2,359 research outputs found

    Sequential Monte Carlo with transformations

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    This paper examines methodology for performing Bayesian inference sequentially on a sequence of posteriors on spaces of different dimensions. For this, we use sequential Monte Carlo samplers, introducing the innovation of using deterministic transformations to move particles effectively between target distributions with different dimensions. This approach, combined with adaptive methods, yields an extremely flexible and general algorithm for Bayesian model comparison that is suitable for use in applications where the acceptance rate in reversible jump Markov chain Monte Carlo is low. We use this approach on model comparison for mixture models, and for inferring coalescent trees sequentially, as data arrives

    Agile framework design for managing product development projects in a tbie integrating pmbok and scrum best practices

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    El presente trabajo de investigación, es el resultado de la integración de los distintos conceptos metodológicos y buenas practicas propuestas por el Project Managemet Institute (PMI) a través de su guia PMBOK 5ta Edición y el marco de trabajo SCRUM para la Gestión de Proyectos dentro de una Empresa de Base Innovadora y Tecnológica (EBIT). El documento inicia con la revisión y diagnóstico del estado del arte en la organización, seguido de una revisión literaria preliminar para unificar conceptos, herramientas y técnicas para así pasar a la fase de diseño del procedimiento metodológico y de los procesos que conformaran el qué hacer de los proyectos desde el mismo momento en que se valida una idea hasta que se entrega en operación y se empieza el monitoreo de los beneficios logrados por la iniciativa en operación. La ejecución de proyectos exitosos, permitirá gestionar el valor ganado y el desarrollo de estrategia para la EBIT a través de un marco ágil, practico y ajustado a las necesidades para la correcta asignación y control de los recursos en un proyecto, incluso para aquellas organizaciones en donde cuyo objetivo principal del negocio no es el desarrollo de software o aquellas que no pertenecen al sector científico y tecnológico.This research work is the result that comes from the integration of diferent methodological concepts and best practices formulated by the Project Managemet Institute (PMI) through to the PMBOK 5th edition guide and the SCRUM framework for managing product development projects in Technology-Based Innovative Enterprises (TBIE). This document starting with the development of a review and diagnosis of the state of art in the organization followed by a preliminary literature review training to unify concepts, tools and techniques in order to move to the design phase of the methodology and processes that make the projects from the moment an idea is feasible to delivery begins operating and monitoring the benefits achieved by the initiative in operation. The successful implementation of projects, will allow the management of the earned value and the development of the strategy for the TBIE through agile framework and adjusted to the needs for the proper allocation and control of resources of the projects, even for those organizations where whose main objective of business isn’t the software development or those that don’t belong to the scientific and technological sector

    Hack the Experience: Scaffolding Codesign Processes for Organizational Innovation in Language Learning

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    Hackathons are collaborative gatherings where participants address a challenge that touches on a shared concern or problem. The hackathon event model is increasingly adopted by diverse types of organizations that involve an equally diverse set of participants. In this case study, we report on an online hackathon event that was adapted for an educational organization. The event was offered as an opportunity to build community and enhance innovation skills for a group of undergraduate language students from across the United States. In contrast to technology focused outcomes, participants in the event focused on designing and prototyping experiences common in language learning. The case study presents the elements and dynamics of the hackathon through the lens of codesign to illustrate how specific stakeholder design activity can be scaffolded and facilitated to produce actionable design artifacts. These artifacts capture the design process that subsequently informs organizational innovations and product discovery

    ¿Mujer u hombre? Hermafroditismo, tecnologías médicas e identificación del sexo en España, 1860-1925

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    Este artículo es una contribución a la reciente historiográfica médica que trata de indagar en el carácter histórico de la idea de «sexo». A través de la literatura médica publicada en España, entre 1860 y 1925, analizamos las claves del conocimiento médico sobre la cuestión de la determinación del sexo en los seres humanos centrándonos en el terreno fronterizo que supone el llamado «hermafroditismo». Así mismo se analizan las tecnologías de identificación desplegadas durante la época para la determinación médico-legal de la identidad de sexo y la complejidad de elementos implicados en el sostenimiento de la dicotomía biológica hombre/mujer


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    Aquatic, wetland, and upland habitat changes were quantified within the approximate critical habitat of the endangered whooping crane (Grus americana) along the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway (GIWW) through Aransas National Wildlife Refuge and San Antonio, Bay, Texas. Study procedures employed comparative analysis of pre-GIWW (1930) and present (1986) aerial photography to provide a basis for the assessment of positive and negative impacts of the construction, operation and maintenance of the GIWW, principally on the whooping crane, but also on biota in general. Thirteen habitat mapping categories were utilized to describe an approximately 1,830 m wide corridor along the GIWW from Blackberry Island near Port O\u27Connor southwestward to Dunham Island, south of the Aransas National Wildlife Refuge. An 11 % loss of whooping crane habitat has occurred from 1941 to 1986 due to construction, operation and maintenance of the GIWW and Victoria Channel

    Dominican Republic – 2013

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