Pulsed calibration of the soft x-ray streak camera


In order to better understand laser plasma interactions an effort is being made to obtain quantitative temporally and spectrally resolved measurements in the low energy x-ray region using a soft x-ray streak camera. X-ray mirrors and absorption filters are employed to perform broad band spectroscopy measurements. The components of these systems have now been calibrated and the results of these measurements will be reported. The calibration of the x-ray streak camera, needed to make absolute flux measurements, cannot be measured using the usual x-ray sources because backgrounds interfere with the operation in the D.C. mode. Repetition rates and duty cycles are too low to complete calibration on a D.C. source in a reasonable time using the camera in a pulsed mode. As an alternative the calibrations are being done using a Nd(YAG) laser producing pulses of approx. 1 joule having pulse widths of approx. 150 ps. The x-ray flux is being monitored by three x-ray diodes having Al photocathodes. Absorption filters having the same thicknesses as those used with the streak camera provide x-ray energy responses of the diodes which approximate the channel responses of the streak camera. By comparing the charge from the diode with the integral response of the streak camera, the camera response can be measured. Preliminary results will be discussed

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