687 research outputs found

    The Labor Market Experience of Engineers in North America

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    Bien des motifs, qui vont des valeurs qu'ils incarnent au rĂŽle qui leur est dĂ©volu dans la croissance Ă©conomique, ont incitĂ© les spĂ©cialistes des relations professionnelles Ă  s'intĂ©resser aux catĂ©gories de salariĂ©s de haute qualification, ingĂ©nieurs et hommes de science principalement. Aussi les Ă©tudes sur cette question se sont-elles multipliĂ©es au cours des derniers dix ans. Mais, toutefois, on les a presque toujours prĂ©sentĂ©es dans une optique Ă©troite qui ne faisait guĂšre de place Ă  la perspective historique et Ă  l'Ă©volution d'ensemble. Les travaux destinĂ©s Ă  Ă©clairer les changements survenus dans le temps et les variations d'un pays Ă  l'autre sont peu nombreux. De plus, l'analyse s'avĂšre parfois contradictoire. Les uns parlent de pĂ©nurie de main-d'oeuvre ; d'autres, d'excĂ©dent.À la lumiĂšre de ce qui prĂ©cĂšde, nous avons fait une Ă©tude comparative des expĂ©riences vĂ©cues par les ingĂ©nieurs du Canada et des États-Unis sur les divers marchĂ©s du travail. Nous espĂ©rons pouvoir en faire bientĂŽt autant pour les scientifiques. Nous avons considĂ©rĂ© les sujets suivants : ( 1 ) l'arriĂšre-plan de la scolarité ; (2) l'Ă©tat de l'offre et de la demande; (3) la rĂ©partition et l'Ă©talement; (4) les traitements ; (5) la mobilitĂ© et les migrations ; et (6) l'utilisation. Les rĂ©sultats se fondent Ă  la fois sur la recherche de premiĂšre et de seconde main, y compris les thĂšses de doctorat des auteurs.Trois caractĂ©ristiques communes fondamentales se retrouvent chez les ingĂ©nieurs diplĂŽmĂ©s tant canadiens qu'amĂ©ricains. Celles-ci donnent des indices trĂšs nets en ce qui concerne le choix de cette discipline. D'abord, plus que pour les autres diplĂŽmĂ©s d'universitĂ©, il y a de bonnes chances que ces hommes — il y a peu de femmes parmi les diplĂŽmĂ©s en gĂ©nie — soient fils d'ouvriers qualifiĂ©s ou d'apparentĂ©s. De plus, les diplĂŽmĂ©s en gĂ©nie donnent l'impression d'ĂȘtre ambitieux et intelligents, d'avoir des centres d'intĂ©rĂȘt variĂ©s. Enfin, ils voient dans leur formation d'ingĂ©nieur une prĂ©paration appropriĂ©e et rigoureuse menant Ă  une grande diversitĂ© d'emplois. L'interaction des facteurs prĂ©cĂ©dents dĂ©bouche sur une insuffisance de forte motivation dans le choix d'une carriĂšre ou d'une vocation vraiment marquĂ©e. Si la satisfaction laisse Ă  dĂ©sirer au plan technique, le diplĂŽmĂ© en gĂ©nie n'hĂ©sitera pas Ă  chercher ailleurs, souvent du cĂŽtĂ© des carriĂšres administratives.Depuis 1900, tant au Canada qu'aux États-Unis, le nombre des ingĂ©nieurs s'est accru plus rapidement que la population, que la main-d'oeuvre et que les autres travailleurs professionnels en gĂ©nĂ©ral. Pendant cette pĂ©riode, l'immigration a jouĂ© un rĂŽle plus marquĂ© au Canada qu'aux États-Unis quand il s'est agi de rĂ©pondre Ă  la demande. De mĂȘme, il y a beaucoup plus d'ingĂ©nieurs canadiens que d'ingĂ©nieurs amĂ©ricains qui dĂ©tiennent un diplĂŽme collĂ©gial. Ces divergences peuvent s'expliquer par des politiques d'immigration et des concepts statistiques diffĂ©rents, la rapiditĂ© des changements techniques et l'accession des sans-diplĂŽme Ă  la profession.Les Ă©lĂ©ments dĂ©terminants de la demande d'ingĂ©nieurs se ressemblent d'un pays Ă  l'autre. Les changements dans la structure Ă©conomique ont jouĂ© un rĂŽle prĂ©dominant ici comme lĂ -bas. Les industries qui avaient et ont toujours le plus recours au savoir de l'ingĂ©nieur se trouvent ĂȘtre celles qui se dĂ©veloppent le plus vite, du moins jusqu'Ă  maintenant. En rĂ©alitĂ©, la demande ne provient que d'un nombre de sources relativement restreintes : les industries chimiques et Ă©lectriques, certaines entreprises d'utilitĂ© publique, le gouvernement fĂ©dĂ©ral et quelques institutions appartenant au secteur tertiaire.Une analyse sommaire de la demande d'ingĂ©nieurs entre 1930 et 1960 indique que l'offre l'emportait dans les deux Ă©conomies durant les annĂ©es '30 et '40. Au cours des annĂ©es '50 et au dĂ©but des annĂ©es '60, grĂące Ă  l'expansion de l'une et de l'autre dans le domaine technique, la situation s'est inversĂ©e. L'Ă©cart paraĂźt assez tranchĂ© pour parler d'excĂ©dent dans les deux premiĂšres dĂ©cennies et de pĂ©nurie par aprĂšs. Les rapports provisoires des recensements laissent voir que l'Ă©quilibre s'Ă©tablit Ă  peu prĂšs entre l'offre et la demande dans les deux pays vers la fin des annĂ©es '60.D'une façon gĂ©nĂ©rale, il y a beaucoup plus de ressemblance que de diffĂ©rence dans la rĂ©partition des ingĂ©nieurs dans l'un et l'autre pays, qu'il s'agisse de la concentration territoriale ou industrielle ou de la spĂ©cialitĂ© (gĂ©nie civil, gĂ©nie Ă©lectrique, etc). À cause des besoins de l'industrie et des sociĂ©tĂ©s, les divergences sont beaucoup plus accusĂ©es quand il s'agit du premier emploi. Il ne fait pas de doute que la spĂ©cialisation des ingĂ©nieurs amĂ©ricains et le rĂŽle relativement important qu'ils jouent dans les travaux de recherches et de dĂ©veloppement constituent un double avantage. Par ailleurs, pour les ingĂ©nieurs canadiens diplĂŽmĂ©s, la recherche et le dĂ©veloppement reste une activitĂ© de dĂ©part attrayante, mais elle est insaisissable.ComparĂ©s Ă  l'ensemble, les traitements des ingĂ©nieurs ont baissĂ© aux États-Unis et au Canada entre 1930 et 1950, mais, depuis la demie du siĂšcle, ils ont pris une courbe ascendante et mĂȘme dĂ©passĂ© le taux de croissance de rĂ©munĂ©ration de toutes les autres catĂ©gories de salariĂ©s. Depuis 1950, le pourcentage annuel du taux d'accroissement des salaires parmi les ingĂ©nieurs s'Ă©tablit entre 4 et 9 pour cent par annĂ©e tant au Canada qu'aux États-Unis, ceux des dĂ©butants dans la carriĂšre s'Ă©levant beaucoup plus rapidement que ceux des ingĂ©nieurs d'expĂ©rience. Reflet dela demande et d'un Ă©ventail plus grand de choix, c'est chez les dĂ©butants que la disparitĂ© dans les salaires est la plus prononcĂ©e entre les deux pays. RĂ©sultat jusqu'ici : un nombre important de jeunes ingĂ©nieurs canadiens Ă©migrent aux États-Unis pour revenir plus tard quand ils ont pris de l'Ăąge.Dans l'un et dans l'autre pays, les ingĂ©nieurs diplĂŽmĂ©s ont tendance Ă  s'orienter vers les carriĂšres administratives. Cette tendance est plus forte au Canada oĂč la spĂ©cialisation offre moins de choix et oĂč les ingĂ©nieurs subissent moins la concurrence des diplĂŽmĂ©s en sciences de l'administration. Les ingĂ©nieurs diplĂŽmĂ©s canadiens sont tout aussi mobiles que leurs collĂšgues amĂ©ricains. Les jeunes ingĂ©nieurs changent en moyenne deux fois d'emploi tous les dix ans sur le marchĂ© du travail. Le taux de mobilitĂ© dĂ©croĂźt avec l'Ăąge, mais plus lentement que parmi les cols bleus. Les occasions de changer de travail ou de fonction Ă  l'intĂ©rieur mĂȘme des sociĂ©tĂ©s deviennent plus nombreuses et, souvent, elles freinent les dĂ©placements d'un employeur Ă  l'autre. Le chĂŽmage ne fait pas problĂšme et, en dĂ©pit des coupures dans les contrats de la DĂ©fense aux États-Unis, vues en longue pĂ©riode, les perspectives d'emploi pour les ingĂ©nieurs sont bonnes. La tendance Ă  l'immigration d'un cĂŽtĂ© Ă  l'autre de la frontiĂšre se continuera. Jusqu'ici, des considĂ©rations d'ordre Ă©conomique sont principalement Ă  la source des mutations d'emploi et de l'immigration, mais on dĂ©cĂšle Ă©galement d'autres facteurs.L'Ă©ventail des postes occupĂ©s par les ingĂ©nieurs reflĂšte les caractĂšres de leur personnalitĂ©, leur formation scolaire et leurs expĂ©riences professionnelles. Si l'on considĂšre l'Ă©lasticitĂ© du marchĂ© du travail comme critĂšre d'une saine utilisation, il y a plusieurs indices encourageants : libertĂ© de dĂ©placement, grande amplitude de dĂ©placement, prĂ©sence d'une grande diversitĂ© d'emploi, adaptation aux conditions Ă©conomiques et frĂ©quemment, augmentation de salaire dĂšs la mutation. D'une façon gĂ©nĂ©rale, les exigences de la fonction et les qualifications individuelles s'Ă©quilibrent bien. Mais que les employeurs rĂ©clament la possession d'un diplĂŽme dans une spĂ©cialitĂ©, c'est quelque peu manquer de rĂ©alisme et se montrer faussement exigeant, surtout si l'on considĂšre la proportion des ingĂ©nieurs diplĂŽmĂ©s qui dĂ©clarent n'utiliser que leurs connaissances de base dans leur travail.Les États-Unis, dont l'industrie est diverisfiĂ©e et avancĂ©e, peuvent offrir un meilleur choix aux ingĂ©nieurs qui recherchent un milieu de travail spĂ©cialisĂ© et une activitĂ© professionnelle dĂ©terminĂ©e. Mais cette situation comporte comme consĂ©quences le danger d'une spĂ©cialisation trop poussĂ©e et la possibilitĂ© de chĂŽmage. Les ingĂ©nieurs diplĂŽmĂ©s canadiens ont moins d'occasions de travailler toujours dans la branche de leur spĂ©cialitĂ©, mais ils trouvent Ă  utiliser fort bien leur formation universitaire de base. On remarque que, dans les deux pays, Ă  mesure que le temps passe, il y a progrĂšs en ce qui concerne l'utilisation des connaissances en gĂ©nie. Aussi, la majoritĂ© des ingĂ©nieurs diplĂŽmĂ©s estiment leur profession et ne se font pas faute de la recommander Ă  qui veut poursuivre une carriĂšre intĂ©ressante.The authors have undertaken a major project which they envision ultimately as an on-going analysis of the labor market behavior of technical and scientific manpower in highly developed economies. Their paper represents a first step in this direction

    Hypersensitivity to Ticks and Lyme Disease Risk

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    Persons who report frequent tick-associated itch are less likely to contract Lyme disease than those who do not

    Tyrosine as a Countermeasure to Performance Decrement During Sleep Loss

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    The fatigue and cognitive performance deficits associated with sleep loss and stress have motivated the search for effective nonpharmacological countermeasures. The purpose of the present study was to examine the potential behavioral effects of tyrosine, an amino-acid presursor to dopamine and norepinephrine, during an episode of continuous nighttime work involving one night of sleep loss

    Dissolved Microcystin Release Coincident with Lysis of a Bloom Dominated by Microcystis spp. in Western Lake Erie Attributed to a Novel Cyanophage

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    Western Lake Erie (Laurentian Great Lakes) is prone to annual cyano- bacterial harmful algal blooms (cHABs) dominated by Microcystis spp. that often yield microcystin toxin concentrations exceeding the federal EPA recreational con-tact advisory of 8 ÎŒg liter-1. In August 2014, microcystin levels were detected in fin-ished drinking water above the World Health Organization 1.0 ÎŒg liter-1 threshold for consumption, leading to a 2-day disruption in the supply of drinking water for \u3e400,000 residents of Toledo, Ohio (USA). Subsequent metatranscriptomic analysis of the 2014 bloom event provided evidence that release of toxin into the water sup-ply was likely caused by cyanophage lysis that transformed a portion of the intracel-lular microcystin pool into the dissolved fraction, rendering it more difficult to elimi-nate during treatment. In August 2019, a similar increase in dissolved microcystins at the Toledo water intake was coincident with a viral lytic event caused by a phage consortium different in composition from what was detected following the 2014 To-ledo water crisis. The most abundant viral sequence in metagenomic data sets was a scaffold from a putative member of the Siphoviridae, distinct from the Ma-LMM01-like Myoviridae that are typically documented to occur in western Lake Erie. This study provides further evidence that viral activity in western Lake Erie plays a signifi-cant role in transformation of microcystins from the particulate to the dissolved frac-tion and therefore requires monitoring efforts from local water treatment plants. Ad-ditionally, identification of multiple lytic cyanophages will enable the development of a quantitative PCR toolbox to assess viral activity during cHABs. IMPORTANCE Viral attack on cHABs may contribute to changes in community com-position during blooms, as well as bloom decline, yet loss of bloom biomass does not eliminate the threat of cHAB toxicity. Rather, it may increase risks to the public by delivering a pool of dissolved toxin directly into water treatment utilities when the dominating Microcystis spp. are capable of producing microcystins. Detecting, characterizing, and quantifying the major cyanophages involved in lytic events will assist water treatment plant operators in making rapid decisions regarding the pool of microcystins entering the plant and the corresponding best practices to neutralize the toxin

    Cow-Calf Producers’ Willingness to Pay for Bulls Resistant to Horn Flies (Diptera: Muscidae)

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    Horn flies (Haematobia irritans (L.)) have long posed animal health and welfare concerns. Economic losses to the cattle and dairy industries from their blood-feeding behavior include decreased weight gain, loss in milk productivity, and transmission of bacteria causing mastitis in cattle. Horn fly management strategies are labor intensive and can become ineffective due to the horn fly’s ability to develop insecticide resistance. Research indicates that for some cattle herds, genetically similar animals consistently have fewer flies suggesting those animals are horn fly resistant (HFR) and that the trait is heritable; however, it is currently unknown if cattle producers value this trait. Tennessee and Texas cow-calf producers were surveyed to estimate their willingness to pay for HFR bulls and to identify the factors affecting their decision to adopt a HFR bull in their herds. Results indicate that Tennessee and Texas cow-calf producers were willing to pay a premium of 51% and 59% above the base price, respectively, for a HFR bull with the intent to control horn flies within their herd. Producer perceptions of horn fly intensities and the HFR trait, along with their pest management practices, were factors that affected Tennessee and Texas producer willingness to adopt a HFR bull. In Texas, demographics of the producers and their farms also had a role. Knowing producers are willing to pay a premium for the HFR bull indicates that producers value the HFR trait and warrants additional research on the development, implementation, and assessment of the trait

    The Nitrate/(Per)Chlorate Relationship on Mars

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    Nitrate was recently detected in Gale Crater sediments on Mars at abundances up to approximately 600 mg/kg, confirming predictions of its presence at abundances consistent with models based on impact-generated nitrate and other sources of fixed nitrogen. Terrestrial Mars analogs, Mars meteorites, and other solar system materials help establish a context for interpreting in situ nitrate measurements on Mars, particularly in relation to other cooccuring salts. We compare the relative abundance of nitrates to oxychlorine (chlorate and/or perchlorate, hereafter (per)chlorate) salts on Mars and Earth. The nitrate/(per)chlorate ratio on Mars is greater than 1, significantly lower than on Earth (nitrate/(per)chlorate greater than 10(exp.3)), suggesting not only the absence of biological activity but also different (per)chlorate formation mechanisms on Mars than on Earth

    Cost-effectiveness analysis of adalimumab for the treatment of uveitis associated with Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis

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    Purpose To investigate the cost effectiveness of adalimumab in combination with methotrexate, compared with methotrexate alone, for the management of uveitis associated with juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA). Design A cost-utility analysis based on a clinical trial and decision analytic model. Participants Children and adolescents 2 to 18 years of age with persistently active uveitis associated with JIA, despite optimized methotrexate treatment for at least 12 weeks. Methods The SYCAMORE (Randomised controlled trial of the clinical effectiveness, SafetY and Cost effectiveness of Adalimumab in combination with MethOtRExate for the treatment of juvenile idiopathic arthritis associated uveitis) trial (identifier, ISRCTN10065623) of methotrexate (up to 25 mg weekly) with or without fortnightly administered adalimumab (20 or 40 mg, according to body weight) provided data on resource use (based on patient self-report and electronic records) and health utilities (from the Health Utilities Index questionnaire). Surgical event rates and long-term outcomes were based on data from a 10-year longitudinal cohort. A Markov model was used to extrapolate the effects of treatment based on visual impairment. Main Outcome Measures Medical costs to the National Health Service in the United Kingdom, utility of defined health states, quality-adjusted life-years (QALYs), and incremental cost per QALY. Results Adalimumab in combination with methotrexate resulted in additional costs of £39 316, with a 0.30 QALY gain compared with methotrexate alone, resulting in an incremental cost-effectiveness ratio of £129 025 per QALY gained. The probability of cost effectiveness at a threshold of £30 000 per QALY was less than 1%. Based on a threshold analysis, a price reduction of 84% would be necessary for adalimumab to be cost effective. Conclusions Adalimumab is clinically effective in uveitis associated with JIA; however, its cost effectiveness is not demonstrated compared with methotrexate alone in the United Kingdom setting

    Objective measures of strain and subjective muscle soreness differ between positional groups and season phases in American collegiate football.

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    Purpose: To assess objective strain and subjective muscle soreness in ‘Bigs’ (Offensive and Defensive Line), ‘Combos’ (Tight Ends, Quarterbacks, Line and Running-Backs) and ‘Skills’ (Wide Receivers and Defensive Backs) American College Football (ACF) players during off-season, fall-camp and in-season phases. Methods: Twenty-three male players were assessed once weekly (3-week off-season, 4-week fall-camp, 3-week in-season) for hydroperoxides (FORT), antioxidant capacity (FORD) and oxidative stress index (OSI)), countermovement jump flight-time, reactive strength index modified (RSImod), and subjective soreness. Linear mixed-models analysed the effect of a two within-subject standard deviation change between predictor and dependent variables. Results: Compared to fall-camp and in-season phases, off-season FORT (P=<.001 and <.001), FORD (P=<.001 and <.001), OSI (P=<.001 and <.001), Flight-time (P=<.001 and <.001), RSImod (P=<.001 and <.001) and soreness (P=<.001 and <.001) were higher for ‘Bigs’, whilst FORT (P=<.001 and <.001) and OSI (P=.02 and <.001) were lower for ‘Combos’. FORT was higher for ‘Bigs’ compared to ‘Combos’ in all phases (P=<.001, .02 and .01). FORD was higher for ‘Skills’ compared to ‘Bigs’ in off-season (P=.02) and ‘Combos’ in-season (P=.01). OSI was higher for ‘Bigs’ compared to ‘Combos’ (P=<.001) and ‘Skills’ (P=.01) during off-season and to ‘Combos’ in-season (P=<.001). Flight-time was higher for ‘Skills’ in fall-camp compared to ‘Bigs’ (P=.04) and to ‘Combos’ in-season (P=.01). RSImod was higher for ‘Skills’ during off-season compared to ‘Bigs’ (P=.02) and ‘Combos’ during fall-camp (P=.03), and in-season (P=.03). Conclusion: Off-season ACF training resulted in higher objective strain and subjective muscle soreness in ‘Bigs’ compared to fall-camp and during in-season compared to ‘Combos’ and ‘Skills’ players

    Development of a patient decision aid for children and adolescents following anterior cruciate ligament rupture: an international mixed-methods study

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    AIM: To develop and user test an evidence-based patient decision aid for children and adolescents who are considering anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction.DESIGN: Mixed-methods study describing the development of a patient decision aid.SETTING: A draft decision aid was developed by a multidisciplinary steering group (including various types of health professionals and researchers, and consumers) informed by the best available evidence and existing patient decision aids.PARTICIPANTS: People who ruptured their ACL when they were under 18 years old (ie, adolescents), their parents, and health professionals who manage these patients. Participants were recruited through social media and the network outreach of the steering group.PRIMARY AND SECONDARY OUTCOMES: Semistructured interviews and questionnaires were used to gather feedback on the decision aid. The feedback was used to refine the decision aid and assess acceptability. An iterative cycle of interviews, refining the aid according to feedback and further interviews, was used. Interviews were analysed using reflexive thematic analysis.RESULTS: We conducted 32 interviews; 16 health professionals (12 physiotherapists, 4 orthopaedic surgeons) and 16 people who ruptured their ACL when they were under 18 years old (7 were adolescents and 9 were adults at the time of the interview). Parents participated in 8 interviews. Most health professionals, patients and parents rated the aid's acceptability as good-to-excellent. Health professionals and patients agreed on most aspects of the decision aid, but some health professionals had differing views on non-surgical management, risk of harms, treatment protocols and evidence on benefits and harms.CONCLUSION: Our patient decision aid is an acceptable tool to help children and adolescents choose an appropriate management option following ACL rupture with their parents and health professionals. A clinical trial evaluating the potential benefit of this tool for children and adolescents considering ACL reconstruction is warranted.</p

    Targeting the LOX/hypoxia axis reverses many of the features that make pancreatic cancer deadly: inhibition of LOX abrogates metastasis and enhances drug efficacy

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    Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) is one of the leading causes of cancer‐related mortality. Despite significant advances made in the treatment of other cancers, current chemotherapies offer little survival benefit in this disease. Pancreaticoduodenectomy offers patients the possibility of a cure, but most will die of recurrent or metastatic disease. Hence, preventing metastatic disease in these patients would be of significant benefit. Using principal component analysis (PCA), we identified a LOX/hypoxia signature associated with poor patient survival in resectable patients. We found that LOX expression is upregulated in metastatic tumors from Pdx1‐Cre KrasG12D/+ Trp53R172H/+ (KPC) mice and that inhibition of LOX in these mice suppressed metastasis. Mechanistically, LOX inhibition suppressed both migration and invasion of KPC cells. LOX inhibition also synergized with gemcitabine to kill tumors and significantly prolonged tumor‐free survival in KPC mice with early‐stage tumors. This was associated with stromal alterations, including increased vasculature and decreased fibrillar collagen, and increased infiltration of macrophages and neutrophils into tumors. Therefore, LOX inhibition is able to reverse many of the features that make PDAC inherently refractory to conventional therapies and targeting LOX could improve outcome in surgically resectable disease
