5,953 research outputs found

    Determination of failure limits for sterilizable solid rocket motor

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    A structural evaluation to establish probable failure limits and a series of environmental tests involving temperature cycling, sustained acceleration, and vibration were conducted on an 18-inch diameter solid rocket motor. Despite the fact that thermal, acceleration and vibration loads representing a severe overtest of conventional environmental requirements were imposed on the sterilizable motor, no structural failure of the grain or flexible support system was detected. The following significant conclusions are considered justified. It is concluded that: (1) the flexible grain retention system, which permitted heat sterilization at 275 F on the test motor, can readily be adopted to meet the environmental requirements of an operational motor design, and (2) if further substantiation of structural integrity is desired, the motor used is considered acceptable for static firing

    SONTRAC: an imaging spectrometer for solar neutrons

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    An instrument capable of unambiguously determining the energy and direction of incident neutrons has important applications in solar physics-as well as environmental monitoring and medical/radiological sciences. The SONTRAC (SOlar Neutron TRACking) instrument is designed to operate in the neutron energy range of 20-250 MeV. The measurement principle is based on non-relativistic double scatter of neutrons off ambient protons (n-p scattering) within a block of densely packed scintillating fibers. Using this double-scatter mode it is possible to uniquely determine neutron energy and direction on an event-by-event basis. A fully operational science model of such an instrument has been built using 300 μm (250 μm active) scintillating fibers. The science model consists of a 5×5×5 cm cube of orthogonal plastic scintillating fiber layers. Two orthogonal imaging chains, employing image intensifiers and CCD cameras, allow full 3-dimensional reconstruction of scattered proton particle tracks. We report the results of the science model instrument calibration using 35-65 MeV protons. The proton calibration is the first step toward understanding the instrument response to n-p scatter events. Preliminary results give proton energy resolution of 2% (6%) at 67.5 (35) MeV, and angular resolution of 2° (4.5°) at 67.5 (35) MeV. These measurements are being used to validate detailed instrument simulations that will be used to optimize the instrument design and develop quantitative estimates of science return. Based on the proton calibration, neutron energy and angular resolution for a 10×10×10 cm version of SONTRAC is expected to be ~5% an

    Gamma-Ray Observations of GRO J1655-40

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    The bright transient X-ray source GRO J1655-40 = XN Sco 1994 was observed by the OSSE instrument on the Compton Gamma Ray Observatory (GRO). Preliminary results are reported here. The initial outburst from GRO J1655-40 was detected by BATSE on 27 Jul 1994. OSSE observations were made in five separate viewing periods starting between 4 Aug 1994 and 4 Apr 1995. The first, third, and fifth observations are near the peak luminosity. In the second observation, the source flux had dropped by several orders of magnitude and we can only set an upper limit. The fourth observation is a weak detection after the period of maximum outburst. In contrast with other X-ray novae such as GRO J0422+32, the spectrum determined by OSSE is consistent with a simple power law over the full range of detection, about 50 - 600 keV. The photon spectral index is in the range of -2.5 to 2.8 in all of the observations. We set an upper limit on fractional rms variation \u3c5% in the frequency range 0.01 – 60 Hz. No significant narrow or broad line features are observed at any energy

    Bayesian multiscale deconvolution applied to gamma-ray spectroscopy

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    A common task in gamma-ray astronomy is to extract spectral information, such as model constraints and incident photon spectrum estimates, given the measured energy deposited in a detector and the detector response. This is the classic problem of spectral “deconvolution” or spectral inversion. The methods of forward folding (i.e., parameter fitting) and maximum entropy “deconvolution” (i.e., estimating independent input photon rates for each individual energy bin) have been used successfully for gamma-ray solar flares (e.g., Rank, 1997; Share and Murphy, 1995). These methods have worked well under certain conditions but there are situations were they don’t apply. These are: 1) when no reasonable model (e.g., fewer parameters than data bins) is yet known, for forward folding; 2) when one expects a mixture of broad and narrow features (e.g., solar flares), for the maximum entropy method; and 3) low count rates and low signal-to-noise, for both. Low count rates are a problem because these methods (as they have been implemented) assume Gaussian statistics but Poisson are applicable. Background subtraction techniques often lead to negative count rates. For Poisson data the Maximum Likelihood Estimator (MLE) with a Poisson likelihood is appropriate. Without a regularization term, trying to estimate the “true” individual input photon rates per bin can be an ill-posed problem, even without including both broad and narrow features in the spectrum (i.e., amultiscale approach). One way to implement this regularization is through the use of a suitable Bayesian prior. Nowak and Kolaczyk (1999) have developed a fast, robust, technique using a Bayesian multiscale framework that addresses these problems with added algorithmic advantages. We outline this new approach and demonstrate its use with time resolved solar flare gamma-ray spectroscopy

    Development and performance of the Fast Neutron Imaging Telescope for SNM detection

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    FNIT (the Fast Neutron Imaging Telescope), a detector with both imaging and energy measurement capabilities, sensitive to neutrons in the range 0.8-20 MeV, was initially conceived to study solar neutrons as a candidate design for the Inner Heliosphere Sentinel (IHS) spacecraft of NASA\u27s Solar Sentinels program and successively reconfigured to locate fission neutron sources. By accurately identifying the position of the source with imaging techniques and reconstructing the Watt spectrum of fission neutrons, FNIT can detect samples of special nuclear material (SNM), including heavily shielded and masked ones. The detection principle is based on multiple elastic neutron-proton scatterings in organic scintillators. By reconstructing n-p event locations and sequence and measuring the recoil proton energies, the direction and energy spectrum of the primary neutron flux can be determined and neutron sources identified. We describe the design of the FNIT prototype and present its energy reconstruction and imaging performance, assessed by exposing FNIT to a neutron beam and to a Pu fission neutron source

    The MASSIVE Survey - VII. The Relationship of Angular Momentum, Stellar Mass and Environment of Early-Type Galaxies

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    We analyse the environmental properties of 370 local early-type galaxies (ETGs) in the MASSIVE and ATLAS3D surveys, two complementary volume-limited integral-field spectroscopic (IFS) galaxy surveys spanning absolute KK-band magnitude 21.5>MK>26.6-21.5 > M_K > -26.6, or stellar mass 8×109<M<2×1012M8 \times 10^{9} < M_* < 2 \times 10^{12} M_\odot. We find these galaxies to reside in a diverse range of environments measured by four methods: group membership (whether a galaxy is a brightest group/cluster galaxy, satellite, or isolated), halo mass, large-scale mass density (measured over a few Mpc), and local mass density (measured within the NNth neighbour). The spatially resolved IFS stellar kinematics provide robust measurements of the spin parameter λe\lambda_e and enable us to examine the relationship among λe\lambda_e, MM_*, and galaxy environment. We find a strong correlation between λe\lambda_e and MM_*, where the average λe\lambda_e decreases from 0.4\sim 0.4 to below 0.1 with increasing mass, and the fraction of slow rotators fslowf_{\rm slow} increases from 10\sim 10% to 90%. We show for the first time that at fixed MM_*, there are almost no trends between galaxy spin and environment; the apparent kinematic morphology-density relation for ETGs is therefore primarily driven by MM_* and is accounted for by the joint correlations between MM_* and spin, and between MM_* and environment. A possible exception is that the increased fslowf_{\rm slow} at high local density is slightly more than expected based only on these joint correlations. Our results suggest that the physical processes responsible for building up the present-day stellar masses of massive galaxies are also very efficient at reducing their spin, in any environment.Comment: Accepted to MNRA

    The MASSIVE Survey XIII -- Spatially Resolved Stellar Kinematics in the Central 1 kpc of 20 Massive Elliptical Galaxies with the GMOS-North Integral-Field Spectrograph

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    We use observations from the GEMINI-N/GMOS integral-field spectrograph (IFS) to obtain spatially resolved stellar kinematics of the central 1\sim 1 kpc of 20 early-type galaxies (ETGs) with stellar masses greater than 1011.7M10^{11.7} M_\odot in the MASSIVE survey. Together with observations from the wide-field Mitchell IFS at McDonald Observatory in our earlier work, we obtain unprecedentedly detailed kinematic maps of local massive ETGs, covering a scale of 0.130\sim 0.1-30 kpc. The high (120\sim 120) signal-to-noise of the GMOS spectra enable us to obtain two-dimensional maps of the line-of-sight velocity, velocity dispersion σ\sigma, as well as the skewness h3h_3 and kurtosis h4h_4 of the stellar velocity distributions. All but one galaxy in the sample have σ(R)\sigma(R) profiles that increase towards the center, whereas the slope of σ(R)\sigma(R) at one effective radius (ReR_e) can be of either sign. The h4h_4 is generally positive, with 14 of the 20 galaxies having positive h4h_4 within the GMOS aperture and 18 having positive h4h_4 within 1Re1 R_e. The positive h4h_4 and rising σ(R)\sigma(R) towards small radii are indicative of a central black hole and velocity anisotropy. We demonstrate the constraining power of the data on the mass distributions in ETGs by applying Jeans anisotropic modeling (JAM) to NGC~1453, the most regular fast rotator in the sample. Despite the limitations of JAM, we obtain a clear χ2\chi^2 minimum in black hole mass, stellar mass-to-light ratio, velocity anisotropy parameters, and the circular velocity of the dark matter halo.Comment: Accepted to Ap

    NLC-2 graph recognition and isomorphism

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    NLC-width is a variant of clique-width with many application in graph algorithmic. This paper is devoted to graphs of NLC-width two. After giving new structural properties of the class, we propose a O(n2m)O(n^2 m)-time algorithm, improving Johansson's algorithm \cite{Johansson00}. Moreover, our alogrithm is simple to understand. The above properties and algorithm allow us to propose a robust O(n2m)O(n^2 m)-time isomorphism algorithm for NLC-2 graphs. As far as we know, it is the first polynomial-time algorithm.Comment: soumis \`{a} WG 2007; 12