6,947 research outputs found
A first step to accelerating fingerprint matching based on deformable minutiae clustering
Fingerprint recognition is one of the most used biometric
methods for authentication. The identification of a query fingerprint requires
matching its minutiae against every minutiae of all the fingerprints
of the database. The state-of-the-art matching algorithms are costly, from
a computational point of view, and inefficient on large datasets. In this
work, we include faster methods to accelerating DMC (the most accurate
fingerprint matching algorithm based only on minutiae). In particular,
we translate into C++ the functions of the algorithm which represent the
most costly tasks of the code; we create a library with the new code and
we link the library to the original C# code using a CLR Class Library
project by means of a C++/CLI Wrapper. Our solution re-implements
critical functions, e.g., the bit population count including a fast C++
PopCount library and the use of the squared Euclidean distance for calculating
the minutiae neighborhood. The experimental results show a
significant reduction of the execution time in the optimized functions of
the matching algorithm. Finally, a novel approach to improve the matching
algorithm, considering cache memory blocking and parallel data processing,
is presented as future work.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech
Las matemáticas de los alumnos
Presentamos aquí los avances de esta investigación orientada a la obtención de un inventario de preconceptos que tienen los estudiantes de nuevo ingreso al bachillerato y que dificultan su aprendizaje de las Matemáticas, fundamentalmente del Álgebra. Conforme avanzamos en este estudio, obtenemos información sobre las estructuras conceptuales de nuestros pupilos, y las utilizamos para ir elaborando las directrices y criterios que normarán, tanto nuestra intervención pedagógica como el diseño de la didáctica ad-hoc que posibiliten aprendizajes significativos.
La construcción del conocimiento puede ser analizada desde dos vertientes: Los procesos psicológicos implicados en el aprendizaje y, los mecanismos de influencia educativa susceptibles de promover, guiar y orientar dicho aprendizaje. Para realizar esta indagación usamos la segunda vía y utilizamos métodos de observación directa (intra-aula), entrevista, clínica y registros escritos por los estudiantes
Tumor detection and elimination by a targeted gallium corrole
Sulfonated gallium(III) corroles are intensely fluorescent macrocyclic compounds that spontaneously assemble with carrier proteins to undergo cell entry. We report in vivo imaging and therapeutic efficacy of a tumor-targeted corrole noncovalently assembled with a heregulin-modified protein directed at the human epidermal growth factor receptor (HER). Systemic delivery of this protein-corrole complex results in tumor accumulation, which can be visualized in vivo owing to intensely red corrole fluorescence. Targeted delivery in vivo leads to tumor cell death while normal tissue is spared. These findings contrast with the effects of doxorubicin, which can elicit cardiac damage during therapy and required direct intratumoral injection to yield similar levels of tumor shrinkage compared with the systemically delivered corrole. The targeted complex ablated tumors at >5 times a lower dose than untargeted systemic doxorubicin, and the corrole did not damage heart tissue. Complexes remained intact in serum and the carrier protein elicited no detectable immunogenicity. The sulfonated gallium(III) corrole functions both for tumor detection and intervention with safety and targeting advantages over standard chemotherapeutic agents
La influencia de las características personales y contextuales en los estilos de vida en la adolescencia: aplicaciones para la intervención en contextos de riesgo psicosocial
This paper has two objectives that are addressed from a developmental contextual perspective which relates developmental transitions, developmental tasks and skills in adolescence. First, a study is presented in which adolescents' reports on their contextual and personal functioning, obtained from a sample of 1433 adolescents aged 13 to 17 years, were related to their lifestyle. In particular, we sought to examine how lifestyle patterns were related to adolescents' functioning in peer, school and neighbourhood contexts, as well as to their personal characteristics such as internal locus of control, personal achievement and behavioural problems associated with self-regulation. The results revealed aclose correspondence between contextual adjustment, personal characteristics and health-related patterns. Second, a prevention program, "Construyendo mi futuro" (Building my future), aimed at supporting vulnerable adolescents through their developmental transitions is described. According to the above framework the program promotes the learning of individual, interpersonal and group skills in the actual life contexts where the adolescents' development takes place. A detailed description of the program's aims, characteristics, content, methodology and evaluation design is provided. Finally, preliminary results regarding the program's efficacy are also presented
Alpuche Garcés, Óscar, Medina Márquez, Ma. Guadalupe y García Matías Francisco (2015). La Vinculación sociocultural, una estrategia de formación del Ingeniero en Desarrollo Rural, Bonilla Artigas Editores: Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Morelos, México. ISBN:978-607-8450-21-3: 978-607-8434-61-9
La práctica de la vinculación sociocultural como estrategia de formación del profesionista en Ingeniería en Desarrollo Rural, muestra el encuentro a través del tiempo en forma paralela con diferentes contextos; histórico, social, cultural, académico y conceptual. El perfil del ingeniero en desarrollo rural, surge del análisis del contexto socioeconómico que vivía el país a finales de la década de 1970 y desde una perspectiva histórica como un acto para honrar la memoria del General Emiliano Zapata Salazar. De ahí que una de las características fundamentales de este perfil requiere la incorporación del estudiante al campo, razón por la que surge el Sistema de Integración al Medio Rural. A más de tres décadas este modelo y programa de vinculación ha contribuido en la formación de talentos humanos que a su vez han aportado y dado respuestas a las familias campesinas, que en conjunto constituyen un diálogo y una praxis persistente de compromiso social. En lo que refiere al campo conceptual del desarrollo rural, también es un elemento dinámico que observa y es escenario de análisis y de aplicación de las propuestas teóricas y metodológicas de las acepciones afines y emergentes como el desarrollo comunitario y desarrollo rural desde un enfoque territorial
Flame Propagation of Pulverised Biomass Crop Residues and their Explosion Characteristics
Pulverised agricultural crop residues were investigated using the ISO 1 m3 turbulent explosion vessel. This was modified to enable the spherical flame propagation flame speed and the heat release rate in MW/m2 to be determined. From the turbulent flame speed, the laminar flame speed and laminar burning velocity and global heat release, MW/m2, were determined. In addition the equipment was used to determine the biomass explosibility, Kst (= dP/dtmaxV1/3), and the minimum explosion concentration (MEC). Two Pakistani crop residues bagasse (B) and wheat straw (WS) were investigated. Particle size distribution, elemental and proximate analysis and surface morphology for the raw powders and for their post explosion residues were carried out. It was found that these crop residues have explosibility characteristics comparable to wood biomass powders. MEC values as low as equivalence ratios of 0.18 to 0.3 were found which were lower than for gaseous hydrocarbons, but similar to other measurements for biomass using the Hartmann explosibility equipment. Peak turbulent flame speeds were measured at 3-4 m/s. There was a significant post explosion residue of unburned material which was shown to have an increase in char content relative to the raw biomass, while the volatile content was reduced. The BET surface area of the post explosion residue of bagasse was higher than that of the wheat straw residue, showing a higher release of volatiles for bagasse with a more porous char residue in the burnout indicating higher reactivity. These crop residues are a viable renewable fuel for existing coal power plants or as a basis for a new generation of small scale steam power generators in Pakistan
Desplazamiento de un implante dental dentro del seno maxilar durante la seguna fase quirúrgica
La rehabilitación bucal de los pacientes con edentulismo parcial o total con implantes dentales tiene amplias indicaciones que en ocasiones se ven limitadas por factores anatómicos y biológicos. Una de las localizaciones en la que frecuentemente puede existir una altura insuficiente de hueso alveolar, ya sea debido a la reabsorción ósea, a la excesiva neumatización del seno maxilar o a ambas causas, es la zona posterior del maxilar superior, lo que además suele ir acompañado de una baja calidad ósea. Todo esto hace que tanto la técnica quirúrgica convencional u otros procedimientos alternativos, como la elevación del seno maxilar, injertos en onlay, el uso de osteotomos y la osteotomia de Le Fort I, sean procedimientos quirúrgicos necesarios en muchas ocasiones para poder solucionar un caso de rehabilitación bucal con implantes. Por otra parte estas técnicas pueden alterar la anatomía y la fisiología del seno maxilar favoreciendo la aparición de complicaciones intra y postquirúrgicas. Una de las posibles complicaciones, aunque rara, es el desplazamiento del implante dentario hacia el seno maxilar durante la segunda fase quirúrgica, como es el caso que describimos en este artículo
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