24 research outputs found

    Gaussian Process Modelling for Uncertainty Quantification in Convectively-Enhanced Dissolution Processes in Porous Media

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    Numerical groundwater flow and dissolution models of physico-chemical processes in deep aquifers are usually subject to uncertainty in one or more of the model input parameters. This uncertainty is propagated through the equations and needs to be quantified and characterised in order to rely on the model outputs. In this paper we present a Gaussian process emulation method as a tool for performing uncertainty quantification in mathematical models for convection and dissolution processes in porous media. One of the advantages of this method is its ability to significantly reduce the computational cost of an uncertainty analysis, while yielding accurate results, compared to classical Monte Carlo methods. We apply the methodology to a model of convectively-enhanced dissolution processes occurring during carbon capture and storage. In this model, the Gaussian process methodology fails due to the presence of multiple branches of solutions emanating from a bifurcation point, i.e., two equilibrium states exist rather than one. To overcome this issue we use a classifier as a precursor to the Gaussian process emulation, after which we are able to successfully perform a full uncertainty analysis in the vicinity of the bifurcation point

    Effects of reactive dissolution of orthopyroxene in producing incompatible element depleted melts and refractory mantle residues during early fore-arc spreading: constraints from ophiolites in eastern Mediterranean

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    Compositional variations of peridotites from the Cretaceous ophiolites in southern Turkey and Northern Cyprus are presented to document the nature of partial melting and possible effects of reactive dissolution of primary mantle phases during fore-arc spreading. The peridotites overall exhibit a range of 187Os/188Os ratios from 0.1171 to 0.1266 and appear to represent a mantle region that preserves a record of ancient melt depletion. The samples are depleted in 187Os/188Os compared to the ambient oceanic upper mantle (187Os/188Os ~0.127), suggesting that they are representatives of a shallow fore-arc mantle where transport of radiogenic 187Os during slab dehydration was limited. Chemical variations of primary mantle minerals indicate that the peridotites are the residues of moderate to high degrees (>16%) of partial melting and have experienced significant modal and chemical compositional modification through interaction with oxidizing hydrous basaltic melts. Interacting melts, which appear to be similar in composition to primitive arc tholeiite, are likely to have originated from sub-lithospheric lower part of the mantle wedge during early stages of fore-arc spreading and migrated upward to react with variably depleted harzburgites to induce further melting in the overlying lithospheric mantle through open-system reactive flow. This second stage melting resulted in (1) common occurrence of reactive harzburgites and dunites by incongruent melting of orthopyroxene and crystallization of olivine through interaction with olivine saturated melt; and (2) local development of refertilized peridotites by shallower melt impregnation that involves interaction with olivine + clinopyroxene saturated melt. The dissolution of orthopyroxene caused the reacting melt to be enriched in silica and diluted in incompatible elements which led to the production of the final melts similar in composition to fore arc basalt and boninite. Involvement of compositionally variable mantle and melt components with different rates of melt influx therefore appears to explain the generation of fore-arc crust with a range of diverse rock suites including temporally and spatially associated arc tholeiites and boninites with significant depletion in incompatible elements

    Effects of reactive dissolution of orthopyroxene in producing incompatible element depleted melts and refractory mantle residues during early fore-arc spreading: constraints from ophiolites in eastern Mediterranean

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    Compositional variations of peridotites from the Cretaceous ophiolites in southern Turkey and Northern Cyprus are presented to document the nature of partial melting and possible effects of reactive dissolution of primary mantle phases during fore-arc spreading. The peridotites overall exhibit a range of 187Os/188Os ratios from 0.1171 to 0.1266 and appear to represent a mantle region that preserves a record of ancient melt depletion. The samples are depleted in 187Os/188Os compared to the ambient oceanic upper mantle (187Os/188Os ~0.127), suggesting that they are representatives of a shallow fore-arc mantle where transport of radiogenic 187Os during slab dehydration was limited. Chemical variations of primary mantle minerals indicate that the peridotites are the residues of moderate to high degrees (>16%) of partial melting and have experienced significant modal and chemical compositional modification through interaction with oxidizing hydrous basaltic melts. Interacting melts, which appear to be similar in composition to primitive arc tholeiite, are likely to have originated from sub-lithospheric lower part of the mantle wedge during early stages of fore-arc spreading and migrated upward to react with variably depleted harzburgites to induce further melting in the overlying lithospheric mantle through open-system reactive flow. This second stage melting resulted in (1) common occurrence of reactive harzburgites and dunites by incongruent melting of orthopyroxene and crystallization of olivine through interaction with olivine saturated melt; and (2) local development of refertilized peridotites by shallower melt impregnation that involves interaction with olivine + clinopyroxene saturated melt. The dissolution of orthopyroxene caused the reacting melt to be enriched in silica and diluted in incompatible elements which led to the production of the final melts similar in composition to fore arc basalt and boninite. Involvement of compositionally variable mantle and melt components with different rates of melt influx therefore appears to explain the generation of fore-arc crust with a range of diverse rock suites including temporally and spatially associated arc tholeiites and boninites with significant depletion in incompatible elements

    Organizational context and the discursive construction of organizing

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    Organizational discourse has very little meaning outside its context. To understand any discourse's meaning, we must theorize about both the discourse's possibility and the circumstances of its constitution. Otherwise, we abstract text, sundering it from context. The present article asks what is context and what types of discourse structures and discourse strategies construct context? The author develops four distinct dimensions of context: when, where, as whom, and why people speak. To collaboratively construct meaning, an organization's members use several discursive means whereby a discourse from one context can be inserted, reframed, appropriated, and recursively placed into a discourse from another context-to achieve cross-contextual organizing of their accounts. Through such cross-contextual discursive work, members strive to balance these four (sometimes conflicting) contextual dimensions