74 research outputs found

    Mobility, Nonstationary Density, and Robbery Distribution in the Tourist Metropolis

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    This study looks at the spatial distribution of robbery against residents as a function of nonstationary density and mobility patterns in the most densely populated city in Spain, Barcelona. Based on the geographical coordinates of mobile devices, we computed two measures of density of the ambient population and the tourist presence, for work days, weekends, and holidays in 2019. Negative binomial regressions are then estimated to analyse whether these measures are correlated with the risk of robbery, controlling for land use and the characteristics of the social environment. The model reveals that residents’ chances of being exposed to robbery in Barcelona depend on the social relevance and tourism attractiveness of certain places at particular times of the year. Our results disclose two sources of social disorganization as stronger predictors of the occurrence of robbery in Barcelona, respectively linked to structural processes of residential instability and daily and seasonal mobility patterns. On the one hand, we found that the efect of the density of international tourists on the outcome variable is mediated by residential volatility, which is assumed to be associated with housing shortages in neighbourhoods where short-term vacation rentals are widespread. On the other hand, the ability to exert efective social control is signifcantly undermined in urban areas, where the ambient population and the volume of tourists outnumber the resident population, thus increasing incidents of robbery victimization. The implications of these fndings for urban policy and crime prevention in the Catalan capital are discussed

    La predicción (equitativa) de la violencia doméstica y la evaluación policial de riesgo

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    Domestic abuse victim risk assessment is crucial for providing victims with the correct level of support. However, it has been shown that the approach currently taken by most UK police forces, the Domestic Abuse, Stalking, and Honour Based Violence (DASH) risk assessment, is not identifying the most vulnerable victims. Instead, we tested several machine learning algorithms and propose a predictive model, using logistic regression with elastic net as the best performing, that incorporates information readily available in police databases, and census-area-level statistics. We used data from a large UK police force including 350,000 domestic abuse incidents. Our models made significant improvement upon the predictive capacity of DASH, both for intimate partner violence (IPV; AUC = .748) and other forms of domestic abuse (non-IPV; AUC = .763). The most influential variables in the model were of the categories criminal history and domestic abuse history, particularly time since the last incident. We show that the DASH questions contributed almost nothing to the predictive performance. We also provide an overview of model fairness performance for ethnic and socioeconomic subgroups of the data sample. Although there were disparities between ethnic and demographic subgroups, everyone benefited from the increased accuracy of model-based predictions when compared with officer risk predictions.La evaluación de riesgo de las víctimas de abuso doméstico es crucial para poder ofrecerle a las mismas el nivel adecuado de asistencia. No obstante, se ha demostrado que el enfoque predominante en casi todas las fuerzas policiales británicas, que descansa en el uso de DASH (las iniciales en inglés del instrumento de evaluación de abuso doméstico, acoso y violencia por cuestión de honor), no sirve para identificar a las víctimas más vulnerables. En su lugar, este artículo evalúa varios algoritmos de aprendizaje automático y propone un modelo predictivo, usando como algoritmo con un mejor rendimiento una regresión logística con red elástica, que utiliza como fuente de información variables normalmente disponibles en los archivos policiales, así como en el censo de la población. Para desarrollar y evaluar este modelo usamos datos de un departamento policial responsable de un área metropolitana en el Reino Unido que incluía 350,000 incidentes de abuso doméstico. Nuestros modelos mejoran significativamente la capacidad predictiva de DASH, tanto para la violencia en la relación de pareja (AUC = .748) como para otras formas de abuso doméstico (AUC = .763). Las variables más influyentes en el modelo fueron medidas del historial delictivo y de violencia doméstica previa, en particular el tiempo transcurrido desde el último incidente. El artículo demuestra que el cuestionario DASH prácticamente no contribuye nada al rendimiento predictivo de nuestro modelo. El artículo también ofrece una evaluación del rendimiento en términos de equidad para distintos grupos étnicos y socioeconómicos en nuestra muestra. Aunque había disparidad entre estos subgrupos, todos ellos se beneficiaban de la mayor precisión predictiva resultante de usar nuestros modelos en lugar de las clasificaciones policiales basadas en DASH

    Smart Tourism with Smart TVs

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    The use of ICT to promote tourism in the Colombian Caribbean is limited; however, applications for smart TVs are a viable alternative due to their multimedia capabilities. This paper presents the development of an app called SantaMartaTV, which is intended for Smart TVs and envisions the concept of tourism in a Smart City. The app offers photos, videos, maps and descriptions of the most ideal touristic places in Santa Marta; it allows users to share the content on Facebook, a social networking site. The content displayed on the site is stored on XML files which contain information about the resources. These files are hosted in the servers of freely available services, such as Facebook, YouTube, Google Maps and Dropbox. This feature reduces the cost of implementing new technological infrastructure and facilitates the editing of content. SantaMartaTV promotes the good name of the city as well as improves the visitors’ experience by providing them with interactive information at any time. This article further proposes a methodology for developing Smart TV apps. This new methodology is based on existing agile methodologies, usability concepts and the audiovisual capabilities of TV sets. The methodology satisfies the needs for the development of apps because it provides tools and diagrams which facilitate and guide the elaboration of these specific applications therefore ensuring a user-friendly and attractive app for potential users.The use of ICT to promote tourism in the Colombian Caribbean is limited; however, applications for smart TVs are a viable alternative due to their multimedia capabilities. This paper presents the development of an app called SantaMartaTV, which is intended for Smart TVs and envisions the concept of tourism in a Smart City. The app offers photos, videos, maps and descriptions of the most ideal touristic places in Santa Marta; it allows users to share the content on Facebook, a social networking site. The content displayed on the site is stored on XML files which contain information about the resources. These files are hosted in the servers of freely available services, such as Facebook, YouTube, Google Maps and Dropbox. This feature reduces the cost of implementing new technological infrastructure and facilitates the editing of content. SantaMartaTV promotes the good name of the city as well as improves the visitors’ experience by providing them with interactive information at any time. This article further proposes a methodology for developing Smart TV apps. This new methodology is based on existing agile methodologies, usability concepts and the audiovisual capabilities of TV sets. The methodology satisfies the needs for the development of apps because it provides tools and diagrams which facilitate and guide the elaboration of these specific applications therefore ensuring a user-friendly and attractive app for potential users

    Three-year follow-up of the poiba intervention on childhood obesity : A quasi-experimental study

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    Altres ajuts: Agència de Salut Pública de BarcelonaChildhood obesity has increased worldwide over the past four decades. This quasi-exper-imental study aimed to assess the effectiveness of a multicomponent and multilevel school-based intervention (POIBA) at 3 years of follow-up. The nutrition intervention focused on food groups, food pyramid, nutrients, portions, and balanced menus. In total, 3624 children participated in the study. Anthropometric measurements and information on food frequency and behavior, physical activity, and daily screen use were collected in the intervention (IG) and comparison group (CG). Positive unadjusted changes toward adherence to recommendations were found for water, meat, sweets, and fried potato consumption, proper breakfast, not having dinner in front of the TV, out-of-school physical activity, and daily screen use. Three scores were used to calculate the proportion of children making more than one change to improve healthy habits regarding physical activity (global Activity score), nutrition (global Nutrition score), and both (global score). Students exposed to the intervention had a significantly better global Activity score (16.2% IG vs. 11.9% CG; p = 0.012) and Global score (63.9% IG vs. 58.5% CG; p = 0.025). Intervention effects on obesity incidence at 3-year follow-up lost significance but maintained the positive trend. In conclusion, school-based interventions including a family component could be useful to address the childhood obesity problem

    Economic Thought Video Week

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    Esta comunicación tiene como objetivo implantar un plan de mejora e innovación docente en la asignatura Introducción a la Economía (1º del Grado de Administración en Empresas de la Facultad de CEYE de la Universidad de Sevilla). El objetivo es profundizar en la metodología docente cognitivista y constructivista, aplicando una variación de la metodología docente de la enseñanza inversa potenciando el trabajo de búsqueda de información y documentación por equipos, para la elaboración de un vídeo educativo y su posterior exposición con herramientas de dinámica docente ante el profesor y el resto de la clase (in-class flip). Seguidamente se realizó una actividad de refuerzo del conocimiento, consistente en una tarea de gamificación competitiva por equipos. Para la evaluación de la mejora se elaboró un test inicial de tanteo de los conocimientos previos, para averiguar los modelos mentales, el nivel de conocimiento de los estudiantes y calibrar el gradiente de dificultad del objeto de estudio. Se finalizó la actividad realizando de nuevo la encuesta inicial. Los resultados comparativos obtenidos, han resultado francamente positivos.This communication aims to implement a teaching improvement and innovation plan in the Introduction to Economics subject (1st of the Business Administration Degree at the CEYE Faculty of the University of Seville). The objective is to deepen the cognitive and constructivist teaching methodology, applying a variation of the reverse teaching methodology, enhancing the work of searching for information and documentation by teams, for the elaboration of an educational video and its subsequent presentation with dynamics teaching tools before the teacher and the rest of the class (in-class flip). This was followed by a knowledge reinforcement activity, consisting of a competitive team gamification activity. For the evaluation of the improvement, an initial trial of the previous knowledge was developed, to find out the mental models, the level of knowledge of the students and calibrate the difficulty gradient of the object of study. The activity was completed by carrying out the initial survey again. The comparative results obtained have been frankly positive

    'Amiga' strawberry

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    ‘Amiga’ is a short-day strawberry cultivar developed by the Spanish public breeding program. ‘Amiga’ has a very high fruit firmness, high production, long fruit shape, and good appearance. An agronomic and sensory characterization of this new cultivar, in comparison with the well-adapted cultivars Camarosa, Carisma, Marina and Medina, was undertaken during the 2000 and 2001 crop seasons. Most strawberries produced in Spain are shipped fresh to destinations throughout Europe. Growers therefore need cultivars producing fruit that, in addition to attractiveness and top-class sensory attributes, ensures maintenance of quality after long-distance shipment. During the crop season 2006, a total of 58.3% of the total strawberry output at Huelva (312,066 t) was shipped fresh to market (Anonymous, 2006). The main destinations were Germany, France, and the United Kingdom. As a result of the economic and social significance of strawberry production in Spain, which is currently the leading European producer of fresh-market strawberries (López-Aranda et al., 2003), a number of public institutions, including the Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Agrarias (INIA), the Instituto de Investigacio´n y Formacio´n Agraria y Pesquera (IFAPA), and the Instituto Valenciano de Investigaciones Agrarias (IVIA), are carrying out a breeding program to develop new strawberry cultivars well adapted to growing conditions in Spanish production areas, and particularly in Huelva. ‘Amiga’ is the latest cultivar released from this program in cooperation with the private partner, Viveros California, S.L. Previous cultivars released include ‘Andana’ (Bartual et al., 1997), ‘Carisma’ (Bartual et al., 2002), ‘Marina’ (López-Aranda et al., 2004), ‘Medina’ (López-Aranda et al., 2005a), and ‘Aguedilla’ (López-Aranda et al., 2005b). The new short-day strawberry (Fragaria · ananassa Duch.) cultivar Amiga is remarkable for its very high firmness, high production in annual production systems, long fruit shape, and good appearance. Its harvest season is early, which is extremely important for economic production on the southwest coast of Spain, and its firmness is essential for long-distance shipment

    Aportes reflexivos a la práctica pedagógica

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    27 cm.El presente libro es el primer tomo de la serie que desarrolla un planteamiento reflexivo frente a la práctica pedagógica de la investigación educativa interdisciplinar (provisional)