91 research outputs found

    Multiscale building modelling and energy simulation support tools

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    Building and district modelling (BIM, CityGML…) are key technologies for the deployment of energy efficiency strategies at building and district level, from the initial stages of planning and design to the operation and maintenance ones. These technologies allow satisfying the interoperability requirements that fa-cilitate the cooperation among the multiple stakeholders and provide the framework to develop more intelli-gent tools. This paper introduces five complementary European R&D projects in which TECNALIA is col-laborating, very good examples of innovative systems based on these concepts. MOEEBIUS enhances passive and active building elements modelling approaches enabling improved building energy performance simula-tions. HOLISTEEC focuses on building multi-physical simulations considering the neighborhood context. FASUDIR exploits the high potential of GIS tools for urban sustainability analysis and accurate building en-ergy performance evaluation. EFFESUS integrates district and building scales in historic districts. OPTEEMAL develops a platform at district level, based on an IPD approach.This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 680517

    Análisis de incentivos y proyecciones del vehículo 100% eléctrico en el ecuador

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    Las principales causas de contaminación ambiental son producidas por actividades productivas del hombre como la generación de energía, industria, agricultura, aunque las actividades no productivas como el transporte y las realizadas dentro de los hogares también son fuentes de contaminación. Debido al cambio climático, por la cantidad de gases contaminantes que se lanzan a la atmosfera se ha optado por nuevas alternativas en energía renovables amigables con el ambiente. Una de las principales causas del calentamiento global es la contaminación de los vehículos con un 76% en cuanto es a contaminación global. Por lo cual trataremos en nuestra investigación medir resultados cuan factibles es poder introducir tecnología renovable con los vehículos eléctricos EV en nuestro país, tenemos la ventaja del cambio de la matriz energética que ayudara a relacionar entre la demanda y la oferta energética actual si un gran porcentaje de EV son introducidos al mercado nacional. Con la construcción de 8 centrales hidroeléctricas produciendo 10.688 gigavatios/hora y no olvidar la energía eólica esta genera 15 MW con 56 GWh/año. Tenemos energía eléctrica para poder cubrir suplir la demanda de energía eléctrica [2]. &nbsp

    Conceptual evolution of 3D printing in orthopedic surgery and traumatology: from "do it yourself" to "point of care manufacturing"

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    Background: 3D printing technology in hospitals facilitates production models such as point-of-care manufacturing. Orthopedic Surgery and Traumatology is the specialty that can most benefit from the advantages of these tools. The purpose of this study is to present the results of the integration of 3D printing technology in a Department of Orthopedic Surgery and Traumatology and to identify the productive model of the point-of-care manufacturing as a paradigm of personalized medicine. Methods: Observational, descriptive, retrospective and monocentric study of a total of 623 additive manufacturing processes carried out in a Department of Orthopedic Surgery and Traumatology from November 2015 to March 2020. Variables such as product type, utility, time or materials for manufacture were analyzed. Results: The areas of expertise that have performed more processes are Traumatology, Reconstructive and Orthopedic Oncology. Pre-operative planning is their primary use. Working and 3D printing hours, as well as the amount of 3D printing material used, vary according to the type of product or material delivered to perform the process. The most commonly used 3D printing material for manufacturing is polylactic acid, although biocompatible resin has been used to produce surgical guides. In addition, the hospital has worked on the co-design of customized implants with manufacturing companies. Conclusions: The integration of 3D printing in a Department of Orthopedic Surgery and Traumatology allows identifying the conceptual evolution from “Do-It-Yourself” to “POC manufacturing”.Analysis and interpretation of the data supported by Project PI18/01625 (Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades, Instituto de Salud Carlos III) and European Regional Development Fund ("Una manera de hacer Europa")

    'Round the Clock Observations of the Q0957+561 A,B Gravitationally Lensed Quasar

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    An observing campaign with 10 participating observatories has undertaken to monitor the optical brightness of the Q0957 gravitationally lensed quasar for 10 consecutive nights in January 2000. The resulting A image brightness curve has significant brightness fluctuations and makes a photometric prediction for the B image light curve for a second campaign planned for 12-21 March 2001. The ultimate purpose is to determine the gravitational lens time delay to a fraction of an hour, and to seek evidence for rapid microlensing.Comment: 8 pages, AASTeX 4.0, accepted by the Astrophysical Journa

    The Socio-economic Impact of Social Computing: Proceedings of a Validation and Policy Options Workshop

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    This report presents the major outcomes of a validation and policy options workshop on social computing, held at IPTS in Seville, on 26-27 February 2008. It points to a number of relevant issues (including methodological and conceptual ones) that need to be taken into account in a study of the socio-economic impacts of social computing. It argues that there is little room for direct policy interventions in social computing but that framework conditions and impacts at sector-level (e.g. education, government) need to be considered. The report also discusses the future of social computing and the opportunities it offers Europe.JRC.J.4-Information Societ

    Effect of exercise on gut microbiota and metabolic status modulation in an in vivo model of early obesity and NAFLD

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    1 p.Childhood obesity is one of the most serious public health concerns from this century, associated with metabolic syndrome, nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and gut microbiota alterations. Physical exercise improves obesity and NAFLD progression, modulating the gut microbial balance. We aim to investigate the effect of physical exercise on gut microbiota and the metabolic status of an in vivo model of early obesity, metabolic syndrome, and NAFLD. Resumen de un trabajo resultado del proyecto de investigación financiado por la Consejería de Educación de la Junta de Castilla y León (referencia LE063U16)S

    The Impact of Social Computing on the EU Information Society and Economy

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    This report provides a systematic empirical assessment of the creation, use and adoption of specific social computing applications and its impact on ICT/media industries, personal identity, social inclusion, education and training, healthcare and public health, and government services and public governance.JRC.J.4-Information Societ

    Fine Ash-Bearing Particles as a Major Aerosol Component in Biomass Burning Smoke

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    Biomass burning (BB) events are occurring globally with increasing frequency, and their emissions are having more impacts on human health and climate. Large ash particles are recognized as a BB product with major influences on soil and water environments. However, fine-ash particles, which have diameters smaller than several microns and characteristic morphologies and compositions (mainly Ca and Mg carbonates), have not yet been explicitly considered as a major BB aerosol component either in field observations or climate models. This study measured BB aerosol samples using transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and ion chromatography during the Fire Influence on Regional to Global Environments and Air Quality (FIREX-AQ) campaign. We show that significant amounts of fine ash-bearing particles are transported \u3e100 km from their fire sources. Our environmental chamber experiments suggest that they can act as cloud condensation and ice nuclei. We also found considerable amounts of fine ash-bearing particles in the TEM samples collected during previous campaigns (Biomass Burning Observation Project and Megacity Initiative: Local and Global Research Observations). These ash particles are commonly mixed with organic matter and make up ∼8% and 5% of BB smoke by number and mass, respectively, in samples collected during the FIREX-AQ campaign. The measured ash-mass concentrations are approximately five times and six times greater than those of BB black carbon and potassium, respectively, scaling to an estimated global emission of 11.6 Tg yr−1 with a range of 8.8–16.3 Tg yr−1. Better characterization and constraints on these fine ash-bearing particles will improve BB aerosol measurements and strengthen assessments of BB impacts on human health and climate

    Efecto del ejercicio físico en la modulación de la microbiata intestinal y el desarrollo de síndrome metabólico y NAFLD en un modelo in vivo de obesidad temprana

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    2 p.Este trabajo pretende investigar el efecto del ejercicio físico sobre la microbiota intestinal y el estado metabólico en un modelo in vivo de obesidad temprana, síndrome metabólico y NAFLD. Resumen de un trabajo resultado del proyecto de investigación financiado por la Consejería de Educación de la Junta de Castilla y León (referencia LE063U16)S