11,846 research outputs found

    Photochemical trajectory modelling studies of the 1987 Antarctic spring vortex

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    Simulations of Antarctic ozone photochemistry performed using a photochemical model integrated along air parcel trajectories are described. This type of model has a major advantage at high latitudes of being able to simulate correctly the complex interaction between photolysis and temperature fields, which, because of the polar night cannot be represented accurately in a zonally averaged framework. Isentropic air parcel trajectories were computed using Meteorological Office global model analyses and forecast fields from positions along the ER-2 flight paths during the Airborne Antarctic Ozone Experiment in Austral Spring 1987. A photochemical model is integrated along these trajectories using the aircraft observations to initialize constituent concentrations. The model includes additional reactions of the ClO dimer and also bromine reactions, which are thought to play a significant role in Antarctica. The model also includes heterogeneous reactions which are invoked when the air parcel passes through a polar stratospheric cloud (PSC). The existence of a PSC is determined throughout the course of the model integration from the parcel temperature and the saturated vapour pressure of water over an assumed H2O/HNO3 mixture. The air parcel temperature is used to determine the saturated vapor pressure of HNO3 over the same mixture. Mixing ratios which exceed saturation result in condensation of the excess in the model and hence lead to a reduction of the amount of gas phase NO2 available for chemical reaction

    Diagnostic studies of the 1987 Antarctic spring vortex

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    Dynamical fields form the UK Meteorological office global forecast model were used throughout the 1987 Airborne Antarctic Ozone Experiment (AAOE) for flight planning and diagnostic studies. Here, several studies based on the Meteorological Office global analysis (resolution 1.5 degrees lattitude x 1.875 degrees longitude, Lyne et al.) are described. The wind and temperature data derived from the model analysis are compared with observations made from both the DCB and ER-2, and an assessment of the model performance given. Derived quantities such as potential vorticity and model data and discrepancies due to the model data are discussed

    Reaching older people with PA delivered in football clubs: the reach, adoption and implementation characteristics of the Extra Time Programme.

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    Background Older adults (OA) represent a core priority group for physical activity and Public Health policy. As a result, significant interest is placed on how to optimise adherence to interventions promoting these approaches. Extra Time (ET) is an example of a national programme of physical activity interventions delivered in professional football clubs for OA aged 55+ years. This paper aims to examine the outcomes from ET, and unpick the processes by which these outcomes were achieved. Methods This paper represents a secondary analysis of data collected during the evaluation of ET. From the 985 OA reached by ET, n=486 adopted the programme and completed post-intervention surveys (typically 12 weeks). We also draw on interview data with 18 ET participants, and 7 staff who delivered the programme. Data were subject to thematic analysis to generate overarching and sub themes. Results Of the 486 participants, the majority 95%, (n= 462) were White British and 59.7% (n=290) were female. Most adopters (65.4%/n=318) had not participated in previous interventions in the host clubs. Social interaction was the most frequently reported benefit of participation (77.2%, n=375). While the reach of the club badge was important in letting people know about the programme, further work enhanced adoption and satisfaction. These factors included (i) listening to participants, (ii) delivering a flexible age-appropriate programme of diverse physical and social activities, (iii) offering activities which satisfy energy drives and needs for learning and (iv) extensive opportunities for social engagement. Conclusions Findings emerging from this study indicate that physical activity and health interventions delivered through professional football clubs can be effective for engaging OA

    Developing Interventions for Children's Exercise (DICE): a pilot evaluation of school-based exercise interventions for primary school children aged 7 to 8 years.

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    BACKGROUND: Developing Interventions for Children's Exercise (DICE) is an initiative aimed at determining effective school-based exercise programs. To assess feasibility, we conducted a pilot study of exercise sessions which varied in duration and frequency. METHODS: Exercise interventions were delivered to Year 3 pupils (age 7-8 years; n = 73) in primary schools within Yorkshire, UK. Evaluations were conducted using focus group sessions, questionnaires and observations. RESULTS: The study revealed positive aspects of all interventions, including favorable effects on children's concentration during lessons and identified the value of incorporation of the DICE concept into curriculum lessons. Children appeared enthused and reported well-being and enjoyment. Areas requiring attention were the need for appropriate timetabling of sessions and ensuring the availability of space. CONCLUSION: The concept and sessions were well-accepted by teachers who confirmed their full support of any future implementation There appears to be potential for the encouragement and empowerment of teachers to support physical activity and healthy school environments, and to take an interest in the health of their pupils. Ultimately, these findings should assist in the design of successful exercise interventions in the school setting

    When a Mechanical Model Goes Nonlinear

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    This paper had its origin in a curious discovery by the first author in research performed with an undergraduate student. The following odd fact was noticed: when a mechanical model of a suspension bridge (linear near equilibrium but allowed to slacken at large distance in one direction) is shaken with a low-frequency periodic force, several different periodic responses can result, many with high-frequency components

    Mapping the Evolution of Optically-Generated Rotational Wavepackets in a Room Temperature Ensemble of D2_2

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    A coherent superposition of rotational states in D2_2 has been excited by nonresonant ultrafast (12 femtosecond) intense (2 ×\times 1014^{14} Wcm−2^{-2}) 800 nm laser pulses leading to impulsive dynamic alignment. Field-free evolution of this rotational wavepacket has been mapped to high temporal resolution by a time-delayed pulse, initiating rapid double ionization, which is highly sensitive to the angle of orientation of the molecular axis with respect to the polarization direction, θ\theta. The detailed fractional revivals of the neutral D2_2 wavepacket as a function of θ\theta and evolution time have been observed and modelled theoretically.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures. Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. A. Full reference to follow.

    Evaluation of the Induction of Immune Memory following Infant Immunisation with Serogroup C Neisseria meningitidis Conjugate Vaccines - Exploratory Analyses within a Randomised Controlled Trial

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    Aim: We measured meningococcal serogroup C (MenC)-specific memory B-cell responses in infants by Enzyme-Linked Immunospot (ELISpot) following different MenC conjugate vaccine schedules to investigate the impact of priming on immune memory. Methods: Infants aged 2 months were randomised to receive 1 or 2 doses of MenC-CRM197 at 3 or 3 and 4 months, 1 dose of MenC-TT at 3 months, or no primary MenC doses. All children received a Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib)-MenC booster at 12 months. Blood was drawn at 5, 12, 12 months +6 days and 13 months of age. Results: Results were available for 110, 103, 76 and 44 children from each group respectively. Following primary immunisations, and prior to the 12-month booster, there were no significant differences between 1- or 2-dose primed children in the number of MenC memory B-cells detected. One month following the booster, children primed with 1 dose MenC-TT had more memory B-cells than children primed with either 1-dose (p = 0.001) or 2-dose (p<0.0001) MenC-CRM197. There were no differences in MenC memory B-cells detected in children who received 1 or 2 doses of MenC-CRM197 in infancy and un-primed children. Conclusions: MenC-specific memory B-cell production may be more dependent on the type of primary vaccine used than the number of doses administered. Although the mechanistic differences between MenC-CRM197 and MenC-TT priming are unclear, it is possible that structural differences, including the carrier proteins, may underlie differential interactions with B- and T-cell populations, and thus different effects on various memory B-cell subsets. A MenC-TT/Hib-MenC-TT combination for priming/boosting may offer an advantage in inducing more persistent antibody.peer-reviewe

    Comments on Bruun, D.M. et al. Community-based recreational football: a novel approach to promote physical activity and quality of life in prostate cancer survivors. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public health 2014, 11, 5557-5585-time to raise our game.

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    Bruun and colleagues [1] provide a timely and thorough insight into the potential health opportunities on offer via the structural organisation of football associations, football clubs and the global grip of the beautiful game. Their extensive evaluation framework represents an important clarion call for those concerned with football-led health improvement. At the same time, it is wise to consider how this can be made realistic and relevant to those who may regard the football-led ‘concept’ as too alternative or even inappropriate, in the contemporary socio-political and economic context. [...

    Burton Albion Community Trusts, Golden Goal Over 50’s Activity Club – Project Report

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    Background: In England we have an ageing population and major health concerns for Older Adults (OA). The financial burden this places on the National Health Service (NHS), alongside government public spending austerity provides a compelling case for preventative medicine. PA offers a valuable method to tackle health concerns in OA. One approach to overcome OA barriers to PA opportunities has been to utilise football clubs as a vehicle to support OA in meeting recommended guidelines for PA. This report will detail an evaluation study that investigates the impact of Golden Goal Activity Club (GGAC), a pilot programme of PA-led health improvement for OA delivered by and at Burton Albion FC. Intervention: Sessions involved the delivery of a weekly moderate-intensity PA sessions led by health coaches employed by the club. Methods: At baseline and at week 12, participants (N=23 males (42.6%) and n=31 females (57.4%) with a mean age of 69.38 (±5.87) (n=40), ranging from 55-85 years engaged the evaluation) completed self-reports for demographics, health screening/complications and EQ5D (quality of life) using the EQVAS. Registers recorded attendance at 12 weekly sessions by the health coaches. Results: The mean attendance was 7.73 (±3.12) sessions for all (n=51). Participants with a number of health complications (two or more) (n=22, 42.3%) attended fewer sessions on average (6.91 ±3.322) compared to those reporting less than two health complications (8.65 ±2.694). EQVAS results highlighted self-rated health was much higher for women (87.32 ±9.573) compared to men (80.16 ±18.557). There was an increase in self-rated health scores by men between post-intervention compared to pre-intervention (81.16 ±17.270), while women reported a marginal decline (86.79 ±8.946). Conclusion: Burton Albion FC can recruit and engage both male and female OA. Whilst the participants appear predominantly healthy, GGAC was able to maintain engagement of those who reported a number of health issues throughout the duration of the intervention. Adopting flexible and varied, participant led PA opportunities worked for participants, notably those with two or more health complications. The key design characteristics of GGAC should be considered by other agencies delivering health improvement work with OA. The partnership with independent Public Health and Academic departments to inform delivery and evaluation of the intervention was both valuable to inform current and future delivery and is recommended. Whilst this pilot offered a unique insight in work of this ilk, further research and evaluation is needed to explore the potential of professional football clubs in engaging inactive OA into health-improvement programmes. Key words: Health, Older Adults, Football Clubs, Communit
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