732 research outputs found

    Normal loads program for aerodynamic lifting surface theory

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    A description of and users manual are presented for a U.S.A. FORTRAN 4 computer program which evaluates spanwise and chordwise loading distributions, lift coefficient, pitching moment coefficient, and other stability derivatives for thin wings in linearized, steady, subsonic flow. The program is based on a kernel function method lifting surface theory and is applicable to a large class of planforms including asymmetrical ones and ones with mixed straight and curved edges

    Plotting program for aerodynamic lifting surface theory

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    A description of and users manual for a USA FORTRAN IV computer program which plots the planform and control points of a wing are presented. The program also plots some of the configuration data such as the aspect ratio. The planform data is stored on a disc file which is created by a geometry program. This program, the geometry program, and several other programs are used together in the analysis of lifting, thin wings in steady, subsonic flow according to a kernel function lifting surface theory

    Equation solving program for aerodynamic lifting surface theory

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    A description of and user's manual are presented for one of a group of FORTRAN programs which, together, can be used for the analysis and design of wings in steady, subsonic flow according to a kernel function method lifting surface theory. This particular program is the one which solves the sets of simultaneous, linear, algebraic equations arising from the thin wing analysis. This program has the capability of striking out rows and columns of the aerodynamic influence matrix and rows of the associated boundary condition vectors (right hand sides). This capability significantly enhances the effectiveness of the kernel function method of lifting surface theory because studies of the convergence of solutions with the number of control points can be done with the calculation of only a single influence matrix

    Boundary condition program for aerodynamic lifting surface theory

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    Users manual for a U.S.A. FORTRAN 4 computer program which determines boundary conditions for a thin wing lifting surface program is described. This program, the geometry program, and several other programs are used together in the analysis of lifting, thin wings in steady, subsonic flow according to a kernel function lifting surface theory. The program calculates specific types of boundary conditions automatically such as those necessary to determine pitch and roll damping derivatives. The program also accepts descriptions of the camber or downwash and twist in the form of tables and/or coefficients of equations. The program performs interpolations so that tables and/or coefficients can apply at stations selected by the user and not at stations dictated by the control point locations


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    Biji kakao yang dihasilkan oleh petani saat ini memiliki mutu yang masih rendah, terutama kekuatan aroma, warna, dan citarasa khas cokelat. Biji kakao yang diolah dan dijual para petani umumnya hanya biji asalan. Tujuan penelitian ini mengetahui efek kultur campuran jenis bionka dalam mempersingkat waktu fermentasi. Penelitian ini terdiri dari pembuatan kultur campuran bionka, fermentasi biji kakao satu hari dengan penambahan kultur campuran bionka, fermentasi tiga hari dan lima hari tanpa penambahan kultur, pembuatan bubuk kakao dan analisis. Fermentasi menggunakan kultur campuran jenis bionka selama satu hari memberikan hasil temperatur optimum 47 oC, derajat keasaman (pH) 5,68; indeks fermentasi 1,01; biji ungu (slaty) 0%; biji fermentasi memenuhi SNI 01-2323-2008; nilai sensorik atribut aroma, warna biji kakao cokelat, dan citarasa diatas skor 4 artinya suka, serta memiliki warna cokelat kuat dan tidak tumbuh jamur pada penyimpanan 1, 3, dan 5 bulan

    Vortex Effects for Canard-wing Configurations at High Angles of Attack in Subsonic Flow

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    A fully three-dimensional subsonic panel method that can handle arbitrary shed vortex wakes is used to compute the nonlinear forces and moments on simple canard-wing configurations. The lifting surfaces and wakes are represented by doublet panels. The Mangler-Smith theory is used to provide an initial estimate for the vortex sheet shed from the leading edge. The trailing-edge wake and the leading-edge wake downstream of the trailing edge are assumed to be straight and leave the trailing edge at an angle of alpha/2. Results indicate good agreement with experimental data up to 40 degs angle of attack

    NASA Ames three-dimensional potential flow analyses system (POTFAN) boundary condition code (BCDN), version 1

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    This segment of the POTFAN system is used to generate right hand sides (boundary conditions) of the system of equations associated with the flow field under consideration. These specified flow boundary conditions are encountered in the oblique derivative boundary value problem (boundary value problem of the third kind) and contain the Neumann boundary condition as a special case. Arbitrary angle of attack and/or sideslip and/or rotation rates may be specified, as well as an arbitrary, nonuniform external flow field and the influence of prescribed singularity distributions

    The scientific letters of Lorenzo R. Parodi

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    31-44The scientific correspondence of the Argentine botanist Lorenzo Raimundo Parodi (1895-1966) includes 5280 letters interchanged between 1916 and 1966 with 1257 correspondents from 50 countries. Parodi`s correspondence is comparatively rich in copies of his own letters, and therefore it offers both an insight into his personal views and a record of the ways in which he communicated with an extensive network of relationships. The article first describes the structure and formation dynamics of the documentary corpus, then analyzes in detail the thirty epistolary exchanges in which Parodi`s participation (as measured by the number of his own letters) was maximal. Also, a full index of the correspondence is added as an electronic supplement. In spite of Parodi`s various academic interests and of the considerable diversity of his partners, the correspondence unequivocally reflects that research on grasses was the axis that organized Parodi`s scientific life. The central position he occupied in Argentina`s botany during the first two thirds of the past century, along with his international reputation as grostologist, makes his correspondence a repository of manuscripts by virtually every significant member of these two corporations that were active during Parodi`s life. This article makes a contribution to the scarce bibliography on epistolary exchanges of Argentine scientists, and is apparently the first edited correspondence of an Argentine botanist

    NASA Ames potential flow analysis (POTFAN) geometry program (POTGEM), version 1

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    A computer program known as POTGEM is reported which has been developed as an independent segment of a three-dimensional linearized, potential flow analysis system and which is used to generate a panel point description of arbitrary, three-dimensional bodies from convenient engineering descriptions consisting of equations and/or tables. Due to the independent, modular nature of the program, it may be used to generate corner points for other computer programs