16 research outputs found

    Deepfake Literacy of the Journalists and Initiatives of Media Organization in Bangladesh

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    Deepfake has become a recent concern in the field of journalism. Though earlier deepfake was mainly used in porn industry nowadays the unscrupulous people used it to provide false and fabricated information. Artificial Intelligence Algorithm is being used to make deepfake video. Journalism is becoming challenging in Bangladesh. Government has made several laws and some sections of those laws are playing a vigorous role against free fair journalism. The aim of this study is to find out the deepfake knowledge of the journalists in Bangladesh. The study interviews 100 journalists of 50 media outlets including television, print and online media. Among the journalists 80 per cent did not know about deepfake and those who heard about it earlier among them only 9 percent got knowledge from their respective organization. A good number of journalists did not get proper training on deepfake. This study concluded by proposing few recommendations to teach the journalists about deepfake. Keywords: Deepfake, Bangladesh, Journalist, Deep learning, Artificial Intelligence, Technology DOI: 10.7176/NMMC/102-01 Publication date:October 31st 202

    Organoleptic and grain quality traits of aromatic rice varieties as influenced by supplementation of Zn and 2-acetyl-1-pyrroline

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    Aromatic rice fetches premium prices in world markets due to its pleasant smell and enchanting flavor. In Bangladesh, the quality of aromatic rice is much inferior than those of other rice growing countries because of lack of improved variety and judicious agronomic management. Selection of appropriate variety and supplementation zinc (Zn) and 2-acetyl-1-pyrroline (2-AP) can improve the aroma. The present study exhibited the effects of 2-AP and Zn supplementation on yield and quality of aromatic rice. Two well-known aromatic cultivars, BRRI dhan80 and BRRI dhan34, were cultured separately in pot supplemented with 2-AP and Zn. The results showed that supplementation of 2-AP and /or Zn along with conventional practices had significant effects on organoleptic and some quality parameters studied in this study. The concentration of 2AP and Zn in rice grain increased with increasing their application rate. Additionally, grain 2-AP concentrations were significantly and positively correlated with organoleptic characters. Interactions of both these elements with the complex process of 2-AP formation remain to be explored

    Safety Measures of Journalists during Corona Pandemic in Bangladesh

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    Among other frontline fighters journalists have been the first responders to the pandemic of the COVID-19 virus Because of following professional responsibilities they have become highly vulnerable to get exposed to the risk As a result providing safety measures to them has received the highest priority at this time It has been urged by national and international organizations and associations to media employers to provide safety measures to their respective journalists This study aims to examine the management of media employers of Bangladesh in providing safety measures to journalists The study interviews 48 journalists of 12 newspapers and 12 television channels selecting one reporter and one copy editor from each media The results reveal that the majority of journalists received inadequate nonstandard irregular imbalanced and improper safety measures while the rest got nothing because of the employer s total negligence and financial crisis The study also shows that the media employers failed to distribute safety measures between reporters and copy editors equally Based on the findings the study concludes by calling for a proper safety plan to protect journalists from health risk

    Determinants of non-performing loans in conventional and Islamic banks: Emerging market evidence

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    This study examines the determinants of non-performing loans (NPLs) among macroeconomic and bank-specific factors for the Islamic and conventional banking sectors in Bangladesh. We implement a dynamic panel data model with a two-stage system GMM for the period 2010-2021. Among the bank-specific factors, this study finds that return on assets, return on equity, bank size, and inefficiency help to reduce NPLs. In contrast, gross loan growth, leverage, and capital adequacy ratios contribute to increasing NPLs. Among macroeconomic determinants, inflation, and GDP growth have a significant negative impact on NPLs. Moreover, unemployment and exchange rates are also found to be significant determinants of NPLs. At the bank level, growth in gross loans reduces NPLs in Islamic banks, while the opposite is true for conventional banks. Our findings have significant implications for depositors and regulators in making appropriate decisions

    Design and Development of a Power Operated Sunflower Thresher

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    Sunflower production is increasing in Bangladesh, but farmers face problems separating the seeds from the sunflower heads. Sunflowers are traditionally threshed by beating the heads manually with a stick. The goal of this experiment is to design and develop a motor-driven machine that separates the seeds from the sunflower. An orthographic projection was drawn using SolidWorks 2016 software. The sunflower threshing machine was then fabricated according to the drawing in the FMPE Divisional workshop using locally available materials in 2017-18. The developed sunflower threshing machine was modified in 2018-19. The improved model was further modified to reduce the overall dimensions while maintaining the same capacity of the machine. The number of threshing rollers was reduced from 5 to 4. A threshing fan has been added to the improved version to separate the dust from the grains. The capacity of the motorized sunflower thresher was 115 and 304% higher than that of the pedal thresher and manual threshing, respectively. The capacity of the thresher was varied with moisture content. The capacity of the thresher varied from 89 to 125 kg/h at moisture content from 31 to 62% (wb). [J Bangladesh Agril Univ 2022; 20(3.000): 289-294

    Toxicity of cypermethrin on the embryo and larvae of Gangetic mystus, Mystus cavasius

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    The objective of the present study was to elucidate the effects of cypermethrin on the embryo and the larvae of Gangetic mystus, Mystus cavasius. Therefore, fertilized eggs (n = 100) and 1-day-old larvae (n = 100) were exposed to six different concentrations of cypermethrin (0, 2, 4, 8, 16 and 32 μg L−1) in each of the 18 plastic bowls. Each of the treatment and control was maintained in three replicates. The LC10 and LC50 values for Gangetic mystus embryos and larvae were calculated using probit analysis. Results showed the mortality of embryos significantly increased with increasing cypermethrin concentrations. The 24-h LC10 and LC50 (with 95% confidence interval) values of cypermethrin for embryo were 0.42 (0.14–0.81) and 5.60 (4.16–7.19) μg L−1, respectively. Hatching success decreased and mortality of larvae increased significantly with increasing cypermethrin concentrations. The 24-h LC10 and LC50 values (with 95% confidence limits) of cypermethrin for larvae were 1.72 (1.24–2.20) and 11.57 (10.09–13.42) μg L−1, respectively; the 48-h LC10 and LC50 for larvae were 1.34 (0.83–1.89) and 8.25 (6.87–9.91) μg L−1, respectively; the 72-h LC10 and LC50 for larvae were 1.13 (0.63–1.66) and 6.12 (4.91–7.47) μg L−1, respectively. Furthermore, results showed several malformations in embryos and larvae when exposed to the two highest concentrations of cypermethrin. The findings of the study suggest that 2 μg L−1 cypermethrin concentration in the aquatic environment may have deleterious effects on the development and the reproduction of Gangetic mystus


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    Seed powders from Mangifera indica (MSP), Sygyzium cumini (SSP) and Tamarindus indica (TSP) are considered to have hypoglycemic potential in the traditional medicinal system of Bangladesh. We examined serum glucose, total cholesterol (TC), triglyceride (TG) and low density lipoprotein (LDL) lowering ability in Wistar rats when the above seed powders were administered in diet, alone or in combination. Rats were divided into 11 groups. Group 1 was fed a high fat-high sucrose diet. The other groups received respectively (w/w diet), 0.1 and 1% MSP (Groups 2, 3), 0.1 and 1% TSP (Groups 4, 5), 0.1 and 1% SSP (Groups 6, 7), 0.1% SSP + 0.1% TSP (Group 8), 0.1% SSP + 1% TSP (Group 9), 1% SSP + 0.1% TSP (Group 10), and 1% SSP + 1% TSP (Group 11). All groups received diet ad libitum for 30 days. Significant reduction of serum glucose was observed in Groups 4, 5 and 8. Significant reduction of serum TC was observed in Groups 8-11. Significant reduction of serum TG was observed in Groups 3-5. Significant reductions in serum LDL was observed in Groups 6-11. Taken together, the results validate the use of TSP in traditional medicine to lower glucose and further suggest that the above seed powders, alone or in combination, can be used for lowering of serum TC, TG and LDL. The rats did not manifest any signs of toxicity, when given the above seed powders

    Is Bangladesh on the right path toward sustainable development? An empirical exploration of energy sources, economic growth, and CO2 discharges nexus

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    The sustainability of the recent economic progress of Bangladesh is critically dependent on how it faces envi-ronmental challenges, as the country is one of the primary victims of climate alteration. Taking into account the crucial roles of energy sources in this scenario, we analyze the impacts of non-renewable and renewable energy consumption (NREC and REC) on the growth-environment nexus in Bangladesh from 1980 to 2018. Based on the Auto-Regressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) model with and without structural breaks and policy dummies, our findings show that REC significantly upsurges economic growth, whereas NREC diminishes it. However, NREC leads to environmental deterioration, while REC enhances environmental quality. Besides, our results fail to support the Environmental Kuznets Curve hypothesis for Bangladesh. Interestingly, the policy dummy upsurges CO2 discharges while lessening economic growth, implying that the Bangladesh governments policies do not adequately cut pollution. Our Toda-Yamamoto non-causality test indicates a unidirectional causality running from GDP and its square term and NREC to CO2 emissions. Our findings suggest that policymakers in Bangladesh should adopt and implement strategies like enhancing renewable energy production, investment subsidies, tax credits, quota policies, and technological advancements to boost REC while plunging NREC to achieve economic sustainability.Author´s last draft is self-archived on the author's personal homepage: https://ylifin.wordpress.com/publications/</p

    Psychological disorders among college going students: A post Covid-19 insight from Bangladesh

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has been found to result in adverse effects on both the physical and mental well-being of individuals. The adolescent population emerged as one of the most susceptible cohorts affected by the ongoing pandemic. They experienced significant adversity due to various mental health conditions. The objective of this study was to evaluate the present prevalence rates of depression, anxiety, and internet addiction among college-going students in Bangladesh following the post-COVID period. The study involved a cohort of 7667 students. A cross-sectional study was conducted to evaluate the levels of depression, anxiety, and internet addiction among college-going adolescents. The assessment utilized the Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9), Generalised Anxiety Disorder (GAD-7), and Young's Internet Addiction Test (IAT) scales. The data was analyzed using the Pearson chi-square test and binary logistic regression. Participants averaged 15.3 years old and 64.3 % female. 63 % of students fulfilled the criterion for internet addiction, 37 % did not, 75 % met depression criteria, 25 % did not, and 60 % met anxiety requirements. Girls were more depressed and anxious than boys. Boys were more internet-addicted than girls. Social media usage from COVID-19, daily exercise, online courses, and financial concerns throughout the pandemic affected participants' mental health. Still, the students were suffering from internet addiction, depression, and anxiety after COVID-19. Early identification and intervention may lessen these difficulties' influence on adolescents' academic and personal lives. Colleges may provide mental health services, encourage healthy lives, and educate on mental health