5,151 research outputs found

    The influence of ship motion of manual control skills

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    The effects of ship motion on a range of typical manual control skills were examined on the Warren Spring ship motion simulator driven in heave, pitch, and roll by signals taken from the frigate HMS Avenger at 13 m/s (25 knots) into a force 4 wind. The motion produced a vertical r.m.s. acceleration of 0.024g, mostly between 0.1 and 0.3 Hz, with comparatively little pitch or roll. A task involving unsupported arm movements was seriously affected by the motion; a pursuit tracking task showed a reliable decrement although it was still performed reasonably well (pressure and free moving tracking controls were affected equally by the motion); a digit keying task requiring ballistic hand movements was unaffected. There was no evidence that these effects were caused by sea sickness. The differing response to motion of the different tasks, from virtual destruction to no effect, suggests that a major benefit could come from an attempt to design the man/control interface onboard ship around motion resistant tasks

    Negotiating sexuality and masculinity in school sport: An autoethnography

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    This autoethnography explores challenging and ethically sensitive issues around sexual orientation, sexual identity and masculinity in the context of school sport. Through storytelling, I aim to show how sometimes ambiguous encounters with heterosexism, homophobia and hegemonic masculinity through sport problematise identity development for young same-sex attracted males. By foregrounding personal embodied experience, I respond to an absence of stories of gay and bisexual experiences among males in physical education and school sport, in an effort to reduce a continuing sense of Otherness and difference regarding same-sex attracted males. I rely on the story itself to express the embodied forms of knowing that inhabit the experiences I describe, and resist a finalising interpretation of the story. Instead, I offer personal reflections on particular theoretical and methodological issues which relate to both the form and content of the story

    The host galaxies of three radio-loud quasars: 3C 48, 3C 345, and B2 1425+267

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    Observations with the Wide-Field/Planetary Camera-2 of the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) are presented for three radio-loud quasars: 3C 48 (z=0.367), B2 1425+267 (z=0.366), and 3C 345 (z=0.594). All three quasars have luminous (~4 L^*) galaxies as hosts, which are either elliptical (B2 1425+267 and 3C 345) or interacting (3C 48), and all hosts are 0.5 - 1.0 mag bluer in (V-I) than other galaxies with the same overall morphology at similar redshifts to the quasars. The host of 3C 48 has many H II regions and a very extended tidal tail. All nine of the radio-loud quasars studied here and in Bahcall et al. (1997) either have bright elliptical hosts or occur in interacting systems. There is a robust correlation between the radio emission of the quasar and the luminosity of host galaxy; the radio-loud quasars reside in galaxies that are on average about 1 mag brighter than hosts of the radio-quiet quasars.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ. 3 postscript and 3 jpeg figures. Original figures may be found in ftp://eku.sns.ias.edu/pub/sofia/RadioLoud

    An optical parsec-scale jet from a massive young star in the Large Magellanic Cloud

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    Highly collimated parsec-scale jets, generally linked to the presence of an accretion disk, are a commonly observed phenomenon from revealed low-mass young stellar objects. In the past two decades, only a very few of these objects have been directly (or indirectly) observed towards high-mass (M > 8 M⊙_{\odot}) young stellar objects, adding to the growing evidence that disk-mediated accretion is a phenomenon also occurring in high-mass stars, the formation mechanism of which is still poorly understood. Of the observed jets from massive young stars, none is in the optical regime (due to these being typically highly obscured by their native material), and none are found outside of the Milky Way. Here, we report the detection of HH 1177, the first extragalactic optical ionized jet originating from a massive young stellar object located in the Large Magellanic Cloud. The jet is highly collimated over the entire measured extent of at least 10 pc, and has a bipolar geometry. The presence of a jet indicates ongoing, disk-mediated accretion, and together with the high degree of collimation, this system is therefore likely to be an up-scaled version of low-mass star formation. We conclude that the physics governing jet launching and collimation is independent of stellar mass.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures, 2 table

    AEGIS: Infrared Spectroscopy of An Infrared Luminous Lyman Break Galaxy at z=3.01

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    We report the detection of rest--frame 6.2 and 7.7 \micron emission features arising from Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAH) in the Spitzer/IRS spectrum of an infrared-luminous Lyman break galaxy at z=3.01. This is currently the highest redshift galaxy where these PAH emission features have been detected. The total infrared luminosity inferred from the MIPS 24 \micron and radio flux density is 2×1013\times10^{13} L⊙_{\odot}, which qualifies this object as a so--called hyperluminous infrared galaxy (HyLIRG). However, unlike local HyLIRGs which are generally associated with QSO/AGNs and have weak or absent PAH emission features, this HyLIRG has very strong 6.2 and 7.7 \micron PAH emission. We argue that intense star formation dominates the infrared emission of this source, although we cannot rule out the presence of a deeply obscured AGN. This LBG appears to be a distorted system in the HST ACS F606W and F814W images, possibly indicating that a significant merger or interaction is driving the large IR luminosity

    The Quasar Pair Q 1634+267 A, B and the Binary QSO vs. Dark Lens Hypotheses

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    Deep HST/NICMOS H (F160W) band observations of the z=1.96 quasar pair Q 1634+267A,B reveal no signs of a lens galaxy to a 1 sigma threshold of approximately 22.5 mag. The minimum luminosity for a normal lens galaxy would be a 6L_* galaxy at z > 0.5, which is 650 times greater than our detection threshold. Our observation constrains the infrared mass-to-light ratio of any putative, early-type, lens galaxy to (M/L)_H > 690h_65 (1200h_65) for Omega_0=0.1 (1.0) and H_0=65h_65 km/s/Mpc. We would expect to detect a galaxy somewhere in the field because of the very strong Mg II absorption lines at z=1.1262 in the Q 1634+267 A spectrum, but the HST H-band, I-band (F785LP) and V-band (F555W) images require that any associated galaxy be very under-luminous less than 0.1 L^*_H (1.0 L^*_I) if it lies within less than 40 h^{-1} (100 h^{-1}) kpc from Q 1634+267 A,B. While the large image separation (3.86 arcsec) and the lack of a lens galaxy strongly favor interpreting Q 1634+267A,B as a binary quasar system, the spectral similarity remains a puzzle. We estimate that at most 0.06% of randomly selected quasar pairs would have spectra as similar to each other as the spectra of Q 1634+267 A and B. Moreover, spectral similarities observed for the 14 quasar pairs are significantly greater than would be expected for an equivalent sample of randomly selected field quasars. Depending on how strictly we define similarity, we estimate that only 0.01--3% of randomly drawn samples of 14 quasar pairs would have as many similar pairs as the observational sample.Comment: 24 pages, including 4 figures, LaTex, ApJ accepted, comments from the editor included, minor editorial change

    Magma-Carbonate Interaction Processes and Associated CO2 Release at MerapiVolcano, Indonesia: Insights from Experimental Petrology

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    There is considerable evidence for continuing, late-stage interaction between the magmatic system at Merapi volcano, Indonesia, and local crustal carbonate (limestone). Calc-silicate xenoliths within Merapi basaltic-andesite eruptive rocks display textures indicative of intense interaction between magma and crustal carbonate, and Merapi feldspar phenocrysts frequently contain crustally contaminated cores and zones. To resolve the interaction processes between magma and limestone in detail we have performed a series of time-variable decarbonation experiments in silicate melt, at magmatic pressure and temperature, using a Merapi basaltic-andesite and local Javanese limestone as starting materials.We have used in situ analytical methods to determine the elemental and strontium isotope composition of the experimental products and to trace the textural, chemical, and isotopic evolution of carbonate assimilation. The major processes of magma^carbonate interaction identified are: (1) rapid decomposition and degassing of carbonate; (2) generation of a Ca-enriched, highly radiogenic strontium contaminant melt, distinct from the starting material composition; (3) intense CO2 vesiculation, particularly within the contaminated zones; (4) physical mingling between the contaminated and unaffected melt domains; (5) chemical mixing between melts. The experiments reproduce many of the features of magma^carbonate interaction observed in the natural Merapi xenoliths and feldspar phenocrysts. The Ca-rich, high 87Sr/86Sr contaminant melt produced in the experiments is considered as a precursor to the Ca-rich (often ‘hyper-calcic’) phases found in the xenoliths and the contaminated zones inMerapi feldspars.The xenoliths also exhibit micro-vesicular textures that can be linked to the CO2 liberation process seen in the experiments.This study, therefore, provides well-constrained petrological insights into the problem of crustal interaction at Merapi and points toward the substantial impact of such interaction on the volatile budget of the volcano
