1,416 research outputs found

    Prueba de habilidades prácticas diplomado de profundización CISCO (Diseño e implementación de soluciones integradas LAN / WAN).

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    Anexo 1 ESCENARIO 1 Link de desarrollo del ejercicio 1 para descargar desde la nube: https://drive.google.com/file/d/18-MOkF90mD4wdmqwt5swrRep7P0sIaee/view?usp=sharing Anexo 2 ESCENARIO 2 Link de desarrollo del ejercicio 2 para descargar desde la nube: https://drive.google.com/file/d/12B_jHp9EfnxXa9YZPa2Gh1kzoYeQt8Hs/view?usp=sharingLos escenarios propuestos para la prueba de habilidades muestran las diferentes configuraciones donde se evidencia el cĂłdigo utilizado para lograr completar dichos escenarios, paso a paso se detalla y se cumple con lo solicitado en las actividades, este es el producto del esfuerzo de la adquisiciĂłn de conocimiento obtenido durante el curso del diplomado.The scenarios proposed for the skills test show the different configurations where the code used to complete these scenarios is evidenced, step by step it is detailed and complied with what is requested in the activities, this is the product of the knowledge acquisition effort obtained during the course of the diploma


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    Objective: To develop a method for the determination of diphenhydramine hydrochloride in syrups. Methods: The developed method is based on the active ingredient recovery from the pharmaceutical formulation using a cartridge for selective solid phase extraction. This procedure is simple and fast as compared to the methods that require liquid/liquid extraction. Once the sample is eluted from the cartridge, it is injected directly into a reversed-phase chromatographic system containing a mixture of acetonitrile: 10 mmol ammonium acetate: triethylamine 60:39.5:0.5. Results: The proposed method fulfilled the validation parameters (linearity R2>0.99, precision CV<2% and accuracy 98-102%). Conclusion: The proposed method proved to be reliable when it was applied in the quantification of diphenhydramine hydrochloride of two commercial syrup products

    A long-term equilibrium beach planform model for coastal work design

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    Traditional models usually allow fitting the equilibrium beach planform of crenulated beaches knowing wave climate characteristics at a control point. However, sometimes there are shoals or bars in the surf zone which affect surf zone dynamics and longshore sediment distribution, and it is difficult to take into account these elements using those traditional models. A long-term equilibrium beach planform model is proposed here based on sediment transport equations. This model takes into account the sediment transport due to oblique wave incidence and that due to wave height gradient. Two case studies have been studied: a simple pocket beach and a beach which is sheltered by a sandstone bar. Results show the model fits reasonably well the equilibrium beach planform to the shorelines of those beaches. This model is more suitable than traditional models when there are elements affecting surf zone dynamics

    Short term variability of reef protected beach profiles: an analysis using EOF

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    Victoria beach (SW Spain) has a rocky flat at the northernmost zone. This has allowed to choose one profile and monitoring the changes induced by a single day storm. Topographic data taken during 21 days and different tendencies of the beach profile, as the accretion rate, were identified. The analysis is carried out by means of Empirical Orthogonal Function (EOF) techniques, in order to separate the spatial from the temporal variability of the beach profile data. Among the conclusions, it should be highlighted that a swing or oscillation point of the profile was found around the intertidal zone. Furthermore, the erosion has been irreversible in a short term, and the recuperation consisted only in a modification of the slopes of the emerged part, trying to assimilate them to the ones before the storm. Read More: http://ascelibrary.org/doi/abs/10.1061/40855%28214%29


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    Objective: To characterize the dissolution behaviour of carbamazepine generic suspensions using the USP Dissolution Apparatus 2 and the flow-through cell method with simulated gastrointestinal fluids as dissolution media.Methods: Tegretol® suspension and two generic formulations were tested. Dissolution studies were performed using the USP Apparatus 2 (75 rpm and 900 ml of dissolution medium) and the flow-through cell method (laminar flow at 16 ml/min). Simulated gastric fluid (SGF) (with and without pepsin) and simulated intestinal fluid (SIF) (without pancreatin) at 37.0±0.5 °C, was used as dissolution media. The quantity of dissolved carbamazepine was determined at 5 min intervals until reaching 60 min, at 285 nm. Percentage dissolved at 60 min, mean dissolution time, dissolution efficiency values (model-independent parameters), as well as t50% and t63.2% were calculated (model-dependent parameters). Values for all parameters were compared between the reference and generic formulations using one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) following a Dunnett's multiple comparison test. Dissolution data were also fitted to different fit models.Results: Since the first sampling time, the reference product had reached 100% of drug dissolved, which was determined using USP Apparatus 2. Nevertheless, significant differences in the three model-independent parameters of generic products were found (*P<0.05). Dissolution data obtained with the paddle apparatus were fitted to different kinetic equations; however, using the flow-through cell method and SIF without pancreatin, the three drug products were fitted to the same kinetic model (Gompertz). With ANOVA-based comparisons and the flow-through cell method, significant differences were found in dissolution data of generic product A versus reference at all sampling times (*P<0.05). The flow-through cell method and SGF with pepsin were the best options to discriminate among dissolution profiles.Conclusion: The flow-through cell method seems to be an adequate dissolution apparatus to characterize in vitrodissolution performance of Class II drugs manufactured as suspensions. For carbamazepine suspensions, SGF and laminar flow at 16 ml/min were the most appropriate conditions to discriminate among generic formulations. Given the physicochemical characteristics of carbamazepine and the environment in which the drug products were tested, these differences could be of clinical relevance.Â


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    Objective: The aim of this study was the comparison of the in vitro release performance of ibuprofen generic suspensions and reference, based on the hydrodynamic environment generated by the flow-through cell method (USP Apparatus 4). Results were compared with those obtained by the use of the USP Apparatus 2.Methods: The Advil® suspension (2 g/100 ml) and two generic formulations with the same dose were tested. Dissolution studies were carried out using a USP Apparatus 4 Sotax CE6 with 22.6 mm cells, laminar flow at 16 ml/min, and pH 7.2 phosphate buffer at 37.0±0.5 °C as dissolution medium. Ibuprofen was quantified spectrophotometrically at 222 nm. The in vitro release of the three drug products were studied using the USP Apparatus 2. The dissolution profiles of generic products were compared with the reference by model-independent, model-dependent, and analysis of variance (ANOVA)-based comparisons.Results: The dissolution profile of the generic product A was similar to the dissolution profile of reference, only with the use of the USP Apparatus 4. The f2 similarity factor was>50 and no significant differences were found with dissolution efficiency data (*P>0.05). Similar results were found with the comparison of t50% and t63.2% values. Similar dissolution profiles between generic product A and reference were also found with ANOVA-based comparisons.Conclusion: The flow-through cell method was adequate for study the in vitro release of ibuprofen suspensions. It is necessary to evaluate the in vivoperformance of the drug products used in order to estimate the predictability of the proposed methodology.Â


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    Objective: To report a simple and economic alternative spectrophotometric micro-method for the determination of acetaminophen using 200 µl of plasma sample.Methods: The analyses were based on a simple colorimetric test in which p-aminophenol, after an acidic hydrolysis step, is reacted with phenol in an alkaline medium to form an indophenol dye which exhibits a maximum extintion at 625 nm. The micro method was validated according to the international criteria, and then it was used for the quantification of plasma levels of acetaminophen after rectal administration of 100 mg of the drug to male New Zealand rabbits.Results: The analytical recovery was 100.97%, with solutions of 5−25 µg/ml (plasma/water). The linearity with plasma solutions was good (R2 = 0.995), at the same concentration levels. The within-run and between-run precision, as well as accuracy expressed as coefficient of variation, were less than 8%. The mean accuracy was 102.24%. The stability was proved for a one-week period at −20 °C. The pharmacokinetic parameters were computed by non-linear regression analysis. The non-compartment model analysis was used to fit the in vivo data.Conclusion: The validation parameters were within acceptable limits for clinical studies. The analysis was adequate for the determination of acetaminophen in small plasma samples, and it can be easily adapted by any hospital or clinical laboratory with non-special equipment.Â


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    Objective: To characterize the in vitro release of carbamazepine tablets and benzoyl metronidazole suspensions using the flow-through cell apparatus and simulated gastrointestinal fluids.Methods: Tegretol® tablets, Flagyl® suspension, and generic formulations of each were tested. Release studies were performed using an automated flow-through cell apparatus. Simulated gastric fluid (with and without pepsin) and simulated intestinal fluid (without pancreatin) at 16 ml/min and fasted state simulated intestinal fluid at 8 ml/min, all at 37.0±0.5 °C, were used as dissolution media. The quantity of dissolved carbamazepine and benzoyl metronidazole was determined at 5-min intervals until 60 min at 285 and 278 nm, respectively. Percentage dissolved at 60 min, mean dissolution time, dissolution efficiency values, and t10%, t25%, t50% and t63.2% were calculated. Mean values for all parameters were compared between the reference and generic formulations using Studentʼs t-test. Dissolution data were fitted to different kinetic models.Results: Simulated gastric fluid without pepsin showed no discriminative capability for carbamazepine tablets. Significant differences were observed between the reference and generic formulations for almost all parameters (*P<0.05). In some cases, the logistic model best described the in vitro release of both drugs.Conclusion: Using an apparatus and media that best simulates the gastrointestinal environment, we identified differences in the rate and extent of dissolution of both drugs that could help to optimise the design of interchangeable formulations. Based on the physicochemical characteristics of carbamazepine and benzoyl metronidazole and the conditions in which the formulations were tested, these differences could be of clinical relevance.Â

    Influence of coastal structures on equilibrium beach

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    An equilibrium beach profile model for a beach affected by a coastal structure is presented. The model is based on the well-known energy flux approach proposed by Dean (1977). The effect of the structure is taken into account by considering the modification that the structure generates on the wave energy flux. The model is then applied to several cases that are usually found along the littoral, namely a perched beach and a reefprotected beach. Several field and laboratory data are used to analyze the merit of the proposed model for describing the equilibrium condition of a beach profile affected by a coastal structure. A good comparison is obtained

    The Role of Host-Plant Species in the Differentiation of Sympatric Populations of Hymenopteran Parasitoids

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    ABSTRACT Title of Document: THE ROLE OF HOST-PLANT SPECIES IN THE DIFFERENTIATION OF SYMPATRIC POPULATIONS OF HYMENOPTERAN PARASITOIDS. Raul F. Medina, PhD, 2005 Directed By: Professor, Pedro Barbosa, Department of Entomology The biology and ecology of insect parasitoids is strongly influenced by the host-plant species on which their herbivorous hosts occur. Hymenopteran parasitoids in particular, present a series of characteristics that made them good candidates for phenotypic and genotypic differentiation. Thus, parasitoid adaptation to plant traits may promote significant phenotypic and genotypic differences among sympatric populations of parasitoids associated with different host-plant species. The present study assessed phenotypic and genotypic differentiation in two braconid parasitoids ovipositing on the same host species, the green cloverworm, Plathypena scabra Fabricius (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) feeding on alfalfa and soybean. Developmental time, adult weight, percent parasitism and preference for host-plant odors of the generalist parasitoid Cotesia marginiventris Cresson (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) and of the specialist parasitoid Aleiodes nolophanae Ashmead (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) were compared among individuals ovipositing in green cloverworm larvae feeding on alfalfa and soybean. In addition, amplified fragment length polymorphisms (AFLP) were used to assess if genotypic differentiation between parasitoids ovipositing on green cloverworm larvae feeding on different host-plant species (i.e., alfalfa or soybean) was present. Phenotypic differentiation in adult mass, adult longevity and percent parasitism between parasitoids ovipositing green cloverworm larvae on alfalfa and on soybean were found. These phenotypic differences between parasitoids associated with different host-plant species were observed in both the generalist and the specialist parasitoids. No evidence of parasitoids showing preferences for the host-plant species from which their host fed was found in the generalist nor in the specialist parasitoid. Contrary to the expectations and predictions from the literature, these parasitoid species did not show evidence of reproductive isolation when associated with different host-plant species (i.e., alfalfa or soybean), as evidenced by the lack of genetic differentiation in AFLP profiles between parasitoids associated with alfalfa and soybean. In order to ensure that the number of wasps and the number of AFLP bands used were enough to provide an accurate assessment of genetic differentiation among wasps ovipositing hosts on different host-plant species, a method for determining the minimum number of individuals and AFLP bands to include to obtain accurate genetic profiles of hypothesized populations was proposed
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