15 research outputs found

    Role of CD44 in clear cell renal cell carcinoma invasiveness after antiangiogenic treatment

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    Treballs Finals de Grau de Farmàcia, Facultat de Farmàcia, Universitat de Barcelona, 2017. Tutor/a: Joan Carles Rodríguez Rubio.[eng] During last century, big effort to understand the biochemical basis of cancer was carried out. One of the principal branches of these cancer investigations used drugs to prevent the formation of new blood vessels –process called angiogenesis– responsible for the nutrients supply of the tumour. These drugs are generally called antiangiogenics. It was discovered that some types of tumour have or develop resistance to these drugs when treatment was long enough. For that reason, mechanisms of resistance, aggressiveness, invasion and/or metastasis after the treatment are nowadays relevant to study. Recently, a protein that could be involved in the increased invasiveness of tumour cells after the antiangiogenic treatment appeared. This project collects some evidence that indicates that this protein, called CD44, might play a role in the increased invasion after antiangiogenic treatment in mouse models of renal carcinoma.[cat] Durant l’últim segle, s’ha fet un gran esforç per aprofundir en la basant bioquímica de la investigació contra el càncer. Una de les branques principals d’aquesta investigació utilitza fàrmacs que prevenen la formació de nous vasos sanguinis –procés anomenat angiogènesis- encarregats de nodrir el tumor. Aquests fàrmacs es diuen generalment antiangiogènics. S’ha descobert que alguns tipus de tumor tenen o desenvolupen resistència a aquests fàrmacs quan el tractament és prou llarg. Per aquesta raó, actualment s’està investigant profundament quins són els mecanismes pels quals apareix aquesta resistència, així com també perquè els tumors es tornen més agressius, invasius i/o metastàtics després del tractament. Recentment s’ha descobert una proteïna que podria estar involucrada en l’augment de la invasivitat de les cèl·lules tumorals després del tractament antiangiogènic. Aquest treball recull algunes de les evidències que apunten cap al paper de la proteïna CD44 en l’increment de la invasió tumoral post-tractament amb fàrmacs antiangiogènics en models ratolins de càncer renal

    Development and Evaluation of WillTry: An Instrument for Measuring Children\u27s Willingness to Try Fruits and Vegetables

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    This paper describes the development and evaluation of the WillTry instrument, a psychometric tool designed to measure children\u27s willingness to try fruits and vegetables. WillTry surveys were interviewer-administered to 284 children in an elementary school and summer day camps located in rural Mississippi and Arkansas (United States) communities. Factor analysis was used to determine construct dimensionality. Additional evaluation included internal consistency, test-retest reliability, and predictive validity. Factor analysis suggested a single dimension for the food items. The WillTry food scale had substantial reliability (intraclass correlation coefficients between 0.61 and 0.80) and sufficient internal consistency (Cronbach\u27s alpha \u3e= 0.70). Results of the regression analysis for percent consumption of foods offered on WillTry response confirmed the predictive validity of the instrument. The results of these analyses provide psychometric evidence for the use of the WillTry instrument as a measure of willingness to try fruits and vegetables in rural, southern US children 5-14 years of age. Published by Elsevier Ltd

    Poverty and Food Intake In Rural America: Diet Quality is Lower in Food Insecure Adults in the Mississippi Delta

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    Objective To determine if measures of diet quality differ between food insecure and food secure adults in a rural high-risk population. Design Random digit dialing telephone survey of a crosssection of the population designed to collect data on food intake, household demographics, and food security status. Setting A representative sample of adults who live in 36 counties in the Lower Mississippi Delta region of Arkansas, Louisiana, and Mississippi. Subjects One thousand six hundred seven adults, both white and African American. Main outcome measures Food security status and diet quality, as defined by adherence to the Healthy Eating Index and Dietary Reference Intakes by determinations from self-reported food intake (1 day intake). Statistical analyses Regression analysis, t tests, Wald statistic, and beta tests were employed. Results Food secure adults scored higher on Healthy Eating Index than food insecure adults (P=0.0001), but the regression model showed no differences when multiple factors were included. Food secure individuals consistently achieved higher percentages of the Dietary Reference Intakes (specifically Estimated Average Requirements and Adequate Intakes) than food insecure individuals, with the greatest differences seen for vitamin A (P \u3c 0.0001), copper (P=0.0009), and zinc (P=0.0022) and very little difference for vitamins C (P=0.68) and E (P=0.32). Both populations consumed diets extremely low in fiber. Conclusions Food insecurity is associated with lower quality diets in this population. It is acknowledged that serious limitations are associated with the use of one 24-hour recall and for comparison between food intake and assessment of food security. These findings still suggest a pressing need for nutrition interventions to improve dietary intake in these at-risk impoverished individuals