329 research outputs found

    Opportunistic detection of atrial fibrillation using blood pressure monitors: a systematic review

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    Background: Atrial Fibrillation (AF) affects around 2% of the population and early detection is beneficial, allowing patients to begin potentially life-saving anticoagulant therapies. Blood pressure (BP) monitors may offer an opportunity to screen for AF. Aim: To identify and appraise studies which report the diagnostic accuracy of automated BP monitors used for opportunistic AF detection. Methods: A systematic search was performed of the Medline, Medline-in-process and Embase literature databases. Papers were eligible if they described primary studies of the evaluation of a BP device for AF detection, were published in a peer reviewed journal and reported values for the sensitivity and specificity. Included studies were appraised using the QUADAS-2 tool to assess their risk of bias and applicability to opportunistic AF detection. Values for the sensitivity and specificity of AF detection were extracted from each paper and compared. Results and Conclusion: We identified seven papers evaluating six devices from two manufacturers. Only one study scored low risk in all of the QUADAS-2 domains. All studies reported specificity greater than 85% and six reported sensitivity greater than 90%. The studies showed that blood pressure devices with embedded algorithms for detecting arrhythmias show promise as screening tools for AF, comparing favourably with manual pulse palpation. But the studies used different methodologies and many were subject to potential bias. More studies are needed to more precisely define the sensitivity and specificity of opportunistic screening for AF during blood pressure measurement before its clinical utility in the population of interest can be assessed fully

    Accuracy of pulse interval timing in ambulatory blood pressure measurement

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    Blood pressure (BP) monitors rely on pulse detection. Some blood pressure monitors use pulse timings to analyse pulse interval variability for arrhythmia screening, but this assumes that the pulse interval timings detected from BP cuffs are accurate compared with RR intervals derived from ECG. In this study we compared the accuracy of pulse intervals detected using an ambulatory blood pressure monitor (ABPM) with single lead ECG. Twenty participants wore an ABPM for three hours and a data logger which synchronously measured cuff pressure and ECG. RR intervals were compared with corresponding intervals derived from the cuff pressure tracings using three different pulse landmarks. Linear mixed effects models were used to assess differences between ECG and cuff pressure timings and to investigate the effect of potential covariates. In addition, the maximum number of successive oscillometric beats detectable in a measurement was assessed. From 243 BP measurements, the foot landmark of the oscillometric pulse was found to be associated with fewest covariates and had a random error of 9.5 ms. 99% of the cuff pressure recordings had more than 10 successive detectable oscillometric beats. RR intervals can be accurately estimated using an ABPM

    Scientific opinion on the safety of selenite triglycerides as a source of selenium added for nutritional purposes to food supplements

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    © 2020 European Food Safety Authority. EFSA Journal published by John Wiley and Sons Ltd on behalf of European Food Safety Authority.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Conflict in pedestrian networks

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    Encouraging pedestrian activity is increasingly recognised as beneficial for public health, the environment and the economy. As our cities become more crowded, there is a need for urban planners to take into account more explicitly pedestrian needs. The term that is now in use is that a city should be ‘walkable’. For route planning, whereas much attention has been given to shortest path, in distance or time, much less attention has been paid to flow levels and the difficulties they pose on the route. This paper considers problems posed by conflicting paths, for example cross-traffic. We use network centrality measures to make a first estimate of differing levels of conflict posed at the network nodes. We take special note of the role of collective motion in determining network usage. A small case study illustrates the method

    Green kiwifruit (lat. Actinidia deliciosa var. Hayward) and maintenance of normal defecation: evaluation of a health claim pursuant to Article 13(5) of Regulation (EC) No 1924/2006

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    Following an application from Zespri International Limited, submitted for authorisation of a health claim pursuant to Article 13(5) of Regulation (EC) No 1924/2006 via the Competent Authority of Belgium, the EFSA Panel on Nutrition, Novel Foods and Food Allergens (NDA) was asked to deliver an opinion on the scientific substantiation of a health claim related to green kiwifruit (lat. Actinidia deliciosa var. Hayward) and maintenance of normal defecation. The scope of the application was proposed to fall under a health claim based on newly developed scientific evidence. The food proposed by the applicant as the subject of the health claim is green kiwifruit. The Panel considers that green kiwifruit (Actinidia deliciosa var. Hayward) is sufficiently characterised. The claimed effect proposed by the applicant is 'maintenance of normal defecation'. Maintenance of normal defecation is a beneficial physiological effect provided that it does not result in diarrhoea. All human intervention studies submitted had different limitations and could not be used on their own for the scientific substantiation of the claim. However, the results of six pertinent human intervention studies are consistent with respect to an effect of consuming daily between two and four green kiwifruits var. Hayward on an increase in stool frequency. Two out of four studies in which a validated instrument was used to assess stool consistency showed an effect also on stool consistency. There is evidence for a plausible mechanism by which kiwifruit could exert an effect on normal defecation. The consumption of kiwifruit in the studies did not result in diarrhoea. A cause and effect relationship has been established between the consumption of green kiwifruit (Actinidia deliciosa var. Hayward) and maintenance of normal defecation. The following wordings reflect the scientific evidence: 'consumption of kiwifruit contributes to the maintenance of normal defecation'. In order to obtain the claimed effect, two large green kiwifruits (i.e. around 200 g of kiwi flesh) should be consumed

    Scientific advice related to nutrient profiling for the development of harmonised mandatory front-of-pack nutrition labelling and the setting of nutrient profiles for restricting nutrition and health claims on foods

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    Following a request from the European Commission, the EFSA Panel on Nutrition, Novel Foods and Food Allergens (NDA) was asked to deliver scientific advice related to nutrient profiling for the development of harmonised mandatory front‐of‐pack nutrition labelling and the setting of nutrient profiles for restricting nutrition and health claims on foods. This Opinion is based on systematic reviews and meta‐analyses of human studies on nutritionally adequate diets, data from the Global Burden of Disease framework, clinical practice guidelines, previous EFSA opinions and the priorities set by EU Member States in the context of their Food‐Based Dietary Guidelines and associated nutrient/food intake recommendations. Relevant publications were retrieved through comprehensive searches in PubMed. The nutrients included in the assessment are those likely to be consumed in excess or in inadequate amounts in a majority of European countries. Food groups with important roles in European diets have been considered. The Panel concludes that dietary intakes of saturated fatty acids (SFA), sodium and added/free sugars are above, and intakes of dietary fibre and potassium below, current dietary recommendations in a majority of European populations. As excess intakes of SFAs, sodium and added/free sugars and inadequate intakes of dietary fibre and potassium are associated with adverse health effects, they could be included in nutrient profiling models. Energy could be included because a reduction in energy intake is of public health importance for European populations. In food group/category‐based nutrient profiling models, total fat could replace energy in most food groups owing to its high‐energy density, while the energy density of food groups with low or no fat content may be well accounted for by the inclusion of (added/free) sugars. Some nutrients may be included in nutrient profiling models for reasons other than their public health importance, e.g. as a proxy for other nutrients of public health importance, or to allow for a better discrimination of foods within the same food category

    ‘Citicoline’ and support of the memory function: Evaluation of a health claim pursuant to Article 13(5) of Regulation (EC) No 1924/2006

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    AbstractFollowing an application from Egde Pharma Sp. z o.o, submitted for authorisa-tion of a health claim pursuant to Article 13(5) of Regulation (EC) No 1924/2006via the Competent Authority of Poland, the EFSA Panel on Nutrition, Novel Foodsand Food Allergens (NDA) was asked to deliver an opinion on the scientific sub-stantiation of a health claim related to citicoline and memory. The Panel considersthat the food, citicoline (cytidine 5-diphosphocholine, CDP- Choline) inner salt, issufficiently characterised. Improvement, maintenance or reduced loss of memoryis a beneficial physiological effect for middle-aged or elderly adults encounter-ing age-associated subjective memory impairment. The applicant identified threepertinent human intervention studies in healthy individuals that investigated theeffect of citicoline on memory. In weighing the evidence, the Panel took into ac-count that only one randomised controlled trial in healthy participants showed abeneficial effect of citicoline on episodic memory when consumed at doses of 500mg/day for 12 weeks, whereas this effect has not been observed in another studyusing citicoline at doses of 1 g/day for 3 months or supported by data obtainedin patients with dementia using doses of 1 g/day for 12 weeks and 12 months. Noconvincing evidence of a plausible mechanism by which citicoline or any of itscomponents (in addition to their endogenous synthesis) could exert an effect onmemory in humans has been provided. The Panel concludes that a cause-and-effect relationship has not been established between the consumption of citico-line (CDP- Choline) inner salt and improvement, maintenance or reduced loss ofmemory in middle-aged or elderly adults encountering age-associated subjectivememory impairment

    Joselito® and lowering of LDL-cholesterol concentration, blood pressure, and reduction of coronary heart disease risk: Evaluation of a health claim pursuant to Article 14 of Regulation (EC) No 1924/2006

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    AbstractFollowing an application from Cárnicas Joselito S.A. pursuant to Article 14 ofRegulation (EC) No 1924/2006 via the Competent Authority of Spain, the Panel onNutrition, Novel Foods and Food Allergens (NDA) was asked to deliver an opinionon the scientific substantiation of a health claim related to ‘Joselito ham increasesantioxidant substances in the body, reduces blood pressure and plasma triglycerides,decreases oxidative stress and prevents effect in diseases related to the cardiovascularand intestinal systems’. The scope of the application was proposed to fall under ahealth claim referring to disease risk reduction. The food constituent that is thesubject of the health claim is Joselito, an Iberian ham characterised by a high con-tent of oleic acid. The Panel considers that the food is sufficiently characterised.The Panel considers that lowering of LDL-cholesterol concentration and bloodpressure is a beneficial effect by decreasing the risk of coronary heart disease.Upon a request from EFSA, the applicant identified one human intervention studyas being pertinent to the claim. However, due to methodological limitations, thePanel considers that no conclusions can be drawn from this study for the scientificsubstantiation of the claim. The Panel notes that no human intervention studiesfrom which conclusions could be drawn for the scientific substantiation of theclaim were provided by the applicant. The Panel concludes that a cause and effectrelationship has not been established between the intake of Joselito® ham and thereduction of LDL-cholesterol concentration or blood pressure

    Efficacy of an infant formula manufactured from a specific protein hydrolysate derived from whey protein isolate and concentrate produced by Société des Produits Nestlé S.A. in reducing the risk of developing atopic dermatitis

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    The European Commission asked EFSA to evaluate the efficacy of an infant formula, containing a specific protein hydrolysate derived from whey protein isolate and concentrate and manufactured by Société des Produits Nestlé S.A., in reducing the risk of developing atopic dermatitis in infants with a family history of allergy. This was following the submission of a dossier by Société des Produits Nestlé S.A. to the European Commission, in the context of Regulation (EU) 2016/127. The protein hydrolysate from which the infant formula is produced is included in Annex I and II of Commission delegated Regulation (EU) 2016/127 as suitable protein source for the manufacture of infant and follow-on formulae. This opinion does not cover the assessment of the nutritional safety and suitability of the infant formula or the safety of the food enzymes used in the manufacture of the protein hydrolysate. The Panel considers that, in relation to the effect that is claimed, the infant formula under evaluation is not sufficiently characterised with respect to the molecular weight distribution of peptides. From the human intervention studies submitted, no conclusions could be drawn on the efficacy of the infant formula in reducing the risk of developing atopic dermatitis. The Panel concludes that a cause-and-effect relationship has not been established between the consumption of the infant formula under evaluation and the reduction in the risk of developing atopic dermatitis in infants with a family history of allergy