8,496 research outputs found

    Solution of two-center time-dependent Dirac equation in spherical coordinates: Application of the multipole expansion of the electron-nuclei interaction

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    A non-perturbative approach to the solution of the time-dependent, two-center Dirac equation is presented with a special emphasis on the proper treatment of the potential of the nuclei. In order to account for the full multipole expansion of this potential, we express eigenfunctions of the two-center Hamiltonian in terms of well-known solutions of the "monopole" problem that employs solely the spherically-symmetric part of the interaction. When combined with the coupled-channel method, such a wavefunction-expansion technique allows for an accurate description of the electron dynamics in the field of moving ions for a wide range of internuclear distances. To illustrate the applicability of the proposed approach, the probabilities of the K- as well as L- shell ionization of hydrogen-like ions in the course of nuclear alpha-decay and slow ion-ion collisions have been calculated

    Development of the NASA VALT digital navigation system

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    The research to develop and fabricate a terminal area navigation system for use in the NASA VTOL Approach and Landing Technology (VALT) program. The results of that effort are reported. The navigation system developed and fabricated was based on a general purpose airborne digital computer. A set of flight hardware units was fabricated to create the necessary analog, digital and human interface with the computer. A comprehensive package of software was created to implement the control and guidance laws required for automatic and flight director approaches that are curved in two planes. A technique was developed that enables the generation of randomly shaped lateral paths from simple input data. The lateral path concept combines straight line and elliptical-curved segments to fit a continuous curved path to the data points. A simple, fixed base simulation was put together to assist in developing and evaluating the system. The simulation was used to obtain system performance data during simulated curved-path approaches

    Stability analysis of polarized domains

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    Polarized ferrofluids, lipid monolayers and magnetic bubbles form domains with deformable boundaries. Stability analysis of these domains depends on a family of nontrivial integrals. We present a closed form evaluation of these integrals as a combination of Legendre functions. This result allows exact and explicit formulae for stability thresholds and growth rates of individual modes. We also evaluate asymptotic behavior in several interesting limits.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figures, Late

    Reversible skew laurent polynomial rings and deformations of poisson automorphisms

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    A skew Laurent polynomial ring S = R[x(+/- 1); alpha] is reversible if it has a reversing automorphism, that is, an automorphism theta of period 2 that transposes x and x(-1) and restricts to an automorphism gamma of R with gamma = gamma(-1). We study invariants for reversing automorphisms and apply our methods to determine the rings of invariants of reversing automorphisms of the two most familiar examples of simple skew Laurent polynomial rings, namely a localization of the enveloping algebra of the two-dimensional non-abelian solvable Lie algebra and the coordinate ring of the quantum torus, both of which are deformations of Poisson algebras over the base field F. Their reversing automorphisms are deformations of Poisson automorphisms of those Poisson algebras. In each case, the ring of invariants of the Poisson automorphism is the coordinate ring B of a surface in F-3 and the ring of invariants S-theta of the reversing automorphism is a deformation of B and is a factor of a deformation of F[x(1), x(2), x(3)] for a Poisson bracket determined by the appropriate surface

    Energetic proton spectra in the 11 June 1991 solar flare

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    The June 11, 1991 gamma-ray flare seen by the Compton Gamma-ray Observatory (CGRO) displays several features that make it a dynamic and rich event. It is a member of a class of long duration gamma-ray events with both 2.223 MeV and greater than 8 MeV emission for hours after the impulsive phase. It also contains an inter-phase between the impulsive and extended phases that presents a challenge to the standard gamma-ray line (GRL) flare picture. This phase has strong 2.223 MeV emission and relatively weak 4.44 MeV emission indicative of a very hard parent proton spectrum. However, this would indicate emission greater than 8 MeV, which is absent from this period. We present the application of new spectroscopy techniques to this phase of the flare in order to present a reasonable explanation for this seemly inconsistent picture

    Active sampling in visual search is coupled to the cardiac cycle

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    Recent research has demonstrated that perception and reasoning vary according to the phase of internal bodily signals such as heartbeat. This has been shown by locking the presentation of sensory events to distinct phases of the cardiac cycle. However, task-relevant information is not usually encountered in such a phase-locked manner nor passively accessed, but rather actively sampled at one's own pace. Moreover, if the phase of the cardiac cycle is an important modulator of perception and cognition, as previously proposed, then the way in which we actively sample the world should be similarly modulated by the phase of the cardiac cycle. Here we tested this by coregistration of eye movements and heartbeat signals while participants freely compared differences between two visual arrays. Across three different analyses, we found a significant coupling of saccades, subsequent fixations, and blinks with the cardiac cycle. More eye movements were generated during the systolic phase of the cardiac cycle, which has been reported as the period of maximal effect of the baroreceptors' activity upon cognition. Conversely, more fixations were found during the diastole phase (quiescent baroreceptors). Lastly, more blinks were generated in the later period of the cardiac cycle. These results suggest that interoceptive and exteroceptive processing do adjust to each other; in our case, by sampling the outer environment during quiescent periods of the inner organism
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