232 research outputs found

    Estudo da Complicações Pós-operatórias na Cirurgias de Implante Coclear Realizadas no Hospital Universitário da UFSC

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    TCC (graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Ciências da Saúde, Medicina.Objetivo: promover um estudo das complicações relacionadas às cirurgias de IC realizadas durante um período de 10 anos no HU - UFSC. Método: para análise de uma amostra de 253 cirurgias, os dados foram coletados dos prontuários de 205 pacientes participantes. As complicações foram registradas enquanto sua presença, natureza e classificação, segundo Cohen e Hoffman14. Dados coletados foram utilizados para estabelecer variáveis de relação com as complicações. Esses dados foram organizados e analisados por meio do programa Planilhas Google. Resultados: constatou-se uma taxa de 8,7% de complicações, sendo 6,7% minor e 2% major. Dessas, vertigem foi a mais prevalente, presente em 4,3% das cirurgias. Em 0,8% houve deslocamento do dispositivo interno; em 0,8% infecção do sítio cirúrgico; em 0,8% paralisia/paresia facial; e em 2% falha do dispositivo interno, sendo que a empresa com mais casos de falha foi a Oticon. Pacientes do sexo feminino compuseram 72,7% dos casos de complicações, sendo que média de idade dos pacientes acometidos foi 25,9±19,3 anos. Conclusão: houve um percentual de 8,7% de complicações, 6,7% foram minor e 2% major. A complicação que se mostrou mais frequente foi vertigem, presente em 4,3% das cirurgias.Objective: to promote a study of the complications related to Cochlear Implant surgeries performed during a 10-year period at HU - UFSC. Methods: To analyze a sample of 253 surgeries, data was collected from the medical records of 205 participating patients. Complications were recorded as their presence, nature and classification, according to Cohen and Hoffman14. Collected data was used to establish variables of relationship with complications. The data was organized and analyzed using the Google Sheets program. Results: A rate of 8.7% complications was found, being 6.7% minor and 2% major. Among these, vertigo was the most prevalent, present in 4.3% of surgeries. In 0.8% there was displacement of the internal device; 0.8% had infection of the surgical site; 0.8% had facial paralysis/paresis; and 2% had failure of the internal device, and the company with the most cases of failure was Oticon. Female patients accounted for 72.7% of the cases with complications, and the mean age of the affected patients was 25.9 ± 19.3 years. Conclusion: There was a percentage of 8.7% of complications, 6.7% were minor and 2% major. The most frequent complication was vertigo, present in 4.3% of surgeries

    Toward a test of angular momentum coherence in a twin-atom interferometer

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    We present a scheme well-suited to investigate quantitatively the angular momentum coherence of molecular fragments. Assuming that the dissociated molecule has a null total angular momentum, we investigate the propagation of the corresponding atomic fragments in the apparatus. We show that the envisioned interferometer enables one to distinguish unambiguously a spin-coherent from a spin-incoherent dissociation, as well as to estimate the purity of the angular momentum density matrix associated with the fragments. This setup, which may be seen as an atomic analogue of a twin-photon interferometer, can be used to investigate the suitability of molecule dissociation processes -- such as the metastable hydrogen atoms H(22S2^2 S)-H(22S2^2 S) dissociation - for coherent twin-atom optics.Comment: 6 pages, 3 Figures. Final version accepted for publication in Europhysics Letter

    Skills for generalist and specialist nurses working in the prevention and control of infections in Brazil

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    Objective: to define the competencies for the prevention and control of healthcare-related infections that should be developed by the generalist nurse and the specialist nurse in infection control in Brazil. Method: the Delphi technique, developed in four rounds, was used. Thirty-one nurses and eight physicians participated in the study, with expertise in infection prevention and control. Data were collected using open-ended questionnaires, whose answers were treated using the content analysis technique. Structured instruments were used to evaluate the importance of each competency using a Likert scale. Data were analyzed and presented in a descriptive way, use of median and coefficient of variation. Results: the competences were organized in 4 core, 14 generic and 17 specific, with name and description of each competency. Conclusion: the definition of competencies for the prevention and control of healthcare-related infections is the first step to begin the rethinking of the teaching and learning process in the initial training of nurses. The data found in the present study may help to restructure education and support permanent education programs in health

    Evaluation of environmental quality of Vitório Piassa State Park through the use of bioindicator beetles

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    The objective of the present study was to analyze the environmental quality of a forest fragment of the Atlantic Forest close to an urban area. The study was carried out in Vitório Piassa State Park, located in the municipality of Pato Branco, Paraná, Brazil. Beetles from the subfamily Scarabaeinae were collected with pitfall traps in three different areas in the park, between February and March 2015. A total of 945 individuals and 22 species were collected, of which 366 individuals and 18 species were found in the densest vegetation area, 291 individuals and 18 species in the secondary vegetation area, and 288 individuals and 16 species in the most anthropized area. The most abundant species were Dichotomius mormon and Eurysternus parallelus, accounting for more than 50% of the total captured individuals. Diversity indices (Shannon and Simpson) and equitability (Pielou) were higher in the area with secondary vegetation, probably because it is an intermediate area, both in spatial and temporal terms. Similarity analysis based on the Bray-Curtis index showed the formation of two groups: one consisting of the assemblages of regenerating areas and the other only of the densest vegetation area, mainly due to the great abundance of beetles in this area. Thus, it was possible to observe that the Park maintains a habitat quality that allows the sheltering of a great abundance of many dung beetle species, mainly in the most conserved areas

    Assembleia de Moluscos da Região do Pântano do Ramalho, Cabo Frio, RJ: Indicadores Biológicos de Variação do Nível Relativo do Mar Durante o Holoceno

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    Na planície costeira do Rio Una, Cabo Frio, litoral Norte do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, são encontradas evidências biológicas de variação do nível relativo do mar durante o Holoceno, representadas por acumulações muito densas e de ampla distribuição compostas predominantemente por conchas de moluscos. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo descrever uma nova ocorrência de acumulação de conchas de moluscos na região do pântano no Ramalho, planície costeira do rio Una. A área de estudo situa-se no interior do condomínio Portal de Búzios, localizado na Rodovia Amaral Peixoto (RJ-106) na altura do Km 125 entre as coordenadas 22º44’53’’S e 42º03’29’’W. O levantamento da cota altimétrica do banco de conchas foi realizado através de rastreadores DGPS’s Pro Mark 2. Para realização das análises taxonômicas, paleoecológicas e geocronológicas foram coletadas aproximadamente 1,75 dm3 de conchas de moluscos em uma trincheira de 0,50 cm, escavada na margem de uma pequena represa na área do condomínio Portal de Búzios. Aproximadamente 100 gramas de conchas da espécie Anomalocardia brasiliana foram enviadas para datação absoluta pelo método radicarbono para o Beta Analytic Inc, na cidade de Miami – Estados Unidos. Dados obtidos através de um DGPS pro mark 2 apontam uma altimetria de 0,90 m acima do nível do mar atual. Somente três espécies de moluscos foram identificadas neste depósito: Anomalocardia brasiliana, Crassostrea rizophorae e Lucina pectinata. A. brasiliana e L. pectinata têm hábito infaunal não aderido, vivem em fundos arenosos ou lamosos. C. rizophorae tem hábito epifaunal aderido, vivem em substratos rochosos e de cascalho. As três espécies apresentam cotas batimétricas variando entre 0 a 30 m de profundidade. A maior parte das conchas encontradas se apresenta com baixo grau de fragmentação e corrosão, indicando pouco ou nenhum transporte. Algumas conchas de L. pectinata e A. brasiliana encontram-se articuladas, e as conchas de C. rizophorae encontram-se incrustadas nas conchas das outras espécies. A idade convencional do depósito é de 5.780 + 70 A.P., calibrada pelo programa CALIB 5.0, em 5.997 – 6.333 anos cal. A.P. Esses dados são similares às idades encontradas em depósitos análogos ao longo do litoral norte do estado do Rio de Janeiro


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    The aim of this work was to use jambolan fruit to elaborate conventional and light jellies, and evaluate its physico-chemical and sensory stability during 60 days storage. In the light jellies formulation were used four kinds of sweeteners, isolated and combined: saccharin, cyclamate, acessulfame-k and stevioside. The physico-chemical analysis carried out after the process were fluidity, moisture, lipids, protein, fiber, ash, carbohydrates (total and reduced), total soluble solids, pH and total acidity of the products. The results showed that the physico-chemical characteristics of all the jellies were appropriated according to the Brazilian Law patterns, and the characteristics were stable during the storage period. At the sensory analysis, the light formulations did not become stable only to the sweetness and consistency characteristics. The use of sweeteners and its combinations in the formulation of light jellies did not result on any sensory interference.O objetivo deste trabalho foi aproveitar o fruto de jambolão para a elaboração de geleias tradicional e light e avaliar a estabilidade físico-química e sensorial dos produtos durante o período de estocagem de 60 dias. Nas formulações de geleias light foram utilizados quatro tipos de edulcorantes, isolados e combinados: sacarina, ciclamato, acessulfame e esteviosídeo. Logo após o processamento foram realizadas as análises de fluidez, umidade, gordura, proteínas, fibras, cinzas, açúcares totais e redutores, teor de sólidos solúveis, pH e acidez. Ao final do período de armazenamento foram realizadas as análises de umidade, açúcares totais e redutores, teor de sólidos solúveis, pH e acidez. As características físico-químicas de todas as geleias enquadraram-se nos padrões da legislação brasileira e se mantiveram estáveis durante todo o período de armazenamento. Sensorialmente, as formulações light não se apresentaram estáveis apenas quanto aos atributos de doçura e consistência. A utilização de diferentes edulcorantes e de suas combinações não afetou a qualidade sensorial das geleias light

    Skills for generalist and specialist nurses working in the prevention and control of infections in Brazil

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    Objetivo: definir as competências para a prevenção e o controle de infecções relacionadas à assistência à saúde que devem ser desenvolvidas pelo enfermeiro generalista e pelo enfermeiro especialista em controle de infecções no Brasil. Método: empregou-se a técnica Delphi, desenvolvida em quatro rodadas. Participaram do estudo 31 enfermeiros e oito médicos com expertise em prevenção e controle de infecções. Para a coleta de dados, utilizaram-se instrumentos com perguntas abertas cujas respostas foram tratadas por meio da técnica de análise de conteúdo e instrumentos estruturados para avaliar a importância de cada competência por meio de escala Likert, sendo os dados analisados e apresentados de forma descritiva, uso de mediana e de coeficiente de variação. Resultados: as competências foram organizadas em 04 centrais, 14 genéricas e 17 específicas, com nome e a descrição de cada competência. Conclusão: a definição das competências para a prevenção e o controle de Infecções Relacionadas à Assistência à Saúde é o primeiro passo para se iniciar o repensar acerca do processo de ensino e aprendizagem na formação inicial dos enfermeiros. Os dados encontrados auxiliam na reestruturação do ensino, além de fundamentar programas de educação permanente em saúde.Objetivo: definir las competencias para la prevención y el control de infecciones relacionadas a la asistencia a la salud que deben ser desarrolladas por el enfermero generalista y por el enfermero especialista en controle de infecciones en Brasil. Método: se empleó la técnica Delphi, desarrollada en cuatro rodadas. Participaron del estudio 31 enfermeros y ocho médicos, con experiencia en prevención y control de infecciones. Para la recolección de datos se utilizaron instrumentos con preguntas abiertas, cuyas respuestas fueron tratadas por medio de la técnica de análisis de contenido, e instrumentos estructurados para evaluar la importancia de cada competencia por medio de escala Likert, siendo los dados analizados y presentados de forma descriptiva, uso de mediana y de coeficiente de variación. Resultados: las competencias fueron organizadas en 04 centrales, 14 genéricas y 17 específicas, con nombre y la descripción de cada competencia. Conclusión: la definición de las competencias para la prevención y el control de Infecciones Relacionadas a la Asistencia a la Salud es el primer paso para iniciarse el repensar acerca del proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje en la formación inicial de los enfermeros. Los datos encontrados auxilian en la reestructuración de la enseñanza además de fundamentar programas de educación permanente en salud.Objective: to define the competencies for the prevention and control of healthcare-related infections that should be developed by the generalist nurse and the specialist nurse in infection control in Brazil. Method: the Delphi technique, developed in four rounds, was used. Thirty-one nurses and eight physicians participated in the study, with expertise in infection prevention and control. Data were collected using open-ended questionnaires, whose answers were treated using the content analysis technique. Structured instruments were used to evaluate the importance of each competency using a Likert scale. Data were analyzed and presented in a descriptive way, use of median and coefficient of variation. Results: the competences were organized in 4 core, 14 generic and 17 specific, with name and description of each competency. Conclusion: the definition of competencies for the prevention and control of healthcare-related infections is the first step to begin the rethinking of the teaching and learning process in the initial training of nurses. The data found in the present study may help to restructure education and support permanent education programs in health

    Comparative analysis of shell occupation by two southern populations of the hermit crab Loxopagurus loxochelis (Decapoda, Diogenidae)

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    The present study aimed to comparatively verify the relation between the hermit crabs and the shells they use in two populations of Loxopagurus loxochelis. Samples were collected monthly from July 2002 to June 2003, at Caraguatatuba and Ubatuba Bay, Sao Paulo, Brazil. The animals sampled had their sex identified, were weighed and measured; their shells were identified, measured and weighed, and their internal volume determined. To relate the hermit crab's characteristics and the shells' variables, principal component analysis (PCA) and a regression tree were used. According to the PCA analysis, the three gastropod shells most frequently used by L. loxochelis varied in size. The regression tree successfully explained the relationship between the hermit crab's characteristics and the internal volume of the inhabited shell. It can be inferred that the relationship between the morphometry of an individual hermit crab and its shell is not straightforward and it is impossible to explain only on the basis of direct correlations between the body's and the shell's attributes. Several factors (such as the morphometry and the availability of the shell, environmental conditions and inter- and intraspecific competition) interact and seem to be taken into consideration by the hermit crabs when they choose a shell, resulting in the diversified pattern of shell occupancy shown here and elsewhere.CAPESCAPESFAPESP Programa BiotaFAPESP - Programa Biota [Proc. 98/07090-3]CNPq [471794/2006-6, 473050/2007-2, 301350/2007-5]CNP

    Contraception determinants in youths of Sierra Leone are largely behavioral

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    Background: Sexual initiation occurs early in Sierra Leone. This study aims to analyze the determinants of condom and/or contraceptive use among a representative sample of young persons (10 to 24 years) in Sierra Leone. Methods: This is a secondary analysis of data from a study conducted to monitor the implementation of a UNFPA package of interventions directed to improve SRH in young people of Sierra Leone. This assessment was conducted in 2016 at the end of the Ebola outbreak. In consequence, determinants linked to healthy lifestyle behaviors and UNFPA interventions were explored in addition to the usual determinants: socio demographic and sexual lifestyle. This study is a household quantitative survey with open ended questions used to illustrate and complete the analysis. Results: A total of 1409 young people were interviewed: of these, 216 boys and 381 girls were sexually active. Those who were pregnant or wished for pregnancy were excluded, leaving 194 boys and 268 girls for the analysis of determinants. The proportion of young people using neither condom nor other contraception at their last sexual intercourse in the whole sample was 40.5% and there was no statistically significant difference between boys and girls (42.3 vs 39.2; P = 0.504). Determinants were assessed and, after multivariable analysis, results differed between boys and girls and showed the importance of behavioral aspects. Four determinants were common to boys and girls: literacy, distance, negotiation capacity and hand washing. However, the distance factor for girls was to the health facility and for boys it was to school. Three more determinants remained in the boy's model: sleeping under a bednet, number of sexual partners and knowledge of contraceptive methods. Opinions about condoms and contraception revealed important barriers; opposition to contraceptive use was the main reason for non-use for both boys and girls, while lack of access was an important reason for boys. Conclusion: There is a need to reach out to the 40% of young people who are sexually active and neither pregnant nor with pregnancy desire, and are not using condom or contraception