567 research outputs found

    Just Who Is the Person Having Ordinary Skill in the Art? Patent Law\u27s Mysterious Personage

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    Various patent validity and infringement questions are decided against the standard of the person having ordinary skill in the art (Phosita). For example, under 35 U.S.C. § 103(a), an invention must be nonobvious to one of ordinary skill in the art to be granted a patent. In this context, the Federal Circuit has set out six factors for measuring the level of skill of Phosita, yet the court has provided remarkably little guidance in their use and their relationship to nonobviousness. This situation has led to confusion and difficulties among courts trying to assess Phosita\u27s skill. This Comment argues that the current factors must be abandoned or modified, and suggests new factors which more accurately reflect the underlying purpose of the Phosita standard

    Our Parents, Ourselves: Health Care for an Aging Population; A Report of the Dartmouth Atlas Project

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    The new Dartmouth Atlas, funded by The John A. Hartford Foundation, is a report card that analyzes Medicare data to show us where the United States is making progress in patient-centered, evidence-based care for Medicare beneficiaries and where improvement is still needed. It also offers insight into regional variations in care.Filling in the gaps in our knowledge about the state of care across the country will help health care providers, health systems, and patients and families work together to improve care for all older adults.This Dartmouth Atlas report looks at a number of measures from Medicare data, including:The number of days older adults spend in contact with the health care system;Use of high-risk medications;Cancer screening rates (and how they compare with recommendations);30-day hospital readmission rates;Annual Wellness Visit (AWV) rates;Late hospice referral; andThe number of days spent in intensive care.The report also offers a historical look at key practices, comparing data from 2003-05 and 2012

    Synactic structure and its effects on performance in a second language

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    SIGLEAvailable from British Library Document Supply Centre- DSC:D37051/81 / BLDSC - British Library Document Supply CentreGBUnited Kingdo

    Exploring the relationship between productive vocabulary knowledge and second language oral ability

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    The current study investigated the extent to which L2 learners’ productive vocabulary knowledge could predict multiple dimensions of spontaneous speech production. A total of 39 EFL participants with varying L2 proficiency levels first completed a productive vocabulary knowledge task (Lex30). Their spontaneous speech, elicited via a series of picture description task, was then assessed for comprehensibility (i.e., ease of understanding), accentedness (i.e., linguistic nativelikeness), and fluency (i.e., speech rate). The findings showed that the productive vocabulary scores significantly correlated with L2 fluency, but not with comprehensibility or accentedness. Such results might indicate that more proficient L2 learners, as indicated by their productive vocabulary scores, might be able to speak spontaneously without too many pauses and repetitions, and at a faster tempo. Finally, future research directions will be discussed with a focus on the relationships between vocabulary knowledge and speaking

    Diamond (111) surface reconstruction and epitaxial graphene interface

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    The evolution of the diamond (111) surface as it undergoes reconstruction and subsequent graphene formation is investigated with angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy, low energy electron diffraction, and complementary density functional theory calculations. The process is examined starting at the C(111)-(2x1) surface reconstruction that occurs following detachment of the surface adatoms at 920 {\deg}C, and continues through to the liberation of the reconstructed surface atoms into a free-standing monolayer of epitaxial graphene at temperatures above 1000 {\deg}C. Our results show that the C(111)-(2x1) surface is metallic as it has electronic states that intersect the Fermi-level. This is in strong agreement with a symmetrically {\pi}-bonded chain model and should contribute to resolving the controversies that exist in the literature surrounding the electronic nature of this surface. The graphene formed at higher temperatures exists above a newly formed C(111)-(2\times1) surface and appears to have little substrate interaction as the Dirac-point is observed at the Fermi-level. Finally, we demonstrate that it is possible to hydrogen terminate the underlying diamond surface by means of plasma processing without removing the graphene layer, forming a graphene-semiconductor interface. This could have particular relevance for doping the graphene formed on the diamond (111)surface via tuneable substrate interactions as a result of changing the terminating species at the diamond-graphene interface by plasma processing.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figure

    Assessing L2 vocabulary depth with word associates format tests: issues, findings, and suggestions

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    Word Associates Format (WAF) tests are often used to measure second language learners’ vocabulary depth with a focus on their network knowledge. Yet, there were often many variations in the specific forms of the tests and the ways they were used, which tended to have an impact on learners’ response behaviors and, more importantly, the psychometric properties of the tests. This paper reviews the general practices, key issues, and research findings that pertain to WAF tests in four major areas, including the design features of WAF tests, conditions for test administration, scoring methods, and test-taker characteristics. In each area, a set of variables is identified and described with relevant research findings also presented and discussed. Around eight topics, the General Discussion section provides some suggestions and directions for the development of WAF tests and the use of them as research tools in the future. This paper is hoped to help researchers become better aware that the results generated by a WAF test may vary depending on what specific design the test has, how it is administered and scored, and who the learners are, and consequently, make better decisions in their research that involves a WAF test

    How many words do you need to speak Arabic? An Arabic vocabulary size test

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    This study describes a vocabulary size test in Arabic used with 339 nativespeaking learners at school and university in Saudi Arabia. Native speakervocabulary size scores should provide targets for attainment for learners ofArabic, should inform the writers of course books and teaching materials,and the test itself should allow learners to monitor their progress towardsthe goal of fluency. Educated native speakers of Arabic possess arecognition vocabulary about 25,000 words, a total which is largecompared with equivalent test scores of native speakers of English. Theresults also suggest that acquisition increases in speed with age and thisis tentatively explained by the highly regular system of morphologicalderivation which Arabic uses and which, it is thought, is acquired inadolescence. This again appears different from English where the rate ofacquisition appears to decline with age. While the test appears reliableand valid, there are issues surrounding the definition of a word in Arabicand further research into how words are stored, retrieved and processedin Arabic is needed to inform the construction of further tests whichmight, it is thought, profitably use a more encompassing definition ofthe lemma as the basis for testing
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