21 research outputs found

    Evaluation of the Impact of the Trivedi Effect® -Energy of Consciousness on the Structure and Isotopic Abundance Ratio of Magnesium Gluconate Using LC-MS and NMR Spectroscopy

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    Magnesium gluconate is a classical pharmaceutical/nutraceutical compound used as a magnesium ion source for the prevention and treatment of hypomagnesemia. The present study was aimed to investigate the effect of The Trivedi Effect® - Energy of Consciousness Healing Treatment (Biofield Energy Healing Treatment) on magnesium gluconate for the change in the structural properties and isotopic abundance ratio (PM+1/PM and PM+2/PM) using LC-MS and NMR spectroscopy. Magnesium gluconate was divided into two parts – one part was control, and another part was treated with The Trivedi Effect® - Biofield Energy Healing Treatment remotely by twenty renowned Biofield Energy Healers and defined as The Trivedi Effect® Treated sample. The LC-MS analysis of both the control and treated samples indicated the presence of mass of the protonated magnesium gluconate at m/z 415 at the retention time of 1.52 min and fragmentation pattern of the both sample were almost similar. The relative peak intensities of the fragment ions were significantly changed in the treated sample compared with the control sample. The proton and carbon signals for CH, CH2 and CO groups in the proton and carbon NMR spectra were observed almost similar for the control and the treated samples. The percentage change in the isotopic abundance ratio of PM+1/PM (2H/1H or 13C/12C or 17O/16O or 25Mg/24Mg) was significantly decreased in the treated sample by 17.51% compared with the control sample. Consequently, the isotopic abundance ratio of PM+2/PM (18O/16O or 26Mg/24Mg) in the treated sample was significantly increased by 79.44% compared to the control sample. Briefly, 13C, 2H, 17O, and 25Mg contributions from (C12H23MgO14)+ to m/z 416; 18O and 26Mg contributions from (C12H23MgO14)+ to m/z 417 in treated sample were significantly altered compared with the control sample. Thus, The Trivedi Effect® Treated magnesium gluconate might be supportive to design the novel potent enzyme inhibitors using its kinetic isotope effects. Consequently, The Trivedi Effect® Treated magnesium gluconate would be valuable for designing better pharmaceutical and/or nutraceutical formulations through its changed physicochemical and thermal properties, which might be providing better therapeutic response against various diseases such as diabetes mellitus, allergy, aging, inflammatory diseases, immunological disorders, and other chronic infections. Source: https://www.trivedieffect.com/science/evaluation-of-the-impact-of-the-trivedi-effect-energy-of-consciousness-on-the-structure-and-isotopic-abundance-ratio-of-magnesium-gluconate-using-lc-ms-and-nmr-spectroscopy http://www.sciencepublishinggroup.com/journal/paperinfo?journalid=655&doi=10.11648/j.ajbls.20170501.1

    Evaluation of the Physicochemical, Structural, Thermal, and Behavioral Properties of the Energy of Consciousness Healing Treated Zinc Chloride

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    Zinc chloride is a source of zinc used in various pharmaceutical/nutraceutical formulations. The objective of the current study was to investigate the impact of The Trivedi Effect® - Energy of Consciousness Healing Treatment (Biofield Energy Treatment) on physical, structural, thermal, and behavioral properties of zinc chloride using PXRD, PSD, FT-IR, UV-vis, and DSC analysis. Zinc chloride was divided into two parts – one part was control, while another part was treated with The Trivedi Effect® remotely by twenty renowned Biofield Energy Healers and defined as The Trivedi Effect® Treated sample. A significant alteration of the crystallite size and relative intensities of the PXRD peaks was observed in The Trivedi Effect® treated sample compared with the control sample. The average crystallite size of the treated sample was significantly increased by 23.18% compared with the control sample. The particle size values at d10, d50, and d90 values were significantly decreased by 3.70%, 4.13%, and 6.13%, respectively in the treated sample compared with the control sample. Therefore, the surface area of the treated sample was increased by 4.21% compared with the control sample. The FT-IR spectroscopic analysis revealed that Zn-Cl stretching in the control sample was found at 512 cm-1, whereas it was significantly shifted upward to 520 cm-1 in the treated sample. The UV-vis analysis exhibited that wavelength of the maximum absorbance (λmax) of the control and treated samples were at 197.6 nm and 197.1 nm, respectively. The DSC analysis exhibited that the melting temperature was decreased by 0.22%, while decomposition temperature was increased by 2.56% in the treated sample compared to the control sample. The latent heat of fusion of the treated sample (320.44 J/g) was significantly decreased by 16.70% compared with the control sample (284.67 J/g). Similarly, the enthalpy of decomposition of the treated sample (952.53 J/g) was significantly increased by 122.61% compared with the control sample (427.90 J/g). Thus, the results indicated that the thermal stability of the treated zinc chloride was improved compared with the control sample. The current study anticipated that The Trivedi Effect® - Energy of Consciousness Healing Treatment might lead to produce a thermally stable new polymorphic form of zinc chloride, which would be more soluble and bioavailable compared with the untreated compound. Hence, the treated zinc chloride would be very useful to design better nutraceutical/pharmaceutical formulations that might offer better therapeutic response against inflammatory diseases, immunological disorders, aging, stress, cancer, etc. https://www.trivedieffect.com/science/evaluation-of-the-physicochemical-structural-thermal-and-behavioral-properties-of-the-energy-of-consciousness-healing-treated-zinc-chloride http://www.sciencepublishinggroup.com/journal/paperinfo?journalid=217&doi=10.11648/j.bio.20170502.1

    Polar Data Forum IV – An Ocean of Opportunities

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    This paper reports on the Hackathon Sessions organised at the Polar Data Forum IV (PDF IV) (20–24 September 2021), during which 351 participants from 50 different countries discussed collaboratively about the latest developments in polar data management. The 4th edition of the PDF hosted lively discussions on (i) best practices for polar data management, (ii) data policy, (ii) documenting data flows into aggregators, (iv) data interoperability, (v) polar federated search, (vi) semantics and vocabularies, (vii) Virtual Research Environments (VREs), and (viii) new polar technologies. This paper provides an overview of the organisational aspects of PDF IV and summarises the polar data objectives and outcomes by describing the conclusions drawn from the Hackathon Sessions

    The Concept of Familiarity and Pest Resistant Plants

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    Meetings such as this workshop provide an all too rare opportunity for scientists from different disciplines to share their perspectives on a topic of common interest. In this case we examine the use of pest resistant plants in managed ecosystems. USDA-APHIS has a clear interest in this subject because it is involved in regulating transgenic plants, many of which have been engineered with some sort of pest resistance, within its broad authority to protect plants under the Federal Plant Pest Act and the Plant Quarantine Act. Since 1992, when APHIS received its first request to determine non-regulated status for a transgenic crop, the agency has approved 43 petitions for non-regulated status; 16 of those are for crops with engineered pest resistance. The agency authorizes controlled field testing of transgenic plants in which test plants are isolated from other plants that might be affected. APHIS grants nonregulated status once it determines that the transgenic plant does not present a plant pest risk. In the regulations, the concept of plant pest risk is associated with direct or indirect injury or damage to plants or plant products

    Molecular Consequences and Rescue of Defect

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    This work was supported in part by the National Institutes of Health National Institute of General Medical Sciences [Grant GM081568]; the Robert A. Welch Foundation [Endowed Chair AQ-0012] (to B. S. S. M.); and the Fundacao para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia (Portugal) [Grant PTDC/SAU-GMG/71911/2006].Patients with congenital adrenal hyperplasia, exhibiting combined CYP17 and CYP21 deficiency, were shown by Arlt et al. (2004) to harbor a 541T -> G mutation in exon 5 of POR (encoding NADPH-cytochrome P450 reductase, CYPOR), which resulted in a Y181D substitution that obliterated electron transfer capacity. Using bacterial expression models, we examined catalytic and physical properties of the human CYPOR Y181D variant. As purified, Y181D lacked flavin mononucleotide (FMN) and NADPH-cytochrome c reductase (NCR) activity but retained normal flavin adenine dinucleotide binding and NADPH utilization. Titration of the purified protein with FMN restored 64% of wild-type (WT) NCR activity in Y181D with an activation constant of similar to 2 mu M. As determined by FMN fluorescence quenching, Y181D had K-d(FMN) = 7.3 mu M. Biplasmid coexpression of CYPOR and CYP1A2, at the physiological ratio of similar to 1:10 in the engineered MK_1A2_POR Escherichia coli strain, showed the compromised capacity of Y181D to support CYP1A2-catalyzed metabolism of the procarcinogens 2-aminoanthracene, 2-amino-3-methylimidazo(4,5-f)quinoline, and 4-(methylnitrosamino)-1-(3-pyridyl)-1-butanone. Isolated MK1A2_POR membranes confirmed FMN stimulation of Y181D NCR activity with a 1.6 mu M activation constant. CYP1A2 ethoxyresorufin-O-dealkylase activity of the MK1A2_PORY181D membranes, undetectable in the absence of added FMN, increased to 37% of MK1A2_PORWT membranes with a 1.2 mu M FMN activation constant. Therefore, we conclude that compromised FMN binding is the specific molecular defect causing POR deficiency in patients with Y181D mutation and that this defect, in large part, can be overcome in vitro by FMN addition.publishersversionpublishe

    Human Cytochrome P450 Oxidoreductase Deficiency Caused by the Y181D Mutation: Molecular Consequences and Rescue of DefectS⃞

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    Patients with congenital adrenal hyperplasia, exhibiting combined CYP17 and CYP21 deficiency, were shown by Arlt et al. (2004) to harbor a 541T→G mutation in exon 5 of POR (encoding NADPH-cytochrome P450 reductase, CYPOR), which resulted in a Y181D substitution that obliterated electron transfer capacity. Using bacterial expression models, we examined catalytic and physical properties of the human CYPOR Y181D variant. As purified, Y181D lacked flavin mononucleotide (FMN) and NADPH-cytochrome c reductase (NCR) activity but retained normal flavin adenine dinucleotide binding and NADPH utilization. Titration of the purified protein with FMN restored 64 of wild-type (WT) NCR activity in Y181D with an activation constant of ∼2 μM. As determined by FMN fluorescence quenching, Y181D had KdFMN = 7.3 μM. Biplasmid coexpression of CYPOR and CYP1A2, at the physiological ratio of ∼1:10 in the engineered MK_1A2_POR Escherichia coli strain, showed the compromised capacity of Y181D to support CYP1A2-catalyzed metabolism of the procarcinogens 2-aminoanthracene, 2-amino-3-methylimidazo(4,5-f)quinoline, and 4-(methylnitrosamino)-1-(3-pyridyl)-1-butanone. Isolated MK1A2_POR membranes confirmed FMN stimulation of Y181D NCR activity with a 1.6 μM activation constant. CYP1A2 ethoxyresorufin-O-dealkylase activity of the MK1A2_PORY181D membranes, undetectable in the absence of added FMN, increased to 37% of MK1A2_PORWT membranes with a 1.2 μM FMN activation constant. Therefore, we conclude that compromised FMN binding is the specific molecular defect causing POR deficiency in patients with Y181D mutation and that this defect, in large part, can be overcome in vitro by FMN addition

    Phase 1/2 Dose-Escalation Study of the Use of Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy to Treat the Prostate and Pelvic Nodes in Patients With Prostate Cancer

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    Purpose: To investigate the feasibility of dose escalation and hypofractionation of pelvic lymph node intensity modulated radiation therapy (PLN-IMRT) in prostate cancer (PCa). Methods and Materials: In a phase 1/2 study, patients with advanced localized PCa were sequentially treated with 70 to 74 Gy to the prostate and dose-escalating PLN-IMRT at doses of 50 Gy (cohort 1), 55 Gy (cohort 2), and 60 Gy (cohort 3) in 35 to 37 fractions. Two hypofractionated cohorts received 60 Gy to the prostate and 47 Gy to PLN in 20 fractions over 4 weeks (cohort 4) and 5 weeks (cohort 5). All patients received long-course androgen deprivation therapy. Primary outcome was late Radiation Therapy Oncology Group toxicity at 2 years after radiation therapy for all cohorts. Secondary outcomes were acute and late toxicity using other clinician/patient-reported instruments and treatment efficacy. Results: Between August 9, 2000, and June 9, 2010, 447 patients were enrolled. Median follow-up was 90 months. The 2-year rates of grade 2+ bowel/bladder toxicity were as follows: cohort 1, 8.3%/4.2% (95% confidence interval 2.2%-29.4%/0.6%-26.1%); cohort 2, 8.9%/5.9% (4.1%-18.7%/2.3%-15.0%); cohort 3, 13.2%/2.9% (8.6%-20.2%/1.1%-7.7%); cohort 4, 16.4%/4.8% (9.2%-28.4%/1.6%-14.3%); cohort 5, 12.2%/7.3% (7.6%-19.5%/3.9%-13.6%). Prevalence of bowel and bladder toxicity seemed to be stable over time. Other scales mirrored these results. The biochemical/clinical failureefree rate was 71% (66%-75%) at 5 years for the whole group, with pelvic lymph node control in 94% of patients. Conclusion s: This study shows the safety and tolerability of PLN-IMRT. Ongoing and planned phase 3 studies will need to demonstrate an increase in efficacy using PLN-IMRT to offset the small increase in bowel side effects compared with prostate-only IMRT. (C) 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc

    Study of the Consciousness Energy Healing Treated Ashwagandha Root Extract by LC-MS, GC-MS, and NMR Spectroscopy

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    Withania somnifera (ashwagandha) contains many biologically active constituents used for the prevention and treatment of various diseases. The aim of the current study was to evaluate the impact of Energy of Consciousness Healing Treatment (The Trivedi Effect®) on the characteristic properties of the ashwagandha root extract using LC-MS, GC-MS, and NMR spectroscopy. Ashwagandha root extract was divided into two parts – one part was control (without treatment), while another part was treated with the Energy of Consciousness Healing Treatment remotely by twenty renowned Biofield Energy Healers and defined as the Biofield Energy Treated sample. LC-MS data revealed that the retention time of the phytoconstituents remained same in the control and Biofield Energy Treated samples, whereas the peak area% i.e. the relative amount of the phytoconstituents was significantly altered. The peak area% at Rt of 5.1, 5.7, 6.4, 6.6, 6.9, 7.1, 7.4, 7.8, 7.9, 8.0, 8.2, 8.5, and 8.9 minutes of the treated sample were increased in the range of 0.92% to 14.67% compared to the control sample. On the contrary, the peak area% of the treated sample at Rt of 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.6, 6.8, 8.1, 8.4, 8.6, 9.0, 9.1, and 9.2 minutes were decreased by 1.59% to 36.69% with respect to the control sample. A total of 14 withanolides such as sitoindoside IX, dihydrowithanolide D, withanolide A, withaferin A, ixocarpalactone A, withanolide S, withanolide sulfoxide, etc. were proposed with their structure from the molecular mass at m/z 605, 489, 473, 471, 505, and 992 at retention times of 6.9, 7.1, 7.9, 8.2, 8.5, and 9.3 minutes with the help of LC-MS, GC-MS and NMR data of both the control and Biofield Energy Treated samples. Consequently, the mass peak intensities of the treated sample were significantly changed in the range of -36.67% to 106% compared with the control sample at the same retention time. These findings suggest that Energy of Consciousness Healing Treatment could be advantageous for altering the concentration of the phytoconstituents in the ashwagandha root extract by modifying their intrinsic physicochemical properties, which might be helpful to improve the bioavailability of active constituents of ashwagandha extract that might provide better therapeutic response against inflammatory diseases, immunological disorders, arthritis, stress, cancer, diabetes, sexual disorders, aging, and other chronic infections. https://www.trivedieffect.com/science/study-of-the-consciousness-energy-healing-treated-ashwagandha-root-extract-by-lc-ms-gc-ms-and-nmr-spectroscopy http://www.sciencepublishinggroup.com/journal/paperinfo?journalid=377&doi=10.11648/j.ajaic.20170102.1

    Characterization of the Physicochemical, Spectral, Thermal and Behavioral Properties of Sodium Selenate: An Effect of the Energy of Consciousness Healing Treatment

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    Sodium selenate is a source of an essential nutrient selenium used for the prevention and treatment of cancer, heart diseases, viral diseases, diabetes, infectious diseases, etc. The aim of the study was to investigate the impact of Energy of Consciousness Healing Treatment (The Trivedi Effect®) on the physico-chemical, thermal, and behavioral properties of sodium selenate using PXRD, PSD, FT-IR, UV-vis, TGA, and DSC analysis. Sodium selenate was divided into two parts – one part was control/untreated sample, while another part was treated with Energy of Consciousness Healing Treatment remotely by twenty renowned Biofield Energy Healers and defined as the treated sample. The PXRD diffractograms showed sharp and intense peaks in both the samples, indicated both the samples were crystalline in nature. The crystallite size of the treated sample was significantly altered in the range of -16.66% to 50.07% compared with the control sample. Consequently, the average crystallite size of the treated sample was significantly increased by 9.57% compared to the control sample. The particle size of the treated sample at d10, d50, and d90 values were significantly increased by 9.47%, 19.06%, and 27.81%, respectively compared with the control sample. Thus, the surface area of the treated sample was significantly decreased by 9.16% compared to the control sample. The control and treated FT-IR spectra indicated the presence of sharp and strong absorption bands at 888 cm-1 due to the Se=O stretching. The wavelength of the maximum absorbance of the control and Biofield Energy Treated sodium selenate were at 206.3 nm and 205.9 nm, respectively in UV-vis spectroscopy. TGA analysis indicated that the total weight loss of the treated sample was reduced by 0.71% compared to the control sample. The DSC analysis showed that the vaporization temperature of the treated sample (94.97°C) was slightly decreased compared to the control sample (95.30°C). But, the latent heat of vaporization was significantly increased in the treated sample by 45.31% compared to the control sample. Thus, The Trivedi Effect® might lead to generate a new polymorphic form of sodium selenate, which would have better powder flowability and long-term storage stability compared with the control sample. The Biofield Energy Treated sodium selenate would be very useful to design better nutraceutical and pharmaceutical formulations which might offer a better therapeutic response against cancer, inflammatory diseases, infectious diseases, immunological disorders, stress, aging, Alzheimer’s disease, heart diseases, viral diseases, diabetes, infectious diseases, etc. https://www.trivedieffect.com/science/characterization-of-the-physicochemical-spectral-thermal-and-behavioral-properties-of-sodium-selenate-an-effect-of-the-energy-of-consciousness-healing-treatment http://www.sciencepublishinggroup.com/journal/paperinfo?journalid=206&doi=10.11648/j.wjac.20170202.1