37 research outputs found

    Analysis of Xq27-28 linkage in the international consortium for prostate cancer genetics (ICPCG) families.

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    BACKGROUND: Genetic variants are likely to contribute to a portion of prostate cancer risk. Full elucidation of the genetic etiology of prostate cancer is difficult because of incomplete penetrance and genetic and phenotypic heterogeneity. Current evidence suggests that genetic linkage to prostate cancer has been found on several chromosomes including the X; however, identification of causative genes has been elusive. METHODS: Parametric and non-parametric linkage analyses were performed using 26 microsatellite markers in each of 11 groups of multiple-case prostate cancer families from the International Consortium for Prostate Cancer Genetics (ICPCG). Meta-analyses of the resultant family-specific linkage statistics across the entire 1,323 families and in several predefined subsets were then performed. RESULTS: Meta-analyses of linkage statistics resulted in a maximum parametric heterogeneity lod score (HLOD) of 1.28, and an allele-sharing lod score (LOD) of 2.0 in favor of linkage to Xq27-q28 at 138 cM. In subset analyses, families with average age at onset less than 65 years exhibited a maximum HLOD of 1.8 (at 138 cM) versus a maximum regional HLOD of only 0.32 in families with average age at onset of 65 years or older. Surprisingly, the subset of families with only 2-3 affected men and some evidence of male-to-male transmission of prostate cancer gave the strongest evidence of linkage to the region (HLOD = 3.24, 134 cM). For this subset, the HLOD was slightly increased (HLOD = 3.47 at 134 cM) when families used in the original published report of linkage to Xq27-28 were excluded. CONCLUSIONS: Although there was not strong support for linkage to the Xq27-28 region in the complete set of families, the subset of families with earlier age at onset exhibited more evidence of linkage than families with later onset of disease. A subset of families with 2-3 affected individuals and with some evidence of male to male disease transmission showed stronger linkage signals. Our results suggest that the genetic basis for prostate cancer in our families is much more complex than a single susceptibility locus on the X chromosome, and that future explorations of the Xq27-28 region should focus on the subset of families identified here with the strongest evidence of linkage to this region.RIGHTS : This article is licensed under the BioMed Central licence at http://www.biomedcentral.com/about/license which is similar to the 'Creative Commons Attribution Licence'. In brief you may : copy, distribute, and display the work; make derivative works; or make commercial use of the work - under the following conditions: the original author must be given credit; for any reuse or distribution, it must be made clear to others what the license terms of this work are

    An octahedral rhodium cluster with six phosphine and 12 hydride Ligands and 10 too few electrons

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    Tijekom istraživački usmjerene nastave fizike javljaju se mnoge poteškoće zbog kojih velik broj nastavnika ne ostvari osnovni dio sata fizike, a to je pokus, koji kod učenika potiče kreativnost, razvija kritičko razmišljanje i zaključivanje. Problemi vrlo često nastaju zbog nedostatka laboratorijske opreme te zbog nedostatka novca za opremanje kabineta. Zbog navedenog mnogi nastavnici preskaču konkretna mjerenja na osnovu kojih učenici mogu praktično potvrditi zakone fizike, ali kako je težnja suvremene nastave znanje iza kojeg slijedi razumijevanje, pokuse nikako nije poželjno preskakati. Danas, u doba izrazito povoljne potrošačke elektronike, možemo iskoristiti uređaje iz okoline kako bi na jednostavan i jeftin način analizirali i pojasnili fizičke pojave. Pojava novih generacija mikrokontrolera, kao što je micro:bit uređaj, omogućava njihovu širu primjenu u obrazovanju, osobito kao alat koji možemo iskoristiti za demonstraciju pokusa u nastavi fizike. Također, takvu nastavu nužno je potkrijepiti samostalnim učeničkim projektima koji su oblik samostalnoga istraživačkog rada, u kojem učenici razvijaju različite sposobnosti. Ovim diplomskim radom istaknut će se mogućnosti primjene mikrokontrolera, točnije micro:bit uređaja, u okviru projektne nastave gdje učenik konstruira odabrani demonstracijski pokus iz fizike. Rezultat ovog diplomskom rada detaljna je uputa nastavnicima kako implementirati ovakav pristup izvođenju nastave fizike.During inquiry-based physics teaching there are many difficulties for which a large number of teachers do not achieve the core part of the physics class, which is the experiment that encourages creativity in students, develops critical thinking and conclusion. Problems are very common due to the lack of laboratory equipment and the lack of money to equip the cabinet. Because of this, many teachers skip practical measurements where students, based on them, can practically validate the laws of physics, but as the aspiration of contemporary teaching is knowledge which is followed by understanding, the experiments are certainly not desirable to skip. Today, at a time of extremely favorable consumer electronics, we can make use of devices from the environment to analyze and clarify physical phenomena in a simple and inexpensive way. The emergence of new generations of microcontrollers, such as the micro:bit device, enables their wider application in education, particularly as a component that we can use to demonstrate experiments in physics teaching. Also, such teaching is necessary to support with independent student projects that are a form of independent research work, in which students develop different abilities. This graduate thesis will highlight the possibilities of using a microcontroller, namely micro:bit device, within the project-based learning where the student constructs a selected demonstration experiment from physics. The result of this graduate thesis is a detailed instruction for teachers to implement such an approach to teaching physics

    Reversible binding of dihydrogen in multimetallic complexes

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    The interaction of hydrogen with metal surfaces is one of the most important and fundamental processes in the chemical industry. Hydrogen is also strongly tipped to play a central role in new challenges that are emerging in terms of climate change and energy supply, and the reversible binding of H 2 to suitable materials will play a keystone role in the realisation of the hydrogen economy. The reversible interaction of hydrogen with multimetallic centres is also an important theme in biological processes; the role of hydrogenases in the metabolism of H2 is an example. Thus the reversible interaction of H2 with multimetallic metal complexes is an area that spans considerable breadth. This review is concerned with the reversible interaction of H2 with soluble multimetallic complexes, defined broadly as clusters, in which there are no other ligands lost or gained in the process. The review is organised under the subheadings: equilibrium reversible (H2 is lost upon removal of the H2 atmosphere), thermally reversible or reversible when placed under vacuum, photochemically reversible and electrochemically reversible interactions; a brief outline of reversible H2 binding in systems of biological interest; giant metal clusters that display reversible H2 binding. © Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH and Co. KGaA, 2007

    Hydrogen sponge? A heteronuclear cluster that absorbs large quantities of hydrogen

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    Turizam kao temelj razvoja gospodarstva danas je prisutan u svakom kutku zemlje, osobito na obalama i otocima, tome iznimka nije ni otok Rab. Razvojem i inovacijama motoriziranih prijevoznih sredstava skraćuje se vrijeme putovanja i udaljenosti turističkih destinacija, čime turistička putovanja sve više dobivaju na značaju. Porastom turističkih kretanja i masovnosti putnika javljaju se sve veće potrebe za izvorima pitke vode. U takvim uvjetima mjesta i prostori na obali i otocima osobito bivaju pogođeni, zbog karakterističnog reljefa i nedovoljnih vlastitih količina pitke vode kojima bi opskrbili sveukupno stanovništvo, kako domaće tako i one koji ih turistički posjećuju. Analizom je utvrđeno kako je izražena velika sezonalnost u potrošnji vode, pri vršnim opterećenjima ljeti potrošnja iznosi gotovo polovicu ukupne potrošnje u godini što je jasan pokazatelj velikog utjecaja turizma na crpljenje prirodnih resursa. Takvi uvjeti zahtijevaju posebnu pažnju i akcije kako bi se na dobrobit ljudi i sveukupnog okoliša osiguralo održivo iskorištavanje prostora.Tourism as the foundation of economic development is present in every corner on earth, especially on the coasts and islands, with no exception of the island of Rab. Developing and innovating motorized means of transport shortens travel time and distances of tourist destinations, making tourism travel more and more important. The growing demand for water sources is growing due to the growth of tourist movements and mass travelers. In such conditions, places and areas on the coast and island are particularly affected because of its characteristic terrain and insufficient own water resources to supply the total population, both locally and tourists. The analysis found that the high sesonality of water consumption is expressed, with peak loads in summer consumption of almost half of the total consumption during the year, which is clear indicator of grat impact of tourism on the burden of natural resources. Such conditions require special attention and ensure the sustainable exploitation of space for the benefit of people and the overall enviroment

    Analysis of organometallic compounds using ion trap mass spectrometry

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    Ion traps are an increasingly common presence as mass analysers in commercial bench-top mass spectrometers. Such instruments, usually interfaced with electrospray ionisation or nanospray sources, are invariably aimed at organic and biological applications, such as in the analysis of proteins, pharmaceuticals, organics, biomarkers, metabolites, etc. However, the abilities of ion trap mass spectrometers (extraordinary sensitivity, good resolution, MS" for structural information) can be profitably employed in the analysis of inorganic and organometallic compounds. We highlight these abilities, identify various problems and suggest the areas that will perhaps benefit most from employment of ion trap instruments. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Coupling an electrospray ionization mass spectrometer with a glovebox: A straightforward, powerful, and convenient combination for analysis of air-sensitive organometallics

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    The study of highly air- and moisture-sensitive organometallic complexes by ESI-MS is greatly facilitated by interfacing the instrument to an inert-atmosphere glovebox, a modification that requires no special precautions beyond proximity. © 2008 American Chemical Society

    Direct analysis of catalysts immobilised in ionic liquids using electrospray ionisation ion trap mass spectrometry

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    Catalysts immobilised in ionic liquids have been analysed using electrospray ionisation ion trap mass spectrometry, which allows identification of the catalyst without contamination from the ionic liquid; additionally, a new ionic liquid containing the Monsanto catalyst as the anionic component, [Rh(CO)(2)I-2](-), has been characterised using the same method

    The signal-to-noise issue in mass spectrometric analysis of polymers

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    Mass spectrometric approaches to polymer analysis become increasingly ineffective as the average molecular weight of the polymer increases. Why? The reasons are several-fold, and apply to both ESI and MALDI: the distribution of signal over an increasing number of different species, even for distributions of narrowest possible dispersity; each unique species has its own intensity broadened over a widening range of m/z values as polyisotopic contributions become more significant; individual signal width becomes larger as m/z increases; and solubility properties and solvent adducts can limit the analytical signal for polymer analysis. For MALDI analysis there is an additional reason: effective sample preparations require a certain weight percentage, causing the concentration of polymer in the matrix to drop. All these factors conspire to cause a signal-to-noise problem that fundamentally limits the ability of mass spectrometry to determine molecular weight distribution for high mass polymers