2,493 research outputs found

    Temperature structure of the intergalactic medium within seven nearby and bright clusters of galaxies observed with XMM-Newton

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    Aims. We map the temperature structure of the intra-cluster medium (ICM) within a nearly complete X-ray flux limited sample of galaxy clusters in the redshift range z=[0.045,0.096]. Our sample contains seven bright clusters of galaxies observed with XMM-Newton: Abell 399, Abell 401, Abell 478, Abell 1795, Abell 2029, Abell 2065, Abell 2256. Methods. We use a multi-scale spectral mapping algorithm especially designed to map spectroscopic observables from X-ray extended emission of the ICM. Derived from a former algorithm using Haar wavelets, our algorithm is now implemented with B-spline wavelets in order to perform a more regular analysis of the signal. Results. For the four clusters in our sample that are major mergers, we find a complex thermal structure with strong thermal variations consistent with their dynamics. For two of them, A2065 and A2256, we perform a 3-d analysis of cold front features evidenced from the gas temperature and brightness maps. Furthermore, we detect a significant non-radial thermal structure outside the cool core region of the other 3 more "regular" clusters, with relative amplitudes of about about 10%. We investigate possible implications of this structure on the mass estimates of the "regular" clusters A1795 and A2029, by extracting surface brightness and temperature profiles from sectors correspondings to the hottest and coldest regions in the maps. While compensating with surface brightness for A2029, leading to consistent mass profiles, the temperature structure leads to significant mass discrepancies in the innermost region of A1795.Comment: published in A&

    Shock heating of the merging galaxy cluster A521

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    A521 is an interacting galaxy cluster located at z=0.247, hosting a low frequency radio halo connected to an eastern radio relic. Previous Chandra observations hinted at the presence of an X-ray brightness edge at the position of the relic, which may be a shock front. We analyze a deep observation of A521 recently performed with XMM-Newton in order to probe the cluster structure up to the outermost regions covered by the radio emission. The cluster atmosphere exhibits various brightness and temperature anisotropies. In particular, two cluster cores appear to be separated by two cold fronts. We find two shock fronts, one that was suggested by Chandra and that is propagating to the east, and another to the southwestern cluster outskirt. The two main interacting clusters appear to be separated by a shock heated region, which exhibits a spatial correlation with the radio halo. The outer edge of the radio relic coincides spatially with a shock front, suggesting this shock is responsible for the generation of cosmic ray electrons in the relic. The propagation direction and Mach number of the shock front derived from the gas density jump, M = 2.4 +/- 0.2, are consistent with expectations from the radio spectral index, under the assumption of Fermi I acceleration mechanism

    Comparing the temperatures of galaxy clusters from hydro-N-body simulations to Chandra and XMM-Newton observations

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    Theoretical studies of the physical processes guiding the formation and evolution of galaxies and galaxy clusters in the X-ray are mainly based on the results of numerical hydrodynamical N-body simulations, which in turn are often directly compared to X-ray observations. Although trivial in principle, these comparisons are not always simple. We demonstrate that the projected spectroscopic temperature of thermally complex clusters obtained from X-ray observations is always lower than the emission-weighed temperature, which is widely used in the analysis of numerical simulations. We show that this temperature bias is mainly related to the fact that the emission-weighted temperature does not reflect the actual spectral properties of the observed source. This has important implications for the study of thermal structures in clusters, especially when strong temperature gradients, like shock fronts, are present. Because of this bias, in real observations shock fronts appear much weaker than what is predicted by emission-weighted temperature maps, and may even not be detected. This may explain why, although numerical simulations predict that shock fronts are a quite common feature in clusters of galaxies, to date there are very few observations of objects in which they are clearly seen. To fix this problem we propose a new formula, the spectroscopic-like temperature function, and show that, for temperature larger than 3 keV, it approximates the spectroscopic temperature better than few per cent, making simulations more directly comparable to observations.Comment: Submitted for publication in MNRAS; 15 pages, 10 color figures and 13 BW figures,mn2e.cls. High resolution figures available here: http://people.roma2.infn.it/~mazzotta/preprints/mazzotta.pd

    Pressure profiles of distant galaxy clusters in the Planck catalog

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    Successive releases of Planck data have demonstrated the strength of the Sunyaev--Zeldovich (SZ) effect in detecting hot baryons out to the galaxy cluster peripheries. To infer the hot gas pressure structure from nearby galaxy clusters to more distant objects, we developed a parametric method that models the spectral energy distribution and spatial anisotropies of both the Galactic thermal dust and the Cosmic Microwave Background, that are mixed-up with the cluster SZ and dust signals. Taking advantage of the best angular resolution of the High Frequency Instrument channels (5 arcmin) and using X-ray priors in the innermost cluster regions that are not resolved with Planck, this modelling allowed us to analyze a sample of 61 nearby members of the Planck catalog of SZ sources (0<z<0.50 < z < 0.5, z~=0.15\tilde{z} = 0.15) using the full mission data, as well as to examine a distant sample of 23 clusters (0.5<z<10.5 < z < 1, z~=0.56\tilde{z} = 0.56) that have been recently followed-up with XMM-Newton and Chandra observations. We find that (i) the average shape of the mass-scaled pressure profiles agrees with results obtained by the Planck collaboration in the nearby cluster sample, and that (ii) no sign of evolution is discernible between averaged pressure profiles of the low- and high-redshift cluster samples. In line with theoretical predictions for these halo masses and redshift ranges, the dispersion of individual profiles relative to a self-similar shape stays well below 10 % inside r500r_{500} but increases in the cluster outskirts.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figure

    Detecting X-ray filaments in the low redshift Universe with XEUS and Constellation-X

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    We propose a possible way to detect baryons at low redshifts from the analysis of X-ray absorption spectra of bright AGN pairs. A simple semi-analytical model to simulate the spectra is presented. We model the diffuse warm-hot intergalactic medium (WHIM) component, responsible for the X-ray absorption, using inputs from high-resolution hydro-dynamical simulations and analytical prescriptions. We show that the number of OVII absorbers per unit redshift with column density larger than 1013.510^{13.5} cm2^{-2} - corresponding to an equivalent width of \sim 1 km/s - which will be possibly detectable by {\it XEUS}, is \magcir 30 per unit redshift. {\it Constellation-X} will detect 6\sim 6 OVII absorptions per unit redshift with an equivalent width of 10 km/s. Our results show that, in a Λ\LambdaCDM Universe, the characteristic size of these absorbers at z0.1z\sim 0.1 is 1\sim 1 h1h^{-1} Mpc. The filamentary structure of WHIM can be probed by finding coincident absorption lines in the spectra of background AGN pairs. We estimate that at least 20 AGN pairs at separation \mincir 20 arcmin are needed to detect this filamentary structure at a 3σ\sigma level. Assuming observations of distant sources using {\it XEUS} for exposure times of 500 ksec, we find that the minimum source flux to probe the filamentary structure is 2×1012\sim 2\times 10^{-12} erg cm2^{-2} s1^{-1}, in the 0.1-2.4 keV energy band. Thus, most pairs of these extragalactic X-ray bright sources have already been identified in the {\it ROSAT} All-Sky Survey. Re-observation of these objects by future missions could be a powerful way to search for baryons in the low redshift Universe.Comment: 18 pages, 10 Figures. Two figures added, Sections 2 and 3 expanded. More optimistic results for Constellation-X. Accepted by MNRA

    Shapley Supercluster Survey: Ram-Pressure Stripping vs. Tidal Interactions in the Shapley Supercluster

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    We present two new examples of galaxies undergoing transformation in the Shapley supercluster core. These low-mass (stellar mass from 0.4E10 to 1E10 Msun) galaxies are members of the two clusters SC-1329-313 (z=0.045) and SC-1327-312 (z=0.049). Integral-field spectroscopy complemented by imaging in ugriK bands and in Halpha narrow-band are used to disentangle the effects of tidal interaction (TI) and ram-pressure stripping (RPS). In both galaxies, SOS-61086 and SOS-90630, we observe one-sided extraplanar ionized gas extending respectively 30kpc and 41kpc in projection from their disks. The galaxies' gaseous disks are truncated and the kinematics of the stellar and gas components are decoupled, supporting the RPS scenario. The emission of the ionized gas extends in the direction of a possible companion for both galaxies suggesting a TI. The overall gas velocity field of SOS-61086 is reproduced by ad hoc N-body/hydrodynamical simulations of RPS acting almost face-on and starting about 250Myr ago, consistent with the age of the young stellar populations. A link between the observed gas stripping and the cluster-cluster interaction experienced by SC-1329-313 and A3562 is suggested. Simulations of ram pressure acting almost edge-on are able to fully reproduce the gas velocity field of SOS-90630, but cannot at the same time reproduce the extended tail of outflowing gas. This suggests that an additional disturbance from a TI is required. This study adds a piece of evidence that RPS may take place in different environments with different impacts and witnesses the possible effect of cluster-cluster merger on RPS.Comment: 27 pages, 28 figures, MNRAS accepte

    Selecting background galaxies in weak-lensing analysis of galaxy clusters

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    In this paper, we present a new method to select the faint, background galaxies used to derive the mass of galaxy clusters by weak lensing. The method is based on the simultaneous analysis of the shear signal, that should be consistent with zero for the foreground, unlensed galaxies, and of the colors of the galaxies: photometric data from the COSMic evOlution Survey are used to train the color selection. In order to validate this methodology, we test it against a set of state-of-the-art image simulations of mock galaxy clusters in different redshift [0.230.450.23-0.45] and mass [0.51.55×1015M0.5-1.55\times10^{15}M_\odot] ranges, mimicking medium-deep multicolor imaging observations (e.g. SUBARU, LBT). The performance of our method in terms of contamination by unlensed sources is comparable to a selection based on photometric redshifts, which however requires a good spectral coverage and is thus much more observationally demanding. The application of our method to simulations gives an average ratio between estimated and true masses of 0.98±0.09\sim 0.98 \pm 0.09. As a further test, we finally apply our method to real data, and compare our results with other weak lensing mass estimates in the literature: for this purpose we choose the cluster Abell 2219 (z=0.228z=0.228), for which multi-band (BVRi) data are publicly available.Comment: MNRAS, Accepted 2016 February 2

    Is the Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect responsible for the observed steepening in the spectrum of the Coma radio halo ?

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    The spectrum of the radio halo in the Coma cluster is measured over almost two decades in frequency. The current radio data show a steepening of the spectrum at higher frequencies, which has implications for models of the radio halo origin. There is an on-going debate on the possibility that the observed steepening is not intrinsic to the emitted radiation, but is instead caused by the SZ effect. Recently, the Planck satellite measured the SZ signal and its spatial distribution in the Coma cluster allowing to test this hypothesis. Using the Planck results, we calculated the modification of the radio halo spectrum by the SZ effect in three different ways. With the first two methods we measured the SZ-decrement within the aperture radii used for flux measurements of the halo at the different frequencies. First we adopted the global compilation of data from Thierbach et al. and a reference aperture radius consistent with those used by the various authors. Second we used the available brightness profiles of the halo at different frequencies to derive the spectrum within two fixed apertures, and derived the SZ-decrement using these apertures. As a third method we used the quasi-linear correlation between the y and the radio-halo brightness at 330 MHz discovered by Planck to derive the modification of the radio spectrum by the SZ-decrement in a way that is almost independent of the adopted aperture radius. We found that the spectral modification induced by the SZ-decrement is 4-5 times smaller than that necessary to explain the observed steepening. Consequently a break or cut-off in the spectrum of the emitting electrons is necessary to explain current data. We also show that, if a steepening is absent from the emitted spectrum, future deep observations at 5 GHz with single dishes are expected to measure a halo flux in a 40 arcmin radius that would be 7-8 times higher than currently seen.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, accepted in Astronomy and Astrophysics (date of acceptance 19/08/2013