641 research outputs found

    Expeditionary Blended Learning: New Opportunities and Lessons From the United Kingdom

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    Recent experiences in live course delivery at ERAU\u27s UK campus, combined with dramatic changes in the operational deployment tempo of US military forces assigned at these bases, creates both challenges and opportunities. Exploiting experiences with blended learning at The Open University, traditional learning at the University of Hertfordshire and other UK universities, and teaching concepts in use within the UK\u27s military staff colleges leads to the proposed Expeditionary model for blended learning within the ERAU European Region. This model can deliver enhanced student involvement and increased enrollments, provided suitable changes in ERAU\u27s underlying business model can be made. A Strengths I Weaknesses I Opportunities I Threats (SWOT) analysis highlights elements of this proposal, while indicating areas that need further examination

    The Therapeutic Engagement Questionnaire (TEQ): a service user-focused mental health nursing outcome metric

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    Therapeutic engagement (TE) has been described as the crux of mental health nursing but despite its perceived importance, to date, there is no measurement tool that captures it as a result,there is no way of determining the contribution of mental health nursing interaction to service user recovery, in mental health settings or the wider care quality agenda

    Moral Distress in Critical Care Nursing: The State of the Science

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    Background: Moral distress is a complex phenomenon frequently experienced by critical care nurses. Ethical conflicts in this practice area are related to technological advancement, high intensity work environments, and end-of-life decisions. Objectives: An exploration of contemporary moral distress literature was undertaken to determine measurement, contributing factors, impact, and interventions. Review Methods: This state of the science review focused on moral distress research in critical care nursing from 2009 to 2015, and included 12 qualitative, 24 quantitative, and 6 mixed methods studies. Results: Synthesis of the scientific literature revealed inconsistencies in measurement, conflicting findings of moral distress and nurse demographics, problems with the professional practice environment, difficulties with communication during end-of-life decisions, compromised nursing care as a consequence of moral distress, and few effective interventions. Conclusion: Providing compassionate care is a professional nursing value and an inability to meet this goal due to moral distress may have devastating effects on care quality. Further study of patient and family outcomes related to nurse moral distress is recommended

    The Therapeutic Engagement Questionnaire (TEQ): a service user-focused mental health nursing outcome metric

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    Background: Therapeutic engagement (TE) has been described as the crux of mental health nursing but despite its perceived importance, to date, there is no measurement tool that captures it. As a result, there is no way of determining the contribution of mental health nursing interaction to service user recovery, in acute inpatient mental health settings or the wider care quality agenda. / Methods: To develop and validate a TE measurement tool in partnership with Service Users (SUs) and Registered Mental Health Nurses (RMHNs). The TEQ was developed in 3 stages: 1) item generation (and pre-testing), 2) item reduction using Principal Component Analysis (PCA), and 3) validation across Mental Health Trusts in England. / Results: The final questionnaire has two versions, (SU and RMHN version), each scored within two contexts (1–1 SU-RMHN interactions and overall environment and atmosphere of the ward) and includes 20 items with two sub-scales (care interactions and care delivery). Psychometric evaluation of the TEQ shows high inter-scale correlations (0.66–0.95 SU; 0.57–0.90 RMHN), sound sub-scale internal consistency (> 0.95), concurrent validity (> 0.60) and adequate score variability for both versions of the TEQ. In summary, the TEQ behaves well as a measurement tool. / Conclusions: The TEQ can determine the collaborative and empathic nature of RMHN-SU interactions, capture if SUs are treated with dignity and respect and recognise that the principles of the recovery approach are being respected. The TEQ can also provide robust monitoring of nursing activity, offer opportunity for transparency of activity, feed into healthcare organizations’ key performance indicators and provide reassurance about the nature and quality of nurses’ work

    Mackintosh lecture: Association and cognition: two processes, one system

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from SAGE Publications via the DOI in this record.There is another ORE record for this item: http://hdl.handle.net/10871/33264This paper argues that the dual-process position can be a useful first approximation when studying human mental life, but it cannot be the whole truth. Instead, we argue that cognition is built on association, in that associative processes provide the fundamental building blocks that enable propositional thought. One consequence of this position is to suggest that humans are able to learn associatively in a similar fashion to a rat or a pigeon, but another is that we must typically suppress the expression of basic associative learning in favour of rule-based computation. This stance conceptualizes us as capable of symbolic computation, but acknowledges that, given certain circumstances, we will learn associatively and, more importantly, be seen to do so. We present three types of evidence that support this position: The first is data on human Pavlovian conditioning that directly supports this view. The second is data taken from task switching experiments that provides convergent evidence for at least two modes of processing, one of which is automatic and carried out “in the background”. And the last suggests that when the output of propositional processes is uncertain, then the influence of associative processes on behaviour can manifest

    Understanding the relationship between breastfeeding and postnatal depression: the role of pain and physical difficulties

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    AIMS: To examine the relationship between specific reasons for stopping breastfeeding and depressive symptoms in the postnatal period. BACKGROUND: Difficulty breastfeeding has been connected to postnatal depression although it is unclear whether difficulty breastfeeding precedes or succeeds a diagnosis. However, the concept of ‘breastfeeding difficulty’ is wide and includes biological, psychological and social factors. DESIGN: A cross‐sectional self‐report survey. METHODS: Data were collected between December 2012 and February 2013. 217 women with an infant aged 0‐6 months who had started breastfeeding at birth but had stopped before 6 months old completed a questionnaire examining breastfeeding duration and reasons for stopping breastfeeding. They further completed a copy of the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale. RESULTS: A short breastfeeding duration and multiple reasons for stopping breastfeeding were associated with higher depression score. However, in a regression analysis only the specific reasons of stopping breastfeeding for physical difficulty and pain remained predictive of depression score. CONCLUSIONS: Understanding women's specific reasons for stopping breastfeeding rather than breastfeeding duration is critical in understanding women's breastfeeding experience and providing women with emotional support. Issues with pain and physical breastfeeding were most indicative of postnatal depression in comparison to psychosocial reasons highlighting the importance of spending time with new mothers to help them with issues such as latch

    GHRH secretion from a pancreatic neuroendocrine tumor causing gigantism in a patient with MEN1.

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    Summary: A male patient with a germline mutation in MEN1 presented at the age of 18 with classical features of gigantism. Previously, he had undergone resection of an insulin-secreting pancreatic neuroendocrine tumour (pNET) at the age of 10 years and had subtotal parathyroidectomy due to primary hyperparathyroidism at the age of 15 years. He was found to have significantly elevated serum IGF-1, GH, GHRH and calcitonin levels. Pituitary MRI showed an overall bulky gland with a 3 mm hypoechoic area. Abdominal MRI showed a 27 mm mass in the head of the pancreas and a 6 mm lesion in the tail. Lanreotide-Autogel 120 mg/month reduced GHRH by 45% and IGF-1 by 20%. Following pancreaticoduodenectomy, four NETs were identified with positive GHRH and calcitonin staining and Ki-67 index of 2% in the largest lesion. The pancreas tail lesion was not removed. Post-operatively, GHRH and calcitonin levels were undetectable, IGF-1 levels normalised and GH suppressed normally on glucose challenge. Post-operative fasting glucose and HbA1c levels have remained normal at the last check-up. While adolescent-onset cases of GHRH-secreting pNETs have been described, to the best of our knowledge, this is the first reported case of ectopic GHRH in a paediatric setting leading to gigantism in a patient with MEN1. Our case highlights the importance of distinguishing between pituitary and ectopic causes of gigantism, especially in the setting of MEN1, where paediatric somatotroph adenomas causing gigantism are extremely rare. Learning points: It is important to diagnose gigantism and its underlying cause (pituitary vs ectopic) early in order to prevent further growth and avoid unnecessary pituitary surgery. The most common primary tumour sites in ectopic acromegaly include the lung (53%) and the pancreas (34%) (1): 76% of patients with a pNET secreting GHRH showed a MEN1 mutation (1). Plasma GHRH testing is readily available in international laboratories and can be a useful diagnostic tool in distinguishing between pituitary acromegaly mediated by GH and ectopic acromegaly mediated by GHRH. Positive GHRH immunostaining in the NET tissue confirms the diagnosis. Distinguishing between pituitary (somatotroph) hyperplasia secondary to ectopic GHRH and pituitary adenoma is difficult and requires specialist neuroradiology input and consideration, especially in the MEN1 setting. It is important to note that the vast majority of GHRH-secreting tumours (lung, pancreas, phaeochromocytoma) are expected to be visible on cross-sectional imaging (median diameter 55 mm) (1). Therefore, we suggest that a chest X-ray and an abdominal ultrasound checking the adrenal glands and the pancreas should be included in the routine work-up of newly diagnosed acromegaly patients

    Potential economic impacts from improving breastfeeding rates in the UK

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    This article has been made available through the Brunel Open Access Publishing Fund.RATIONALE: Studies suggest that increased breastfeeding rates can provide substantial financial savings, but the scale of such savings in the UK is not known. OBJECTIVE: To calculate potential cost savings attributable to increases in breastfeeding rates from the National Health Service perspective. DESIGN AND SETTINGS: Cost savings focussed on where evidence of health benefit is strongest: reductions in gastrointestinal and lower respiratory tract infections, acute otitis media in infants, necrotising enterocolitis in preterm babies and breast cancer (BC) in women. Savings were estimated using a seven-step framework in which an incidence-based disease model determined the number of cases that could have been avoided if breastfeeding rates were increased. Point estimates of cost savings were subject to a deterministic sensitivity analysis. RESULTS: Treating the four acute diseases in children costs the UK at least £89 million annually. The 2009-2010 value of lifetime costs of treating maternal BC is estimated at £959 million. Supporting mothers who are exclusively breast feeding at 1 week to continue breast feeding until 4 months can be expected to reduce the incidence of three childhood infectious diseases and save at least £11 million annually. Doubling the proportion of mothers currently breast feeding for 7-18 months in their lifetime is likely to reduce the incidence of maternal BC and save at least £31 million at 2009-2010 value. CONCLUSIONS: The economic impact of low breastfeeding rates is substantial. Investing in services that support women who want to breast feed for longer is potentially cost saving

    “I Keep Hearing Reports on the News That it's a Real Problem at the Moment”: Public Health Nurses’ Understandings of Sexting Practices Among Young People

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    Over the past decade, the potential harms regarding young people's use of technology have attracted mounting political, media and research attention worldwide. One practice engaged in by many young people is that of “sexting” and the sharing of partially, or complete nude images (“selfies”). Such images are not always retained within private spaces and are prone to be shared, with significant psychosocial consequences for young people involved. A significant risk is the hidden nature of some online interactions, with potential for grooming and child sexual exploitation. As key professionals working with young people, public health nurses have potential to educate and explore the risks with them. Yet to date, to our knowledge there has been no research in relation to public health nurses’ understandings of the practices involved or their potential harms. A qualitative study was undertaken drawing theoretically on the common‐sense model (CSM) to frame the analysis. Eighteen semi‐structured interviews were conducted with public health nurses in a region of England in 2016. Data were analysed through thematic analysis, and mapped to the five domains of CSM. Public health nurses’ understandings of young people's sexting practices were shaped largely by media reports, rather than scientific, disciplinary knowledge. Sexting did not resonate with many public health nurses’ own experiences of being a young person and was therefore difficult to understand. All were able to express an opinion about the causes and consequences of sexting and we present these as a “perceived hierarchy of risk”. All public health nurses acknowledged the importance of their role in dealing with harm reduction associated with sexting among young people, but they need education and support to do this effectively and confidently. Findings can be transferred carefully to many contexts and countries because sexting is a practice among young people that transcends geographical boundaries
