12 research outputs found

    E-Textiles for Sports and Fitness Sensing: Current State, Challenges, and Future Opportunities

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    E-textiles have emerged as a fast-growing area in wearable technology for sports and fitness due to the soft and comfortable nature of textile materials and the capability for smart functionality to be integrated into familiar sports clothing. This review paper presents the roles of wearable technologies in sport and fitness in monitoring movement and biosignals used to assess performance, reduce injury risk, and motivate training/exercise. The drivers of research in e-textiles are discussed after reviewing existing non-textile and textile-based commercial wearable products. Different sensing components/materials (e.g., inertial measurement units, electrodes for biosignals, piezoresistive sensors), manufacturing processes, and their applications in sports and fitness published in the literature were reviewed and discussed. Finally, the paper presents the current challenges of e-textiles to achieve practical applications at scale and future perspectives in e-textiles research and development

    Kinematic differences between left- and right-handed cricket fast bowlers during the bowling action

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    BACKGROUND : Despite differences between left- and right-handed athletes in other sports, minimal evidence exists regarding biomechanical similarities and differences between left- and right-handed cricket fast bowlers performing an equivalent task. OBJECTIVES : This study aimed to compare the kinematics between left and right-handed fast bowlers performing an equivalent task (i.e. bowling ‘over the wicket’ to a batter of the same handedness as the bowler). METHODS : Full body, three-dimensional kinematic data for six left-handed and 20 right-handed adolescent, male, fast bowlers were collected using the Xsens inertial measurement system. Time-normalised joint and segment angle time histories from back foot contact to follow-through ground contacts were compared between groups via statistical parametric mapping. Whole movement and subphase durations were also compared. RESULTS : Left-handed players displayed significantly more trunk flexion from 49%-56% of the total movement (ball release occurred at 54%; p = 0.037) and had shorter back foot contact durations on average (0.153 vs 0.177 s; p = 0.036) compared to right-handed players. CONCLUSION : Left- and right-handed bowlers displayed similar sagittal plane kinematics but appeared to use non-sagittal plane movements differently around the time of ball release. The kinematic differences identified in this study can inform future research investigating the effect of hand dominance on bowling performance and injury risk.http://sajsm.org.za/index.php/sajsmam2024Sports MedicineNon

    On-field rehabilitation in football: current practice and perceptions. A survey of the English Premier League and Football League

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    Introduction: Return to play related research is increasing rapidly, with two recent competency-based frameworks offering conceptualised support for on-field rehabilitation (OFR) decision-making. It is still unknown, however, who is responsible for OFR and how they typically select, monitor, and progress OFR processes.Aims: The purpose of this study was to investigate current OFR practice within English professional football to support practitioners with decision-making and highlight opportunities for future research related to the design, monitoring, and progression of OFR.Methods: Sixty-nine practitioners responsible for the design and implementation of OFR at 69 clubs (75% of the English Premier League and Football League) responded to a survey containing 30 questions (14 open and 16 closed).Results: The main findings were that therapists (physiotherapists/sports therapists) have the largest influence on OFR, followed by physical performance coaches (sports scientists/strength and conditioning coaches), technical coaches and medical doctors. There was more agreement for the ordering of specific OFR drills earlier in the process when activities are easier to control. The most frequently reported objective monitoring tool was global positioning systems (GPS), with functional/clinical experience/ expertise remaining subjectively vital. GPS outputs (e.g., sprint metrics and accelerations/decelerations) were most used for between session decision-making, with verbal communication being key for within session decision making. Conclusion: Future research should use evidence of current practice, such as drill design and monitoring techniques, to explore drill-level analysis and give practitioners greater insights into which stage of current OFR frameworks specific drills fall, and how they might be more objectively progressed/ regressed

    Determinants of countermovement jump performance: a kinetic and kinematic analysis

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    This is an Accepted Manuscript of an article published in Journal of Sports Sciences on 29 May 2014, available online: http://www.tandfonline.com/10.1080/02640414.2014.924055This study aimed to investigate the contributions of kinetic and kinematic parameters to inter-individual variation in countermovement jump (CMJ) performance. Two-dimensional kinematic data and ground reaction forces during a CMJ were recorded for 18 males of varying jumping experience. Ten kinetic and eight kinematic parameters were determined for each performance, describing peak lower-limb joint torques and powers, concentric knee extension rate of torque development and CMJ technique. Participants also completed a series of isometric knee extensions to measure the rate of torque development and peak torque. CMJ height ranged from 0.38 to 0.73 m (mean 0.55 ± 0.09 m). CMJ peak knee power, peak ankle power and take-off shoulder angle explained 74% of this observed variation. CMJ kinematic (58%) and CMJ kinetic (57%) parameters explained a much larger proportion of the jump height variation than the isometric parameters (18%), suggesting that coachable technique factors and the joint kinetics during the jump are important determinants of CMJ performance. Technique, specifically greater ankle plantar-flexion and shoulder flexion at take-off (together explaining 58% of the CMJ height variation), likely influences the extent to which maximal muscle capabilities can be utilised during the jump

    Consensus on a netball video analysis framework of descriptors and definitions by the netball video analysis consensus group.

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    Using an expert consensus-based approach, a netball video analysis consensus (NVAC) group of researchers and practitioners was formed to develop a video analysis framework of descriptors and definitions of physical, technical and contextual aspects for netball research. The framework aims to improve the consistency of language used within netball investigations. It also aims to guide injury mechanism reporting and identification of injury risk factors. The development of the framework involved a systematic review of the literature and a Delphi process. In conjunction with commercially used descriptors and definitions, 19 studies were used to create the initial framework of key descriptors and definitions in netball. In a two round Delphi method consensus, each expert rated their level of agreement with each of the descriptors and associated definition on a 5-point Likert scale (1-strongly disagree; 2-somewhat disagree; 3-neither agree nor disagree; 4-somewhat agree; 5-strongly agree). The median (IQR) rating of agreement was 5.0 (0.0), 5.0 (0.0) and 5.0 (0.0) for physical, technical and contextual aspects, respectively. The NVAC group recommends usage of the framework when conducting video analysis research in netball. The use of descriptors and definitions will be determined by the nature of the work and can be combined to incorporate further movements and actions used in netball. The framework can be linked with additional data, such as injury surveillance and microtechnology data

    Effects of two neuromuscular training programs on running biomechanics with load carriage: a study protocol for a randomised controlled trial

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    Background In recent years, athletes have ventured into ultra-endurance and adventure racing events, which tests their ability to race, navigate, and survive. These events often require race participants to carry some form of load, to bear equipment for navigation and survival purposes. Previous studies have reported specific alterations in biomechanics when running with load which potentially influence running performance and injury risk. We hypothesize that a biomechanically informed neuromuscular training program would optimize running mechanics during load carriage to a greater extent than a generic strength training program. Methods This will be a two group, parallel randomized controlled trial design, with single assessor blinding. Thirty healthy runners will be recruited to participate in a six weeks neuromuscular training program. Participants will be randomized into either a generic training group, or a biomechanically informed training group. Primary outcomes include self-determined running velocity with a 20 % body weight load, jump power, hopping leg stiffness, knee extensor and triceps-surae strength. Secondary outcomes include running kinetics and kinematics. Assessments will occur at baseline and post-training. Discussion To our knowledge, no training programs are available that specifically targets a runner’s ability to carry load while running. This will provide sport scientists and coaches with a foundation to base their exercise prescription on

    Comparing biomechanical time series data across countermovement shrug load

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    The effect of load on time series data has yet to be investigated during weightlifting derivatives. This study compared the effect of load on the force-time and velocity-time curves during the countermovement shrug (CMS). Twenty-nine males performed the CMS at relative loads of 40, 60, 80, 100, 120, and 140% one repetition maximum (1RM) power clean (PC). A force plate measured the vertical ground reaction force (VGRF), which was used to calculate the barbell-lifter system velocity. Time series data were normalized to 100% of the movement duration and assessed via statistical parametric mapping (SPM). SPM analysis showed greater negative velocity at heavier loads early in the unweighting phase (12-38% of the movement), and greater positive velocity at lower loads during the last 16% of the movement. Relative loads of 40% 1RM PC maximised propulsion velocity, whilst 140% 1RM maximized force. At higher loads, the braking and propulsive phases commence at an earlier percentage of the time-normalized movement, and the total absolute durations increase with load. It may be more appropriate to prescribe the CMS during a maximal strength mesocycle given the ability to use supramaximal loads. Future research should assess training at different loads on the effects of performance