735 research outputs found

    Experimental characterization of leak detection systems in HLM pool using LIFUS5/Mod3 facility

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    In the framework of the European Union MAXSIMA project, the safety of the steam generator (SG) adopted in the primary loop of the Heavy Liquid Metal Fast Reactor has been studied investigating the consequences and damage propagation of a SG tube rupture event and characterizing leak rates from typical cracks. Instrumentation able to promptly detect the presence of a crack in the SG tubes may be used to prevent its further propagation, which would lead to a full rupture of the tube. Application of the leak-before-break concept is relevant for improving the safety of a reactor system and decreasing the probability of a pipe break event. In this framework, a new experimental campaign (Test Series C) has been carried out in the LIFUS5/Mod3 facility, installed at ENEA Centro Ricerche Brasimone, in order to characterize and to correlate the leak rate through typical cracks occurring in the pressurized tubes with signals detected by proper transducers. Test C1.3_60 was executed injecting water at about 20 bars and 200°C into lead-bismuth eutectic alloy. The injection was performed through a laser microholed plate 60 ÎĽm in diameter. Analysis of the thermohydraulic data permitted characterization of the leakage through typical cracks that can occur in the pressurized tubes of the SG. Analysis of the data acquired by microphones and accelerometers highlighted that it is possible to correlate the signals to the leakage and the rate of release

    NUV-HD SiPMs with metal-filled trenches

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    In this paper we present the performance of a new SiPM that is sensitive to blue light and features narrow metal-filled trenches placed in the area around the single-photon avalanche diodes (SPADs) that allow an almost complete suppression the internal optical crosstalk. In particular, we show the benefits of this technological upgrade in terms of electro-optical SiPM performance when compared to the previous technology which had only a partial optical screening between the SPADs. The most relevant effect is the much higher bias voltage that can be applied to the new device before the noise diverges. This allows to optimize and improve both the photon detection efficiency and the single-photon time resolution. We also coupled the SiPMs to LYSO scintillators to verify the performance for possible application in Positron-Emission Tomography. Thanks to the better electro-optical features we were able to measure an improved coincidence time resolution. Furthermore, the optimal voltage operation region is substantially larger, making this SiPM more suitable for real system application where thousands of channels have to provide stable and reproducible performance

    Spatiotemporal dynamics of attentional orienting and reorienting revealed by fast optical imaging in occipital and parietal cortices

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    The mechanisms of visuospatial attention are mediated by two distinct fronto-parietal networks: a bilateral dorsal network (DAN), involved in the voluntary orientation of visuospatial attention, and a ventral network (VAN), lateralized to the right hemisphere, involved in the reorienting of attention to unexpected, but relevant, stimuli. The present study consisted of two aims: 1) characterize the spatio-temporal dynamics of attention and 2) examine the predictive interactions between and within the two attention systems along with visual areas, by using fast optical imaging combined with Granger causality. Data were collected from young healthy participants performing a discrimination task in a Posner-like paradigm. Functional analyses revealed bilateral dorsal parietal (i.e. dorsal regions included in the DAN) and visual recruitment during orienting, highlighting a recursive predictive interplay between specific dorsal parietal regions and visual cortex. Moreover, we found that both attention networks are active during reorienting, together with visual cortex, highlighting a mutual interaction among dorsal and visual areas, which, in turn, predicts subsequent ventral activity. For attentional reorienting our findings indicate that dorsal and visual areas encode disengagement of attention from the attended location and trigger reorientation to the unexpected location. Ventral network activity could instead reflect post-perceptual maintenance of the internal model to generate and keep updated task-related expectations

    Attitudes of nursing home staff towards influenza vaccination: opinions and factors influencing hesitancy

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    Seasonal influenza is recognized to be a significant public health problem and a cause of death, especially in fragile persons. In nursing homes (NHs), vaccination for both residents and staff is the best preventive strategy. However, professionals\u2019 immunization rates are far from reaching the international recommended values. This study aims to describe the adherence and attitudes of NH staff towards flu vaccination and to explore staff hesitancy. A questionnaire was developed based on a literature review and on the 3Cs (confidence, complacency, convenience) of the WHO framework and administered among the staff of four NHs of a province in the northeast of Italy. Results demonstrated a low adherence towards annual vaccination (i.e., only 3% declared getting the flu vaccination each year). Complacency, confidence and convenience all showed a significant impact on the attitude towards vaccination both in univariate and multivariable analysis, with complacency being the most strongly associated area. The area of confidence resulted in strongly challenging factors. Only 24.8% of interviewees appeared trustful towards the efficacy of receiving immunization and 34% declared safety issues. Insights from the study can support the implementation of effective interventions to improve vaccination adherence in NHs. Specifically, increasing complacency by raising awareness related to the risks of influenza appears to be an essential strategy to effectively promote vaccination uptake

    LH peak and ovulation in buffalo cows treated for oestrus synchronisation using two different hormonal schedule

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    Since oestrus behaviour in buffalo is frequently scarcely clear and the oestrus signs, even when showed, are not reliable, ovulation can not be predicted. Furthermore high individual variability of the oestrus signs – LH peak interval was observed both in spontaneous and hormonal induced oestrus (Moioli et al., 1998; Barile et al, 1998)

    The influence of posterior parietal cortex on extrastriate visual activity: A concurrent TMS and fast optical imaging study

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    The posterior parietal cortex (PPC) is a critical node in attentional and saccadic eye movement networks of the cerebral cortex, exerting top-down control over activity in visual cortex. Here, we sought to further elucidate the properties of PPC feedback by providing a time-resolved map of functional connectivity between parietal and occipital cortex using single-pulse TMS to stimulate the left PPC while concurrently recording fast optical imaging data from bilateral occipital cortex. Magnetic stimulation of the PPC induced transient ipsilateral occipital activations (BA 18) 24 to 48ms post-TMS. Concurrent TMS and fast optical imaging results demonstrate a clear influence of PPC stimulation on activity within human extrastriate visual cortex and further extend this time- and space-resolved method for examining functional connectivity

    A Practical Approach for Wall Shear Stress Topological Skeleton Analysis Applied to Intracranial Aneurysm Hemodynamics

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    The physiopathological role of Wall Shear Stress (WSS) in intracranial aneurysm development/rupture and the action of contraction/expansion played by shear forces on vessel wall make topological skeleton analysis of the WSS vector field of great interest. Here we present a practical way to analyze WSS topological skeleton through the identification and classification of WSS fixed points and manifolds. The method is based on the calculation of the WSS vector field divergence and Poincarè index, and it is here successfully applied to a dataset computational hemodynamic models of intracranial aneurysms

    A Eulerian method to analyze wall shear stress fixed points and manifolds in cardiovascular flows

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    Based upon dynamical systems theory, a fixed point of a vector field such as the wall shear stress (WSS) at the luminal surface of a vessel is a point where the vector field vanishes. Unstable/stable manifolds identify contraction/expansion regions linking fixed points. The significance of such WSS topological features lies in their strong link with “disturbed” flow features like flow stagnation, separation and reversal, deemed responsible for vascular dysfunction initiation and progression. Here, we present a Eulerian method to analyze WSS topological skeleton through the identification and classification of WSS fixed points and manifolds in complex vascular geometries. The method rests on the volume contraction theory and analyzes the WSS topological skeleton through the WSS vector field divergence and Poincare´ index. The method is here applied to computational hemodynamics models of carotid bifurcation and intracranial aneurysm. An in-depth analysis of the time dependence of the WSS topological skeleton along the cardiac cycle is provided, enriching the information obtained from cycle-average WSS. Among the main findings, it emerges that on the carotid bifurcation, instantaneous WSS fixed points co-localize with cycle-average WSS fixed points for a fraction of the cardiac cycle ranging from 0 to 14.5 % ; a persistent instantaneous WSS fixed point confined on the aneurysm dome does not co-localize with the cycle-average low-WSS region. In conclusion, the here presented approach shows the potential to speed up studies on the physiological significance of WSS topological skeleton in cardiovascular flows, ultimately increasing the chance of finding mechanistic explanations to clinical observations

    Chemokines in hyperthyroidism

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    The term “hyperthyroidism” indicates a condition due to an exaggerate production of thyroid hormone; the most frequent cause is Graves’ disease (GD). We review cytokines and chemokines in hyperthyroidism, with a special focus in GD. In GD, recruited Th1 lymphocytes are responsible for enhanced IFN-γ and TNF-α production, which in turn stimulates Th1 chemokines release from thyrocytes, initiating and perpetuating the autoimmune process. Circulating levels of these chemokines are associated with the active phase of GD. Additional studies are necessary to investigate whether Th1 chemokines could be a novel therapeutic target in this disease
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