674 research outputs found

    k-Trails: Recognition, Complexity, and Approximations

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    The notion of degree-constrained spanning hierarchies, also called k-trails, was recently introduced in the context of network routing problems. They describe graphs that are homomorphic images of connected graphs of degree at most k. First results highlight several interesting advantages of k-trails compared to previous routing approaches. However, so far, only little is known regarding computational aspects of k-trails. In this work we aim to fill this gap by presenting how k-trails can be analyzed using techniques from algorithmic matroid theory. Exploiting this connection, we resolve several open questions about k-trails. In particular, we show that one can recognize efficiently whether a graph is a k-trail. Furthermore, we show that deciding whether a graph contains a k-trail is NP-complete; however, every graph that contains a k-trail is a (k+1)-trail. Moreover, further leveraging the connection to matroids, we consider the problem of finding a minimum weight k-trail contained in a graph G. We show that one can efficiently find a (2k-1)-trail contained in G whose weight is no more than the cheapest k-trail contained in G, even when allowing negative weights. The above results settle several open questions raised by Molnar, Newman, and Sebo

    Executive functioning in preschool children: Performance on A-Not-B and other delayed response format tasks

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    The A-not-B (AB) task has been hypothesized to measure executive/frontal lobe function; however, the developmental and measurement characteristics of this task have not been investigated. The present study examined performance on AB and comparison tasks adapted from developmental and neuroscience literature in 117 1.9-5.5 yr old preschool children. Age significantly predicted performance on AB, Delayed Alternation, Spatial Reversal, Color Reversal, and Self-Control tasks. A 4-factor analytic model best fit task performance data. AB task indices loaded on 2 factors with measures from the Self-Control and Delayed Alternation tasks, respectively. AB indices did not load with those from the reversal tasks despite similarities in task administration and presumed cognitive demand (working memory). These results indicate that AB is sensitive to individual differences in age-related performance in preschool children and suggest that AB performance is related to both working memory and inhibition processes in this age range

    Assigning channels via the meet-in-the-middle approach

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    We study the complexity of the Channel Assignment problem. By applying the meet-in-the-middle approach we get an algorithm for the \ell-bounded Channel Assignment (when the edge weights are bounded by \ell) running in time O((2+1)n)O^*((2\sqrt{\ell+1})^n). This is the first algorithm which breaks the (O())n(O(\ell))^n barrier. We extend this algorithm to the counting variant, at the cost of slightly higher polynomial factor. A major open problem asks whether Channel Assignment admits a O(cn)O(c^n)-time algorithm, for a constant cc independent of \ell. We consider a similar question for Generalized T-Coloring, a CSP problem that generalizes \CA. We show that Generalized T-Coloring does not admit a 22o(n)poly(r)2^{2^{o\left(\sqrt{n}\right)}} {\rm poly}(r)-time algorithm, where rr is the size of the instance.Comment: SWAT 2014: 282-29

    Algorithmic Analysis of Qualitative and Quantitative Termination Problems for Affine Probabilistic Programs

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    In this paper, we consider termination of probabilistic programs with real-valued variables. The questions concerned are: 1. qualitative ones that ask (i) whether the program terminates with probability 1 (almost-sure termination) and (ii) whether the expected termination time is finite (finite termination); 2. quantitative ones that ask (i) to approximate the expected termination time (expectation problem) and (ii) to compute a bound B such that the probability to terminate after B steps decreases exponentially (concentration problem). To solve these questions, we utilize the notion of ranking supermartingales which is a powerful approach for proving termination of probabilistic programs. In detail, we focus on algorithmic synthesis of linear ranking-supermartingales over affine probabilistic programs (APP's) with both angelic and demonic non-determinism. An important subclass of APP's is LRAPP which is defined as the class of all APP's over which a linear ranking-supermartingale exists. Our main contributions are as follows. Firstly, we show that the membership problem of LRAPP (i) can be decided in polynomial time for APP's with at most demonic non-determinism, and (ii) is NP-hard and in PSPACE for APP's with angelic non-determinism; moreover, the NP-hardness result holds already for APP's without probability and demonic non-determinism. Secondly, we show that the concentration problem over LRAPP can be solved in the same complexity as for the membership problem of LRAPP. Finally, we show that the expectation problem over LRAPP can be solved in 2EXPTIME and is PSPACE-hard even for APP's without probability and non-determinism (i.e., deterministic programs). Our experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach to answer the qualitative and quantitative questions over APP's with at most demonic non-determinism.Comment: 24 pages, full version to the conference paper on POPL 201

    A study of omega bands and Ps6 pulsations on the ground, at low altitude and at geostationary orbit

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    We investigate the electrodynamic coupling between auroral omega bands and the inner magnetosphere. The goal of this study is to determine the features to which omega bands map in the magnetosphere. To establish the auroral-magnetosphere connection, we appeal to the case study analysis of the data rich event of September 26, 1989. At 6 magnetic local time (MLT), two trains of Ps6 pulsations (ground magnetic signatures of omega bands) were observed to drift over the Canadian Auroral Network For the OPEN Program Unified Study (CANOPUS) chain. At the same time periodic ionospheric flow patterns moved through the collocated Bistatic Auroral Radar System (BARS) field of view. Similar coincident magnetic variations were observed by GOES 6, GOES 7 and SCATHA, all of which had magnetic foot points near the CANOPUS/BARS stations. SCATHA, which was located at 6 MLT, 0.5 RE earthward of GOES 7 observed the 10 min period pulsations, whereas GOES 7 did not. In addition, DMSP F6 and F8 were over-flying the region and observed characteristic precipitation and flow signatures. From this fortunate constellation of ground and space observations, we conclude that auroral omega bands are the electrodynamic signature of a corrugated current sheet (or some similar spatially localized magnetic structure) in the near-Earth geostationary magnetosphere

    Pattern Reduction in Paper Cutting

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    A large part of the paper industry involves supplying customers with reels of specified width in specifed quantities. These 'customer reels' must be cut from a set of wider 'jumbo reels', in as economical a way as possible. The first priority is to minimize the waste, i.e. to satisfy the customer demands using as few jumbo reels as possible. This is an example of the one-dimensional cutting stock problem, which has an extensive literature. Greycon have developed cutting stock algorithms which they include in their software packages. Greycon's initial presentation to the Study Group posed several questions, which are listed below, along with (partial) answers arising from the work described in this report. (1) Given a minimum-waste solution, what is the minimum number of patterns required? It is shown in Section 2 that even when all the patterns appearing in minimum-waste solutions are known, determining the minimum number of patterns may be hard. It seems unlikely that one can guarantee to find the minimum number of patterns for large classes of realistic problems with only a few seconds on a PC available. (2) Given an n → n-1 algorithm, will it find an optimal solution to the minimum- pattern problem? There are problems for which n → n - 1 reductions are not possible although a more dramatic reduction is. (3) Is there an efficient n → n-1 algorithm? In light of Question 2, Question 3 should perhaps be rephrased as 'Is there an efficient algorithm to reduce n patterns?' However, if an algorithm guaranteed to find some reduction whenever one existed then it could be applied iteratively to minimize the number of patterns, and we have seen this cannot be done easily. (4) Are there efficient 5 → 4 and 4 → 3 algorithms? (5) Is it worthwhile seeking alternatives to greedy heuristics? In response to Questions 4 and 5, we point to the algorithm described in the report, or variants of it. Such approaches seem capable of catching many higher reductions. (6) Is there a way to find solutions with the smallest possible number of single patterns? The Study Group did not investigate methods tailored specifically to this task, but the algorithm proposed here seems to do reasonably well. It will not increase the number of singleton patterns under any circumstances, and when the number of singletons is high there will be many possible moves that tend to eliminate them. (7) Can a solution be found which reduces the number of knife changes? The algorithm will help to reduce the number of necessary knife changes because it works by bringing patterns closer together, even if this does not proceed fully to a pattern reduction. If two patterns are equal across some of the customer widths, the knives for these reels need not be changed when moving from one to the other

    Outbreak of encephalitic listeriosis in red-legged partridges (Alectoris rufa)

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    An outbreak of neurological disease was investigated in red-legged partridges between 8 and 28 days of age. Clinical signs included torticollis, head tilt and incoordination and over an initial eight day period approximately 30–40 fatalities occurred per day. No significant gross post mortem findings were detected. Histopathological examination of the brain and bacterial cultures followed by partial sequencing confirmed a diagnosis of encephalitis due to Listeria monocytogenes. Further isolates were obtained from follow-up carcasses, environmental samples and pooled tissue samples of newly imported day-old chicks prior to placement on farm. These isolates had the same antibiotic resistance pattern as the isolate of the initial post mortem submission and belonged to the same fluorescent amplified fragment length polymorphism (fAFLP) subtype. This suggested that the isolates were very closely related or identical and that the pathogen had entered the farm with the imported day-old chicks, resulting in disease manifestation in partridges between 8 and 28 days of age. Reports of outbreaks of encephalitic listeriosis in avian species are rare and this is to the best of our knowledge the first reported outbreak in red-legged partridges

    Online Convex Optimization Using Predictions

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    Making use of predictions is a crucial, but under-explored, area of online algorithms. This paper studies a class of online optimization problems where we have external noisy predictions available. We propose a stochastic prediction error model that generalizes prior models in the learning and stochastic control communities, incorporates correlation among prediction errors, and captures the fact that predictions improve as time passes. We prove that achieving sublinear regret and constant competitive ratio for online algorithms requires the use of an unbounded prediction window in adversarial settings, but that under more realistic stochastic prediction error models it is possible to use Averaging Fixed Horizon Control (AFHC) to simultaneously achieve sublinear regret and constant competitive ratio in expectation using only a constant-sized prediction window. Furthermore, we show that the performance of AFHC is tightly concentrated around its mean

    A measure of majorisation emerging from single-shot statistical mechanics

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    The use of the von Neumann entropy in formulating the laws of thermodynamics has recently been challenged. It is associated with the average work whereas the work guaranteed to be extracted in any single run of an experiment is the more interesting quantity in general. We show that an expression that quantifies majorisation determines the optimal guaranteed work. We argue it should therefore be the central quantity of statistical mechanics, rather than the von Neumann entropy. In the limit of many identical and independent subsystems (asymptotic i.i.d) the von Neumann entropy expressions are recovered but in the non-equilbrium regime the optimal guaranteed work can be radically different to the optimal average. Moreover our measure of majorisation governs which evolutions can be realized via thermal interactions, whereas the nondecrease of the von Neumann entropy is not sufficiently restrictive. Our results are inspired by single-shot information theory.Comment: 54 pages (15+39), 9 figures. Changed title / changed presentation, same main results / added minor result on pure bipartite state entanglement (appendix G) / near to published versio