86 research outputs found

    Meiotic and mitotic aneuploidies drive arrest of in vitro fertilized human preimplantation embryos

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    Background The high incidence of aneuploidy in early human development, arising either from errors in meiosis or postzygotic mitosis, is the primary cause of pregnancy loss, miscarriage, and stillbirth following natural conception as well as in vitro fertilization (IVF). Preimplantation genetic testing for aneuploidy (PGT-A) has confirmed the prevalence of meiotic and mitotic aneuploidies among blastocyst-stage IVF embryos that are candidates for transfer. However, only about half of normally fertilized embryos develop to the blastocyst stage in vitro, while the others arrest at cleavage to late morula or early blastocyst stages. Methods To achieve a more complete view of the impacts of aneuploidy, we applied low-coverage sequencing-based PGT-A to a large series (n = 909) of arrested embryos and trophectoderm biopsies. We then correlated observed aneuploidies with abnormalities of the first two cleavage divisions using time-lapse imaging (n = 843). Results The combined incidence of meiotic and mitotic aneuploidies was strongly associated with blastocyst morphological grading, with the proportion ranging from 20 to 90% for the highest to lowest grades, respectively. In contrast, the incidence of aneuploidy among arrested embryos was exceptionally high (94%), dominated by mitotic aneuploidies affecting multiple chromosomes. In turn, these mitotic aneuploidies were strongly associated with abnormal cleavage divisions, such that 51% of abnormally dividing embryos possessed mitotic aneuploidies compared to only 23% of normally dividing embryos. Conclusions We conclude that the combination of meiotic and mitotic aneuploidies drives arrest of human embryos in vitro, as development increasingly relies on embryonic gene expression at the blastocyst stage

    One hundred mosaic embryos transferred prospectively in a single clinic: exploring when and why they result in healthy pregnancies

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    Objective To investigate the parameters of mosaicism and the biological mechanisms leading to healthy pregnancies from mosaic embryo transfers. Design Prospective study. Setting IVF center and associated research laboratory. Patient(s) Fifty-nine patients. Intervention(s) Embryos underwent blastocyst-stage preimplantation genetic testing for aneuploidy by next-generation sequencing. Trophectoderm biopsies containing 20%–80% abnormal cells were deemed mosaic, and corresponding blastocysts were transferred. Mosaic embryos donated to research were examined for karyotype concordance in multiple biopsies and assessed for cell proliferation and death by immunofluorescence and computational quantitation. Main Outcome Measure(s) Chemical start of pregnancy, implantation, fetal heartbeat, and birth. Result(s) Globally, mosaic embryos showed inferior clinical outcomes compared with euploid embryos. Aneuploid cell percentage in trophectoderm biopsies did not correlate with outcomes, but type of mosaicism did, as embryos with single mosaic segmental aneuploidies fared better than all other types. Mosaic blastocysts generated from oocytes retrieved at young maternal ages (?34 years) showed better outcomes than those retrieved at older maternal ages. Mosaic embryos displayed low rates of karyotype concordance between multiple biopsies and showed significant elevation of cell proliferation and death compared with euploid embryos. Conclusion(s) After euploid embryos, mosaic embryos can be considered for transfer, prioritizing those of the single segmental mosaic type. If a patient has mosaic embryos available that were generated at different ages, preference should be given to those made at younger ages. Intrablastocyst karyotype discordance and differential cell proliferation and death might be reasons that embryos classified as mosaic can result in healthy pregnancies and babies

    SVCollector: Optimized sample selection for cost-efficient long-read population sequencing

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    An increasingly important scenario in population genetics is when a large cohort has been genotyped using a low-resolution approach (e.g. microarrays, exome capture, short-read WGS), from which a few individuals are selected for resequencing using a more comprehensive approach, especially long-read sequencing. The subset of individuals selected should ensure that the captured genetic diversity is fully representative and includes variants across all subpopulations. For example, human variation has historically been focused on individuals with European ancestry, but this represents a small fraction of the overall diversity. To address this goal, SVCollector ( https://github.com/fritzsedlazeck/SVCollector ) identifies the optimal subset of individuals for resequencing. SVCollector analyzes a population-level VCF file from a low resolution genotyping study. It then computes a ranked list of samples that maximizes the total number of variants present from a subset of a given size. To solve this optimization problem, SVCollector implements a fast greedy heuristic and an exact algorithm using integer linear programming. We apply SVCollector on simulated data, 2504 human genomes from the 1000 Genomes Project, and 3024 genomes from the 3K Rice Genomes Project and show the rankings it computes are more representative than widely used naive strategies. Notably, we show that when selecting an optimal subset of 100 samples in these two cohorts, SV-Collector identifies individuals from every subpopulation while naive methods yield an unbalanced selection. Finally, we show the number of variants present in cohorts of different sizes selected using this approach follows a power-law distribution that is naturally related to the population genetic concept of the allele frequency spectrum, allowing us to estimate the diversity present with increasing numbers of samples

    Local adaptation and archaic introgression shape global diversity at human structural variant loci.

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    Large genomic insertions and deletions are a potent source of functional variation, but are challenging to resolve with short-read sequencing, limiting knowledge of the role of such structural variants (SVs) in human evolution. Here, we used a graph-based method to genotype long-read-discovered SVs in short-read data from diverse human genomes. We then applied an admixture-aware method to identify 220 SVs exhibiting extreme patterns of frequency differentiation - a signature of local adaptation. The top two variants traced to the immunoglobulin heavy chain locus, tagging a haplotype that swept to near fixation in certain southeast Asian populations, but is rare in other global populations. Further investigation revealed evidence that the haplotype traces to gene flow from Neanderthals, corroborating the role of immune-related genes as prominent targets of adaptive introgression. Our study demonstrates how recent technical advances can help resolve signatures of key evolutionary events that remained obscured within technically challenging regions of the genome

    Maternal selection of human embryos in early gestation : insights from recurrent miscarriage

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    Compared to most mammals, human pregnancy is unusual in that it involves chromosomally diverse embryos, cyclical breakdown and regeneration of the uterine mucosa, and intimate integration of fetal and maternal cells at the uteroplacental interface. Not surprisingly, pregnancy often falters in early gestation. Whether these losses result in clinical miscarriages depends on the origins and impacts of chromosomal errors on fetal development and the ability of the decidualizing endometrium to engage in embryo biosensing and selection. Aneuploidy originating in oocytes during meiosis drives the age-related risk of miscarriage. By contrast, the frequency of endometrial cycles with an impaired decidual response may account for the stepwise increase in miscarriage rates with each pregnancy loss independently of maternal age. Additional physiological mechanisms operate in early gestation to ensure that most failing pregnancies are lost before vascular maternal-fetal connections are established by the end of the first trimester. Here, we summarise how investigations into the mechanisms that cause miscarriage led to new insights into the processes that govern maternal selection of human embryos in early gestation

    Assessment of aneuploidy concordance between clinical trophectoderm biopsy and blastocyst

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    STUDY QUESTION Is a clinical trophectoderm (TE) biopsy a suitable predictor of chromosomal aneuploidy in blastocysts? SUMMARY ANSWER In the analyzed group of blastocysts, a clinical TE biopsy was an excellent representative of blastocyst karyotype in cases of whole chromosome aneuploidy, but in cases of only segmental (sub-chromosomal) aneuploidy, a TE biopsy was a poor representative of blastocyst karyotype. WHAT IS KNOWN ALREADY Due to the phenomenon of chromosomal mosaicism, concern has been expressed about the possibility of discarding blastocysts classified as aneuploid by preimplantation genetic testing for aneuploidy (PGT-A) that in fact contain a euploid inner cell mass (ICM). Previously published studies investigating karyotype concordance between TE and ICM have examined small sample sizes and/or have utilized chromosomal analysis technologies superseded by Next Generation Sequencing (NGS). It is also known that blastocysts classified as mosaic by PGT-A can result in healthy births. TE re-biopsy of embryos classified as aneuploid can potentially uncover new instances of mosaicism, but the frequency of such blastocysts is currently unknown. STUDY DESIGN, SIZE, DURATION For this study, 45 patients donated 100 blastocysts classified as uniform aneuploids (non-mosaic) using PGT-A by NGS (n = 93 whole chromosome aneuploids, n = 7 segmental aneuploids). In addition to the original clinical TE biopsy used for PGT-A, each blastocyst was subjected to an ICM biopsy as well as a second TE biopsy. All biopsies were processed for chromosomal analysis by NGS, and karyotypes were compared to the original TE biopsy. PARTICIPANTS/MATERIALS, SETTING, METHODS The setting for this study was a single IVF center with an in-house PGT-A program and associated research laboratory. MAIN RESULTS AND THE ROLE OF CHANCE When one or more whole chromosomes were aneuploid in the clinical TE biopsy, the corresponding ICM was aneuploid in 90 out of 93 blastocysts (96.8%). When the clinical TE biopsy contained only segmental (sub-chromosomal) aneuploidies, the ICM was aneuploid in three out of seven cases (42.9%). Blastocysts showing aneuploidy concordance between clinical TE biopsy and ICM were also aneuploid in a second TE biopsy in 86 out of 88 cases (97.7%). In blastocysts displaying clinical TE–ICM discordance, a second TE biopsy was aneuploid in only two out of six cases (33.3%). LIMITATIONS, REASONS FOR CAUTION All embryos in this study had an initial classification of ‘aneuploid’ and not ‘euploid’ or ‘mosaic’. Therefore, the findings of this study refer specifically to a TE biopsy predicting aneuploidy in the remaining blastocyst, and cannot be extrapolated to deduce the ability of a TE biopsy to predict euploidy in the blastocyst. No conclusions should be drawn from this study about the ability of a mosaic TE biopsy to predict the karyotype of the corresponding blastocyst. Caution should be exercised in generalizing the findings of the sample group of this study to the general IVF blastocyst population. The segmental aneuploidy group only contained seven samples. WIDER IMPLICATIONS OF THE FINDINGS The high rate of intra-blastocyst concordance observed in this study concerning whole chromosome aneuploidy contributes experimental evidence to the validation of PGT-A at the blastocyst stage. Concomitantly, the results suggest potential clinical value in reassessing blastocysts deemed aneuploid by TE re-biopsy in select cases, particularly in instances of segmental aneuploidies. This could impact infertility treatment for patients who only have blastocysts classified as aneuploid by PGT-A available. STUDY FUNDING/COMPETING INTEREST(S) This study was supported by the Zouves Foundation for Reproductive Medicine and Zouves Fertility Center. The authors have no competing interest to disclose

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    Chromosome errors, or aneuploidy, affect an exceptionally high number of human conceptions, causing pregnancy loss and congenital disorders. Here, we have followed chromosome segregation in human oocytes from females aged 9 to 43 years and report that aneuploidy follows a U-curve. Specific segregation error types show different age dependencies, providing a quantitative explanation for the U-curve. Whole-chromosome nondisjunction events are preferentially associated with increased aneuploidy in young girls, whereas centromeric and more extensive cohesion loss limit fertility as women age. Our findings suggest that chromosomal errors originating in oocytes determine the curve of natural fertility in humans. [Abstract copyright: Copyright © 2019 The Authors, some rights reserved; exclusive licensee American Association for the Advancement of Science. No claim to original U.S. Government Works.

    Act now against new NHS competition regulations: an open letter to the BMA and the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges calls on them to make a joint public statement of opposition to the amended section 75 regulations.

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