5,536 research outputs found

    The significance of organic carbon and nutrient export from peatland-dominated landscapes subject to disturbance, a stoichiometric perspective

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    The terrestrial-aquatic interface is a crucial environment in which to consider the fate of exported terrestrial carbon in the aquatic system. Here the fate of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) may be controlled by nutrient availability. However, peat-dominated headwater catchments are normally of low nutrient status and thus there is little data on how DOC and nutrient export co-varies. We present nutrient and DOC data for two UK catchments dominated by peat headwaters. One, Whitelee, is undergoing development for Europe's largest windfarm. Glen Dye by comparison is relatively undisturbed. At both sites there are significant linear relationships between DOC and soluble reactive phosphorus and nitrate concentrations in the drainage waters. However, inter-catchment differences exist. Changes in the pattern of nutrient and carbon export at Whitelee reveal that landscape disturbance associated with windfarm development impacts the receiving waters, and that nutrient export does not increase in a stoichiometric manner that will promote increase in microbial biomass but rather supports aquatic respiration. In turn greater CO2 efflux may prevail. Hence disturbance of terrestrial carbon stores may impact the both the aquatic and gaseous carbon cycle. We suggest estimates of aquatic carbon export should inform the decision-making process prior to development in ecosystems and catchments with high terrestrial carbon storage

    Navigating the city: dialectics of everyday urbanism

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    How might we conceptualise and research everyday urbanism? By examining the making of everyday life in a low-income neighbourhood in Uganda, we argue that a dialectics of everyday urbanism is a useful approach for understanding urban poverty. This dialectical approach examines how marginalised urban dwellers navigate the city in the relative absence of formal infrastructure systems, service provision and state welfare, and in turn exceed those limitations through forging connections, capacities and opportunities. We reveal the ‘social infrastructures’ that people put together to sustain life, as well as the limits of and placed on these infrastructures, from the legacies of structural adjustment to ongoing forms of demolition and disinvestment. We identify a set of practices that operate alongside social infrastructure – ‘coordination’, ‘consolidation’ and ‘speculation’ – important in the composition of everyday urban life. In doing so, we reflect on how we might research the dialectics of everyday urbanism, and here a ‘follow-along participant observation’ (FAPO) methodology has significant potential. Our arguments emerge from research with residents in Kampala, but open out questions for how we conceive and research everyday life and urban infrastructure more generally

    The relationship between Hippocampal asymmetry and working memory processing in combat-related PTSD: a monozygotic twin study

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    BACKGROUND: PTSD is associated with reduction in hippocampal volume and abnormalities in hippocampal function. Hippocampal asymmetry has received less attention, but potentially could indicate lateralised differences in vulnerability to trauma. The P300 event-related potential component reflects the immediate processing of significant environmental stimuli and has generators in several brain regions including the hippocampus. P300 amplitude is generally reduced in people with PTSD. METHODS: Our study examined hippocampal volume asymmetry and the relationship between hippocampal asymmetry and P300 amplitude in male monozygotic twins discordant for Vietnam combat exposure. Lateralised hippocampal volume and P300 data were obtained from 70 male participants, of whom 12 had PTSD. We were able to compare (1) combat veterans with current PTSD; (2) their non-combat-exposed co-twins; (3) combat veterans without current PTSD and (4) their non-combat-exposed co-twins. RESULTS: There were no significant differences between groups in hippocampal asymmetry. There were no group differences in performance of an auditory oddball target detection task or in P300 amplitude. There was a significant positive correlation between P300 amplitude and the magnitude of hippocampal asymmetry in participants with PTSD. CONCLUSIONS: These findings suggest that greater hippocampal asymmetry in PTSD is associated with a need to allocate more attentional resources when processing significant environmental stimuli.Timothy Hall, Cherrie Galletly, C.R. Clark, Melinda Veltmeyer, Linda J. Metzger, Mark W. Gilbertson, Scott P. Orr, Roger K. Pitman and Alexander McFarlan

    Gas-liquid mass transfer : a comparison of down-and up-pumping axial flow impellers with radial impellers

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    The performance of a down- and up-pumping pitched blade turbine and A315 for gas-liquid dispersion and mass transfer was evaluated and then compared with that of Rushton and Scaba turbines in a small laboratory scale vessel. The results show that when the axial flow impellers are operated in the up-pumping mode, the overall performance is largely improved compared with the down-pumping configuration. Compared with the radial turbines, the up-pumping A315 has a high gas handling capacity, equivalent to the Scaba turbine and is economically much more efficient in terms of mass transfer than both turbines. On the other hand, the uppumping pitched blade turbine is not as well adapted to such applications. Finally, the axial flow impellers in the down-pumping mode have the lowest performance of all the impellers studied, although the A315 is preferred of the pitched blade turbine

    The Age of the Kirkdale Cave Palaeofauna

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    The Kirkdale Cave palaeofauna represents the original and classic \u27warm\u27, interglacial mammalian cave deposit in Britain. Although long considered to be \u27Ipswichian\u27 in age, no previous attempts to obtain radiometric dates have been recorded. Here we report a uranium-series disequilibrium date of 121,000 ± 4000 yr BP on a flowstone capping that overlay the original bone bed. The precision of the date exceeds that obtained at any other British Interglacial cave site, and permits tentative correlation with the high precision ice core records now available

    The politics of open defecation: informality, body, and infrastructure in Mumbai

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    This paper examines the politics of open defecation by focusing on everyday intersections of the body and infrastructure in the metabolic city, which produces profoundly unequal opportunities for fulfilling bodily needs. Specifically, it examines how open defecation emerges in Mumbai's informal settlements through everyday embodied experiences, practices and perceptions forged in relation to the materialities of informality and infrastructure. It does so by tracing the micropolitics of provision, access, territoriality and control of sanitation infrastructures; everyday routines and rhythms, both of people and infrastructures; and experiences of disgust and perceptions of dignity. It also examines open defecation as embodied spatial and temporal improvisations in order to investigate the socially differentiated efforts and risks that it entails. More broadly, the paper seeks to deepen understandings of the relationship between the body, infrastructure and the sanitary/unsanitary city

    The significance of organic carbon and nutrient export from peatland-dominated landscapes subject to disturbance

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    International audienceThe terrestrial-aquatic interface is a crucial environment in which to consider the fate of exported terrestrial carbon in the aquatic system. To a large extent the fate of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) may be controlled by nutrient availability. However, peat-dominated headwater catchments are normally considered of low nutrient status and thus there is little data on the interaction of DOC and nutrients. Here we present nutrient and DOC data exported from two UK catchments, both dominated by peat headwaters, but of differing land-use. Glen Dye is a moorland with no trees; Whitelee has partially forested peats and peaty podzols, and is now undergoing development to host Europe's largest on-shore windfarm, the Whitelee Windfarm. There are significant linear relationships between DOC and soluble reactive phosphorus and nitrate concentrations in the drainage waters, but inter-catchment differences exist. Changes in the pattern of nutrient and carbon export in Whitelee suggest that disturbance of peatlands soils can impact the receiving water and that nutrient export does not increase in a stoichiometric manner that will promote increase in biomass. As such the changes are more likely to cause increased aquatic respiration, and thus lead to higher dissolved CO2 concentrations (and therefore CO2 efflux). Hence disturbance of terrestrial carbon stores may also impact the gaseous carbon cycle. Confirming the source of carbon and nutrients in these study sites is not possible. However, nearby 14C measurements are in keeping with other published literature values from similar sites which show C in DOM exported from peatlands is predominantly modern, and thus supports an interpretation that nutrients, additional to carbon, are derived from shallow soils. Estimates of organic carbon loss from Whitelee catchments to the drainage waters suggest a system where losses are approaching likely sequestration rates. We suggest such sequestration assessment should inform the decision-making tools required prior to development of terrestrial carbon stores

    Design and fabrication of a long-life Stirling cycle cooler for space application. Phase 3: Prototype model

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    A second-generation, Stirling-cycle cryocooler (cryogenic refrigerator) for space applications, with a cooling capacity of 5 watts at 65 K, was recently completed. The refrigerator, called the Prototype Model, was designed with a goal of 5 year life with no degradation in cooling performance. The free displacer and free piston of the refrigerator are driven directly by moving-magnet linear motors with the moving elements supported by active magnetic bearings. The use of clearance seals and the absence of outgassing material in the working volume of the refrigerator enable long-life operation with no deterioration in performance. Fiber-optic sensors detect the radial position of the shafts and provide a control signal for the magnetic bearings. The frequency, phase, stroke, and offset of the compressor and expander are controlled by signals from precision linear position sensors (LVDTs). The vibration generated by the compressor and expander is cancelled by an active counter balance which also uses a moving-magnet linear motor and magnetic bearings. The driving signal for the counter balance is derived from the compressor and expander position sensors which have wide bandwidth for suppression of harmonic vibrations. The efficiency of the three active members, which operate in a resonant mode, is enhanced by a magnetic spring in the expander and by gas springs in the compressor and counterbalance. The cooling was achieved with a total motor input power of 139 watts. The magnetic-bearing stiffness was significantly increased from the first-generation cooler to accommodate shuttle launch vibrations

    Tracing the evolution of calc-alkaline magmas: In-situ Sm-Nd isotope studies of accessory minerals in the Bergell Igneous Complex, Italy

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    The common occurrence of Ca- and Nd-rich accessory minerals titanite, epidote, allanite and apatite in calcalkaline plutonic suites makes them ideal targets for in-situ tracing of the temporal, chemical and isotopic evolution of tonalitic and granodioritic melts. The Sm-Nd isotope composition of accessory phases from the calc-alkaline Bergell Pluton and the peraluminous Novate leucogranite (central Alps) were investigated using laser ablation MC-ICPMS techniques. Grouping of individual LA-MC-ICPMS analyses produced average eNd values with typical uncertainties of <0.3 (2s) epsilon units. SHRIMP dating of magmatic allanite cores of epidote grains from a Bergell gabbro yielded a Th-Pb age of 32.40.4 Ma, which provides a new timing constraint on the emplacement of juvenile members within the Bergell intrusive sequence. The Bergell bulkrock mantle-crust isotopic mixing curve was reproduced, demonstrating that integration of U-Th-rich accessory mineral Nd isotope compositions with crystallisation age is capable of tracing the geochemical evolution of magmatic systems over time.Crucially, the isotopic composition of the mantle end-member was successfully constrained by measurement of magmatic REE-epidote, highlighting the compositional versatility of accessory phases. The removal or addition of feldspar controls the Eu signature of both the bulk-rock and single minerals and therefore presents a unique trace element indicator of magmatic differentiation and assimilation processes in accessory minerals. Therefore the in-situ determination of age, Sm-Nd isotopes and trace elements in accessory minerals permits efficient and accurate reconstruction of complex magmatic processes in calc-alkaline plutonic suites. Sub-grain isotopic heterogeneity in magmatic monazite from the Novate leucogranite was identifiable by LA-MC-ICPMS analysis and emphasizes the additional value of a micro-analytical approach to understanding geological processes