290 research outputs found

    An autofluorescence-based survey of late follicular atresia in ovaries of a teleost fish (Thunnus thynnus)

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    In this study, the authors examined late atretic follicles in the ovaries of Atlantic bluefin tuna, Thunnus thynnus (Linn AE us 1758), at different times of the year using transmitted light and epifluorescence microscopy. Atresia (degeneration and resorption of developing ovarian follicles) is a natural process involved in fecundity downregulation in teleosts and is substantially enhanced in stressful conditions. Early (alpha and beta) atretic stages of yolked oocytes have a relatively short duration in seasonally reproducing species, whereas later (gamma and delta) atretic follicles (LAF) persist for longer time in the ovary, serving as a sign of previous vitellogenic activity. LAF can thus be used as reliable markers of maturity during non-reproductive periods. Lipofuscin granules accumulate in the cytoplasm of LAF cells as a result of lysosomal digestion of oocyte components. Taking advantage of the well-known autofluorescent properties of lipofuscins, LAF may be identified in unstained histological sections under fluorescence microscopy using appropriate excitation and emission wavelengths. The authors explore in this study the applicability of fluorescence microscopy to provide a fast and effective method to assess late atresia in fishes. This method may be particularly useful to determine sexual maturity in individuals sampled long after the spawning season, where LAF are difficult to detect in standard histological sections. Furthermore, LAF autofluorescence provides a rapid way to quantify late atresia in fishes using image analysis.This research was partly funded by the CEI MAR Foundation (project #CEIJ19-C02.1), the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (project #CTM2017-82808-R) and the Andalusian Government (P12-RNM733, FEDER UCA18-107069)

    Determinación de tasa de adenomas desapercibidos en pacientes con riesgo promedio de cáncer colorrectal con preparación intestinal inadecuada

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    ResumenIntroducciónLa colonoscopia es el estudio de elección para el escrutinio de cáncer colorrectal. La preparación intestinal inadecuada resulta en lesiones perdidas. Estos pacientes requieren un examen de repetición con mejor limpieza. La tasa de adenomas desapercibidos es uno de los principales factores de riesgo en el cáncer de intervalo por lo que el estudio debe repetirse.ObjetivoDeterminar la tasa de adenomas desapercibidos en pacientes con riesgo promedio de cáncer colorrectal con una limpieza colónica inadecuada comparando dos grupos de preparación en una segunda colonoscopia.MétodosSe realizó un estudio prospectivo, experimental, analítico, longitudinal y comparativo. En una segunda colonoscopia se formaron dos grupos uno de preparación temprana (24 h) y otro de preparación tardía (posterior a 24 h). Se evaluó la limpieza colónica, intubación cecal e ileal, pólipos detectados y resecados.ResultadosSe incluyeron 52 pacientes, 21 (40.4%) con preparación temprana y 31 (59.6%) tardía. La media de preparación de acuerdo a escala de Boston fue de 4.37±0.81 en la primera colonoscopia y en la segunda la media fue de 8.24±0.83 y en tardía de 6.81±0.91, la diferencia fue significativa (p=0.0001). La detección de pólipos en la primera colonoscopia fue de 5.76% y en la segunda se incrementó a 30.7%.ConclusionesLa tasa de detección de adenomas se incrementó de 5.76% en la primera colonoscopia a 30.7% en la segunda. No hubo diferencia entre grupos de preparación para la detección de pólipos. Una preparación temprana demostró mejorar indicadores de calidad como la limpieza intestinal de acuerdo a Boston y la intubación ileal.AbstractIntroductionColonoscopy is the procedure of choice for the screening in average-risk colorectal cancer patients. Inadequate bowel preparation for a colonoscopy could result in not seeing lesions. These patients require a repeat procedure with a more complete colonic cleansing. The missed adenomas rate is one of the main risk factors in interval colonic cancer, and is one of the reasons why the procedure should be repeated.ObjectiveTo determine the missed adenomas rate in average-risk colorectal cancer patients with inadequate colonic cleansing by comparing two preparation groups in a second colonoscopy.MethodsA prospective, experimental, analytical, longitudinal and comparative design study was conducted on the second colonoscopy of two patient groups: An early preparation group (24hours), and late preparation group (after 24hours). Colonic cleansing, ileal and caecal intubation, polyps detected and resected in first and second colonoscopy were evaluated.ResultsA total of 52 patients were included, 21 (40.4%) with early preparation and 31 (59.6%) late preparation. Using the Boston scale, the mean preparation for the first colonoscopy was 4.37±0.81, and a mean of 8.24±0.83 in the second, and it was 6.81±0.91 in the late preparation (p=.0001). Polyp detection in the first colonoscopy was 5.76%, which increased to 30.7% in the second colonoscopy.ConclusionsMissed adenomas detection rate increased from 5.76% on first colonoscopy to 30.7% on the second. There was no difference between the preparation groups for polyp detection. An early preparation improves quality indicators in bowel cleansing, based on the Boston Scale, and ileal intubation

    The Spanish odontological research in Science Citation Index database: A scientometric study (1974-2006)

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    Este estudio indaga sobre la investigación odontológica española incluida en la base Science Citation Index del Institute for Scientific Information (ISI) de Filadelfia, categoría temática Odontología, Cirugía Oral y Medicina, durante el periodo 1974-2006. Se ofrecen una serie de indicadores relativos a productividad diacrónica, personal e institucional, revistas-fuente y patrones de citación de autores, los cuales dan una visión cienciometríca de la producción investigadora española en esta disciplina médica durante los últimos 33 años.This paper inquiry about the Spanish research in Dentistry, Oral Surgery, and Medicine retrieved from the Science Citation Index database of Institute for Scientific Information (ISI) of Philadelphia during the period 1974-2006. Scientometrics indicators relative to longitudinal production, authors and institutional productivity and authors’ citation patterns are offered, which allowed a background of the internationalist production of this medical discipline in Spain

    La investigación odontológica española en la base Science Citation Index: un estudio cienciométrico (1974-2006)

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    This paper inquiry about the Spanish research in Dentistry, Oral Surgery, and Medicine retrieved from the Science Citation Index database of Institute for Scientific Information (ISI) of Philadelphia during the period 1974-2006. Scientometrics indicators relative to longitudinal production, authors and institutional productivity and authors’ citation patterns are offered, which allowed a background of the internationalist production of this medical discipline in Spain.Este estudio indaga sobre la investigación odontológica española incluida en la base Science Citation Index del Institute for Scientific Information (ISI) de Filadelfia, categoría temática Odontología, Cirugía Oral y Medicina, durante el periodo 1974-2006. Se ofrecen una serie de indicadores relativos a productividad diacrónica, personal e institucional, revistas-fuente y patrones de citación de autores, los cuales dan una visión cienciometríca de la producción investigadora española en esta disciplina médica durante los últimos 33 años

    Adaptative Cover to Achieve Thermal Comfort in Open Spaces of Buildings: Experimental Assessment and Modelling

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    The global need for healthy and safe open spaces faces continuous temperature rise due to the heat island phenomenon and climate change. This problem requires new strategies for improving the habitability of open spaces (indoor and outdoor conditions in buildings). These techniques include reducing solar radiation, reducing the temperature of surrounding surfaces, and reducing the air temperature. The radiant solutions are essential for outdoor comfort, both in summer and in winter. They are easy to integrate into open spaces. This study explores a new concept of radiant solutions adapted for outdoor spaces. The solution was evaluated in a test cell to obtain its thermal behaviour in different operation conditions. Solutions were optimised for operating in a cooling regimen since it has been identified that the demands for comfort in open spaces in hot climates during the most severe summer months are more pronounced. Experimental results have allowed getting an inverse model to analyse the thermal behaviour of the solution. The inverse model achieved high precision in its estimations. Also, it facilitated knowing the radiant and convective effects. Only the radiant heat flux is relevant in open spaces with a low level of air confinement. Finally, the discussion describes the application of the proposed model. The model allows the replicability of the solution—creating new designs (integration) or evaluating into different operating conditions of the system. This discussion demonstrates the high level of knowledge acquired in the characterisation of the solution studied.e European Commission / European Regional Development Funds (ERDF) UIA03-301-CartujaQanat of Urban Innovative Action (UIA

    Valor en Riesgo y simulación: una revisión sistemática

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    Value at Risk is the market measure used by financial institutions and adopted by the Basel Committee to calculate and manage risk, making it a necessary measure for the financial sector. In this article, a bibliometric study of Value at Risk (VaR) is carried out and its calculation using simulation processes. For this purpose, a review was made of the research published over the last 20 years in the Scopus and Web of Science databases, compiling the most relevant documents for analysis. Subsequently, the justification of the topic is presented, and the social network is elaborated using the tree analogy, in which each of the most important documents is classified as root, stem, or leaf. Finally, the research perspectives of the topic are identified through a cocitations analysis. It is concluded that women have a high degree of participation in managerial positions, however, a significant difference of 3,492,556 pesos is noted in the salaries of the two sexes, where men are the ones who obtain the highest income.El valor en riesgo es la medida de mercado utilizada por las instituciones financieras y adoptada por el Comité de Basilea para calcular y gestionar el riesgo, lo que la convierte en una medida necesaria para el sector financiero. En este artículo se realiza un estudio bibliométrico del Valor en Riesgo (VaR) y su cálculo mediante procesos de simulación. Para ello se revisan las investigaciones publicadas en los últimos 20 años en las bases de datos Scopus y Web of Science, recopilando los documentos más relevantes para su análisis. Posteriormente se presenta la justificación del tema y se elabora la red social utilizando la analogía del árbol, en la que cada uno de los documentos más importantes se clasifican como raíz, tronco u hoja. Finalmente, se identifican las perspectivas de investigación del tema mediante un análisis de co-citaciones. Se concluye que las mujeres tienen un alto grado de participación en cargos gerenciales, sin embargo, se nota una diferencia significativa de 3.492.556 pesos en los salarios de los dos sexos, donde los hombres son quienes obtiene mayores ingresos

    Valor en Riesgo y simulación: una revisión sistemática

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    Value at Risk is the market measure used by financial institutions and adopted by the Basel Committee to calculate and manage risk, making it a necessary measure for the financial sector. In this article, a bibliometric study of Value at Risk (VaR) is carried out and its calculation using simulation processes. For this purpose, a review was made of the research published over the last 20 years in the Scopus and Web of Science databases, compiling the most relevant documents for analysis. Subsequently, the justification of the topic is presented, and the social network is elaborated using the tree analogy, in which each of the most important documents is classified as root, stem, or leaf. Finally, the research perspectives of the topic are identified through a cocitations analysis. It is concluded that women have a high degree of participation in managerial positions, however, a significant difference of 3,492,556 pesos is noted in the salaries of the two sexes, where men are the ones who obtain the highest income.El valor en riesgo es la medida de mercado utilizada por las instituciones financieras y adoptada por el Comité de Basilea para calcular y gestionar el riesgo, lo que la convierte en una medida necesaria para el sector financiero. En este artículo se realiza un estudio bibliométrico del Valor en Riesgo (VaR) y su cálculo mediante procesos de simulación. Para ello se revisan las investigaciones publicadas en los últimos 20 años en las bases de datos Scopus y Web of Science, recopilando los documentos más relevantes para su análisis. Posteriormente se presenta la justificación del tema y se elabora la red social utilizando la analogía del árbol, en la que cada uno de los documentos más importantes se clasifican como raíz, tronco u hoja. Finalmente, se identifican las perspectivas de investigación del tema mediante un análisis de co-citaciones. Se concluye que las mujeres tienen un alto grado de participación en cargos gerenciales, sin embargo, se nota una diferencia significativa de 3.492.556 pesos en los salarios de los dos sexos, donde los hombres son quienes obtiene mayores ingresos

    Chemical signatures in fin spine edge of Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) can serve as habitat markers of geographically distinct marine environments

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    Chemical fingerprints in otoliths are commonly used as natural habitat markers in fishes. Alternatively, the first dorsal fin spine can provide valuable chemical information and may be more suitable for studying (i) endangered fish species that cannot be sacrificed for their otoliths or (ii) fishes for which otoliths might not be available because of management or commercial reasons. Here, we studied multi-element chemistry of fin spine edges collected from Atlantic bluefin tuna (ABFT; Thunnus thynnus) (Linnaeus, 1758) to investigate the utility of the fin spine edge as a natural habitat marker. We determined stable isotopic δ18O and δ13C ratios, as well as concentrations of the tracer elements Mg, Mn, Li, Ba, and Sr, at the edge of ABFT fin spines, and then we used these measures to discriminate ABFT individuals among capture regions (i.e., the eastern Atlantic Ocean or Mediterranean Sea). Isotope ratios and tracer element concentrations, and especially a combined multi-element approach, were able to effectively discriminate individuals by capture region. The Mg, Mn, Li, and δ18O concentrations were the strongest variables driving this discrimination. Overall, our results demonstrate that chemical signatures are consistently retained in the ABFT fin spine edge and support the use of fin spine edges for discerning habitat use. The fin spine chemistry as a minimally invasive sampling method, combined with otolith chemistry, genetic markers, and tagging efforts can help us to reconstruct fish movements, providing a deeper understanding of the spatial population dynamics of this iconic fish species.The authors also wish to thank the many people who were involved in the collection of the fin spine samples used for this study under the provision of the ICCAT Atlantic Wide Research Programme for Bluefin Tuna (GBYP), which an ICCAT special research program funded by the European Union, several ICCAT CPCs, the ICCAT Secretariat, and other entities (see https://www.iccat.int/gbyp/en/overview.asp). The content of this paper does not necessarily reflect ICCAT's point of view or that of any of the other sponsors, who carry no responsibility. In addition, it does not indicate the Commission's future policy in this area. Special thanks to Pedro Lino and Ruben Muñoz-Lechuga from IPMA - Portuguese Institute for the Ocean and Atmosphere (Portugal), as provider of samples from the South of Portugal. Fulvio Garibaldi from UNIG - University of Genoa, Dept. of Earth, Life and Environment Sciences, for samples collected in the Ligurian Sea (Italy); Piero Addis and Rita Cannas from UNIC - Department of Life Science and Environment, University of Cagliari, for samples collected around Sardinian coast; F. Saadet Karakulak from ISTA - Department of Fisheries Technology and Management, Faculty of Aquatic Sciences, Istanbul University, for provider samples collected in the Levantine sea (Turkey); Antonio Celona from NECT - Necton Marine Research Society, for samples collected around Sicily (Italy), and Leif Nottestad from IMR - Institute of Marine Research, for providing samples collected in the Norwegian waters. We are so grateful for their efforts in collecting biological samples. Femtosecond Laser Ablation (fs-LA) analyses at the Institut des Sciences Analytiques et de Physico-Chimie pour l’Environnement et les Matériaux, Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour/CNRS (Pau, France) were conducted by Gaelle Barbotin as the engineer and under the supervision of Research engineer Dr. Christophe Pécheyran. We thank them for their help and assistance with technical issues. Stable Isotopes Analysis were conducted at the Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC) and we are grateful for their assistance. The contents of this manuscript do not necessarily reflect the point of view of ICCAT or of the other funders, neither do they necessarily reflect the views of the funders and in no ways anticipate the Commission's future policy in this area. Editing help was provided by Science Journal Editors, Inc