6,008 research outputs found

    Arte y educación : paisaje de Azcapotzalco de Juan O´Gorman = Art and education : paisaje de Azcapotzalco by Juan O'Gorman

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    1 archivo PDF (12 páginas). fhquadragintaseptemEn la Biblioteca Pública Bartolomé de las Casas, de Azcapotzalco se encuentra un mural de Juan O´Gorman, que fue pintado en 1926 y que representa un paisaje imaginario de Azcapotzalco. El mural y su localización reflejan ideales educativos vasconcelistas en una época en la que la reconstrucción y regeneración cultural de México era la impronta de los gobiernos posrevolucionarios. PALABRAS CLAVE: Juan O'Gorman. Azcapotzalco. Muralismo. Paisaje de Azcapotzalco. José Vasconcelos. Azcapotzalco's Public Library holds one of Juan O'Gorman's mural. Painted in 1926, a representation of Azcapotzalco landscapen. KEY WORDS: Juan O'Gorman. Azcapotzalco. Muralismo. Paisaje de Azcapotzalco. José Vasconcelo

    The Hacienda de San Antonio Clavería in the late eighteen century

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    El presente estudio explica las características que, en su momento, tuvo la Hacienda de Clavería y su importancia en el entorno regional. La hacienda era eminentemente agrícola, productora de trigo y maíz, aunque también tenía actividad en el mercado de la carne de carnero y res cuyo suministro abarcaba una amplia zona de Azcapotzalco y la Ciudad de México, mediante algunas carnicerías. El estudio también evidencia la red de negocios del propietario y sus intereses económicos.This study describes the characteristics the Hacienda de Clavería and its importance in the regional surroundings in its time. Even though the Hacienda was basically an agricultural producer of wheat and corn, it was also a big supplier of mutton and beef to butcher shops in Azcapotzalco and Mexico City. The study also addresses the issue of the business network of the owner

    Antiresonances as precursors of decoherence

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    We show that, in presence of a complex spectrum, antiresonances act as a precursor for dephasing enabling the crossover to a fully decoherent transport even within a unitary Hamiltonian description. This general scenario is illustrated here by focusing on a quantum dot coupled to a chaotic cavity containing a finite, but large, number of states using a Hamiltonian formulation. For weak coupling to a chaotic cavity with a sufficiently dense spectrum, the ensuing complex structure of resonances and antiresonances leads to phase randomization under coarse graining in energy. Such phase instabilities and coarse graining are the ingredients for a mechanism producing decoherence and thus irreversibility. For the present simple model one finds a conductance that coincides with the one obtained by adding a ficticious voltage probe within the Landauer-Buettiker picture. This sheds new light on how the microscopic mechanisms that produce phase fluctuations induce decoherence.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures, to appear in Europhys. Let

    Un acercamiento a la narrativa indigenista mexicana

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    1 archivo PDF (12 páginas). fhocto"Sobre la narrativa indigenista pesan varios prejuicios: es anacrónica, la constituyen elementos sin valor literario y, a fin de cuentas, para qué se escribieron esos libros que los mismos indígenas no podían leer, pues estaban escritos en una lengua desconocida. Muchos estudiosos aceptan el indigenismo, como una corriente literaria coyuntural, pero en pocas ocasiones las obras de tema indígena han sido objeto no ya de valoración estética, sino de comentarios mesurados.

    Probiotic-supplemented soy bar effects on resistance to infection by listeria monocytogenes

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    The entire thesis text is included in the research.pdf file; the official abstract appears in the short.pdf file; a non-technical public abstract appears in the public.pdf file.Title from PDF of title page (University of Missouri--Columbia, viewed on October 6, 2009).Thesis advisor: Dr. Azlin Mustapha.M.S. University of Missouri--Columbia 2008.Probiotics are living microorganisms that help regulate the gastrointestinal tract. The aim of this project was to investigate the benefits of probiotics and their inhibitory effect on Listeria monocytogenes EGD. Three groups of mice were fed for two weeks with three different diets made out of soy protein bar, Control diet with no probiotic, ADH diet with Lactobacillus acidophilus ADH, and B6 diet with Bifidobacterium animalis B6. Each group was subdivided into two different groups, one of them was challenged with the pathogen and the other group was not (control group). After 14 days of feeding, the mice were challenged intragastrically with 1̃08 CFU/ml L. monocytogenes EGD. At day 3 post-infection, the colon and cecum were tested for probiotic concentration; the spleen and liver were tested for the presence of L. monocytogenes. A reduction of the pathogen was achieved for one or both treatments for all the replications. In addition, collected evidence showed that the probiotics colonized the colon and the cecum with concentrations of 1̃07 CFU. According to our results we believe that the probiotic supplemented soy protein bar holds promise to prevent listeriosis.Includes bibliographical reference

    Theoretical and experimental studies of seafloor backscatter

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    Analysis of seafloor backscatter collected from single and multi beam echosounders (SBES and MBES) has been carried out using a theoretical model and experimental data. The aim of this work was to evaluate backscatter parameters for the purposes of seafloor habitat classification. A theoretical model developed by CMST was used to study the backscatter properties depending on seafloor properties, depth and transmit pulse width. Peak intensity and energy calculated from the predicted mean envelop for different sediment types were shown to be proportional to the backscatter coefficient. Integration of the tail of the envelope, which results in a commonly used backscatter parameter E1, shows that accurate calculation of the insonfication area is required to make it independent of depth. The effective pulse width of seafloor echoes was found to be proportional to the backscatter coefficient and highly dependent on the transmit pulse width and depth. Experimental measurements using a Simrad EQ60 single beam echo-sounder, operating at 38 and 200 kHz, were made to distinguish different seafloor habitats. The energy and parameter E1 at 200 kHz were the most useful parameters for discriminating different seafloor habitats and the resulting classification was consistent between different transects across the same area of the seafloor. In addition, temporal variations of backscatter from seagrass were studied. This experiment showed unexpectedly small temporal variations in the mean backscatter characteristics, both intensity and energy, at 200 kHz. Subtle diurnal variations were observed in the mean backscatter intensity at 38 kHz. Statistics of backscatter from seagrass was analysed at both frequencies pointing out a complex, rather bimodal distribution observed in the fluctuations of the instantaneous backscatter intensity.Torres Medina, MD. (2010). Theoretical and experimental studies of seafloor backscatter. Universitat Politècnica de València. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/8989Archivo delegad

    Control visual basado en flujo de movimiento

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    Este artículo describe una nueva técnica para el seguimiento de trayectorias empleando control basado en imagen denominada control visual basado en flujo de movimiento. Esta estrategia permite el seguimiento de trayectorias especificadas en el espacio de la imagen presentando asimismo un correcto desempeño en el espacio cartesiano 3-D. Una de las principales aportaciones conseguidas con la aplicación de control visual basado en flujo de movimiento es la posibilidad de realizar el seguimiento de forma no dependiente del tiempo, lo que permite asegurar un correcto seguimiento de la trayectoria en la imagen al no verse el sistema sometido a restricciones temporales

    Movement flow-based visual servoing to track moving objects

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    The purpose of this paper is to describe a new method for tracking trajectories specified in the image space. This method, called movement flow-based visual servoing system, is applied to an eye-in-hand robot and it is shown that it allows the correct tracking of a trajectory, not only in the image but also in the 3-D space. This method is also extended to the case in which the object from which the features are extracted, is in motion. To do so, the estimations obtained, using several Kalman filters, are integrated in the control action

    Time independent tracking using 2-D movement flow-based visual servoing

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    In this paper, the so-called 2-D movement flowbased visual servoing system is proposed, which allows the tracking of trajectories planned in the image space. This method is time-independent, which is useful when problems such as obstructions occur during the tracking. This method allows the tracking of image trajectories assuring the correct behaviour in the 3-D space and avoiding the limitations of the time-dependent systems used up to now for tracking trajectories. This aspect has allowed its application to manipulation tasks in which the trajectory can be obstructed during the tracking.This work is partially supported by the Spanish MCYT project “DESAURO: Desensamblado Automático Selectivo para Reciclado mediante Robots Cooperativos y Sistema Multisensorial” (DPI2002-02103)

    Design of a gamified tool for the development of citizenship competencies

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    [EN] The DidacTIC project emerges as a proposal in the face of high levels of desertion in virtual education, and the latent need to develop citizen competencies in the Colombian context. It consists in the joint development of a platform developed as KMS that will extract information from the LMS and a motivational didactics tool based on gamification principles, designed to reinforce the teaching and learning process in the subject of citizen competencies. This document evidences the methodology applied to the design of the gamified tool.We would like to acknowledge the financial support for the development of this project to the “Universidad Industrial de Santander” and “Sistema General de Regalías fondos de CTel” from “Gobernación de Antioquia“ administered through “Patrimonio Autónomo Fondo Nacional de Financiamiento para la Ciencia, la Tecnología y la Innovación” Francisco José de Caldas – MINCIENCIAS –.Paba Medina, M.; Acosta Medina, J.; Torres Barreto, M. (2020). Design of a gamified tool for the development of citizenship competencies. En 6th International Conference on Higher Education Advances (HEAd'20). Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. (30-05-2020):743-750. https://doi.org/10.4995/HEAd20.2020.11136OCS74375030-05-202