1,043 research outputs found

    Triggered Identities and Imperial Power? Macedonian label re/use by civic communities in Roman Lydia and Phrygia.

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    The present thesis investigates why a number of Lydian and Phrygian communities in Asia Minor used the Macedonian label as tool of self-representation in the Roman Imperial period. This phenomenon developed centuries after Alexander the Great and the Macedonian dynasties, which ruled the Hellenistic kingdoms. The first two chapters present two specific case studies: the Phrygian community of Blaundos and the Lydian centre of Hyrkanis. The analysis draws on the collection of the epigraphic and numismatic evidence related to these archaeological sites, in order to find possible interpretative patterns of the re-appearance of the Macedonian label and symbols during the Roman Imperial period. The hypothesis to be tested is the concept of “triggered identity”. Was the re/use of the Macedonian label triggered by the intervention of the Roman Empire? The fourth chapter presents the wider context, bringing in the practices of other regional communities in order to situate the use of the Macedonian label by the civic communities of Blaundos and Hyrkanis. Did they constitute an exception or a trend in the wider regional context of Lydia and Phrygia? The fifth chapter analyses the meaning of “Being Macedonian” within the Roman Imperial ideology, by drawing on the writings of two ancient authors, who were contemporaries in the second century AD, Polyaenus and Aelius Aristides. The present study will address four key questions: 1) Why did the Macedonian label become important for several local communities under the Roman Empire? 2) How was the Macedonian label exploited by Phrygian and Lydian communities? 3) Why did several Phrygian and Lydian civic communities use a Macedonian label instead of a different Greek one? 4) Was the use of the Macedonian label caused by an external “trigger”? More specifically, could the use of the Macedonian label be the outcome of the ideology of the ruling power, or was it an autonomous construction triggered but not directed by Roman Imperial authority? The findings of the research show that the interest from Roman emperors in Alexander the Great and the Macedonians might be one of the triggers behind the choice by Blaundos, Hyrkanis and other communities of Asia Minor to re-use the Macedonian label as part of the civic memory. Another trigger to a change in the self-representations of civic identity was the desire by these provincial elites to be part of a Greek cultural network

    Transmission Power Measurements for Wireless Sensor Nodes and their Relationship to the Battery Level

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    In this work we focus on the new generation EYESIFXv2 [1] wireless sensor nodes by carrying out experimental measurements on power related quantities. In particular, our aim is to characterize the relationship between the level of the battery and the transmission power radiated by the node. The present results point out the non linear and non trivial effects due to the output potentiometer which can be used to tune the transmission power. It shall be observed that a thorough study of how battery and/or potentiometer settings translate to actual transmitted power levels is crucial to e.g. design correct power control algorithms, which can effectively operate under any operational condition of the wireless sensor device

    Marine Heatwaves in the Chesapeake Bay

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    Prolonged events of anomalously warm sea water temperature, or marine heatwaves (MHWs), have major detrimental effects to marine ecosystems and the world\u27s economy. While frequency, duration and intensity of MHWs have been observed to increase in the global oceans, little is known about their potential occurrence and variability in estuarine systems due to limited data in these environments. In the present study we analyzed a novel data set with over three decades of continuous in situ temperature records to investigate MHWs in the largest and most productive estuary in the US: the Chesapeake Bay. MHWs occurred on average twice per year and lasted 11 days, resulting in 22 MHW days per year in the bay. Average intensities of MHWs were 3°C, with maximum peaks varying between 6 and 8°C, and yearly cumulative intensities of 72°C × days on average. Large co-occurrence of MHW events was observed between different regions of the bay (50–65%), and also between Chesapeake Bay and the Mid-Atlantic Bight (40–50%). These large co-occurrences, with relatively short lags (2–5 days), suggest that coherent large-scale air-sea heat flux is the dominant driver of MHWs in this region. MHWs were also linked to large-scale climate modes of variability: enhancement of MHW days in the Upper Bay were associated with the positive phase of Niño 1+2, while enhancement and suppression of MHW days in both the Mid and Lower Bay were associated with positive and negative phases of North Atlantic Oscillation, respectively. Finally, as a result of long-term warming of the Chesapeake Bay, significant trends were detected for MHW frequency, MHW days and yearly cumulative intensity. If these trends persist, by the end of the century the Chesapeake Bay will reach a semi-permanent MHW state, when extreme temperatures will be present over half of the year, and thus could have devastating impacts to the bay ecosystem, exacerbating eutrophication, increasing the severity of hypoxic events, killing benthic communities, causing shifts in species composition and decline in important commercial fishery species. Improving our basic understanding of MHWs in estuarine regions is necessary for their future predictability and to guide management decisions in these valuable environments

    Modeling changes in baleen whale seasonal abundance, timing of migration, and environmental variables to explain the sudden rise in entanglements in California

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    We document changes in the number of sightings and timing of humpback (Megaptera novaeangliae), blue (Balaenoptera musculus), and gray (Eschrichtius robustus) whale migratory phases in the vicinity of the Farallon Islands, California. We hypothesized that changes in the timing of migration off central California were driven by local oceanography, regional upwelling, and basin-scale climate conditions. Using 24 years of daily whale counts collected from Southeast Farallon Island, we developed negative binomial regression models to evaluate trends in local whale sightings over time. We then used linear models to assess trends in the timing of migration, and to identify potential environmental drivers. These drivers included local, regional and basin-scale patterns; the latter included the El Niño Southern Oscillation, the Pacific Decadal Oscillation, and the North Pacific Gyre Oscillation, which influence, wind-driven upwelling, and overall productivity in the California Current System. We then created a forecast model to predict the timing of migration. Humpback whale sightings significantly increased over the study period, but blue and gray whale counts did not, though there was variability across the time series. Date of breeding migration (departure) for all species showed little to no change, whereas date of migration towards feeding areas (arrival) occurred earlier for humpback and blue whales. Timing was significantly influenced by a mix of local oceanography, regional, and basin-scale climate variables. Earlier arrival time without concomitant earlier departure time results in longer periods when blue and humpback whales are at risk of entanglement in the Gulf of the Farallones. We maintain that these changes have increased whale exposure to pot and trap fishery gear off the central California coast during the spring, elevating the risk of entanglements. Humpback entanglement rates were significantly associated with increased counts and early arrival in central California. Actions to decrease the temporal overlap between whales and pot/trap fishing gear, particularly when whales arrive earlier in warm water years, would likely decrease the risk of entanglements

    Spreading and accumulation of river-borne sediments in the coastal ocean after the environmental disaster at the Doce River in Brazil

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    This study is focused on the fate of a large volume of mine slurry discharged from the Doce River (DR) to the coastal ocean after the worst environmental disaster in Brazilian which occurred in November 2015. We used Eulerian (ROMS) and Lagrangian (STRiPE) numerical models, as well as satellite remote sensing data, to study the spreading and seafloor accumulation of fine river-borne sediments during the initial six months following the disaster. We show that the regions of intense sediment accumulation were determined by spreading patterns of the surface-advected DR plume. The river discharge rate governed the plume surface area, while its position depended on local wind forcing conditions. The spreading of sediments carried by the DR plume was dominated by southward transport caused by prevailing upwelling-favorable northeasterly winds during the study period. Under high discharge conditions, river-borne sediments were transported over 100 km southward from the DR mouth and reached the outer shelf. In contrast, sediments were arrested near the mouth during drought periods and remained on the inner shelf. As a result, fine river-borne sediments accumulated on the seafloor, mainly in the large shallow shelf area southward from the DR mouth. Conversely, only a small fraction of residue was deposited northward. Thus, the Environmental Protection Area (EPA) of Costa das Algas, located 40 km southward from the DR, potentially exhibited more susceptibility to sediment arrival. On the other hand, their influence on Abrolhos Marine National Park, located 200 km northeastward from the DR mouth, was presumably minimal

    Saildrone: Adaptively Sampling the Marine Environment

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    From 11 April to 11 June 2018 a new type of ocean observing platform, the Saildrone surface vehicle, collected data on a round-trip, 60-day cruise from San Francisco Bay, down the U.S. and Mexican coast to Guadalupe Island. The cruise track was selected to optimize the science team’s validation and science objectives. The validation objectives include establishing the accuracy of these new measurements. The scientific objectives include validation of satellite-derived fluxes, sea surface temperatures, and wind vectors and studies of upwelling dynamics, river plumes, air–sea interactions including frontal regions, and diurnal warming regions. On this deployment, the Saildrone carried 16 atmospheric and oceanographic sensors. Future planned cruises (with open data policies) are focused on improving our understanding of air–sea fluxes in the Arctic Ocean and around North Brazil Current rings

    PM2.5 Size Distribution and Characterization by Carbon Isotope in Tuscany (Italy)

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    This study is focused on the numerical distribution and isotopic description of PM2.5 developed within the PATOS II (Particolato Atmosferico TOScana) regional project about the characterization and source apportionment of atmospheric aerosol (PM2.5) in Tuscany. PM isotopic analysis can play an important role in the individuation of primary and secondary sources and also in the determination of the natural/biogenic or anthropogenic/combustion contribution to the measured concentration. In addition, the PM2.5 particle number concentrations and the relative contribution of ultrafine particles are interpreted to identify the emission sources, the main atmospheric processes and the factors related with the dispersion of atmospheric pollutants. The analytical results in term of δ13C parameter show a greater variability in the urban and suburban background sites than in the urban traffic site, where the δ13C parameter does not vary significantly: this could be strictly correlated with traffic emissions and independently from the total particles number. On the contrary, urban and suburban background sites are affected by the meteorology and atmospheric processes. For this reason we can observe a wider variability in the δ13C values due to the contribution of different emissions sources. Despite all, in urban background we can observe lower δ13C values related with high number of total particles; this effect could be related with a traffic emission transport, because the δ13C parameter is similar to the δ13C value of urban traffic site

    New antimicrobials based on the adarotene scaffold with activity against multi-drug resistant staphylococcus aureus and vancomycin-resistant enterococcus

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    The global increase in infections by multi-drug resistant (MDR) pathogens is severely impacting our ability to successfully treat common infections. Herein, we report the antibacterial activity against S. aureus and E. faecalis (including some MDR strains) of a panel of adarotene-related synthetic retinoids. In many cases, these compounds showed, together with favorable MICs, a detectable bactericidal effect. We found that the pattern of substitution on adarotene could be modulated to obtain selectivity for antibacterial over the known anticancer activity of these compounds. NMR experiments allowed us to define the interaction between adarotene and a model of microorganism membrane. Biological assessment confirmed that the scaffold of adarotene is promising for further developments of non-toxic antimicrobials active on MDR strains

    A Microbial Co-Culturing System for Producing Cellulose-Hyaluronic Acid Composites

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    In this study, a co-culture system combining bacterial cellulose (BC) producers and hyaluronic acid (HA) producers was developed for four different combinations. AAB of the genus Komagataeibacter sp. and LAB of the Lactocaseibacillus genus were used to produce BC and HA, respectively. Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy, and X-ray diffraction were used to investigate changes in BC-HA composites chemical and morphological structure. Water absorption, uptake, and antibacterial properties were also tested. Outcomes highlighted a higher bacterial cellulose yield and the incorporation of hyaluronic acid into the composite. The presence of hyaluronic acid increased fiber dimension-nearly doubled for some combinations-which led to a decreased crystallinity of the composites. Different results were observed based on the BC producer and HA producer combination. However, water holding capacity (WHC) in all the samples improved with the presence of HA, while water uptake worsened. A thymol-enriched BC-HA composite showed high antibacterial activity against Escherichia coli DSM 30083(T) and Staphylococcus aureus DSM 20231(T). Results could contribute to opening new applications in the cosmetics or pharmaceutical fields
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