95 research outputs found

    Biogeography of vine thickets and open woodland in subtropical eastern Australia : a case study of three camaenid land snail genera

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    Funding: This research was funded by HDR candidate support funding from Griffith University.Dry rainforests and open woodlands occur across much of eastern Australia. However, the biogeographic history of these habitats remains poorly known, especially when compared to nearby moist rainforest areas. Land snails are commonly used as model organisms to understand patterns of origins of regional endemism due to their low vagility. Here we present an analysis of patterns of mitochondrial genetic diversity in three camaenid snail lineages with distributions centred on vine-thicket and open woodland habitats of eastern Queensland, specifically Euryladra from open woodlands, Brigaladra from inland semievergreen vine thickets, and Figuladra from coastal vine thickets. Lineages from habitats west of the Great Dividing Range show relatively low genetic divergence between localities, with particularly low structuring in the open woodland taxon Euryladra. Figuladra from vine-thicket habitats closer to the coast shows relatively deeper genetic divergence, with marked divergences between some upland and lowland areas in south-east Queensland, and across the St Lawrence Gap. This structuring suggests that taxa associated with vine thicket habitats have had a more discernible history of isolation than open woodlands. This said, genetic divergence across many vine thickets patches in lowland coastal regions is also shallow, suggesting many apparently disjunct vine thicket habitats and their associated species also have a recent history of connectivity.Peer reviewe

    Molecular identification of intertidal rock oyster species in North-Eastern Australia reveals new candidates for aquaculture

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    Funding: This study was funded by an Advance Queensland Fellowship (AQRF10916-17RD2) to CM from the Queensland Government Department of Science, Information Technology and Innovation, and project 2018-118 ‘Reinvigorating the Queensland Oyster Industry’ from the FRDC on behalf of the Australian Government.Oyster aquaculture in Australia is currently centred on two species, Saccostrea glomerata (Gould, 1850) and Magallana gigas (Thunberg, 1793) which are both susceptible to disease. Disease outbreaks have caused significant losses to the industry and there is currently an appetite for diversification to mitigate risk. Development of other, native oyster species for aquaculture is limited by a poor understanding of their biodiversity and distribution, which is primarily due to the difficulty in distinguishing species based on morphology alone. In this study we sampled intertidal rock oysters from 19 localities in north-eastern Australia and performed phylogenetic analyses based on partial COI and 16S mitochondrial markers. A total of 14 distinct oyster lineages (most likely representing distinct species) were identified from the 357 specimens collected and sequenced. In total, we report the presence of 8 Saccostrea lineages, 4 Ostreinae lineages, one Magallana lineage (Magallana bilineata (Röding, 1798)a recent introduction), and one Talonostrea lineage (likely undescribed). A number of these lineages have broad distributions and attain large sizes, and several are currently cultured in other parts of the world. Although morphological identification is challenging we argue that the large size of the tropical black-lip oyster, Saccostrea lineage J, enables it to be definitively identified as Saccostrea spathulata (Lamarck 1819), thus providing taxonomic certainty for this commercially important species. The identification of these oyster lineages and their distributions is a fundamental step towards development of viable alternatives for oyster aquaculture in the region.Peer reviewe

    Evolution of the tyrosinase gene family in bivalve molluscs: independent expansion of the mantle gene repertoire

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    Tyrosinase is a copper-containing enzyme that mediates the hydroxylation of monophenols and oxidation of o-diphenols to o-quinones. This enzyme is involved in a variety of biological processes, including pigment production, innate immunity, wound healing, and exoskeleton fabrication and hardening (e.g. arthropod skeleton and mollusc shell). Here we show that the tyrosinase gene family has undergone large expansions in pearl oysters (Pinctada spp.) and the Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas). Phylogenetic analysis reveals that pearl oysters possess at least four tyrosinase genes that are not present in the Pacific oyster. Likewise, C. gigas has multiple tyrosinase genes that are not orthologous to the Pinctada genes, indicating that this gene family has expanded independently in these bivalve lineages. Many of the tyrosinase genes in these bivalves are expressed at relatively high levels in the mantle, the organ responsible for shell fabrication. Detailed comparisons of tyrosinase gene expression in different regions of the mantle in two closely related pearl oysters, P. maxima and P. margaritifera, reveals that recently evolved orthologous tyrosinase genes can have markedly different expression profiles. The expansion of tyrosinase genes in these oysters and their co-option into the mantle's gene regulatory network is consistent with mollusc shell formation being underpinned by a rapidly evolving transcriptome

    A rapidly evolving secretome builds and patterns a sea shell

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    BACKGROUND: Instructions to fabricate mineralized structures with distinct nanoscale architectures, such as seashells and coral and vertebrate skeletons, are encoded in the genomes of a wide variety of animals. In mollusks, the mantle is responsible for the extracellular production of the shell, directing the ordered biomineralization of CaCO(3 )and the deposition of architectural and color patterns. The evolutionary origins of the ability to synthesize calcified structures across various metazoan taxa remain obscure, with only a small number of protein families identified from molluskan shells. The recent sequencing of a wide range of metazoan genomes coupled with the analysis of gene expression in non-model animals has allowed us to investigate the evolution and process of biomineralization in gastropod mollusks. RESULTS: Here we show that over 25% of the genes expressed in the mantle of the vetigastropod Haliotis asinina encode secreted proteins, indicating that hundreds of proteins are likely to be contributing to shell fabrication and patterning. Almost 85% of the secretome encodes novel proteins; remarkably, only 19% of these have identifiable homologues in the full genome of the patellogastropod Lottia scutum. The spatial expression profiles of mantle genes that belong to the secretome is restricted to discrete mantle zones, with each zone responsible for the fabrication of one of the structural layers of the shell. Patterned expression of a subset of genes along the length of the mantle is indicative of roles in shell ornamentation. For example, Has-sometsuke maps precisely to pigmentation patterns in the shell, providing the first case of a gene product to be involved in molluskan shell pigmentation. We also describe the expression of two novel genes involved in nacre (mother of pearl) deposition. CONCLUSION: The unexpected complexity and evolvability of this secretome and the modular design of the molluskan mantle enables diversification of shell strength and design, and as such must contribute to the variety of adaptive architectures and colors found in mollusk shells. The composition of this novel mantle-specific secretome suggests that there are significant molecular differences in the ways in which gastropods synthesize their shells

    Calcineurin subunit B is involved in shell regeneration in Haliotis diversicolor

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    Funding: This study was supported by the Thailand Research Fund (TRF) through a Royal Golden Jubilee Ph.D. Program (Grant No. PHD/0047/2554).Abalone shells are mainly composed of two major polymorphs of CaCO3 that are distributed in different layers of the shell. The process of shell biomineralization is controlled by genes and proteins expressed within the mantle epithelium. In this present paper, we conducted a shell regeneration experiment to study the role of HcCNA and HcCNB (individual subunits of calcineurin) in shell biomineralization in H. diversicolor. The results of qPCR showed that HcCNB is upregulated to a greater extent than HcCNA in the mantle after shell notching. In vivo study of the effects of rHcCNB injection showed a significantly higher percentage of regenerated shell length, but not area, in the injected group compared to the control group. In addition, SEM observation of the inner surface of the regenerated shells revealed three different zones including prismatic, nacreous, and a distinct transition zone. Changes in the crystal organization and ultrastructure are clearly evident in these three zones, particularly after 3 weeks of rHcCNB administration. We hypothesize that this is due to faster biomineralization rates in the rHcCNB treated group. Taken together, our results demonstrate that HcCNB participates in shell regeneration in H. diversicolor. As calcineurin subunits have also been implicated in shell formation in bivalves, these findings suggest that calcineurin subunits may play important roles in biomineralization in all conchiferans.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Assassins and apples: the environmental constraints of two snails that threaten Australian aquatic systems

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    Context: Alien freshwater snails pose a substantial risk to Australian native aquatic biota.Aims: This study aims to determine the thermal and salinity ranges of two introduced species within Australia, Pomacea sp. and Anentome sp., to facilitate predictions of their potential geographic range should they become widely established.Methods: Laboratory tests were conducted to assess behavioural responses of snails to altered temperature or salinity after different acclimation regimes.Key results: After acclimation at 25°C, Pomacea sp. had a median activity range of 13.5–38°C and Anentome sp. of 12–38.5°C. Higher acclimation temperatures produced observable effects, whereas lower acclimation temperatures did not. Salinity tolerances differed, with Pomacea sp. remaining active at up to 8 parts per thousand (ppt) (after acclimation at 25°C), with acclimation at 20°C resulting in a lower salinity tolerance. By contrast, Anentome sp. snails were active at up to 5 ppt after low salinity acclimation, demonstrating enhanced salinity tolerance compared with non-salinity acclimations.Conclusions: These results showed that both snails are capable of surviving temperatures and salinities that would allow invasion into subtropical and warm-temperate Australian aquatic systems.Implications: Free from the constraints of natural predators, competitors, and parasites, these snails should be of great concern to biosecurity agencies in Australia

    Modularity of gene-regulatory networks revealed in sea-star development

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    Evidence that conserved developmental gene-regulatory networks can change as a unit during deutersostome evolution emerges from a study published in BMC Biology. This shows that genes consistently expressed in anterior brain patterning in hemichordates and chordates are expressed in a similar spatial pattern in another deuterostome, an asteroid echinoderm (sea star), but in a completely different developmental context (the animal-vegetal axis). This observation has implications for hypotheses on the type of development present in the deuterostome common ancestor

    The evolution of ependymin-related proteins

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    This research was funded by Australian Research Council grants to BMD and SFC (DP130102543). IMLS gratefully acknowledges start-up funding for her lab from MASTS (Marine Alliance for Science and Technology Scotland) and seedcorn funding through the Wellcome Trust ISSF3 grant number 204821/Z/16/Z.Background: Ependymins were originally defined as fish-specific secreted glycoproteins involved in central nervous system plasticity and memory formation. Subsequent research revealed that these proteins represent a fish-specific lineage of a larger ependymin-related protein family (EPDRs). EPDRs have now been identified in a number of bilaterian animals and have been implicated in diverse non-neural functions. The recent discoveries of putative EPDRs in unicellular holozoans and an expanded EPDR family with potential roles in conspecific communication in crown-of-thorns starfish suggest that the distribution and diversity of EPDRs is significantly broader than currently understood. Results :We undertook a systematic survey to determine the distribution and evolution of EPDRs in eukaryotes. In addition to Bilateria, EPDR genes were identified in Cnidaria, Placozoa, Porifera, Choanoflagellatea, Filasterea, Apusozoa, Amoebozoa, Charophyta and Percolozoa, and tentatively in Cercozoa and the orphan group Malawimonadidae. EPDRs appear to be absent from prokaryotes and many eukaryote groups including ecdysozoans, fungi, stramenopiles, alveolates, haptistans and cryptistans. The EPDR family can be divided into two major clades and has undergone lineage-specific expansions in a number of metazoan lineages, including in poriferans, molluscs and cephalochordates. Variation in a core set of conserved residues in EPDRs reveals the presence of three distinct protein types; however, 3D modelling predicts overall protein structures to be similar. Conclusions:  Our results reveal an early eukaryotic origin of the EPDR gene family and a dynamic pattern of gene duplication and gene loss in animals. This research provides a phylogenetic framework for the analysis of the functional evolution of this gene family.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Relaxation of natural selection in the evolution of the giant lungfish genomes

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    Nonadaptive hypotheses on the evolution of eukaryotic genome size predict an expansion when the process of purifying selection becomes weak. Accordingly, species with huge genomes, such as lungfish, are expected to show a genome-wide relaxation signature of selection compared with other organisms. However, few studies have empirically tested this prediction using genomic data in a comparative framework. Here, we show that 1) the newly assembled transcriptome of the Australian lungfish, Neoceratodus forsteri, is characterized by an excess of pervasive transcription, or transcriptional leakage, possibly due to suboptimal transcriptional control, and 2) a significant relaxation signature in coding genes in lungfish species compared with other vertebrates. Based on these observations, we propose that the largest known animal genomes evolved in a nearly neutral scenario where genome expansion is less efficiently constraine

    Developmental expression of COE across the Metazoa supports a conserved role in neuronal cell-type specification and mesodermal development

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    The transcription factor COE (collier/olfactory-1/early B cell factor) is an unusual basic helix–loop–helix transcription factor as it lacks a basic domain and is maintained as a single copy gene in the genomes of all currently analysed non-vertebrate Metazoan genomes. Given the unique features of the COE gene, its proposed ancestral role in the specification of chemosensory neurons and the wealth of functional data from vertebrates and Drosophila, the evolutionary history of the COE gene can be readily investigated. We have examined the ways in which COE expression has diversified among the Metazoa by analysing its expression from representatives of four disparate invertebrate phyla: Ctenophora (Mnemiopsis leidyi); Mollusca (Haliotis asinina); Annelida (Capitella teleta and Chaetopterus) and Echinodermata (Strongylocentrotus purpuratus). In addition, we have studied COE function with knockdown experiments in S. purpuratus, which indicate that COE is likely to be involved in repressing serotonergic cell fate in the apical ganglion of dipleurula larvae. These analyses suggest that COE has played an important role in the evolution of ectodermally derived tissues (likely primarily nervous tissues) and mesodermally derived tissues. Our results provide a broad evolutionary foundation from which further studies aimed at the functional characterisation and evolution of COE can be investigated
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