36 research outputs found

    Technologies for restricting mould growth on baled silage

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    End of project reportSilage is made on approximately 86% of Irish farms, and 85% of these make some baled silage. Baled silage is particularly important as the primary silage making, storage and feeding system on many beef and smaller sized farms, but is also employed as a secondary system (often associated with facilitating grazing management during mid-summer) on many dairy and larger sized farms (O’Kiely et al., 2002). Previous surveys on farms indicated that the extent of visible fungal growth on baled silage was sometimes quite large, and could be a cause for concern. Whereas some improvements could come from applying existing knowledge and technologies, the circumstances surrounding the making and storage of baled silage suggested that environmental conditions within the bale differed from those in conventional silos, and that further knowledge was required in order to arrive at a secure set of recommendations for baled silage systems. This report deals with the final in a series (O’Kiely et al., 1999; O’Kiely et al., 2002) of three consecutive research projects investigating numerous aspect of the science and technology of baled silage. The success of each depended on extensive, integrated collaboration between the Teagasc research centres at Grange and Oak Park, and with University College Dublin. As the series progressed the multidisciplinary team needed to underpin the programme expanded, and this greatly improved the amount and detail of the research undertaken. The major objective of the project recorded in this report was to develop technologies to improve the “hygienic value” of baled silage

    Ultrashort laser sintering of printed silver nanoparticles on thin, flexible, and porous substrates

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    The fabrication of low-cost and mechanically robust flexible electronic patterns has increasingly gained attention due to their growing applications in flexible displays, touch screen panels, medical devices, and solar cells. Such applications require cost-effective deposition of metals in a well-controlled manner potentially using nanoparticles (NPs). The presence of solvent and precursors in NP based inks impacts the electrical conductivity of the printed pattern and a post-processing heating step is typically performed to restore the electrical properties and structure of the material. We report printing with picolitre droplet volumes of silver (Ag) NPs on flexible substrates using an acoustic microdroplet dispenser. The low-cost, controlled deposition of Ag ink is performed at room temperature on photopaper, polyimide and clear polyimide substrates. A localized, ultrashort pulsed laser with minimal heat affected zone is employed to sinter printed Ag patterns. For comparison, oven sintering is performed, and the results are analysed with scanning electron microscopy, four-point probe and Hall measurements. The femtosecond laser sintering revealed highly organized, connected nanostructure that is not achievable with oven heating. A significant decrease in sheet resistance, up to 93% in Ag NPs on clear polyimide confirms the laser sintering improves the connectivity of the printed film and as a result, the electrical properties are enhanced. The surface morphology attained by the laser sintering process is interpreted to be due to a joining of NPs as a result of a solid-state diffusion process in the near surface region of NPs

    Femtosecond laser assisted crystallization of gold thin films.

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    We propose a novel low temperature annealing method for selective crystallization of gold thin films. Our method is based on a non-melt process using highly overlapped ultrashort laser pulses at a fluence below the damage threshold. Three different wavelengths of a femtosecond laser with the fundamental (1030 nm), second (515 nm) and third (343 nm) harmonic are used to crystallize 18-nm and 39-nm thick room temperature deposited gold thin films on a quartz substrate. Comparison of laser wavelengths confirms that improvements in electrical conductivity up to 40% are achievable for 18-nm gold film when treated with the 515-nm laser, and the 343-nm laser was found to be more effective in crystallizing 39-nm gold films with 29% improvement in the crystallinity. A two-temperature model provides an insight into ultrashort laser interactions with gold thin films and predicts that applied fluence was insufficient to cause melting of gold films. The simulation results suggest that non-equilibrium energy transfer between electrons and lattice leads to a solid-state and melt-free crystallization process. The proposed low fluence femtosecond laser processing method offers a possible solution for a melt-free thin film crystallization for wide industrial applications

    miR-17 overexpression in cystic fibrosis airway epithelial cells decreases interleukin-8 production.

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    Interleukin (IL)-8 levels are higher than normal in cystic fibrosis (CF) airways, causing neutrophil infiltration and non-resolving inflammation. Overexpression of microRNAs that target IL-8 expression in airway epithelial cells may represent a therapeutic strategy for cystic fibrosis. IL-8 protein and mRNA were measured in cystic fibrosis and non-cystic fibrosis bronchoalveolar lavage fluid and bronchial brushings (n=20 per group). miRNAs decreased in the cystic fibrosis lung and predicted to target IL-8 mRNA were quantified in βENaC-transgenic, cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (Cftr)-/- and wild-type mice, primary cystic fibrosis and non-cystic fibrosis bronchial epithelial cells and a range of cystic fibrosis versus non-cystic fibrosis airway epithelial cell lines or cells stimulated with lipopolysaccharide, Pseudomonas-conditioned medium or cystic fibrosis bronchoalveolar lavage fluid. The effect of miRNA overexpression on IL-8 protein production was measured. miR-17 regulates IL-8 and its expression was decreased in adult cystic fibrosis bronchial brushings, βENaC-transgenic mice and bronchial epithelial cells chronically stimulated with Pseudomonas-conditioned medium. Overexpression of miR-17 inhibited basal and agonist-induced IL-8 protein production in F508del-CFTR homozygous CFTE29o(-) tracheal, CFBE41o(-) and/or IB3 bronchial epithelial cells. These results implicate defective CFTR, inflammation, neutrophilia and mucus overproduction in regulation of miR-17. Modulating miR-17 expression in cystic fibrosis bronchial epithelial cells may be a novel anti-inflammatory strategy for cystic fibrosis and other chronic inflammatory airway diseases

    c-Rel is required for the development of thymic Foxp3+ CD4 regulatory T cells

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    During thymopoiesis, a unique program of gene expression promotes the development of CD4 regulatory T (T reg) cells. Although Foxp3 maintains a pattern of gene expression necessary for T reg cell function, other transcription factors are emerging as important determinants of T reg cell development. We show that the NF-κB transcription factor c-Rel is highly expressed in thymic T reg cells and that in c-rel−/− mice, thymic T reg cell numbers are markedly reduced as a result of a T cell–intrinsic defect that is manifest during thymocyte development. Although c-Rel is not essential for TGF-β conversion of peripheral CD4+CD25− T cells into CD4+Foxp3+ cells, it is required for optimal homeostatic expansion of peripheral T reg cells. Despite a lower number of peripheral T reg cells in c-rel−/− mice, the residual peripheral c-rel−/− T reg cells express normal levels of Foxp3, display a pattern of cell surface markers and gene expression similar to those of wild-type T reg cells, and effectively suppress effector T cell function in culture and in vivo. Collectively, our results indicate that c-Rel is important for both the thymic development and peripheral homeostatic proliferation of T reg cells

    Improvement of electrical properties of ITO thin films by melt-free ultra-short laser crystallization

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    We describe a novel solid state crystallisation method for optimising a thin film transparent conductive oxide when deposited on flexible polymer substrates. The method is based on ultra-short non-thermal laser sintering of indium tin oxide (ITO) thin films. In this study, we used commercial ITO thin films deposited on a flexible polyethylene terephthalate substrate with a relatively low melting temperature compared with ITO on glass. We demonstrate the use of laser scanning with high pulse overlapping at fluences seven times less than the threshold required for melting/damage of ITO. The results confirm greater than four times enhancement in the mobility of charge carriers of ITO thin films after laser scanning and sheet resistance can be reduced up to 25%. There is no reduction in optical transparency observed in laser treated samples. Surface morphology and x-ray diffraction analyses confirm the improvement in crystallite sizes by laser sintering, resulting in a greater than 37% increase in grain size due to enhanced crystallization. Comparison of experimental and simulation based on a delayed two temperature model confirms that ITO thin film crystallization occurred at about one-third of the melting temperature of ITO

    A pipeline for high throughput detection and mapping of SNPs from EST databases

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    Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) represent the most abundant type of genetic variation that can be used as molecular markers. The SNPs that are hidden in sequence databases can be unlocked using bioinformatic tools. For efficient application of these SNPs, the sequence set should be error-free as much as possible, targeting single loci and suitable for the SNP scoring platform of choice. We have developed a pipeline to effectively mine SNPs from public EST databases with or without quality information using QualitySNP software, select reliable SNP and prepare the loci for analysis on the Illumina GoldenGate genotyping platform. The applicability of the pipeline was demonstrated using publicly available potato EST data, genotyping individuals from two diploid mapping populations and subsequently mapping the SNP markers (putative genes) in both populations. Over 7000 reliable SNPs were identified that met the criteria for genotyping on the GoldenGate platform. Of the 384 SNPs on the SNP array approximately 12% dropped out. For the two potato mapping populations 165 and 185 SNPs segregating SNP loci could be mapped on the respective genetic maps, illustrating the effectiveness of our pipeline for SNP selection and validation

    Class dynamics of development: a methodological note

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    This article argues that class relations are constitutive of developmental processes and central to understanding inequality within and between countries. In doing so it illustrates and explains the diversity of the actually existing forms of class relations, and the ways in which they interplay with other social relations such as gender and ethnicity. This is part of a wider project to re- vitalise class analysis in the study of development problems and experiences

    Model SNP development for complex genomes based on hexaploid oat using high-throughput 454 sequencing technology

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Genetic markers are pivotal to modern genomics research; however, discovery and genotyping of molecular markers in oat has been hindered by the size and complexity of the genome, and by a scarcity of sequence data. The purpose of this study was to generate oat expressed sequence tag (EST) information, develop a bioinformatics pipeline for SNP discovery, and establish a method for rapid, cost-effective, and straightforward genotyping of SNP markers in complex polyploid genomes such as oat.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Based on cDNA libraries of four cultivated oat genotypes, approximately 127,000 contigs were assembled from approximately one million Roche 454 sequence reads. Contigs were filtered through a novel bioinformatics pipeline to eliminate ambiguous polymorphism caused by subgenome homology, and 96 <it>in silico </it>SNPs were selected from 9,448 candidate loci for validation using high-resolution melting (HRM) analysis. Of these, 52 (54%) were polymorphic between parents of the Ogle1040 × TAM O-301 (OT) mapping population, with 48 segregating as single Mendelian loci, and 44 being placed on the existing OT linkage map. Ogle and TAM amplicons from 12 primers were sequenced for SNP validation, revealing complex polymorphism in seven amplicons but general sequence conservation within SNP loci. Whole-amplicon interrogation with HRM revealed insertions, deletions, and heterozygotes in secondary oat germplasm pools, generating multiple alleles at some primer targets. To validate marker utility, 36 SNP assays were used to evaluate the genetic diversity of 34 diverse oat genotypes. Dendrogram clusters corresponded generally to known genome composition and genetic ancestry.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The high-throughput SNP discovery pipeline presented here is a rapid and effective method for identification of polymorphic SNP alleles in the oat genome. The current-generation HRM system is a simple and highly-informative platform for SNP genotyping. These techniques provide a model for SNP discovery and genotyping in other species with complex and poorly-characterized genomes.</p