408 research outputs found

    Evolution of condensate fraction during rapid lattice ramps

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    Combining experiments and numerical simulations, we investigate the redistribution of quasi-momentum in a gas of atoms trapped in an optical lattice when the lattice depth is rapidly reduced. We find that interactions lead to significant momentum redistribution on millisecond timescales, thereby invalidating previous assumptions regarding adiabaticity. We show that this phenomenon is driven by the presence of low-momentum particle-hole excitations in an interacting system. Our results invalidate bandmapping as an equilibrium probe in interacting gases.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    L-DOPA Is an Endogenous Ligand for OA1

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    Albinism is a genetic defect characterized by a loss of pigmentation. The neurosensory retina, which is not pigmented, exhibits pathologic changes secondary to the loss of pigmentation in the retina pigment epithelium (RPE). How the loss of pigmentation in the RPE causes developmental defects in the adjacent neurosensory retina has not been determined, but offers a unique opportunity to investigate the interactions between these two important tissues. One of the genes that causes albinism encodes for an orphan GPCR (OA1) expressed only in pigmented cells, including the RPE. We investigated the function and signaling of OA1 in RPE and transfected cell lines. Our results indicate that OA1 is a selective L-DOPA receptor, with no measurable second messenger activity from two closely related compounds, tyrosine and dopamine. Radiolabeled ligand binding confirmed that OA1 exhibited a single, saturable binding site for L-DOPA. Dopamine competed with L-DOPA for the single OA1 binding site, suggesting it could function as an OA1 antagonist. OA1 response to L-DOPA was defined by several common measures of G-protein coupled receptor (GPCR) activation, including influx of intracellular calcium and recruitment of β-arrestin. Further, inhibition of tyrosinase, the enzyme that makes L-DOPA, resulted in decreased PEDF secretion by RPE. Further, stimulation of OA1 in RPE with L-DOPA resulted in increased PEDF secretion. Taken together, our results illustrate an autocrine loop between OA1 and tyrosinase linked through L-DOPA, and this loop includes the secretion of at least one very potent retinal neurotrophic factor. OA1 is a selective L-DOPA receptor whose downstream effects govern spatial patterning of the developing retina. Our results suggest that the retinal consequences of albinism caused by changes in melanin synthetic machinery may be treated by L-DOPA supplementation

    PEDF and VEGF-A Output from Human Retinal Pigment Epithelial Cells Grown on Novel Microcarriers

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    Human retinal pigment epithelial (hRPE) cells have been tested as a cell-based therapy for Parkinson's disease but will require additional study before further clinical trials can be planned. We now show that the long-term survival and neurotrophic potential of hRPE cells can be enhanced by the use of FDA-approved plastic-based microcarriers compared to a gelatin-based microcarrier as used in failed clinical trials. The hRPE cells grown on these plastic-based microcarriers display several important characteristics of hRPE found in vivo: (1) characteristic morphological features, (2) accumulation of melanin pigment, and (3) high levels of production of the neurotrophic factors pigment epithelium-derived factor (PEDF) and vascular endothelial growth factor-A (VEGF-A). Growth of hRPE cells on plastic-based microcarriers led to sustained levels (>1 ng/ml) of PEDF and VEGF-A in conditioned media for two months. We also show that the expression of VEGF-A and PEDF is reciprocally regulated by activation of the GPR143 pathway. GPR143 is activated by L-DOPA (1 μM) which decreased VEGF-A secretion as opposed to the previously reported increase in PEDF secretion. The hRPE microcarriers are therefore novel candidate delivery systems for achieving long-term delivery of the neuroprotective factors PEDF and VEGF-A, which could have a value in neurodegenerative conditions such as Parkinson's disease

    Mapping the Interacting Regions between Troponins T and C. Binding of TnT and TnI peptides to TnC and NMR mapping of the TnT-binding site on TnC

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    Muscular contraction is triggered by an increase in calcium concentration, which is transmitted to the contractile proteins by the troponin complex. The interactions among the components of the troponin complex (troponins T, C, and I) are essential to understanding the regulation of muscle contraction. While the structure of TnC is well known, and a model for the binary TnC·TnI complex has been recently published (Tung, C.-S., Wall, M. E., Gallagher, S. C., and Trewhella, J. (2000)Protein Sci. 9, 1312–1326), very little is known about TnT. Using non-denaturing gels and NMR spectroscopy, we have analyzed the interactions between TnC and five peptides from TnT as well as how three TnI peptides affect these interactions. Rabbit fast skeletal muscle peptide TnT-(160–193) binds to TnC with a dissociation constant of 30 ± 6 µm. This binding still occurs in the presence of TnI-(1–40) but is prevented by the presence of TnI-(56–115) or TnI-(96–139), both containing the primary inhibitory region of TnI. TnT-(228–260) also binds TnC. The binding site for TnT-(160–193) is located on the C-terminal domain of TnC and was mapped to the surface of TnC using NMR chemical shift mapping techniques. In the context of the model for the TnC·TnI complex, we discuss the interactions between TnT and the other troponin subunits

    Catena-[triaquabis(μ2-1,4-bis(diphenylphosphoryl)butane)nitrato-κ2O-praseodymium(III) nitrate monohydrate methanol solvate

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    The bidentate ligand, 1,4-bis(diphenlyphosphoryl)butane (dppbO2), was used to prepare a 1D polymeric Pr(III) complex which was characterised by single-crystal X-ray diffraction.Peer reviewe

    The Angular Correlation Function of Galaxies from Early SDSS Data

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    The Sloan Digital Sky Survey is one of the first multicolor photometric and spectroscopic surveys designed to measure the statistical properties of galaxies within the local Universe. In this Letter we present some of the initial results on the angular 2-point correlation function measured from the early SDSS galaxy data. The form of the correlation function, over the magnitude interval 18<r*<22, is shown to be consistent with results from existing wide-field, photographic-based surveys and narrower CCD galaxy surveys. On scales between 1 arcminute and 1 degree the correlation function is well described by a power-law with an exponent of ~ -0.7. The amplitude of the correlation function, within this angular interval, decreases with fainter magnitudes in good agreement with analyses from existing galaxy surveys. There is a characteristic break in the correlation function on scales of approximately 1-2 degrees. On small scales, < 1', the SDSS correlation function does not appear to be consistent with the power-law form fitted to the 1'< theta <0.5 deg data. With a data set that is less than 2% of the full SDSS survey area, we have obtained high precision measurements of the power-law angular correlation function on angular scales 1' < theta < 1 deg, which are robust to systematic uncertainties. Because of the limited area and the highly correlated nature of the error covariance matrix, these initial results do not yet provide a definitive characterization of departures from the power-law form at smaller and larger angles. In the near future, however, the area of the SDSS imaging survey will be sufficient to allow detailed analysis of the small and large scale regimes, measurements of higher-order correlations, and studies of angular clustering as a function of redshift and galaxy type

    The Early Optical Afterglow of GRB 030418 and Progenitor Mass Loss

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    The ROTSE-IIIa telescope and the SSO 40 inch (1.0 m) telescope, both located at Siding Spring Observatory, imaged the early-time afterglow of GRB 030418. In this report, we present observations of the early afterglow, first detected by the ROTSE-IIIa telescope 211 s after the start of the burst and only 76 s after the end of the gamma-ray activity. We detect optical emission that rises for ∼600 s, slowly varies around R = 17.3 mag for ∼1400 s, and then fades as a power law of index α = -1.36. Additionally, the ROTSE-IIIb telescope, located at McDonald Observatory, imaged the early-time afterglow of GRB 030723. The behavior of this light curve was qualitatively similar to that of GRB 030418, but 2 mag dimmer. These two afterglows are dissimilar to other afterglows such as GRB 990123 and GRB 021211. We investigate whether or not the early afterglow can be attributed to a synchrotron break in a cooling synchrotron spectrum as it passes through the optical band, but we find that this model is unable to accurately describe the early light curve. We present a simple model for gamma-ray burst emission emerging from a wind medium surrounding a massive progenitor star. This model provides an effective description of the data and suggests that the rise of the afterglow can be ascribed to extinction in the local circumburst environment. In this interpretation, these events provide further evidence of the connection between gamma-ray bursts and the collapse of massive stars.This work has been supported by NASA grants NAG5- 5281 and F006794, NSF grants AST 01-19685 and 01-05221, the Australian Research Council, the University of New South Wales, and the University of Michigan. Work performed at LANL is supported by NASA SR&T through Department of Energy (DOE) contract W-7405-ENG-36 and through internal LDRD funding

    Sensitivity and Insensitivity of Galaxy Cluster Surveys to New Physics

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    We study the implications and limitations of galaxy cluster surveys for constraining models of particle physics and gravity beyond the Standard Model. Flux limited cluster counts probe the history of large scale structure formation in the universe, and as such provide useful constraints on cosmological parameters. As a result of uncertainties in some aspects of cluster dynamics, cluster surveys are currently more useful for analyzing physics that would affect the formation of structure than physics that would modify the appearance of clusters. As an example we consider the Lambda-CDM cosmology and dimming mechanisms, such as photon-axion mixing.Comment: 24 pages, 8 eps figures. References added, discussion of scatter in relations between cluster observables lengthene

    A Catalog of Compact Groups of Galaxies in the SDSS Commissioning Data

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    Compact groups (CGs) of galaxies -- relatively poor groups of galaxies in which the typical separations between members is of the order of a galaxy diameter -- offer an exceptional laboratory for the study of dense galaxian environments with short (<1Gyr) dynamical time-scales. In this paper, we present an objectively defined catalog of CGs in 153 sq deg of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Early Data Release (SDSS EDR). To identify CGs, we applied a modified version of Hickson's (1982) criteria aimed at finding the highest density CGs and thus reducing the number of chance alignments. Our catalog contains 175 CGs down to a limiting galaxy magnitude of r* = 21. The resulting catalog has a median depth of approximately z = 0.13, substantially deeper than previous CG catalogs. Since the SDSS will eventually image up to one quarter of the celestial sphere, we expect our final catalog, based upon the completed SDSS, will contain on the order of 5,000 - 10,000 CGs. This catalog will be useful for conducting studies of the general characteristics of CGs, their environments, and their component galaxies.Comment: 61 pages, 15 figures (Figs. 13, 14, 15 are jpegs). Atlas of compact groups (Fig. 16) is available at http://home.fnal.gov/~sallam/LeeCG/ . Accepted for publication by the Astronomical Journa