403 research outputs found

    Misogyny in Augustine and Sexist Scholarship

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    Our ideal performance as researchers and our actual performance as researchers do not always coincide. There are occasions when we allow bias or ideology to intrude on scholarship, trampling truth in the process. The intrusions into good scholarship by bias are frequently found in women\u27s studies. In the past, the fashion was for scholars to interpret whatever liberating ideas a thinker advanced in light of the scholars\u27 own male bias. Thus, any enlightened notions on woman were thought of as uncharacteristic anomalies, ill-meant and easily dismissed. As Christine Pierce pointed out over ten years ago, scholars interpreted Plato\u27s Republic, book V, 451c ff., as though Plato\u27s words did not mean what they said. Pierce says that much Platonic scholarship on this passage in Rep. V is a set of variations on the theme of the essential inferiority of women and the consequent necessity of recognizing that inferiority in the social, economic, and political structure of a society. Despite the clarity and force of Plato on woman in the ideal society, scholars insisted he could not have taken seriously any idea other than that women are inferior and should be treated as such. Pierce rightly points out that this kind of scholarship neither approximates the ideal of research nor serves the cause of truth, and she concludes: Philosophers have often been accused of defending the mores and beliefs of societies in which they lived as eternal truths … the same tendency may pervade philosophical scholarship. I submit that this same tendency still exists

    The Skeleton of a Data Breach: The Ethical and Legal Concerns

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    After over thirty data breaches spanning the third and fourth quarter of 2012, Forbes magazine labeled the summer of 2012 as “The Summer of the Data Breach.” Four years later, businesses across multiple industries have suffered brand-image damage and paid millions of dollars in remedial expenses; we are living in the era of the mega breach. In 2014, companies such as Target, Home Depot, JP Morgan Chase, Anthem, Sony, UPS, Jimmy John’s, Kmart, Neiman Marcus, Community Health Systems, and the White House suffered data breaches. The Home Depot breach alone resulted in the loss of “56 million credit card accounts,” “53 million email addresses,” and an estimated 63 million dollars in damage. In addition to the economic fallout associated with data breaches, the 2015 Ashley Madison data breach highlighted the personal toll faced by consumers when their “private” information becomes “public.” That data breach exposed the identities of millions of would-be philanderers, shaming not only the subscribers to Ashley Madison’s service, but also innocent bystanders such as their family members. The frequency of data breaches has shown no signs of abating in 2016—in the first quarter, multiple hospitals fell victim to “ransomware,” a data breach that allows hackers to literally hold patient data hostage.7 Several hospitals had to pay hackers to regain access to their patients’ data. “Decentralized technology” creates a different set of problems than the simple misuse of a single individual’s “technological profile” and information. Today, unauthorized access to electronic information, a result of what Burnham in 1983 referred to as “transactional information,” includes “hackers breaking into systems or networks, third parties accessing personal information on lost laptops or other mobile devices, or organizations failing to dispose of personal information securely.” Data breaches exemplify the first type of unauthorized access and despite their frequent occurrence, they are little examined from an ethical standpoint. Though Google Scholar lists over 82,000 entries under “ethics of a data breach,” very few combine both terms in the title. One article that does so notes a “dearth of prior organizational-level privacy research, which has largely overlooked ethical issues or the personal harms often caused by privacy violations.” Even within the field of technology, “there has not been a huge literature on ethics within the mainstream of information systems journals.” Part of the problem is the novelty of data breach cases. They are so new and different that they appear to be technologically, morally, and legally unlike other problems. We suggest that analogies and analyses exist which can help resolve some of these moral and legal puzzles

    Development of a new, combined rapid method using phage and PCR for detection and identification of viable Mycobacterium paratuberculosis bacteria within 48 hours

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    The FASTPlaqueTB assay is an established diagnostic aid for the rapid detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis from human sputum samples. Using the FASTPlaqueTB assay reagents, viable Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis cells were detected as phage plaques in just 24 h. The bacteriophage used does not infect M. avium subsp. paratuberculosis alone, so to add specificity to this assay, a PCR-based identification method was introduced to amplify M. avium subsp. paratuberculosis-specific sequences from the DNA of the mycobacterial cell detected by the phage. To give further diagnostic information, a multiplex PCR method was developed to allow simultaneous amplification of either M. avium subsp. paratuberculosis or M. tuberculosis complex-specific sequences from plaque samples. Combining the plaque PCR technique with the phage-based detection assay allowed the rapid and specific detection of viable M. avium subsp. paratuberculosis in milk samples in just 48 h

    Exhausted CD4+ T Cells during Malaria Exhibit Reduced mTORc1 Activity Correlated with Loss of T-bet Expression

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    CD4<sup>+</sup> T cell functional inhibition (exhaustion) is a hallmark of malaria and correlates with impaired parasite control and infection chronicity. However, the mechanisms of CD4<sup>+</sup> T cell exhaustion are still poorly understood. In this study, we show that Ag-experienced (<i>Ag-exp</i>) CD4<sup>+</sup> T cell exhaustion during <i>Plasmodium yoelii</i> nonlethal infection occurs alongside the reduction in mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) activity and restriction in CD4<sup>+</sup> T cell glycolytic capacity. We demonstrate that the loss of glycolytic metabolism and mTOR activity within the exhausted <i>Ag-exp</i>CD4<sup>+</sup> T cell population during infection coincides with reduction in T-bet expression. T-bet was found to directly bind to and control the transcription of various mTOR and metabolism-related genes within effector CD4<sup>+</sup> T cells. Consistent with this, <i>Ag-exp</i>Th1 cells exhibited significantly higher and sustained mTOR activity than effector T-bet- (non-Th1) <i>Ag-exp</i>T cells throughout the course of malaria. We identified mTOR to be redundant for sustaining T-bet expression in activated Th1 cells, whereas mTOR was necessary but not sufficient for maintaining IFN-γ production by Th1 cells. Immunotherapy targeting PD-1, CTLA-4, and IL-27 blocked CD4<sup>+</sup> T cell exhaustion during malaria infection and was associated with elevated T-bet expression and a concomitant increased CD4<sup>+</sup> T cell glycolytic metabolism. Collectively, our data suggest that mTOR activity is linked to T-bet in <i>Ag-exp</i>CD4<sup>+</sup> T cells but that reduction in mTOR activity may not directly underpin <i>Ag-exp</i>Th1 cell loss and exhaustion during malaria infection. These data have implications for therapeutic reactivation of exhausted CD4<sup>+</sup> T cells during malaria infection and other chronic conditions

    Comparison of bulk milk antibody and youngstock serology screens for determining herd status for Bovine Viral Diarrhoea Virus

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    BACKGROUND: This paper examines the use of Bulk Milk antibody (BM Ab), Youngstock (YS) serology (Check Tests) and Bulk Milk PCR (BM PCR) for determining the presence or absence of animals persistently infected (PI) with Bovine Viral Diarrhoea Virus (BVDV) within a herd. Data is presented from 26 herds where average herd sizes were 343 and 98 animals for dairy and beef units respectively. Seventeen herds had sufficient data to analyse using Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) and probability curves enabling calculation of the sensitivity and specificity of BM Ab and YS Check tests for determining the presence of PI animals within herds in this dataset. RESULTS: Using BM Ab to screen a herd for the presence of PI animals, achieved a herd level sensitivity and specificity of 80.00 % (44.39–97.48 %) and 85.71 % (42.13–99.64 %) respectively (95 % confidence intervals quoted). Sensitivity and specificity of YS Check Tests at a cut off of 3/10 Ab positive YS were 81.82 % (48.22–97.72 %) and 66.67 % (22.28–95.67 %) respectively (95 % confidence interval). These results were achieved by comparing the screening tests to whole herd PI searches that took place 1–19 months after the initial screen with a mean interval of 8 months. Removal of this delay by taking BM samples on the day of a whole herd test and simulating a YS Check Test from the herd test data produced improvements in the reliability of the Check Tests. BM Ab sensitivity and specificity remained unchanged. However, the Check Test sensitivity and specificity improved to 90.9 % (58.72–99.77 %) and 100 % (54.07–100 %) respectively (95 % confidence interval) at a cut of off 2.5/10 Ab positive animals. Our limited BM PCR results identified 5/23 dairy farms with a positive BM PCR result; two contained milking PIs, two had non-milking PIs and another had no PIs identified. CONCLUSIONS: Delaying a PI search following an initial herd screen decreased the diagnostic accuracy and relevance of our results. With careful interpretation, longitudinal surveillance using a combination of the techniques discussed can successfully determine farm status and therefore allow changes in BVDV status to be detected early, thus enabling prompt action in the event of a BVDV incursion

    Functional diversity of marine ecosystems after the Late Permian mass extinction event

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    Article can be accessed from http://www.nature.com/ngeo/journal/v7/n3/full/ngeo2079.htmlThe Late Permian mass extinction event was the most severe such crisis of the past 500 million years and occurred during an episode of global warming. It is assumed to have had significant ecological impact, but its effects on marine ecosystem functioning are unknown and the patterns of marine recovery are debated. We analysed the fossil occurrences of all known Permian-Triassic benthic marine genera and assigned each to a functional group based on their inferred life habit. We show that despite the selective extinction of 62-74% of marine genera there was no significant loss of functional diversity at the global scale, and only one novel mode of life originated in the extinction aftermath. Early Triassic marine ecosystems were not as ecologically depauperate as widely assumed, which explains the absence of a Cambrian-style Triassic radiation in higher taxa. Functional diversity was, however, significantly reduced in particular regions and habitats, such as tropical reefs, and at these scales recovery varied spatially and temporally, probably driven by migration of surviving groups. Marine ecosystems did not return to their pre-extinction state, however, and radiation of previously subordinate groups such as motile, epifaunal grazers led to greater functional evenness by the Middle Triassic

    Investigating the effectiveness and acceptability of oral health and related health behaviour interventions in adults with severe and multiple disadvantage:Protocol for a mixed-methods systematic review

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    Increasing numbers of people in England experience homelessness, substance use, and repeated offending (known as ‘severe and multiple disadvantage’; SMD). Populations experiencing SMD often have extremely poor oral health, which is closely inter-linked with high levels of substance use, smoking, and poor diet. This study aims to undertake an evidence synthesis to identify the effectiveness, resource requirements, and factors influencing the implementation and acceptability of oral health and related health behaviour interventions in adults experiencing SMD. Two systematic reviews will be conducted using mixed-methods. Review 1 will investigate the effectiveness and resource implications of oral health and related health behaviours (substance use, smoking, diet) interventions; Review 2 will investigate factors influencing the implementation of such interventions. The population includes adults (≥18 years) experiencing SMD. Standard review methods in terms of searches, screening, data extraction, and quality appraisal will be conducted. Narrative syntheses will be conducted. If feasible, a meta-analysis will be conducted for Review 1 and a thematic synthesis for Review 2. Evidence from the two reviews will then be synthesised together. Input from people with experience of SMD will be sought throughout to inform the reviews. An initial logic model will be iteratively refined during the review.</jats:p

    Dissolution dominating calcification process in polar pteropods close to the point of aragonite undersaturation

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    Thecosome pteropods are abundant upper-ocean zooplankton that build aragonite shells. Ocean acidification results in the lowering of aragonite saturation levels in the surface layers, and several incubation studies have shown that rates of calcification in these organisms decrease as a result. This study provides a weight-specific net calcification rate function for thecosome pteropods that includes both rates of dissolution and calcification over a range of plausible future aragonite saturation states (Omega_Ar). We measured gross dissolution in the pteropod Limacina helicina antarctica in the Scotia Sea (Southern Ocean) by incubating living specimens across a range of aragonite saturation states for a maximum of 14 days. Specimens started dissolving almost immediately upon exposure to undersaturated conditions (Omega_Ar,0.8), losing 1.4% of shell mass per day. The observed rate of gross dissolution was different from that predicted by rate law kinetics of aragonite dissolution, in being higher at Var levels slightly above 1 and lower at Omega_Ar levels of between 1 and 0.8. This indicates that shell mass is affected by even transitional levels of saturation, but there is, nevertheless, some partial means of protection for shells when in undersaturated conditions. A function for gross dissolution against Var derived from the present observations was compared to a function for gross calcification derived by a different study, and showed that dissolution became the dominating process even at Omega_Ar levels close to 1, with net shell growth ceasing at an Omega_Ar of 1.03. Gross dissolution increasingly dominated net change in shell mass as saturation levels decreased below 1. As well as influencing their viability, such dissolution of pteropod shells in the surface layers will result in slower sinking velocities and decreased carbon and carbonate fluxes to the deep ocean