334 research outputs found


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    Every school year, Algerian Ministry of Education recruits hundreds of university Masters’ graduates to occupy job vacancies in teaching English both in Middle and Secondary schools. However, student teachers who eventually become novice teachers are often blamed of being unprepared and unqualified for the profession. Student teachers alike express their dissatisfaction with the quality of teacher education they have received and the lack of training in different areas of teaching.  This exploratory paper seeks to investigate the level of readiness and preview the forecasted challenges that university graduates of English may encounter as they enter the school life. To do so, a questionnaire was administered to 136 Masters’ graduates of English at Biskra University to survey their major challenges and expectations of the teaching profession. The results revealed that a considerable number of student teachers are reluctant to join schools as they feel ill-equipped and untrained to become teachers though they see teaching as a promising job for the future. They also express their need to have pre-service teacher training sessions along their studies in which core elements of teaching need to be practiced and simulated especially lesson planning, classroom management and teaching language skills. The surveyed student teachers expressed their uncertainties of dealing with learners’ discipline problems in large classes especially in Secondary Schools, and preparing lessons from a textbook they have never trained to work with. For better insights into novice teachers’ challenges, a classroom observation-based enquiry and one-on-one interviews with beginning teachers may reveal further difficulties and suggest better recommendations

    Determinants to knowledge transfer and sharing in multimedia super corridor in Malaysia : the mediating role of trust

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    The increased quest for vision 2020 has certainly meant that the role of MSC status organizations in Malaysia in contributing success becomes the subject of considerable debate. In this context, not much research has been conducted on knowledge transfer and sharing in MSC status organizations as well as the mediating role of trust in enhancing knowledge transfer and sharing in the Malaysian organizations. Based on knowledge creation theory, this study examines the determinants of knowledge transfer and sharing in MSC status organizations in Malaysia. Primarily, this study explored the relationship between organizational capacity, organizational motivation, organizational environment, trust and knowledge transfer and sharing in MSC status organizations. Partial Least Squares Method (PLS) algorithm and bootstrap techniques were used to test the hypotheses. The results indicated that eight out of twenty-five hypotheses were found to be positive and significant. Specifically, the hypothesized direct relationships between organizational capacity (top management support), organizational motivation (culture), organizational environment (information technology), trust and knowledge transfer and sharing were supported. The results also revealed that the direct relationships between organizational capacity (human resource practices), and organizational environment (information technology, networks) were significantly related to trust. Furthermore, in terms of trust as mediating variable between organizational capacity, organizational motivation, organizational environment and knowledge transfer and sharing, one out of eight hypotheses indicated full mediation including the relationship between networks and knowledge transfer and sharing. These results offer theoretical, methodological, and practical implications and will help academics and practitioners in the knowledge management field. Nonetheless, further studies are necessary both to confirm the findings and to incorporate additional variables that may influence results. The results of the study were crucial to be looked into so that MSC status organizations could have a clearer understanding and guidelines if they were to enhance their mission to accomplish phase three 2011-2020 of vision 2020 in transforming Malaysia into a knowledge-based society

    Régénération naturelle de Cedrus atlantica Man. et de divers pins après incendie dans l'arboretum de Meurdja (Algérie)

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    L'auteur analyse la régénération naturelle du cèdre de l'Atlas, et de divers pins, quatre ans après incendie, au point de vue de la densité et de la croissance en hauteur des semis, dans l'arboretum de Meurdja (Atlas tellien, Algérie)

    Les centres anciens des villes moyennes algériennes, entre les exigences de la préservation de l’authenticité et celles de la durabilité.

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    This doctoral thesis examines the current state and future of old colonial centres in mediumsized towns in eastern Algeria, assessing the potential and particular features of each. These represent the basis for their preservation and development, while preserving their authenticity and ensuring their sustainability. And as these centres are all inherited from the colonial period, they are currently experiencing diverse situations, but all characterised by the decay of their urban fabric, the decline of their image and their brilliance is no longer as it was before. We believe that the situation of a city centre depends very much on the overall situation of the parent city, which is why we have chosen to first examine the state of the cities, to make a diagnosis, before moving on to the city centres. This choice is motivated by the fact that the strengths and weaknesses of each town are reflected in its city centre. The identification and classification of medium-sized towns and colonial towns in eastern Algeria was the subject of the first practical part of this thesis, which ended with a selective choice of three towns of different rankings. From the first global analysis of medium-sized towns, three towns were selected: Guelma, Khenchela and Chelghoum Laid. The city centres of these cities were analysed in terms of urban morphology, economic dynamics and other parameters. In the second part, we conclude that, on the eve of independence, the importance of the current centres is part of the importance of the city; these centres can only prosper through the inclusion of a form of urban project that takes into account all the components of the city, and even its territory. The preservation of this heritage, inherited from an important period in the nation's history, bears witness to its collective memory and invites us to put our finger on the issues and particularities of each town and each centr

    The Role of Laboratory-based Language Teaching in Developing Students' Aural-Oral Skills: An Experimental Approach Case Study: Second Year Students of English at Biskra University

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    This research paper investigates one of the most controversial and problematic subjects in the domain of English language teaching. It originally deals with the teaching of aural-oral skills using laboratory material to second year students at the University of Biskra. The primary aim is to probe the effectiveness of language laboratory as a teaching aid in developing and improving students' listening and speaking abilities. The present paper consists of two main parts and each part includes three chapters. The first part covers the theoretical aspect of the study. It generally presents a research on the nature of language skills and teaching aids, and more accurately it puts the aural-oral skills and language laboratory in focus. This theoretical foundation actually represents the review of related literature. The first chapter is a sort of introductory work. It summarizes the viewpoints of language researchers concerning the nature of the receptive and productive skills (listening and reading, speaking and writing). It also looks at the different teaching aids (audio, visual, and audio-visual) and their placement in the context of foreign language teaching. The second chapter introduces one of the most used teaching aid in TEFL; language laboratory. It establishes a historical overview of language laboratory and how it develops through time. The primary focus of this chapter is to describe almost all what is associated with this educational technology; its functions, procedures, types of installation, the teaching techniques and instructional material. The third chapter examines the nature of the two skills under investigation; listening and speaking. It also introduces the most common activities used to teach the two skills in classroom and particularly in the language laboratory. Students' difficulties in learning these skills are also given specific attention. The second part is devoted to the practical aspect of the study. It represents an actual application of what has been discussed earlier in the first part concerning the teaching of listening and speaking in the language laboratory. In this part we put the theory into practice in a form of fieldwork. The fourth chapter paves the path for the experimental study. It represents a description, analysis and interpretation of the questionnaires' responses given by students and teachers. This in turn (questionnaires' responses) help us to design the experimental program and material aiming at improving students' aural-oral skills. The fifth chapter is devoted to the experimental study. It includes the experimental instructional program, the scores obtained in the tests and the statistical analysis and interpretation of the results. The sixth chapter introduces some teaching recommendation about the effectiveness of the language laboratory in improving students' listening and speaking skills. Of course, the suggested pedagogical implications based on what we think can be helpful for the oral expression teacher.In fact, the study represents the personal perception and perspective of the researcher concerning the subject under investigation

    -La politique de mise en adéquation entre l’offre de formation professionnelle et du besoin du marché du travail en Algérie

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    Cet article a pour but de faire connaitre la politique du secteur de la formation professionnelle en Algérie en vue de son adaptation aux besoins exprimés par les employeurs potentiels en égard au grand déficit en main d’œuvre spécialisé d’une part et à l’existence de mille de chômeurs déplombés des établissement de  formation professionnelle d’autre part. يهدف هذا المقال إلى التعريف بسياسة قطاع التكوين المهني و الاحتياجات المعبر عنها من قبل الجهات المشغلة، حيث أن هناك عجز كبير في اليد العاملة المؤهلة بالرغم من وجود الآلاف من الشباب العاطلين عن العمل من جهة و الحاملين لشهادات من مؤسسات التكوين المهني من جهة أخرى

    Etude de l'activité biologique des extraits des bourgeons à fleurs, fleurs et fruits immatures du Capparis spinosa L.

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    Les extraits naturels issus des plantes médicinales contiennent une variété de molécules bioactives. Dans ce contexte, nous avons tenté d'évaluer l'activité antioxydante et antimicrobienne des différents extraits des bourgeons à fleurs, fleurs et les fruits immatures du Capparis spinosa. Les tests préliminaires ont montré la présence des flavonoïdes et des alcaloïdes et l'absence des tanins. La présence des flavonoïdes a été confirmée par des analyses qualitatives (CCM et HPLC) et par des analyses quantitatives basées sur le dosage spectral des polyphénols et des flavonoïdes, où la teneur la plus élevée a été révélée dans les extraits polaires: le MeOH pour les polyphénols (29,01 ± 0,84) et l'Aq pour les flavonoïdes (11,82 ± 0,38). L'évaluation de l'activité antioxydante par le test de DPPH, a révélé un grand pouvoir antioxydant pour les extraits polaires, ce pouvoir est corrélé avec le contenu en polyphénols. L'extrait MeOH a été le plus actif avec une activité antioxydante relative de 78,34%. L'étude de l'activité antibactérienne de nos extraits a révélé l'inactivation des extraits polaires contre les trois souches testés: E. coli, P. aeruginosa et S. aureus. Les extraits apolaires ont été actifs sur S. aureus avec des zones d'inhibition de 12,38mm et 11,83mm pour Ep et DCM respectivement et une concentration de 1g/ml. Le DCM a montré une activité anti-E. coli, cette activité a disparu à la dilution 1/4

    A Comparative Study on Spinel Iron-cobalt Oxide Prepared by Co-precipitation and Hydrothermal Routes

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    Spinel iron-cobalt oxide was synthetized by coprecipitation and hydrothermal process. The nanostruc-tures of the prepared samples were characterized as functions of the calcination temperature and the hy-drothermal synthesis time, using X-ray powder diffractometry (XRD) and nitrogen adsorption–desorption technique ( BET, BJH ). Using chloride salts as start materials and both of sodium hydroxide and ammo-nia as precipitating agents; The results show that the CoFe2O4 obtained has a mesoporous structure with a pore distribution strongly depending on the experimental conditions. The crystallite size and lattice pa-rameter showed a same variation as function of ( i ) the calcination temperature in the coprecipitation method, ( ii ) the synthesis time in the hydrothermal process. When you are citing the document, use the following link http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/3509