47 research outputs found

    Development of an electron density probe Final report, 22 Jun. 1964 - 22 Mar. 1965

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    Electron density probes to perform measurements in flow fields at high altitude

    Development of an electron density probe Final report, 28 May 1965 - 28 Feb. 1966

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    Electron density probe and its application in separated flow region of reentry Apollo spacecraft for typical trajector

    Communication and Surveillance for Ground Transportation

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    For high speed intercity or low speed intracity operation, communications and surveillance are important aspects in the design of control systems for advanced ground transportation. New technological approaches in communications and surveillance can provide improvements in system capacity, operational economy, safety and passenger convenience. A dielectric waveguide for communications and surveillance of vehicle characteristics (position and velocity) has been under experimental and analytical investigation for use along fixed guideways for ground transportation. This communication concept is nonradiating, has a broad bandwidth and provides a high rate of information transfer. Another important aspect of guideway surveillance is the detection of foreign obstacles that may cause vehicle damage or compromise passenger safety. For this application, an optical concept using a set of laser beams along the wayside is under investigation. The operating characteristics and method of deployment along TACV and railway guideways are presented

    At-wavelength characterization of the extreme ultraviolet Engineering Test Stand Set-2 optic

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    At-wavelength interferometric characterization of a new 4x-reduction lithographic-quality extreme ultraviolet (EUV) optical system is described. This state-of-the-art projection optic was fabricated for installation in the EUV lithography Engineering Test Stand (ETS) and is referred to as the ETS Set-2 optic. EUV characterization of the Set-2 optic is performed using the EUV phase-shifting point diffraction interferometer (PS/PDI) installed on an undulator beamline at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory's Advanced Light Source. This is the same interferometer previously used for the at-wavelength characterization and alignment of the ETS Set-1 optic. In addition to the PS/PDI-based full-field wavefront characterization, we also present wavefront measurements performed with lateral shearing interferometry, the chromatic dependence of the wavefront error, and the system-level pupil-dependent spectral-bandpass characteristics of the optic; the latter two properties are only measurable using at-wavelength interferometry

    Streak cameras for soft x-ray and optical radiation

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    The principal component of a streak camera is the image converter tube. A slit-shaped photocathode transforms the radiation into a proportional emission of electrons. An electron - optics arrangement accelerates the electrons and projects them into a phosphor screen creating the image of the slit. A pair of deflection plates deflects the electronic beam along a direction perpendicular to the main dimension of the slit. Different portions of the phosphor screen show the instantaneous image of the slit with brightness proportional to the number of emitted electrons and, consequently, to the intensity of the radiation. For our x-ray streak cameras, we use the RCA C73435A image conventer tube intended for the measurement of the radiation of light and modified to have an x-ray sensitive photocathode. Practical considerations lead to the use of transparent rather than reflecting photocathodes. Several of these camera tubes are briefly described

    Extreme-ultraviolet lensless Fourier-transform holography

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