204 research outputs found

    O Governo Civil de Ponta Delgada na década de 1880 : a sua ação política, social e económica

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    Dissertação de Mestrado em História Insular e Atlântica (Séculos XV-XX)Pretende falar-se da história política-administrativa dos Açores do século XIX, especialmente a da segunda metade deste século em particular, o que é ainda hoje tarefa difícil, senão mesmo quase impossível, uma vez que nos encontramos perante um tema por explorar. Assim, apesar da quase inexistência de estudos sobre os aspetos políticos, sociais e económicos, determinados pelo exercício do poder do Governo Civil de Ponta Delgada na década de 1880 a 1890, durante o qual germinou o movimento autonomista de 1895, o estudo realizado no âmbito deste trabalho poderá ser um contributo para o conhecimento desta importante década da história dos Açores, justificando-se este trabalho de investigação. Não obstante do que foi enunciado, tentar-se-á realizar uma análise tão detalhada quanto possível dos documentos provenientes de arquivos e de toda a bibliografia que serviu de base a este estudo. Os objetivos deste estudo, cujo relatório final configurará a dissertação de Mestrado, foram formulados tendo em consideração, por um lado, a restrição temporal que nos é imposta e, por outro lado, as fontes documentais a que podemos aceder. Assim, vão ser abordados assuntos a nível nacional que vão desde o enquadramento político e histórico do Governo Civil de Ponta Delgada, bem como da sua estrutura, funcionamento e relações hierárquicas; da identificação das orientações da política nacional para as ilhas adjacentes; passando por caracterizar as dinâmicas políticas, sociais e económicas que se manifestaram na jurisdição deste mesmo Governo Civil e pela identificação de causas diretas ou indiretamente relacionadas com o movimento autonomista do fim do século XIX. Neste estudo de investigação histórica, propõe-se utilizar como principal instrumento metodológico a pesquisa documental, imprensa e legislação da época, registos do Arquivo de Ponta Delgada e fontes bibliográficas sobre o tema. Do exposto, facilmente se verifica tratar-se de um projeto parcelar que visa um posterior alargamento do âmbito cronológico e, bem assim, da temática a desenvolver. Espera-se, acima de tudo, que o presente estudo sirva para uma melhor compreensão da vida política açoriana de oitocentos, que urge clarificar

    Quantificação na pesquisa etnobotânica: um panorama sobre os índices usados de 1995 a 2009

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    Over the last few decades, local knowledge has begun to be studied by ethnobotanists using quantitativeanalyses to assess the relationship between biological and cultural diversity, and the relative importance of naturalresources for the local population. A considerable number of published articles have proposed these quantitative analyses,necessitating discussion and analysis of the commonly employed quantitative techniques. This study examines twocentral issues: the nature of quantitative research in ethnobotany and the use of quantitative indices in ethnobotanicalresearch. A literature review was completed consisting of books, reviews, articles and editorials in the main internationalperiodicals in the areas of ethnobiology and ethnoecology. Scientific search sites were consulted, and a database wascompiled and analyzed. The analysis of 64 papers and four books constituted the basis for this work. The United Statesproduce the greatest number of publications in journals in this field (65%). A total of 87 different quantitative techniqueswas recorded. This work does not claim to provide a census of all the publications on the subject, but rather intends topresent a panorama on the current state of quantification in ethnobotany.A forma pelaqual o conhecimento local passou a ser pesquisado pelos etnobotânicos incorporou, nas últimas décadas, instrumentos deanálise quantitativa usados para estimar a relação entre diversidade biológica e cultural, bem como a importância derecursos naturais para as populações locais. Desde então, um considerável número de artigos publicados propõem análisesquantitativas. Em decorrência desta adesão por parte dos pesquisadores, se faz necessário uma discussão e análise dastécnicas usualmente empregadas. Em vista disto, este estudo tem como base o desenvolvimento de duas ideias centrais: anatureza das pesquisas quantitativas em Etnobotânica e o emprego de índices quantitativos nas pesquisas Etnobotânicas.Com este propósito de descortinar o cenário da quantificação na Etnobotânica, através da análise dos índices quantitativosamplamente difundidos nestas produções, realizou-se uma revisão da literatura para se detectar pesquisas em Etnobotânicaque tenham aplicado índices quantitativos. Assim, neste trabalho, são discutidos os tipos de informações que podem serobtidas por meio da análise de um acervo constituído por livros, revisões, artigos e editoriais de algumas das principaisrevistas científicas na área de Etnobiologia e Etnoecologia. O material bibliográfico foi localizado por meio de consultas asites de busca científica. As informações integraram um banco de dados e foram analisadas com base em 64 artigos e quatrolivros. Os Estados Unidos concentraram 65% das publicações em periódicos. Ao todo, 87 técnicas quantitativas diferentesforam identificadas. Este trabalho tem como intuito final abrir espaço para uma reflexão acerca do que vem sendo realizadoem termos de quantificação na etnobotânica


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    Cactaceae species have diverse uses in Brazil, principally in the northeastern region of that country, and show morphological and physiological characteristics adapted to different environments and being useful to the man as well to the animals. In general, cacti are perennial and present in all stations, and demonstrate specialized survival characteristics, and may present leaves modified to form spines, and these species are generally suculent. These plants have significant biological and ecological value in the northeastern of Brazil being present in the Caatinga environment which is characterized as an ecosystem presenting adverse environmental conditions in terms of both its climate and soils. Cactaceae are cited in the historical tome of the 17th century, Historia Naturalis Brasiliae (1648), by Piso and Marcgrave which contains one of the first considered scientific records of the Brazilian flora. In light of the singular value of this work, seven species of Cactaceae cited by those naturalists were examined in detail. It was also aimed to establish past-present timelines of Cactaceae species comparing their historic and present qualitative and quantitative uses. It was utilized as methodological path: documental, qualitative and quantitative researches. It was observed that six of the seven species described in that work are still utilized for different uses or/and conservative uses by human populations. The use-categories of Cactaceae cited in the original work and in more recently documents are: medicinal, ornamental, food resources, accessories, shade, bio-indicators, construction, magic-religious, fuel, forage, living fences, technology, and veterinary. It is remarkable that the categories medicinal, forage and living fences are cited in both past and present records. The records of Piso and Marcgrave are of significant importance in terms of understanding the temporal dynamics of the use of Cactaceae species, and the wellspring of this work ensures its continued contribution to future research in different areas

    Historical ethnobotany: an overview of selected studies

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    Historical Ethnobotany is an area of research responsible for understanding past interrelationships between people and plant using written records and iconography. The literature on this topic is scattered, and many of these studies are not recognised as such; therefore, it is difficult to compile historical ethnobotanical data. Accordingly, this study attempted to draw a general picture of the publications in this field. The Scopus, ISI Web of Knowledge and Scirus databases were used to search for articles with such keywords as “Ethnobotany + History” and “Historical Ethnobotany” among others. After the studies were selected, information was extracted that included the continents addressed and historical ages. Most studies encompassed a time frame that began in the Modern Age (54.7%), and 46% of the studies were focused on the American continent. With regard to the nature of the source, 98% of the studies included written records, and publications that used the documental analysis as a secondary data in their scope of research were among the most frequent types of studies that were found. In respect to iconographic sources, paintings were used in 6% of the studies. A total of 66% of the studies involved a species or species group as the study object. Our survey revealed the vast scope of these Historical Ethnobotany studies. We believe that this scientific field has great potential for future development and that its findings will only grow in importance considering the current ethnobotanical debateFil: Silva, Taline Cristina da. Universidade Federal Rural Pernambuco; BrasilFil: Medeiros, Patrícia Muniz. Universidade Federal Da Bahia; BrasilFil: Balcazar, Alejandro Lozano. Universidade Federal Rural Pernambuco; BrasilFil: Sousa, Thiago Antônio de Araújo. Universidade Federal Rural Pernambuco; BrasilFil: Pirondo, Analia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Nordeste. Instituto de Botánica del Nordeste. Universidad Nacional del Nordeste. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias. Instituto de Botánica del Nordeste; ArgentinaFil: Medeiros, Maria Franco Trindade. Universidade Federal de Campina Grande; Brasi


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    This paper calculates the optimal monetary policy rule for Brazilian economy, assuming that monetary authority adopts a flexible inflation targeting regime in which, besides the inflation target, there is also a target for public debt/GDP ratio. According to the open economy proposed model, risk premium is generated by high public debt. After estimating the parameters, Bellman equation is applied to determine the optimal monetary policy rule. Results suggest that when a target for public debt/GDP is taken into account in the loss function, monetary policy responds less aggressively to inflation shocks, while easing monetary policy becomes optimal response to positive shocks to public debt and risk premium.

    Educação Científica e as Relações entre História, Etnias e Natureza

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    Apresentamos um estudo de caso com uma proposição de articulação conceitual entre aspectos que envolvem a Educação e a Etnobiologia no seu diálogo com a História, Etnias e Natureza. Falaremos sobre contornos que envolvem a formação em Etnobiologia, incluindo um breve relato de experiência docente em componente curricular voltado à Etnobiologia e, enfim, refletiremos sobre o porquê a reflexão acerca do Ensino de Etnobiologia nos é interessante. Dividiremos, portanto, nossa escrita didaticamente em três imersões, que se seguem a partir do desenvolvimento do nosso discurso

    Medical Ethnobiology and Ethnopharmacology in Latin America

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    Through their long exposure and experience with natural resources, many local communities in Latin America have developed health care practices. Thousands of years of observation and experimentation have helped in developing different empirical medical systems, as well as knowledge of plants, animals, and minerals. Such knowledge is the subject of medical ethnobiology and ethnopharmacology, disciplines that before being exclusive actually complemented each other. In the broadest sense, both medical ethnobiology and ethnopharmacology attempt to make sense and to understand traditional medical systems: the first from perceptions, healing strategies, natural resources used to fight diseases or maintain health; the second from traditional medicines, either plants, animals, or minerals. We can find new and different types of approaches and theoretical and methodological developments such as ethnopharmacological evaluations of traditional drugs unknown so far; the inclusion of historical perspective in ethnopharmacological studies; the migration influence on traditional medical systems both in industrialized countries and remote locations, or a greater focus on urban contexts in ethnopharmacology. Moreover, the integrative aspect is noteworthy; it includesmedical ethnobotany and zootherapy (the treatment of human diseases using drug-based therapies derived from animals).Fil: Albuquerque, Ulysses Paulino. Universidad Federal Rural Pernambuco; BrasilFil: Cooper, Edwin L.. University of California at Los Angeles; Estados UnidosFil: Trindade Medeiros, María Franco. Universidad Federal Rural Pernambuco; BrasilFil: Nóbrega Alves, Rómulo Romeu. Universidade Estadual da Paraíba; BrasilFil: Ladio, Ana Haydee. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Patagonia Norte. Instituto de Investigaciones en Biodiversidad y Medioambiente. Universidad Nacional del Comahue. Centro Regional Universidad Bariloche. Instituto de Investigaciones en Biodiversidad y Medioambiente; Argentina. Universidad Nacional del Comahue. Centro Regional Universitario Bariloche. Laboratorio de Ecotono; Argentin

    Disability levels in cerebral vascular accident (CVA) survivors: the ICF model in action

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    Purpose: This study was designed to use the International of Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF tool) to establish an initial data base of disability levels for a group of cerebrovascular accident (CVA) survivors within the area of Campina Grande (Brazil). Methods: 38 survivors (17 females) participated in this study. 65.8% of the participants suffered ischemic CVA and 52.6% of all cases had injuries to the right cerebral cortical hemisphere. All neural injuries were considered chronic since they occurred at least five years from the date of this study. The ICF tool consisted of 49 questions distributed into 3 categories according to ICF’s core set for stroke. Results: The investigated group revealed high levels of dysfunction on very basic daily life activities: bipedal locomotion, use of upper limbs, and ability to interact with other citizens. Our study suggested that this population faces a much higher risk of developing secondary morbities caused by CVA and they include, [1] depression due to the inability of interaction and recreation, and [2] higher risk of falls due their impairment in bipedal ambulation. Significance: Results produced by our study have provided local public health agencies with a data base indicating what comorbidities local CVA survivors are more likely to suffer. This data base will aid these same agencies in developing effective local health policies aiming to prevent these comorbidities. Originality: This study shows that the introduction of a multi-factor score that integrates environmental and social aspects of disability is an essential tool for the development and evaluation of new public health policies