11,066 research outputs found

    On the potential use of radar-derived information in operational numerical weather prediction

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    Estimates of requirements likely to be levied on a new observing system for mesoscale meteonology are given. Potential observing systems for mesoscale numerical weather prediction are discussed. Thermodynamic profiler radiometers, infrared radiometer atmospheric sounders, Doppler radar wind profilers and surveillance radar, and moisture profilers are among the instruments described

    Notes on the Life Histories of \u3ci\u3eAcrosternum Hilare\u3c/i\u3e and \u3ci\u3eCosmopepla Bimaculata\u3c/i\u3e (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) in Southern Illinois

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    The life histories of Acrosternum hilare and Cosmopepla bimaculata were studied in southern Illinois from May 1972 to September 1974 and from September 1992 to June 1995. Both species were bivoltine, overwintered as adults, and became active in early spring. The subsequent generations were characterized by marked overlapping of the nymphal instars. No active adults were found after early November

    Resurvey of the Pentatomoidea (Heteroptera) of the La Rue-Pine Hills Research Natural Area in Union County, Illinois

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    A resurvey of the Pentatomoidea of the La Rue-Pine Hills Research Natural Area was conducted from September 1992 to June 1995 and the results compared with those of an earlier survey by McPherson and Mohlenbrock (1976). Sampling during the resurvey was limited to the 17 collecting sites of the earlier survey, thus permitting comparisons of the flora and fauna in the two studies. Notes were taken on the times of occurrence of adult and immature stages and on the food plants. Of the 49 pentatomoid species and subspecies included in the original survey, 36 were collected during the resurvey. Of the 13 not collected, 12 were rare and one, Holcostethus limbolarius (Stål), was relatively common during the original survey. Two additional species, Galgupha ovalis Hussey and Corimelaena obscura McPherson and Sailer, were added to the list, the latter because it was described as new subsequent to the original survey. The most noticeable change in the vegetation that accounted for differences in pentatomoid diversity and abundance was the marked reduction in abundance of common mullein, Verbascum thapsus L. The resurvey showed that 11 of the 17 sites had changed in character and plant composition, seven because of woody invasion and four because of the influence of exotic and invasive species; the remaining six had changed little. Exotic plant species have become an increasingly prominent component of the vegetative communities

    Optimization of miRNA-seq data preprocessing.

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    The past two decades of microRNA (miRNA) research has solidified the role of these small non-coding RNAs as key regulators of many biological processes and promising biomarkers for disease. The concurrent development in high-throughput profiling technology has further advanced our understanding of the impact of their dysregulation on a global scale. Currently, next-generation sequencing is the platform of choice for the discovery and quantification of miRNAs. Despite this, there is no clear consensus on how the data should be preprocessed before conducting downstream analyses. Often overlooked, data preprocessing is an essential step in data analysis: the presence of unreliable features and noise can affect the conclusions drawn from downstream analyses. Using a spike-in dilution study, we evaluated the effects of several general-purpose aligners (BWA, Bowtie, Bowtie 2 and Novoalign), and normalization methods (counts-per-million, total count scaling, upper quartile scaling, Trimmed Mean of M, DESeq, linear regression, cyclic loess and quantile) with respect to the final miRNA count data distribution, variance, bias and accuracy of differential expression analysis. We make practical recommendations on the optimal preprocessing methods for the extraction and interpretation of miRNA count data from small RNA-sequencing experiments

    Public\u27s Interest in the O\u27Fallon Decision

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    Historical Support for Early Methodist Views of Water and Spirit Baptism

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    This paper is a product of the Wesleyan Studies Summer Seminar for 2011. This program at Asbury Theological Seminary, under the leadership of Dr. Kenneth Collins, provides Wesleyan scholars with a month long intensive opportunity for research, writing, and interacting with other Wesleyan scholars for the furthering of academic knowledge in fields of Wesleyan Studies. This paper explores the historical theological positions regarding water and Spirit Baptism in early Methodism and how these views diverged in the American Holiness Movement. Early Methodist teaching was more in line with Church history in associating water baptism with the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. American Holiness teaching reduced the importance of water baptism to a symbolic act of repentance with a later outpouring of the Holy Spirit leading to entire sanctification

    Ultrahigh harmonics from laser-assisted ion-atom collisions

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    We present a theoretical analysis of high-order harmonic generation from ion-atom collisions in the presence of linearly polarized intense laser pulses. Photons with frequencies significantly higher than in standard atomic high-harmonic generation are emitted. These harmonics are due to two different mechanisms: (i) collisional electron capture and subsequent laser-driven transfer of an electron between projectile and target atom; (ii) reflection of a laser-driven electron from the projectile leading to recombination at the parent atom.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    A New Generation Gap? Some thoughts on the consequences of increasingly early ICT first contact

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    One possible consequence of ICT’s rapid rise will be a new ‘generation gap’ arising from differing perceptions of the learning technologies. The nature, causes and consequences of this gap are of interest to educational practitioners and policymakers. This paper uses data from an ongoing project together with a synopsis of research to describe the ICT-based generation gap that currently exists between students and their teachers and parents. It is argued that this gap may exist between students differing in age by as little as five years. Results from a related project exploring Networked Information and Communication Literacy Skills (NICLS), are used to introduce a discussion on the nature of any skills gap that must be addressed in the light of this generation gap

    Multiple curved descending approaches and the air traffic control problem

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    A terminal area air traffic control simulation was designed to study ways of accommodating increased air traffic density. The concepts that were investigated assumed the availability of the microwave landing system and data link and included: (1) multiple curved descending final approaches; (2) parallel runways certified for independent and simultaneous operation under IFR conditions; (3) closer spacing between successive aircraft; and (4) a distributed management system between the air and ground. Three groups each consisting of three pilots and two air traffic controllers flew a combined total of 350 approaches. Piloted simulators were supplied with computer generated traffic situation displays and flight instruments. The controllers were supplied with a terminal area map and digital status information. Pilots and controllers also reported that the distributed management procedure was somewhat more safe and orderly than the centralized management procedure. Flying precision increased as the amount of turn required to intersect the outer mark decreased. Pilots reported that they preferred the alternative of multiple curved descending approaches with wider spacing between aircraft to closer spacing on single, straight in finals while controllers preferred the latter option. Both pilots and controllers felt that parallel runways are an acceptable way to accommodate increased traffic density safely and expeditiously


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    Methyl parathion or Penncap M (an encapsulated methyl parathion) are used extensively throughout the United States for controlling stink bug pests in soybeans, Glycine Max (L.) Merrill. However, this insecticide is highly toxic to mammals, birds, and non-target arthropods, and thus is less environmentally sound than other insecticides. For environmental and human health considerations, investigating alternative insecticides for control is desired. For this investigation, research based on field experimental data from Florida, Georgia, and Louisiana during the 1988 and 1989 growing seasons were employed. Results indicate that alternative, currently available, and less toxic insecticides may reduce producer costs, increase yield, and improve soybean quality. These alternative insecticides include Scout (tralomethrin), Karate (lambda-cyhalothrin), Orthene (acephate), and Baythroid (cyfluthrin). In terms of improved profits these alternative insecticides may dominate methyl parathion or encapsulated methyl parathion.Crop Production/Industries,
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