group and reduces to a differential first-order equation, by means of which one can get an arbitrarily accurate description of the general solution of the simplified second-order equation near the boundary of the semicircle.Рассматривается уравнение y′′=(λ-(1/k) y′2)(k/y+ 2y/(1-x2-y2))полукруге 1-x2-y2>0, y=y(x)>0, kλ>0, к которому сводятся обобщенные цепочки Тоды с гамильтонианом, содержащим две экспоненты.При достаточно малом по модулю λ это уравнение можно заменить более простым уравнением, положив λ = 0. Доказано, что последнее имеет одномерную группу симметрии и сводится к дифференциальному уравнению первого порядка, с помощью которого можно получить сколь угодно точное описание общего решения упрощенного уравнения второго порядка вблизи границы полукруга

    Determination of E. Coli in Water Using the Enzyme Free Electrochemical Impedimetric Immunosensors

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    In this article, we have shown the results of E. coli bacteria determination in water using the enzyme free electrochemical immunosensor with covalent via click chemistry immobilized receptor layer in comparison with dropwise immobilized antibodies. Covalent immobilization was realized by creating precursors on the surface of the working electrode with the reaction of azide-alkyne copper-catalysed cycloaddition approach. The detection limit of the immunosensor with covalent and dropwise immobilization of antibodies was estimated as 6.6 CFU/ml and 11.2 CFU/ml, respectively, a linear range was 103-106 CFU/ml. Moreover, the sensor with "click"immobilized antibodies showed good stability for 30 days when stored in a phosphate buffer, while the sensor with dropwise immobilized receptor layer was stable for 3 days. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.This work was supported by the Presidential Grants Fund of the Russian Federation (grant MK-567.2020.3)