83 research outputs found


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    The purpose of this paper is to measure the effect of task repetition as part of a task-based language teaching sequence in an EFL classroom. Research has shown that task repetition can lead to improvements in the complexity, accuracy, and fluency (CAF) of spoken task performance; however, most studies lack ecological validity. High school students were recorded performing two similar monologic spoken tasks. Significant gains were made in syntactic complexity and fluency, with no loss of accuracy on the second performance. The results support research that suggests task-based language teaching sequences involving task repetition can lead to inter-language development.本稿は英語の授業で行われている、口頭でのタスクパフォーマンスにおけるタスクの繰り返しが与える効果測定が目的である。繰り返しタスクを行うことによって、スピーキング能力のCAF(複雑さ・正確さ・流暢さ)が向上するとの結果が得られている。しかし、ほとんどの研究は生態学的妥当性を欠いている。高校生が似た長文のスピーキングタスクを2 回行ったのを録音したところ、2 回目目には文章上の正確さを失うことなく、複雑な統語を流暢に使う能力が向上した。この結果から、タスクを繰り返を含みながら生徒に継続してタスク型指導を行うことが言語間の発達に繋がるという説を立証する

    EFL 教材の信憑性を高めるために行われた料理レシピのコーパス分析

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    This paper uses a specialised corpus of English written recipes to determine the suitability of vocabulary presented in a textbook lesson. Additionally, it aims to provide data that can be used to inform the design of classroom materials that better exemplify authentic English usage than that presented in the textbook. The corpus is analysed to identify the most frequent verbs in recipes and record frequently occurring patterns of those verbs. The findings are compared with the textbook and suggestions are made for how the data could be used pedagogically. It was found that the vocabulary presented in the textbook did not represent frequently used vocabulary in authentic texts and that the examples of how the vocabulary items are used also lacked authenticity.本論文は、英語の教科書に書かれている料理レシピの語彙の適合性を判断するために、専門コーパスを使用している。さらに、教科書に提示されている語彙よりも、より信憑性が高い英語使用法を表している教材を作成する為に、使用可能なデータを提供することも目的としている。コーパスを分析し、レシピの中で最も頻度の高い動詞を識別したうえで、動詞の頻出パターンを記録している。調査目的として使用された教科書と調査結果を比較し、どのようにそのデータを教育用として使用できるかについての提案がなされている。教科書にある語彙は本物の料理レシピでは頻繁に使用されてはいなく、また語彙の使用例も信憑性を欠いていることがわかった


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    Despite growing empirical evidence of the effectiveness of data-driven learning (DDL), its popularity is hindered by perceptions that it is unsuitable for beginners, and requires student and teacher training as well as technology in the classroom. This pilot study measures the effectiveness of a paper-based DDL activity aimed at teaching vocabulary to low-level EFL learners. It also demonstrates how a DDL activity can be implemented in a technology free classroom, without the need for student or teacher training. Beginner level students in an intact university EFL class received DDL vocabulary instruction combined with more traditional methods. Pre and post-tests revealed significant gains for vocabulary items that received DDL instruction, while items that only received traditional instruction and control items showed no significant gains.データ駆動型学習(DDL)については、その効果に関する実証研究が進んでいるものの、初修者には不向きであるとか、IT 機器そのものの必要性や、学習者と教員の機器を使用するための訓練が必要であるという認識により、広く行われるまでには至っていない。本稿は、外国語として英語を学ぶ初級レベルの学習者への語彙指導に紙媒体のDDL 活動を取り入れて、その効果を測定するパイロットスタディーである。その中で、IT 機器や学習者・教員の訓練も要さずにDDL は実行可能であることも示す。大学の初級英語のひとクラスを対象に、伝統的な手法と組み合わせてデータ駆動型の語彙指導を行った。指導の前後に行ったテストの結果では、DDL活動を行った語彙項目にはかなりの得点上昇が見られたが、伝統的な方法で指導した語彙項目、およびコントロール群の語彙項目では得点の上昇は見られなかった

    ジェネリックスキルテストを使用した言語学習能力評価の実行可能性:2018 年度多摩大学共同研究プロジェクト報告

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    This report explains the preliminary findings of a longitudinal study that uses statistical analyses of PROG scores and TOEIC scores to determine if the PROG might be an indicator of language learning ability. PROG scores for Literacy and Competency from 2018 for a group of university freshmen were correlated with English grades, TOEIC scores and changes in TOEIC scores over time. Additional correlations were calculated for sub-groups such as TOEIC range and gender. The preliminary findings indicate weak correlations between PROG scores and TOEIC scores. Similarly, there are weak to moderate correlations between PROG scores and final grades in English classes. More importantly, the correlation coefficients are statistically significant at less than .05 p value and less than .01 p value. Although more data analysis is necessary, the results indicate that generic skills tests can provide language educators with valuable information for both language course design and student placement into language course levels.本稿では、PROG が言語学習能力の指標であるかどうかを判断するために行ったPROG スコアとTOEIC スコアの統計分析を使用した縦断的研究の予備調査結果を報告する。2018 年の大学の新入生のグループが受験したPROG のリテラシーとコンピテンシーのスコアが、英語の成績、TOEIC スコア、及び時間経過に伴うTOEICスコアの変化と相関しているかを分析した。さらに、TOEIC スコアの分布や性別などの下位グループについても相関関係を調べた。予備調査の結果は、PROG スコアとTOEIC スコアの間に弱い相関があることを示している。同様に、PROG スコアと英語クラスの成績との間には弱から中程度の相関がみられた。より重要なことに、相関係数は .05p値未満および .01p値未満で、統計的に有意である。より多くのデータの分析が必要であるが、本研究は、ジェネリックスキルテストが語学コースの設計とコース受講者のプレースメントに役立ち、語学教育の担当者に貴重な情報を提供できる可能性を示している

    An elementary proof of an equivalence theorem relevant in the theory of optimization

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    The authors give an elementary proof of an equivalence theorem of analysis which is often used in optimization theory. The theorem asserts that certain conditions are equivalent to weak convergence in L 1 . One is the Dunford-Pettis condition concerning absolute integrability. Two others are expressed in terms of Nagumo functions, and can be thought of as growth properties. The original proofs of the various parts of the theorem are scattered in different and specialized mathematical publications. The authors feel it useful to present here a straightforward proof of the various parts in terms of standard Lebesgue integration theory.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/45221/1/10957_2004_Article_BF00938425.pd

    Preclinical Development of an In Vivo BCG Challenge Model for Testing Candidate TB Vaccine Efficacy

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    There is an urgent need for an immunological correlate of protection against tuberculosis (TB) with which to evaluate candidate TB vaccines in clinical trials. Development of a human challenge model of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (M.tb) could facilitate the detection of such correlate(s). Here we propose a novel in vivo Bacille Calmette-Guérin (BCG) challenge model using BCG immunization as a surrogate for M.tb infection. Culture and quantitative PCR methods have been developed to quantify BCG in the skin, using the mouse ear as a surrogate for human skin. Candidate TB vaccines have been evaluated for their ability to protect against a BCG skin challenge, using this model, and the results indicate that protection against a BCG skin challenge is predictive of BCG vaccine efficacy against aerosol M.tb challenge. Translation of these findings to a human BCG challenge model could enable more rapid assessment and down selection of candidate TB vaccines and ultimately the identification of an immune correlate of protection

    Biospecimen reporting for improved study quality (BRISQ)

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    Human biospecimens are subjected to collection, processing, and storage that can significantly alter their molecular composition and consistency. These biospecimen preanalytical factors, in turn, influence experimental outcomes and the ability to reproduce scientific results. Currently, the extent and type of information specific to the biospecimen preanalytical conditions reported in scientific publications and regulatory submissions varies widely. To improve the quality of research that uses human tissues, it is crucial that information on the handling of biospecimens be reported in a thorough, accurate, and standardized manner. The Biospecimen Reporting for Improved Study Quality (BRISQ) recommendations outlined herein are intended to apply to any study in which human biospecimens are used. The purpose of reporting these details is to supply others, from researchers to regulators, with more consistent and standardized information to better evaluate, interpret, compare, and reproduce the experimental results. The BRISQ guidelines are proposed as an important and timely resource tool to strengthen communication and publications on biospecimen-related research and to help reassure patient contributors and the advocacy community that their contributions are valued and respected. Cancer (Cancer Cytopathol) 2011. Published 2011 by the American Cancer Society.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/83764/1/20147_ftp.pd

    Biospecimen Reporting for Improved Study Quality

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    Human biospecimens are subject to a number of different collection, processing, and storage factors that can significantly alter their molecular composition and consistency. These biospecimen preanalytical factors, in turn, influence experimental outcomes and the ability to reproduce scientific results. Currently, the extent and type of information specific to the biospecimen preanalytical conditions reported in scientific publications and regulatory submissions varies widely. To improve the quality of research utilizing human tissues, it is critical that information regarding the handling of biospecimens be reported in a thorough, accurate, and standardized manner. The Biospecimen Reporting for Improved Study Quality recommendations outlined herein are intended to apply to any study in which human biospecimens are used. The purpose of reporting these details is to supply others, from researchers to regulators, with more consistent and standardized information to better evaluate, interpret, compare, and reproduce the experimental results. The Biospecimen Reporting for Improved Study Quality guidelines are proposed as an important and timely resource tool to strengthen communication and publications around biospecimen-related research and help reassure patient contributors and the advocacy community that the contributions are valued and respected.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/90474/1/bio-2E2010-2E0036.pd

    Internal standard-based analysis of microarray data2—Analysis of functional associations between HVE-genes

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    In this work we apply the Internal Standard-based analytical approach that we described in an earlier communication and here we demonstrate experimental results on functional associations among the hypervariably-expressed genes (HVE-genes). Our working assumption was that those genetic components, which initiate the disease, involve HVE-genes for which the level of expression is undistinguishable among healthy individuals and individuals with pathology. We show that analysis of the functional associations of the HVE-genes is indeed suitable to revealing disease-specific differences. We show also that another possible exploit of HVE-genes for characterization of pathological alterations is by using multivariate classification methods. This in turn offers important clues on naturally occurring dynamic processes in the organism and is further used for dynamic discrimination of groups of compared samples. We conclude that our approach can uncover principally new collective differences that cannot be discerned by individual gene analysis

    Registered Replication Report on Fischer, Castel, Dodd, and Pratt (2003)

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    The attentional spatial-numerical association of response codes (Att-SNARC) effect (Fischer, Castel, Dodd, & Pratt, 2003)—the finding that participants are quicker to detect left-side targets when the targets are preceded by small numbers and quicker to detect right-side targets when they are preceded by large numbers—has been used as evidence for embodied number representations and to support strong claims about the link between number and space (e.g., a mental number line). We attempted to replicate Experiment 2 of Fischer et al. by collecting data from 1,105 participants at 17 labs. Across all 1,105 participants and four interstimulus-interval conditions, the proportion of times the effect we observed was positive (i.e., directionally consistent with the original effect) was .50. Further, the effects we observed both within and across labs were minuscule and incompatible with those observed by Fischer et al. Given this, we conclude that we failed to replicate the effect reported by Fischer et al. In addition, our analysis of several participant-level moderators (finger-counting habits, reading and writing direction, handedness, and mathematics fluency and mathematics anxiety) revealed no substantial moderating effects. Our results indicate that the Att-SNARC effect cannot be used as evidence to support strong claims about the link between number and space