214 research outputs found

    Cell wall arabinan is essential for guard cell function

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    Stomatal guard cells play a key role in the ability of plants to survive on dry land, because their movements regulate the exchange of gases and water vapor between the external environment and the interior of the plant. The walls of these cells are exceptionally strong and must undergo large and reversible deformation during stomatal opening and closing. The molecular basis of the unique strength and flexibility of guard cell walls is unknown. We show that degradation of cell wall arabinan prevents either stomatal opening or closing. This locking of guard cell wall movements can be reversed if homogalacturonan is subsequently removed from the wall. We suggest that arabinans maintain flexibility in the cell wall by preventing homogalacturonan polymers from forming tight associations

    Discovery, activity and characterisation of an AA10 lytic polysaccharide oxygenase from the shipworm symbiont Teredinibacter turnerae

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    Background: The quest for novel enzymes for cellulosic biomass-degradation has recently been focussed on lytic polysaccharide monooxygenases (LPMOs/PMOs), Cu-containing proteins that catalyse the oxidative degradation of otherwise recalcitrant polysaccharides using O2 or H2O2 as a co-substrate. Results: Although classical saprotrophic fungi and bacteria have been a rich source of lytic polysaccharide monooxy genases (LPMOs), we were interested to see if LPMOs from less evident bio-environments could be discovered and assessed for their cellulolytic activity in a biofuel context. In this regard, the marine shipworm Lyrodus pedicellatus represents an interesting source of new enzymes, since it must digest wood particles ingested during its natural tunnel boring behaviour and plays host to a symbiotic bacterium, Teredinibacter turnerae, the genome of which has revealed a multitude of enzymes dedicated to biomass deconstruction. Here, we show that T. turnerae encodes a cellulose-active AA10 LPMO. The 3D structure, at 1.4 Å resolution, along with its EPR spectrum is distinct from other AA10 polysaccharide monooxygenases insofar as it displays a “histidine-brace” catalytic apparatus with changes to the surrounding coordination sphere of the copper. Furthermore, TtAA10A possesses a second, surface accessible, Cu site 14 Å from the classical catalytic centre. Activity measurements show that the LPMO oxidises cellulose and thereby signifcantly augments the rate of degradation of cellulosic biomass by classical glycoside hydrolases. Conclusion: Shipworms are wood-boring marine molluscs that can live on a diet of lignocellulose. Bacterial sym bionts of shipworms provide many of the enzymes needed for wood digestion. The shipworm symbiont T. turnerae produces one of the few LPMOs yet described from the marine environment, notably adding to the capability of shipworms to digest recalcitrant polysaccharides

    Eco-evolutionary dynamics set the tempo and trajectory of metabolic evolution in multispecies communities

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    The eco-evolutionary dynamics of microbial communities are predicted to affect both the tempo and trajectory of evolution in constituent species [1]. While community composition determines available niche space, species sorting dynamically alters composition, changing over time the distribution of vacant niches to which species adapt [2], altering evolutionary trajectories [3, 4]. Competition for the same niche can limit evolutionary potential if population size and mutation supply are reduced [5, 6] but, alternatively, could stimulate evolutionary divergence to exploit vacant niches if character displacement results from the coevolution of competitors [7, 8]. Under more complex ecological scenarios, species can create new niches through their exploitation of complex resources, enabling others to adapt to occupy these newly formed niches [9, 10]. Disentangling the drivers of natural selection within such communities is extremely challenging, and it is thus unclear how eco-evolutionary dynamics drive the evolution of constituent taxa. We tracked the metabolic evolution of a focal species during adaptation to wheat straw as a resource both in monoculture and in polycultures wherein on-going eco-evolutionary community dynamics were either permitted or prevented. Species interactions accelerated metabolic evolution. Eco-evolutionary dynamics drove increased use of recalcitrant substrates by the focal species, whereas greater exploitation of readily digested substrate niches created by other species evolved if on-going eco-evolutionary dynamics were prevented. Increased use of recalcitrant substrates was associated with parallel evolution of tctE, encoding a carbon metabolism regulator. Species interactions and species sorting set, respectively, the tempo and trajectory of evolutionary divergence among communities, selecting distinct ecological functions in otherwise equivalent ecosystems

    Lignocellulose degradation mechanisms across the Tree of Life.

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    Organisms use diverse mechanisms involving multiple complementary enzymes, particularly glycoside hydrolases (GHs), to deconstruct lignocellulose. Lytic polysaccharide monooxygenases (LPMOs) produced by bacteria and fungi facilitate deconstruction as does the Fenton chemistry of brown-rot fungi. Lignin depolymerisation is achieved by white-rot fungi and certain bacteria, using peroxidases and laccases. Meta-omics is now revealing the complexity of prokaryotic degradative activity in lignocellulose-rich environments. Protists from termite guts and some oomycetes produce multiple lignocellulolytic enzymes. Lignocellulose-consuming animals secrete some GHs, but most harbour a diverse enzyme-secreting gut microflora in a mutualism that is particularly complex in termites. Shipworms however, house GH-secreting and LPMO-secreting bacteria separate from the site of digestion and the isopod Limnoria relies on endogenous enzymes alone. The omics revolution is identifying many novel enzymes and paradigms for biomass deconstruction, but more emphasis on function is required, particularly for enzyme cocktails, in which LPMOs may play an important role.The work of the teams at York, Portsmouth and Cambridge on development of ideas expressed in this review was supported by grants from BBSRC (BB/H531543/1, BB/L001926/1, BB/1018492/1, BB/K020358/1). The workshop was supported by a US Partnering grant from BBSRC (BB/G016208/1) to Cragg and a BBSRC/FAPESP grant to Bruce (BB/1018492/1). Watts was supported by Marie Curie FP7-RG 276948. Goodell acknowledges support from USDA Hatch Project S-1041 VA-136288. Distel acknowledges support from NSF Award IOS1442759 and NIH Award Number U19 TW008163. Beckham thanks the US Department of Energy Bioenergy Technologies Office for funding. We appreciated the hospitality of the Linnean Society in allowing us to meet in inspirational surroundings under portraits of Linnaeus, Darwin and Wallace.This is the final version of the article. It first appeared from Elsevier via http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cbpa.2015.10.01

    Association mapping for maize stover yield and saccharification efficiency using a multiparent advanced generation intercross (MAGIC) population

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    Cellulosic ethanol derived from fast growing C4 grasses could become an alternative to finite fossil fuels. With the potential to generate a major source of lignocellulosic biomass, maize has gained importance as an outstanding model plant for studying the complex cell wall network and also to optimize crop breeding strategies in bioenergy grasses. A genome-wide association study (GWAS) was conducted using a subset of 408 Recombinant Inbred Lines (RILs) from a Multi-Parent Advanced Generation Intercross (MAGIC) Population in order to identify single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) associated with yield and saccharification efficiency of maize stover. We identified 13 SNPs significantly associated with increased stover yield that corresponded to 13 QTL, and 2 SNPs significantly associated with improved saccharification efficiency, that could be clustered into 2 QTL. We have pointed out the most interesting SNPs to be implemented in breeding programs based on results from analyses of averaged and yearly data. Association mapping in this MAGIC population highlight genomic regions directly linked to traits that influence the final use of maize. Markers linked to these QTL could be used in genomic or marker-assisted selection programs to improve biomass quality for ethanol production. This study opens a possible optimisation path for improving the viability of second-generation biofuelsPlan Estatal de Ciencia y Tecnología de España | Ref. RTI2018–096776-B-C21Plan Estatal de Ciencia y Tecnología de España | Ref. RTI2018–096776-B-C2

    A new perspective in bio-refining : Levoglucosenone and cleaner lignin from waste biorefinery hydrolysis lignin by selective conversion of residual saccharides

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    An unexpected opportunity is reported to improve the sustainability of biorefineries whereby 8 wt% levoglucosenone (LGE) can be derived from unconverted saccharides in a lignin-rich biorefinery waste stream in a highly selective fashion (>90%). Additionally, in the process a purer lignin is obtained which can be used for further processing or materials applications. LGE is a valuable and versatile product with a plethora of applications

    Hemocyanin facilitates lignocellulose digestion by wood-boring marine crustaceans

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    Woody (lignocellulosic) plant biomass is an abundant renewable feedstock, rich in polysaccharides that are bound into an insoluble fiber composite with lignin. Marine crustacean woodborers of the genus Limnoria are among the few animals that can survive on a diet of this recalcitrant material without relying on gut resident microbiota. Analysis of fecal pellets revealed that Limnoria targets hexose-containing polysaccharides (mainly cellulose, and also glucomannans), corresponding with the abundance of cellulases in their digestive system, but xylans and lignin are largely unconsumed. We show that the limnoriid respiratory protein, hemocyanin, is abundant in the hindgut where wood is digested, that incubation of wood with hemocyanin markedly enhances its digestibility by cellulases, and that it modifies lignin. We propose that this activity of hemocyanins is instrumental to the ability of Limnoria to feed on wood in the absence of gut symbionts. These findings may hold potential for innovations in lignocellulose biorefining

    Defining the functional traits that drive bacterial decomposer community productivity

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    Microbial communities are essential to a wide range of ecologically and industrially important processes. To control or predict how these communities function, we require a better understanding of the factors which influence microbial community productivity. Here, we combine functional resource use assays with a biodiversity–ecosystem functioning (BEF) experiment to determine whether the functional traits of constituent species can be used to predict community productivity. We quantified the abilities of 12 bacterial species to metabolise components of lignocellulose and then assembled these species into communities of varying diversity and composition to measure their productivity growing on lignocellulose, a complex natural substrate. A positive relationship between diversity and community productivity was caused by a selection effect whereby more diverse communities were more likely to contain two species that significantly improved community productivity. Analysis of functional traits revealed that the observed selection effect was primarily driven by the abilities of these species to degrade β-glucan. Our results indicate that by identifying the key functional traits underlying microbial community productivity we could improve industrial bioprocessing of complex natural substrates
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