386 research outputs found

    Expression of a pathogenic mutation of SOD1 sensitizes aprataxin-deficient cells and mice to oxidative stress and triggers hallmarks of premature ageing

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    Aprataxin (APTX) deficiency causes progressive cerebellar degeneration, ataxia and oculomotor apraxia in man. Cell free assays and crystal structure studies demonstrate a role for APTX in resolving 5'-adenylated nucleic acid breaks, however, APTX function in vertebrates remains unclear due to the lack of an appropriate model system. Here, we generated a murine model in which a pathogenic mutant of superoxide dismutase 1 (SOD1(G93A)) is expressed in an Aptx-/- mouse strain. We report a delayed population doubling and accelerated senescence in Aptx-/- primary mouse fibroblasts, which is not due to detectable telomere instability or cell cycle deregulation but is associated with a reduction in transcription recovery following oxidative stress. Expression of SOD1(G93A) uncovers a survival defect ex vivo in cultured cells and in vivo in tissues lacking Aptx. The surviving neurons feature numerous and deep nuclear envelope invaginations, a hallmark of cellular stress. Furthermore, they possess an elevated number of high-density nuclear regions and a concomitant increase in histone H3 K9 trimethylation, hallmarks of silenced chromatin. Finally, the accelerated cellular senescence was also observed at the organismal level as shown by down-regulation of insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1), a hallmark of premature ageing. Together, this study demonstrates a protective role of Aptx in vivo and suggests that its loss results in progressive accumulation of DNA breaks in the nervous system, triggering hallmarks of premature ageing, systemically

    PERK Activation Promotes Medulloblastoma Tumorigenesis by Attenuating Premalignant Granule Cell Precursor Apoptosis.

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    Evidence suggests that activation of pancreatic endoplasmic reticulum kinase (PERK) signaling in response to endoplasmic reticulum stress negatively or positively influences cell transformation by regulating apoptosis. Patched1 heterozygous deficient (Ptch1(+/-)) mice reproduce human Gorlin's syndrome and are regarded as the best animal model to study tumorigenesis of the sonic hedgehog subgroup of medulloblastomas. It is believed that medulloblastomas in Ptch1(+/-) mice results from the transformation of granule cell precursors (GCPs) in the developing cerebellum. Here, we determined the role of PERK signaling on medulloblastoma tumorigenesis by assessing its effects on premalignant GCPs and tumor cells. We found that PERK signaling was activated in both premalignant GCPs in young Ptch1(+/-) mice and medulloblastoma cells in adult mice. We demonstrated that PERK haploinsufficiency reduced the incidence of medulloblastomas in Ptch1(+/-) mice. Interestingly, PERK haploinsufficiency enhanced apoptosis of premalignant GCPs in young Ptch1(+/-) mice but had no significant effect on medulloblastoma cells in adult mice. Moreover, we showed that the PERK pathway was activated in medulloblastomas in humans. These results suggest that PERK signaling promotes medulloblastoma tumorigenesis by attenuating apoptosis of premalignant GCPs during the course of malignant transformation.Grant numbers and sources of support: National Institutes of Health (NS73132, NS37956, and CA21765), National Multiple Sclerosis Society (RG4813-A-2 and RG5239-A-3), and Wellcome Trust.This is the final version of the article. It first appeared from Elsevier via https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ajpath.2016.03.00

    Modelling mutational and selection pressures on dinucleotides in eukaryotic phyla -selection against CpG and UpA in cytoplasmically expressed RNA and in RNA viruses

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    BACKGROUND: Loss of CpG dinucleotides in genomic DNA through methylation-induced mutation is characteristic of vertebrates and plants. However, these and other eukaryotic phyla show a range of other dinucleotide frequency biases with currently uncharacterized underlying mutational or selection mechanisms. We developed a parameterized Markov process to identify what neighbour context-dependent mutations best accounted for patterns of dinucleotide frequency biases in genomic and cytoplasmically expressed mRNA sequences of different vertebrates, other eukaryotic groups and RNA viruses that infect them. RESULTS: Consistently, 11- to 14-fold greater frequencies of the methylation-associated mutation of C to T upstream of G (depicted as C→T,G) than other transitions best modelled dinucleotide frequencies in mammalian genomic DNA. However, further mutations such as G→T,T (5-fold greater than the default transversion rate) were required to account for the full spectrum of dinucleotide frequencies in mammalian sequence datasets. Consistent with modeling predictions for these two mutations, instability of both CpG and CpT dinucleotides was identified through SNP frequency analysis of human DNA sequences. Different sets of context-dependent mutations were modelled in other eukaryotes with non-methylated genomic DNA. In contrast to genomic DNA, best-fit models of dinucleotide frequencies in transcribed RNA sequences expressed in the cytoplasm from all organisms were dominated by mutations that eliminated UpA dinucleotides, observations consistent with cytoplasmically driven selection for mRNA stability. Surprisingly, mRNA sequences from organisms with methylated genomes showed evidence for additional selection against CpG through further context-dependent mutations (eg. C→A,G). Similar mutation or selection processes were identified among single-stranded mammalian RNA viruses; these potentially account for their previously described but unexplained under-representations of CpG and UpA dinucleotides. CONCLUSIONS: Methods we have developed identify mutational processes and selection pressures in organisms that provide new insights into nucleotide compositional constraints and a wealth of biochemical and evolutionarily testable predictions for the future

    Ptch2 is a Potential Regulator of Mesenchymal Stem Cells

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    Ptch receptors 1 and 2 mediate Hedgehog signaling pivotal for organ development and homeostasis. In contrast to embryonic lethal Ptch1(-/-) phenotype, Ptch2(-/-) mice display no effect on gross phenotype. In this brief report, we provide evidence of changes in the putative incisor mesenchymal stem cell (MSC) niches that contribute to accelerated incisor growth, as well as intriguing changes in the bones and skin which suggest a role for Ptch2 in the regulation of MSCs and their regenerative potential. We employed histological, immunostaining, and computed tomography (mu CT) analyses to analyze morphological differences between Ptch2(-/-) and wild-type incisors, long bones, and skins. In vitro CFU and differentiation assays were used to demonstrate the MSC content and differentiation potential of Ptch2(-/-) bone marrow stromal cells. Wound healing assay was performed in vivo and in vitro on 8-week-old mice to assess the effect of Ptch2 on the wound closure. Loss of Ptch2 causes increases in the number of putative MSCs in the continuously growing incisor, associated with increased vascularization observed in the tooth mesenchyme and the neurovascular bundle. Increased length and volume of Ptch2(-/-) bones is linked with the increased number and augmented in vitro differentiation potential of MSCs in the bone marrow. Dynamic changes in the Ptch2(-/-) skin thickness relate to changes in the mesenchymal compartment and impact the wound closure potential. The effects of Ptch2 abrogation on the postnatal MSCs suggest a crucial role for Ptch2 in Hedgehog signaling regulation of the organ regenerative potential.Peer reviewe

    The neurotrophin receptor, gp75, forms a complex with the receptor tyrosine kinase TrkA

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    The high-affinity NGF receptor is thought to be a complex of two receptors , gp75 and the tyrosine kinase TrkA, but direct biochemical evidence for such an association had been lacking. In this report, we demonstrate the existence of such a gp75-TrkA complex by a copatching technique. Gp75 on the surface of intact cells is patched with an anti-gp75 antibody and fluorescent secondary antibody, the cells are then fixed to prevent further antibody-induced redistributions, and the distribution of TrkA is probed with and anti-TrkA antibody and fluorescent secondary antibody. We utilize a baculovirus-insect cell expression of wild-type and mutated NGF receptors. TrkA and gp75 copatch in both the absence and presence of NGF. The association is specific, since gp75 does not copatch with other tyrosine kinase receptors, including TrkB, platelet-derived growth factor receptor-beta, and Torso (Tor). To determine which domains of TrkA are required for copatching, we used a series of TrkA-Tor chimeric receptors and show that the extracellular domain of TrkA is sufficient for copatching with gp75. A chimeric receptor with TrkA transmembrane and intracellular domains show partial copatching with gp75. Deletion of the intracellular domain of gp75 decreases but does not eliminate copatching. A point mutation which inactivates the TrkA kinase has no effect on copatching, indicating that this enzymatic activity is not required for association with gp75. Hence, although interactions between the gp75 and TrkA extracellular domains are sufficient for complex formation, interactions involving other receptor domains also play a role

    53BP1 Enforces Distinct Pre- and Post-resection Blocks on Homologous Recombination.

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    53BP1 activity drives genome instability and lethality in BRCA1-deficient mice by inhibiting homologous recombination (HR). The anti-recombinogenic functions of 53BP1 require phosphorylation-dependent interactions with PTIP and RIF1/shieldin effector complexes. While RIF1/shieldin blocks 5'-3' nucleolytic processing of DNA ends, it remains unclear how PTIP antagonizes HR. Here, we show that mutation of the PTIP interaction site in 53BP1 (S25A) allows sufficient DNA2-dependent end resection to rescue the lethality of BRCA1Δ11 mice, despite increasing RIF1 "end-blocking" at DNA damage sites. However, double-mutant cells fail to complete HR, as excessive shieldin activity also inhibits RNF168-mediated loading of PALB2/RAD51. As a result, BRCA1Δ1153BP1S25A mice exhibit hallmark features of HR insufficiency, including premature aging and hypersensitivity to PARPi. Disruption of shieldin or forced targeting of PALB2 to ssDNA in BRCA1D1153BP1S25A cells restores RNF168 recruitment, RAD51 nucleofilament formation, and PARPi resistance. Our study therefore reveals a critical function of shieldin post-resection that limits the loading of RAD51.We thank Anthony Tubbs for comments on the paper; Jennifer Mehalko and Dom Esposito (Protein Expression Laboratory, Frederick National Laboratory for Cancer Research) for transgenic constructs; Karim Baktiar, Diana Haines, and Elijah Edmonson (Pathology/Histotechnology Laboratory, Frederick National Laboratory for Cancer Research) for rodent necropsy, pathology analysis, and imaging; Joseph Kalen and Nimit Patel (Small Animal Imaging Program, Frederick National Laboratory for Cancer Research) for X-ray computed tomography (CT) scan imaging; Jennifer Wise and Kelly Smith for assistance with animal work; Davide Robbiani and Kai Ge for antibodies; Dan Durocher for shieldin constructs; David Goldstein and the CCR Genomics core for sequencing support; and Neil Johnson for discussions. Research in the J.M.S. laboratory is supported by NIH grant R01CA197506. Research in the N.M. laboratory is supported by NIH grant R01 227001. The A.N. laboratory is supported by the Intramural Research Program of the NIH, an Ellison Medical Foundation Senior Scholar in Aging Award (AG-SS-2633-11), the Department of Defense Idea Expansion (W81XWH-15-2-006) and Breakthrough (W81XWH-16-1-599) Awards, the Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation Award, and an NIH Intramural FLEX Award.S
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